new christian

  1. W

    How God helped my friend to overcome lust and pornography

    Hey guys... I recently reconnected with a buddy I've known for years who told me his feelings of addiction are bad right now. What's more, he's getting married in 6 months and that he feels just empty. I decided to sit with him, we talked and prayed for some time and I introduced him to an app...
  2. Christian Ministry

    Christian Ministry

    Hi, Christian Ministry (CM) here, I am new to Christian Forums. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone. I am a relatively new Christian, just over a year now. I have committed my life to Christ; however, I am finding it rough going at times, and I would really like some...
  3. Y

    Greetings to all my Christian friends from Turkey.

    Hello, I'm Yasin, I've been a Christian for about 1 year. I have to hide it in my country. that's why i feel so lonely. That's why I joined this forum. I'm here to learn about the Christian life and make new Christian friends.
  4. A

    My Chritianity

    To start with I believe you have to strengthen The Holy Trinity By prayer, worship, meditation, focus, concentration. He grows stronger completely as you grow with him. it is not only personally for you that he grows but he grows all around as a God. You can strengthen the Saints and Angels as...
  5. Dok Bantis

    I need some help understanding Reformed and non-Reformed Christianity

    Greetings, everyone. I have rededicated myself to Christ and find myself encountering some points of confusion. I have found some good teachers via YouTube and books who seem to be good and faithful Bible-believing Christians. It was only after spending time with some of their videos that I...
  6. friendl

    Should I volunteer in a local Church?

    Hi there, I'm a new Christian, and a Church local to me I was Baptised in earlier this year. I emailed the Priest last week, asking if there is anything I can help with - even though there are no service with audiences live in the Church. The Priest got back to me, asking if I can help with the...
  7. Brandon Mather


    Hey, i'm Brandon from Vancouver Canada. Ive had a long journey to christianity. My past is one that god condemns, and im grateful that hes guided me towards the right path! Im non denominational, im still not too clear about the differences between all of the different denominations. But i have...
  8. Bonface Khatete

    Looking for advice and Ideas, to reach youth through a Christian book

    I have recently finished writing a book I believe God wants to reach as many youths as possible. I have made the book free for those who want it for free with the option of buying for those who want to buy it here 'About My Father's Business' - Doing God's Will In Your Youth, an Ebook by Bonface...
  9. A

    How Should I Feel About Aliens?

    I know this is somewhat of a dumb question, but I'm fairly new to the faith and I'm still figuring things out. My question is; how should I feel about reading/writing/watching works with aliens in them? Does entertaining the thought of another species with an advanced society insult God? I mean...
  10. R

    Need help finding peace + building a relationship

    Hi, just a warning this will probably be a long post ahead. I've been seeking some peace in my life, but I don't even know where to begin. I figured a forum for Christians looking to help people like me would be the best place to start. Just some background: I am 22 years old, just graduated...
  11. ChristIsSovereign

    Been reading the Episcopal book of common prayer (has *plenty* of scripture) and praying. Advice?

    Being a brand, brand, brand new Christian, (my previous interactions here I deem to be false and not in the spirit of me as a Christian now) I've been practicing severe caution as to not read books I find to have theological leanings in one direction or another, and the small Episcopal book of...
  12. ChristIsSovereign

    It's Been So Long

    Ahem... I'm ashamed to admit that I (for the most part) de-Christianized for just about a year before reluctantly (Cracker Barrel hooked me in, actually) attending the Franklin Graham conference a couple days ago. I reluctantly re-committed myself to Christ that evening and while that night was...
  13. L

    New member advice needed visions

    Hi there! I am a new member and also a relatively new Christian, I was baptised in 2017 after having been an atheist for 10 years. I don't know many Christian people so I rarely have anyone to talk to about Christianity. When I usually try with my usual circles I am met with resistance and eye...
  14. J

    God put it on my heart to reach out to an old friend for their salvation

    Hi! Newish Christian here. Earlier this year, God put it on my heart in a really big way to reach out to a certain friend, for the purpose of them knowing God. This friend has good morals -- that's not why the friendship ended. The friendship ended because they cut off all their small group of...
  15. C

    Newish Christian. What now?

    Hi everyone! I've been a nominal Christian for a while, I've read the Bible and I know a fair amount about a number of denominations. Despite all that, of course, I am still a beginner since I only recently made the decision after years of soul-searching to actually try to live as a Christian...
  16. C

    Hello Everyone! Newbie here!

    Hello everyone! I've recently made the very difficult decision that Christianity is the true faith and to actually try to live as a Christian. I've seen some awesome discussions here and look forward to learning from you all!
  17. JorB2

    Resources for a New Believer to find Support

    K am looking for other believers to feel supported. There aren't many believers where I live. I am just starting to be a practicing christian.
  18. T

    A powerful resource tool for new Christians, yes those even precious babes in Christ!

    A powerful resource tool for new Christians, yes those even precious babes in Christ! and of course Advanced and deep material for those that can deal with good Bible 'meat" [solid food]. Biblical Creation and History Link A little More Science, and Halos God's Holy Word, Bible History and...
  19. ChristIsSovereign

    From Calvinism to Agnosticism to Christ - Thank God for His Providence

    This is a rocky journey. Being raised in a moderately authoritarian Christian household (eventually revealed to be hypocritical on the father’s side; he had numerous affairs which forever changed my faith) with slight Arminian leanings. Things seemed to go smooth with me and my Hebrew/Greek...
  20. Dusty Dahlin

    Doctrine of the Knowledge of God?!

    If you are a new Believer, I would recommend checking out the above YouTube Channel. It is geared towards believers who want to enrich their walk with relevant and practical tools, teachings, and resources. Hope this blesses you!