
  1. Christsfreeservant

    Tradition versus Relationship

    “Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, ‘Woman, you are freed from your...
  2. J

    Adjusting our speak for the other sex?

    Should men purposefully and willfully change they way they speak when speaking to women and vice versa? Or should they be themselves and speak as they normally would to any human. I'm not talking about topical stuff. Obviously in general men and women do have different interests, jsut sit in on...
  3. Ana Rodriguez

    need advice about Godly relationship

    Greetings, I come looking for relationship advice. But first, some context. I’ve only had two relationships in my life, and both were with intent for marriage. One of them was with someone serious, smart, and somewhat harsh. One of them was very abusive. My dad has also been in and out of my...
  4. Christsfreeservant

    One-Sided Relationships

    Video Talk Ephesians 4:32 NIV “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” In this video talk I make reference to a song sung by Whitney Houston. The song is titled, “I Have Nothing.” It is considered a romantic or a love song of sorts...
  5. brothersnook

    Relationship issues and how to deal with them.

    Hi all, Hope you are all having a blessed day today! My girlfriend of a year and I have been having some strained relationship issues lately and we find ourselves having little fights that turn into longer than needed discussions. I feel like I am having a hard time recognizing her feelings...
  6. Christsfreeservant

    Why are You Angry?

    When misunderstandings happen Why are you angry? How did I offend? I meant only good To encourage a friend. I’ve been where you were, Not exact, but close by, So why did my words With your actions deny? Why did you not talk With me, let me know why You didn’t like what I said? You just said...
  7. L


  8. L

    POCD and relationships

    Hey all, I'm a girl, and I've struggled with POCD for awhile. It's to the point where I'm hyper aware around kids, and I get anxious holding them or playing with them. I also, a few years ago, was worried about potentially going into high school teaching, because I was afraid of my thoughts of...
  9. B

    Hello, I'm new seeking Christian advice

    Do you ever feel like you're stuck in disappointing God? I am living with my son's dad out of wedlock, I have been with him for 6 years. I have already repented for the acts, but I feel my son is a gift at the same time. (Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, jeramiah 1:5) My partner...
  10. K

    a heisitant hello from an autistic

    My name is Erika Robinson & yes, as u can c from my title, i have autism...i was officially diagnosed w' asperger's, but some of my side effects don't fit in, so i think i may have some asd mixed in...i don't attend church (cuz the lights, crowd, noise, etc overwhelms me) & i can only understand...
  11. J


    Can be deleted, thank you so much :) I got delivered from this
  12. P

    A lonely road ahead...

    Ive been contemplating many things during the past years my life my death etc, Ive prayed about it and no answer or nothing has come my way, I feel abandoned like God turned His back on me, I am 30 well gonna turn 30 this year, I have not finished college heck not even started due to my...
  13. FaithisPatience

    The Power of letting go.

    So I just started to listen to this book, so far it's been very insightful. It's about how to live better. According to the author the stages of letting go are: Be present and enjoy each moment Let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck Let go of the pain that runs your life Surrender and...
  14. EnriqueNye

    Mutually In Love

    I hope this is the best place to post this. I did not see a relationships category or something like it in the forums, so I figured this was the best. I was texting this girl from my church that I had not known overly well a little while back and at one point in the conversation it came out to...
  15. Reborn1977

    How Do We Make Godly Decisions? - Study Of Proverbs 10:1 – Child That Blesses Or Burdens

    1 The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother. Child that Blesses or Burdens Whether a child is growing into adulthood or has already obtained adulthood that child can be a blessing to their parents or a burden to their parent...
  16. T

    Intimacy in a Relationship

    So I've been in this relationship with this guy for three months now after getting to know each other for about a year. We're both Christians of course and we both want to keep ourselves for marriage. However, we are both very passionate people and find ourselves craving each other. We do not...
  17. S

    A Love story in Matthew's Gospel

    Hey Friends I made a video about the First Chapter of Matthew I would love to hear what you think
  18. mreeed

    Prayer for Handling Bed Bugs in Complex Employment & Family, Mental & Physical Health Situations

    TLDR: I tried to be concise, just the facts, never mind the emotions at play etc, you can read between some lines too, there is a lot. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, I've numbered the paragraphs, maybe pick pieces to pray about and indicate the number if you reply, so together...
  19. C

    I need to either find a spouse or learn how to be at peace with being single, how do I do that?

    This is something thats been bothering me for a while. Recently on another orthodox forum someone posted a question and so part of this post is just me lifting stuff from what I responded with to that post. This lonliness though, its like a cancer eating me from the inside. I'm not...
  20. Lybrah

    Trying to Date but they get on my nerves

    Why do I get so annoyed by guys who want to pursue me? Some of them legitly turned out to be immature, but sometimes I feel like there's no reason not to like them. I just can't. The last guy was talking to me rubbed me the wrong way by these things: - When I brought up my interest in End...