
  1. AlexB23

    Imprisoned For Christ (Ephesians 4:1-3)

    Hello folks. Today is the analysis on Ephesians 4:1-3, a passage which discussed how Christians may become prisoners, for professing their faith. Date May 14, 2024 | Prisoners for the Lord Verse Ephesians 4:1-3 (NIV): "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of...
  2. AlexB23

    Pray for Ashbeel Baber Ghouri, a Christian high school student arrested for his faith

    Hello folks. In Pakistan, Ashbeel Baber Ghouri was imprisoned for speaking out against Islamic ideals to his friend. Ashbeel Baber Ghouri, a 12th-grade student from the Punjab region of Pakistan was arrested in March 2024 for blasphemy against Islam for stating his Christian beliefs in front of...
  3. AlexB23

    2 Timothy 3:12 - Persecuted Christians

    Hello folks. Lately, our world has seen an uptick in persecuted Christians. @LoricaLady and @totallylovedbygod have discussed how Christians in Asia and Africa have been harmed or hurt by others, or have been impacted negatively by society as a whole. Today, we will be analyzing 2 Timothy 3:12...
  4. Christsfreeservant

    We Just Have to Move On

    “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. And he sent messengers ahead of him, who went and entered a village of the Samaritans, to make preparations for him. But the people did not receive him, because his face was set toward Jerusalem. And when his...
  5. Christsfreeservant

    Are We Able?

    Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” Jesus...
  6. Christsfreeservant

    Putting Our Necks on The Line

  7. Tranquil Bondservant

    Church History Thread

    I thought that it would be a good idea to have a thread dedicated to posting thoughts/discussions on events or people from Church history or the Church fathers. The topic itself can be very edifying as it can involve things like sharing in the experiences and thoughts of the early Church, the...
  8. Christsfreeservant

    I Shall Drink the Cup

    John 18:1-11 ESV When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples across the brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered. Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus often met there with his disciples. So Judas, having procured a...
  9. Christsfreeservant

    The Peoples Plot in Vain

    The apostles of Christ had been arrested for healing a man and for teaching about Jesus Christ and his gospel message. They were brought before the authorities and they were questioned about what they had done and were doing. And Peter used this opportunity to share with them the gospel. But...
  10. Christsfreeservant

    Fear Them Not!

    “And he said to me, ‘Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with my words to them. For you are not sent to a people of foreign speech and a hard language, but to the house of Israel— not to many peoples of foreign speech and a hard language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely, if...
  11. Christsfreeservant

    What Satan Meant for Evil

    This was originally posted in October of 2022, but the Lord is encouraging me to repost it today: What Satan Meant for Evil, God Can Use for Good The Lord Jesus led me this morning to do another Talk Video (link below) based off a song he gave me to write in 2012, which is based off Psalms 27...
  12. The Liturgist

    First-World Persecution: Implications for Moral Theology

    We are all aware of increasing persecution of Christians for expressing scriptural truth about homosexuality, trans-sexual mutilation, abortion, euthanasia and other issues which have been adopted by certain “progressive” governments, media and major corporations, for example, this incident...
  13. Christsfreeservant

    They Will Badmouth You

    “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household. “So have no fear of them...
  14. Christsfreeservant

    For All the World to See

    “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care then how you hear, for to...
  15. Christsfreeservant

    Stand Strong in the Face of Rejection

    I am reading in John 18:1-27. It is a long passage so I am going to summarize much of it. So, please read it for yourselves. Judas Iscariot, who was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, who had traveled with him in ministry for 3-3 ½ years, had just betrayed Jesus to the authorities. So he went to where...
  16. Christsfreeservant

    The Good Works of God

    I am reading still in John 10. Jesus had just finished teaching on the subject of false teachers who have infiltrated the gatherings of the church who had entered those gatherings by another way other than through genuine faith in Jesus Christ. So he described them as thieves and robbers and as...
  17. Christsfreeservant

    A Thorn in the Flesh

    “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, ‘My...
  18. Christsfreeservant

    The Sentence of Death

    “For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God...
  19. P

    Lampung Local Government (Indonesia) Disallow Build Church Because of Muslim

    Gereja Kristen Kemah Daun Kelurahan Rajabasa Jaya, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia disallow to build their church even though they have fulfill the qualification to build the church. The village authorities (Kelurahan) have not given permission for various reasons. Bandar Lampung is one of the...
  20. Christsfreeservant

    They Wage War Against Your Souls

    “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation” (1...