
  1. AlexB23

    My Parents do not Believe in the End Times (RESOLVED)

    Hello folks. I am a 24 year old man, a Christian, as most of you guys know. My parents are Christian (recently converted to Catholicism), but they do not believe that we are living in the End Times, and that Revelations is more metaphorical for something that happened 1900 years ago, which was...
  2. Lov4Christ

    Prayer for my father / a day in my life

    So, fist of I know that many people would say that I am projecting( I don't know when I am or what that really means) and over sharing and I have beaten my self for that. But than I have come to realize that is just how my brain works and it helps me to share these things with others so I can be...
  3. J

    Does this make my parents too involved in our dating relationship?

    [deleted message]
  4. K

    Mother doesn't think I should be with my boyfriend

    I am a 24 F recently graduated and living at home to save up money for my own apartment. My boyfriend and I dated for a little over 2 years at first and everything was going great, we are both Christians and never really had any problems in our relationship. However, we did break it off for a...
  5. V

    [Research Study] Health and Behavior in Infants and Young Children with and without Body-focused Rep

    Hello! My name is Valerie. I am a recent graduate working at UCLA in the child anxiety and OCD program. We are looking for parents of 0-5 year olds to help with a survey! Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at University of California, Los Angeles are conducting a 10-minute survey...
  6. V

    Biden Secretary of Education implicated in comparing parents to domestic terrorists

    A newly released email indicates Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited last September’s letter from the National School Boards Association which compared parents protesting at school board meetings to domestic terrorists. Miguel Cardona asked for school board 'domestic terror' letter
  7. bèlla

    Miseducation: The New Normal

    The Miseducation of America's Elite was posted on another thread. I felt the topic would be of interest to many here. Don't be derailed by the title or $40K sticker tag. There's something bigger at work. The miseducation of today's youth. This is a must-read for future parents and Christians as...
  8. J

    My Parents Hid My Purity Ring From Me...

    I live with unbelievers (trying to be as good as a witness as I can to them) and I found out today when helping look for my mom's lost glasses that my parents hid my purity ring that I had lost, I by chance found it in a case in the living room. They knew how disappointed I was to lose the ring...
  9. A

    Mom and Dad aren't believers

    So I am 15 and just recently became a believer in July of 2019. I used to be into new age (meditation, yoga, magic) and it was probably one of the most confusing times of my life. Fortunately, Jesus came and saved me from that time of distress. As I am over-joyed with this, I am also grieved by...
  10. L


    Hello Everyone, I'm currently new on here and I'd love some advice. There's sth that's really heavy laying on my heart. Throughout my whole childhood, my father was always verbally and emotionally abusive towards my mother. The abuse continued more as the years went by. Over the past last...
  11. GraceTruthLove

    Pastor's Family, Etc.

    Hello All, Please pray for my pastor's son - and the whole family. His son is having surgery Wednesday. Please pray he will have a quick recovery, and that God will provide financially for his surgery. My pastor and his family have done so much for the church, and I hate to see them facing...
  12. Artra

    Prayers for my Mom

    Hi again, I just called my Mom and she's really sick at the moment. Not life-threatening but she has a bad headache and it sounds like she might have the Flu. She has had a very rough year and I'd really appreciate it if she could get prayers for her recovery. Thank you
  13. ChristianR_

    Should I come out to my parents?

    Just to clarify, I'm not gay or bi. So I've been an atheist for at least 8 months now. Both my parents, and my sister are religious, but none of them know. I'm not looking to convert my family or anything. I don't really care what they believe, but I'm sick of pretending to be something I'm...
  14. S

    Dealing with parental adultery

    Hey all, Bit of a serious topic here. Not sure how I’m supposed to deal with it. The context is that I come from an extremely abusive family. My parents were never happy; they fought each other every chance they got, and our family conversations would be filled with crap like my dad blaming my...
  15. Heartofsilver

    I should have hung up and overhearing others

    My mom called me and she filled me with anxiety with all these negative conversation topics. And I told her that I didn't want to talk to her about them and she wouldn't stop. And then she kept me on the phone with her which I should have just hung up sooner. I am so mad at myself for not doing...
  16. JesusYeshuaisLord

    God's punishment - another expression of God's Love and Grace?

    This thought came to me this morning: What if God's punishment is just an expression of His Grace? Then I thought, hmm is it Grace or Love? Though can Grace go without Love? Anyway here is a practical illustration: If we were to compare a Parent-child relationship with a God-human beings...
  17. H

    Disappointment to others

    This is my first post here. I feel like I have become a disappointment to my family. Growing up I was considered a smart kid. I would always do puzzles and read and that sort of thing. Even won Bible Quizzing in high school. People would always tell me that I should go to school to become an...
  18. T

    How do I break to my Mum that I struggle with masturbation?

    I'm going to reveal to my Mum today that I have a horrible habit because I need someone else's help. I know she won't react badly, I'm glad she's so close and understands some of my problems. But I always find it hard to speak. I started yesterday, and then found it so hard she suggested we...
  19. T

    Was it a mortal sin? Or arousal? Plus another question

    I've been battling terrible sexual urges know...touch and look at porn. It started after a horrifying incident when I was younger where I stumbled on an immoral image and could never stop thinking about it and soon it became an obsession. I have been slowly pulling away from these...
  20. J

    Inter faith relationship.

    Hi all, I'm in a very difficult spot. I've been in an inter faith relationship for a few months. Yet we know due to our country's strict laws, we have no future. And yes I've read many times on how I should not take part in a relationship that has no pathway to marriage. However what is done is...