
  1. C

    Prayer for Healing

    Hello, all. I would like to request prayer for my husband and myself. We are working through past hurts, and desire greatly to be in Christ in our marriage. Personally, I am struggling greatly with forgiving myself of past mistakes I have made that have caused great hurt, even though he has...
  2. Lov4Christ

    Newbie here!

    Hey, just joined recently, im hoping I can be an encouragement to those on here and also find some for myself. Oh... And I posted a prayer request If you have time to check it out, it's on the PRAYER WALL and would appreciate your prayers.
  3. AlexB23

    Prays for the two people who passed away in a Douglas DC-4 plane in Fairbanks, AK

    My prayers go out to the victims and victims' family members of a DC-4 plane crash in Alaska, and for the accident investigators to determine the cause of the crash. At least the plane was not carrying passengers, but still, two deaths is sad. Article: Plane crashes into river in Alaska...
  4. Heartofsilver

    Job loss

    I left my job for another job. I took some bad advice and am seeing how the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Now I am without a job due to taking that bad advice plus having issues with anxiety. Please pray that God will make a way for me to get a new job somehow that I can stick...
  5. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Prayers for someone who exploited me :(

    Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies...and I never realized what a tall task that was, until all this happened. Suffice it to say, I took a risk, trying to really be Christ for someone who needed it. In return, one thing led to another, and I ended up being exploited by someone for 3 weeks...
  6. D

    I'm tired.

    I need prayers badly. im 36. im married to my husband and have a son. we live with my parents. my mom had cancer a few years back and everything was on me. I was taking care of my sick mother, my dad, husband and son. it was overwhelming to say the least. mom is clear of cancer now (thank God)...
  7. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Pray for my potential scammer

    If these men were legit, I gave enough money to get one guy to see his dying daughter in the hospital, and another enough to keep the lights on in his house, this protecting him from losing custody of his children. If legit, I ask for prayers that the one man see his daughter in time, and the...
  8. PinetownTree

    Prayers to erase my past due to OCD contaminations

    Hi everyone, I found this forum through this: Can God reverse time? Last weekend my OCD from the past two years imploded on me, I instantaneously fell into severe depression. While I've struggled for twenty years, the last ten were tough but there were times it got better with help. In July...
  9. The Liturgist

    Names of people to pray for

    I have a list of the baptismal names of various people, including Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans and traditional Protestants, some of whom are deceased, which is categorically organized so that people can be prayed for liturgically in the right way. For example, the...
  10. danilog

    Here to learn and be inspired

    Hi everyone, My name is Danilo and I own a spiritual website called Collective Blessings. This recently launched site is the outgrowth of a significant spiritual journey that I have been on lately, particularly in the last 18 months. My main motivation for joining this forum is to be...
  11. Cayla W

    Prayer Request

    Hello my name is Cayla and I suffer from physical and musical Anhedonia. It's taking over and ruining my life! Most days I just want to die because of it. I've been suffering for over a year now. Please pray for me!!
  12. Heartofsilver

    Pray for my marriage

    Hello Everyone, I would appreciate prayer for my marriage. There has been hurt and misunderstandings prior to my husband and I getting married recently. A couple years ago, I started writing to international pen pals again on a photo blog app and I would tease my then fiancee fiancee with how...
  13. Richard.20.12

    Catholic prayer question: Why are your prayers often repeated over and over?

    As a non-denominational Christian I have noticed this in the past. Whatever the prayer is, its often repeated many, many times. I'm just not understanding why this is done. Why not just pray whatever is on your heart after saying whatever Catholic prayer best represents your feelings or needs?
  14. Christsfreeservant

    Put the Word of God into Practice

    The Schemes of the Devil Ephesians 6:10-12 ESV “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the...
  15. BrAndreyu

    I've noticed that I've started praying the rosary progressively earlier in the day

    Not really sure why, as it was usually my before-bed ritual. I got started saying it before bed because of the fact that when I stayed with the CFRs, they used to say it before everyone turned in for the night. But for the past week or so, I've been saying it in the afternoon. Not really sure...
  16. turbobull

    Open Heart Surgery Survivor, Praying for Answers

    I am a three time open heart surgery survivor. Physically I am healthy but I need prayers for answers that God will reveal to me what is really going on with me Mentally.
  17. turbobull

    I am trapped (Prayers and Advice)

    Hey Everyone, I am looking for Christian advice here from my Christian brothers and sister, I’ve been praying about this, I’ve been studying my situation, the Lord has shown me the truth. I feel I have no realized I am in a devil’s trap and every direction I turn there is no way out, I am...
  18. Julie.S

    Please pray for my relationship

    Things have been going well and we are both very happy being together when we go out. We make each other happy and look forward to seeing one another. I pray everyday that we grow closer. The last relationship I had ended abruptly and was akin to the floor falling out from underneath me. I...
  19. BrAndreyu

    My prayers are apparently working

    I have one remaining living friend, and he has four kids and a wife. He was Catholic as a kid but stopped going to mass in his teens. We spent a lot of years causing trouble in the way that teenage boys do, but we've outgrown that now. We usually talk every afternoon while he is working because...
  20. Robslaybaugh

    Prayers for my friend and her family

    My friend that I have known for 11 years is about to cheat on her husband with another married man while her husband and two young boys are at the beach. I have tried to talk to her about not only the spiritual consequences but the world consequences she will have to deal with after. It will not...