
  1. lollykh

    Followers of mainstream Christianity and their eternal destination

    Hello, Where do followers of mainstream Christianity go when they die? Heaven or hell? The Bible seems to say both. Heaven. Because: Ephesians 2:8, ''For by grace are you saved through faith...'' Matthew 5:19. ''Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches...
  2. Aviel

    Seeing : Salvation

    Reader, When a person hears the "Gospel", as, "faith comes by hearing" ... then this faith is proof something happened in the heart of the Believer that God SEES... as "God sees the heart" And what is that, that God sees that has happened inside you? God sees your "repentance" ....that is of...
  3. AlexB23

    Artificial Intelligence Writes a Law for a fictional setting

    Hello folks. AI has been making the rounds lately over the past year or so (NPR article from 2023), and it has come to my attention that AI could in theory be used to write laws. So, I tested that out, with the locally installed open source AI (Mistral 7B) on my computer writing a basic law for...
  4. Aviel

    JESUS : Is our Sanctification

    - Jesus is our Sanctification. Reader....are you born again, or just water baptized and religious? Jesus said..>"You must be born again"......and water can't do that for you. So, when we are "In Christ", we are sanctified..... as Christ is our Sanctification. 1 Corinthians 1:30 And here...
  5. T

    What is "Your First Love?"

    SCRIPTURE: 'But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning. Think about how far you have fallen! Repent and do the works of love you did at first. I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place of influence if you do not repent. '...
  6. lollykh

    Follow the Law? Ok, then but WHICH laws in the Torah?

    Hi, I'm investigating whether or not what the Messianics believe is true. I have a question. For Messianics and those who keep the Law, following the Torah is very important. However, on 119 Ministries' website, David Wilber's website, Lion and Lamb Ministeries' website and Passion For Truth's...
  7. Teofrastus

    Review of "Paul and the Law" (1987) by Heikki Räisänen

    Heikki Räisänen (Paul and the Law, 1987) is critical of Paul and what he sees as the many self-contradictions and ambiguities in Paul’s position. Paul sets up the antithesis of faith and works and paradoxically claims that the law is overcome and yet remains valid. Räisänen says that Paul “is...
  8. Chaleb

    Go : and sin no more

    - Paul teaches us that the born again are """dead to sin and alive to God."""" IF you are just water baptized, or similar, and were lied to about "water washes your sin away"... then reader, go to the Cross, and receive Jesus as your Savior, by Now, How did that happen?.... How...
  9. Chaleb

    How to put on : The Armor of God

    - Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6. So. reader....who's armor is it? A.) ITs Gods. So this means its Spiritual, and you can't see it or provide it for yourself. What does that mean? It means : 1.) you don't work for it, 2.) and you don't strive to have it, 3.)...
  10. Chaleb

    Sinless : Saints of God

    - What is the difference between a Christian, and an unbeliever? There are a few. You, if you are born again, and not just water baptized (sprinkled) and religious) are going to heaven, and they are not. You are born again, and they are not. They have their sin, and Christ has all of yours...
  11. Chaleb

    = Born again

    What does it mean to be born again.. 1.) Your sins are on Christ because "God made JESUS to be sin for us, who knew no sin"..... And God's Righteousness has become yours, as you have become "the Righteousness of God in Christ"....."made Righteous". This is : "Salvation". This is "Redemption"...
  12. BrotherJJ

    Galatians Chapter 3 Parsed

    Faith brings/accesses righteousness Gal 3: 5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. (MY NOTE: Abraham put...
  13. Mike from NJ

    Human composting burial legalized in California

    Human composting burial legalized in California A note from the article: Still, not everyone is pleased that human composting is becoming more popular. The California Catholic Conference submitted a letter in June opposing AB 351, saying it “reduces the human body to simply a disposable commodity.”
  14. V

    MA Judge accused of helping man escape immigration custody admits to facts, federal charges dropped

    MA Judge accused of helping man escape immigration custody admits to facts, federal charges dropped
  15. endofdayz

    Transgression of the law vs sinful nature

    I've been debating a few "we're under the law" people lately and one of the things that's clearly misunderstood is what trangression of the law is. There's sinful acts which we wrestle with. This is our sinful nature. Paul talks about how we want to follow our mind in Christ but we wrestle...
  16. BrotherJJ

    Rom 7, marriage, sin, death & eternal life

    The Romans & Corinthians epistles cited, are both written to believers (Rom 1:7 - 1 Cor 1:2) Rom 1 Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? 2 For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her...
  17. G

    "Whatever is not of faith is sin" - if God knew to create and did not, God would be in Hell?

    Hi there, So the full statement I wanted to make, was this: We are all obliged to do what we can about faith, this applies to God, as well. God could refuse to create, even, but His conscience would convict Him that He had not done something He had faith to do. God being God, He has an infinite...
  18. V

    Elected officials have disavowed our country and our Constitution

    How can it be that the most powerful country in the world is watching its border be destabilized and allowing upwards of 3 million illegal immigrants to enter. And there are some 800,000 illegals, mostly single military aged males, classified as "gotaways" of whom we have no idea of their...
  19. BrotherJJ

    Sin Ordinance Penalties Blotted Out/abolished For Every Believer

    1 Jn 3:4 Sin is a transgression of Gods Law: Ok, all have broken God's law (Rom 3:23). No one can say he isn't a sinner until some means is provided (not to take away the law) but to remove the sin, which is the transgression of the law. Faith placed in Jesus's sin payment & resurrection...
  20. BrotherJJ

    The law - Sins wage & its payment/removal

    Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (NOTE: Jesus sin atoning death & resurrection FULFILLED heavens law requirement for sin.) John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 1 Jn...