prayer request

  1. AlexB23

    Prayers for Abby, a middle aged Christian woman that she leaves Akashic spirituality & Metatron

    Hello folks. I just called my friend, Abby, that I met at a former job that I had (grocery) about the two verses below. Pray that she avoids and is freed from the teachings of Akashic spirituality, syncretism (buddhism + Christianity) and angels, as God told us to trust in Christ alone, and not...
  2. A

    That I will be able to move soon

    Hello, Please pray: - That I might be able to move soon - that I would have wisdom on when to move and where to move and that I will be able to find a place that I can afford. - Concerning narcissistic abuse and some negative treatment that I am experiencing from people around me. It has been...
  3. A

    Prayer Requests

    Hello everyone, Please pray for me regarding a situation where a group of people has been bullying and harassing me for years. Please pray that their behavior toward me will either stop or that God will allow me to move to a different environment where these people will no longer have access to...
  4. C

    Prayer that the U.S. Supreme Court grant expedited review of the case

    Good day I'm asking for prayer for the ACLJ to have Gods favor in judgement at the supreme court as they petition to stop the left’s plot to ban President Trump from office and abuse the 14th Amendment, that they receive all the financing that is necessary to accomplish this and the U.S. Supreme...
  5. C

    Prayer for salvation

    Good day I'm asking for prayer for the salvation of the persons attending Minakshe Marie Amen Devi Temple, Rama Krishna Blenheim Mandir, Riverstown Mandir, Hampton Court Mandir, Affiance Vishnu Mandir, Unity Shiv Mandir, Stewartville Mandir, Meer-Zorg Vishwa Jyoti Mandir, New Forest Hindu...
  6. Tranquil Bondservant

    Please pray for my neighbour who has suffered a brain bleed

    He is currently going to rehabilitation and has lost some mental faculties from the brain bleed. Please pray that he may recover fully, that his suffering would be reduced, for his family as they go through this with him, that they may all have provision & peace and also that they would all grow...
  7. Tranquil Bondservant

    Prayers for my neighbour who was recently widowed

    My neighbour's husband passed away from cancer last night. If you guys are willing I would ask for prayers that she and her family may feel the comfort of Our Lord and find solace for their grief in Him. Also, Lord willing, that she may have adequate provision for her the rest of her life...
  8. Montsecuellar90

    Prayer Request for our family

    Hello fellow CFers, I am asking prayer for the Lord to pour down blessings upon my children and I’s life. We are currently being evicted from our apartment for not being able to make rent every month. It has been so hard to see my children’s face and Not be able to provide a roof over their...
  9. Ashley755

    Please pray this bill does not pass, my friends..

    They're trying to pass a bill in Israel that would make sharing the gospel illegal for Christians. Friends, PLEASE join me in praying this bill doesn't pass. The people of Israel have already had the message of the gospel censored for so long. You can't even find New Testaments in bookstores...
  10. EtainSkirata

    Over analyzing a relationship

    Hi, I know I post a lot on here about my boyfriend, but he's my first boyfriend ever and so it's a new experience for me. Our 1 year anniversary is next week. And I'm freaking out. I had decided months ago that I want to marry him (even though he's not sure yet). But now I'M not sure. I keep...
  11. M

    If any of you pray for the dead,

    I ask you to pray for my suicidal friend. :( He took his life years ago, but I've been thinking of him lately. To be honest, I must admit I never really understood the purpose of praying for the dead. To be fair, I must admit I never really understood the purpose of praying for the living...
  12. BPPLEE

    Asking for prayer

    I started having leg pain last year and thought I had pulled a muscle. The pain started to move around and became unbearable at night. The only relief I could get was to put ice packs on my leg and take pain pills. My Doctor told me I had nerve pain and I had an MRI and have several issues with...
  13. M

    Pray for me

    Some think Prayer can make Anyone a believer They say It works "Believe it or not" Others contend It works Only if you believe What say you? Do you believe? Will you pray for me?
  14. Ashley755

    Salvation prayer request

    Hello, would you all mind praying for the salvation of the people on my prayer list? Thank you so much. Also, if any of you have a request, let me know. Take care, Ashley
  15. EtainSkirata

    Please pray for peace and clarity

    Hello again, I'm having all kinds of issues these last few weeks. I'm working on finding a therapist who has experience treating OCD, so there is that. My mind is in turmoil, jumping from one obsession to the next (recently I've been afraid to eat peanut butter because "what if someone who is...
  16. Ashley755

    Please pray for salvation for those on my prayer list.

    Please pray that those on my prayer list get saved. Also, for personal clarity if its not too much trouble. Thank you :heartbeat:
  17. Margot Lugo

    Prayer For Health

    I met a darling Christian lady the other day and we just really loved each other. Knowing The Lord will do that for sure! Anyhow, she has some prayer requests and I'm going to post these names up for my Prayer Warriors here on CF to pray for! I do not know these people, with exception of the...
  18. Ashley755

    Pray for courage for someone dear to me

    Hi, Someone I know of is struggling to be open about their Christian faith. They’ve kept it a secret for awhile. Please pray they would find the courage and willingness to admit they are a Christian and accept whatever people may think of them for it. I want them to find their boldness. Thank...
  19. Ashley755

    Have a prayer request? Leave it in this thread!

    If you have a prayer request, go ahead and comment it on this thread. Then, pray for someone else's request and give their comment a :praying: rating to let them know.
  20. A

    Healing From Trauma

    Please pray that God would give me peace over a negative experience that I had at a spiritually abusive church. Please pray that He would help me to get over the things that were done to me at this church and that He would help me to stop fixating on the anger and bitterness that I have over the...