
  1. Christsfreeservant

    Joy and Peace in Believing

    “For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God's truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, “’Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles, and sing...
  2. CoreyD

    Fame and a Name

    Is having fame a bad thing? What about fame without a name? Audrey Munson had it all — fame, looks, love, and money — and yet she died forgotten by the world, elderly, alone, and penniless. She was locked away for more than half her life, not even able to view the dozens of bronze and marble...
  3. SamoIsus

    Meditations on Word of God - Bible verses/quotes with beautiful music

    I made music videos with Bible quotes. Here are my two first works: Meditation on Word of God - Psalm 96:5 Listen to this beautiful music and meditate on Word of God. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. - Ps 96:5 Meditation on Word of God - Psalm...
  4. T

    You don't have to fall or stumble into sin

    SCRIPTURE: 'Now, to the one with enough power to prevent you from stumbling into sin and bring you faultless before his glorious presence to stand before him with ecstatic delight, to the only God our Savior, through our Lord Jesus Christ, be endless glory and majesty, great power and...
  5. TylerBibleThumper

    I need healing urgently.

    If you would be so kind so as to pray to the LORD Jesus to heal me? I would really appreciate it.
  6. gerard_chew

    Easter Song - Lost Without You (Abridged)

    My fellow believers in Jesus, wishing each one a belated and blessed happy Easter! Here is a one-minute Easter song to remember our Lord coming to give us life.
  7. gerard_chew

    Lost Without You

    Please feel free to use this song in your private devotion (quiet time) and public worship, and also share it with your fellow Christian family members and friends. Thanks and God bless!
  8. H

    At first he told me, that I am an idiot...

    I met my ex colleague Rado in waiting room in rehabilitation instiution last year in autumn. Doctor had some problems with one other patient, so we could talk to Rado longer time. At first I asked Rado, if he has some information about our previous work. We discussed it about little bit and...
  9. hepzibah12

    make straight the way of The Lord!

    Make straight the way of The Lord. What is a crooked path or a path with many turns? Difficult. So we are to make the Lord's way easy. What is The Lord's way!!? Self sacrifice and surrender. So how can we make self sacrifice and surrender easy? Willingness and obedience. By His grace and mercy...
  10. Kilk1

    Is Jesus called YHWH in Joel 2:32/Romans 10:13?

    In Romans 10, Paul is discussing the Lord Jesus, and in verse 13, he writes (NKJV, emphasis mine): For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” The reason "LORD" is capitalized by the New King James Version here is that in Joel 2:32, the original verse Paul quotes, the word used...
  11. M

    What Do You Do With Light? - Encouragement.

    Hello you and welcome: This is dealing with the question what do you do with light? Luke 8:16 “No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house. 17 For all that is secret will...
  12. M

    The Lord Jesus Christ

    In this video, is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, and how we are transformed by God. It is only a minute long if you like to hear me talk about Him. Because you can't say all these scriptures in one minute unless maybe you are Eminem. (Lol jokes haha funny) :)^_^:ahah: Would write the...
  13. M

    How is Temptation Conceived?

    Hello you and welcome, are you curious to know how temptation is conceived? There are people who believe that it the devil is the one who causes temptation a persons life, but is that really true? Will you come with me and take a look at the word of God and see what information we can find...
  14. M

    Helpful Information : Are you living in the Kingdom?

    Spirit Filled Life Are you living in the Kingdom? Is the Kingdom of God within you? Does it reign over you and your life? Do you find your citizenship there or are you still focused on the principles and ways of the Kingdoms of this world?
  15. M

    The Old/New Nature?

    Hello you, when was the last time you happen to have read, Colossians Chapter 3? You should if you have not in a while for it has very useful information with in the context that is being given, which goes along with how we are to Love God, and how we are able to Love our neighbor. Have you...
  16. G

    If Darwin created "Evolution" *again*, all he would do is change the name (to begin with)?

    Hi there, So, for whatever reason, people don't like anything new, to Evolution - but I don't think that that would be the approach that Charles Darwin would have taken. I suggested there is negative 'Evolution' for example, and no one seems to be able to understand, that what you give can also...
  17. C

    I am sharing a message for all, please share

  18. Is Your Life Important?  What is it for?

    Is Your Life Important? What is it for?

  19. Don't Bother Keeping the Faith

    Don't Bother Keeping the Faith

    A way to be happy. Trust is a far, far better word.
  20. Christsfreeservant

    Like a Refiner's Fire

    Malachi 3:1-4 ESV “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and...