
  1. N

    Confusing Fight with Masturbation

    Hey all, I'm Mikey—24. First off, I'd like to state I think masturbation is, at its face value, potentially sinful. It can lead to definite sins such as lust or adultery. As per that belief, I've been engaging in a personal abstinence challenge involving the avoidance of masturbation and...
  2. G

    If you can't stop (I know the feeling), choose someone you know can trust to lust after

    Hi there, Yeah so you might need to pray about this, that God give you someone you know you can trust to objectify "sexually" - someone you would marry, if you had the choice. The point being that you lust after this one person and only one person - even if you are tempted to lust after...
  3. K

    Comment to the video "Is It A Sin To Listen To Secular Music? | Hard Questions" (link below)

    VIDEO: I'd love to hear anyone who wants to express his/her opinion in a kind way, respecting everyone other's opinion :clap: Here's my thoughts ^_^: I personally agree with one of the first comments that said that if your heart doesn't tell you anything about being wrong about the music...
  4. L

    Please pray for me, my battle with masturbation and acne. Please.

    I am a teenage boy being exposed to the world. For some time now I have started the bad habit of masturbating. I used to tell myself that it was fine but i always felt guilty afterwards. i havent told anyone but my father notices something wrong and so he encourages me to read the Bible and pray...
  5. Blackfang


    1. Why are the young people so easisly to be tempted compared to the adults? 2. How to overcome the temotation who leads to masturbation at 20 years old?
  6. ovis90

    How can i fight my sin ?

    I need help, I have this problem with masturbation. When i was a teenager i started masturbating at shower and it stuck in my mind and everytime i go to take a shower i get this images,feelings that remind me about this and i often feel like I am tempted to do that . So everytime i go to shower...
  7. Daniel Roth

    Given unto The Lord for He Has Delivered Me from Hell

    Greetings brothers and sisters, My testimony is way too long and could be considered self-aggrandizing should I spell it out word-for-word. As such, I am forgoing any full testimony at this very moment and until the Lord cleans my heart of any pride I currently harbor. Nevertheless, I felt...
  8. ChristIsSovereign

    Religious background issues. (BIO) - Need prayer.

    It's really odd how despite the fact that I believe salvation comes through God alone through Jesus Christ regardless of our spiritual and mental state, I still feel as if my salvation hangs by the 'weights and balances' of what I do with my life. Am I being slothful sitting here on my PC while...
  9. Viridiana


    Hi my name is Viridiana and I am glad I found, a place to say stuff to people the love God and need help and some stuff. I was searching about masturbation and it help.. and way to see other people do it and feel guilty and will stop ?but how u stop this? Prayer? Because to be honest is hard...
  10. A

    Struggling to understand if masturbation is okay.

    hi I’m new to this forums. I don’t know if there’s any rules but I’ve been wondering if it’s okay to touch to people sketched or painted. I don’t believe it’s lust do to it is not a real person but I would like to hear others opinions on this matter.
  11. Servatude

    Christian Dating - Female Body Types

    Hello Family, I am a young man who is actively looking for a godly christian female to court or date. I have been having a dilemma as for whether or not I should go for women that I have been normally attracted to all my life. Just to give you a little background of myself, I was recently set...
  12. Servatude

    Christian Dating - Female Body Types

    Hello Family, I am a young man who is actively looking for a godly christian female to court or date. I have been having a dilemma as for whether or not I should go for women that I have been normally attracted to all my life. Just to give you a little background of myself, I was recently set...
  13. Benama

    Why Masturbation Is Demonic.

    masturbation – Jesus Truth Deliverance Please please click on the link above. It will direct you to a website that has numerous blogs about masturbation and its link to the satanic realm. Thanks :oldthumbsup:
  14. S

    How can I totally be freed from video chat?

    I want to be freed from video chat like omegle, coomeet or other porns? Plz help me to overcome this, yesterday I sin and ask to forgive god in this morning. Do u have an experience to overcome this situation? How can I be freed from this video chat/porns addiction? Plz answer and write ur...
  15. T

    How do I break to my Mum that I struggle with masturbation?

    I'm going to reveal to my Mum today that I have a horrible habit because I need someone else's help. I know she won't react badly, I'm glad she's so close and understands some of my problems. But I always find it hard to speak. I started yesterday, and then found it so hard she suggested we...
  16. T

    Was it a mortal sin? Or arousal? Plus another question

    I've been battling terrible sexual urges know...touch and look at porn. It started after a horrifying incident when I was younger where I stumbled on an immoral image and could never stop thinking about it and soon it became an obsession. I have been slowly pulling away from these...
  17. L

    Masturbation as a sin

    I'm an adult in my mid 20's, I know I'm not the most mature person in the world but I've been struggling with this a lot lately. I'm not addicted to masturbation but I feel like I can't avoid doing it every once in a while, and I think the reason it bothers me so much is because I can't be 100%...
  18. Matthew 7.7

    Rock Bottom & Beaten Down

    Hey everyone. I write this as someone who is, as the title of this post proclaims, at rock bottom and completely beaten down. I have messed up my life completely. I was brought up Christian and have always believed however I was baptised by full water immersion about a decade or so ago and for...
  19. E

    Difficult time controlling sexual arousal (little TMI)

    I'm a firm believer. My boyfriend is, too. We are waiting for marriage (should we decide we are meant to be married) before sexual contact. We've officially only been a couple since Valentine's Day (9 days ago). I had a total hysterectomy and both ovaries removed due to problems with them in...
  20. F

    Masturbation and perpetual singleness

    Hey all! I'm a new member, who's looking for answers and advice without typical textbook replies. This isn't something I can really discuss with some one in person. I'm a 27 yo male. Grew up ultra fundie, but have left the legalism. I am a complete in I've never even had a passing...