
  1. HundredDays

    I still can't get over the guilt that I cheated on my ex 2 years ago.

    I know this is my first post, and I obviously rather not have it as my first post, but I needed spiritual advice. I was in a relationship with my ex for 3 years. We had a decent one with ups and downs. However, we had a lot more fighting during 2021 and 2022. I was helping a client with his...
  2. K

    Cheating husband

    I got married 3 months ago. We're both south Asian Christians and it was an arranged marriage. After just one month into my marriage I started finding evidence that he is having an affair with someone else. I confronted him but he did not answer any of my questions properly, and he...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    Divorce and Separation

    I’m sharing this here with you from my time of personal devotions with my Lord Jesus Christ, for your encouragement. Sue Love Matthew 19:3-6 ESV “And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, ‘Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?’ He answered, ‘Have you not read that he...
  4. B

    Toxic marriage & infidelity. What now?

    I will try not to make this run long. In short I'm the wayward spouse. I've been married 14 years, 3 young children. I've been a stay at home parent while my spouse has a career. I've worked a few small jobs over the years but my spouse wanted me to stay home and raise the kids. Our marriage...
  5. A

    Sexual sin in a marriage

    My life’s a mess and it’s all my fault. My wife and I got involved in sexual sin a few years ago and it’s caused a lot of pain on both sides, but the thrill prevented us from stopping. Recently God started working on my heart and I started feeling convection. We were both saved at the beginning...
  6. E

    Seeking relationship advice

    Hi guys - I am in need of advice and did not know where else to turn to. The full story is quite long but I will try ti summarise. I have been in a relationship for the last 3 years. Unfortunately for part of these 3 years I was involved in an emotional affair with a friend of mine, and a few...
  7. Reborn1977

    What The Bible Really Says About Marriage And Adultery - Proverbs 5:15-20

    How Do We Make Godly Decisions? - Study of Proverbs 5:15 –20 Infidelity – A Love Killer What does the Bible really say about adultery? Are we really meant to be with only one person for our entire life? Check out the answers in this week’s posting. Please keep me in...
  8. M

    Question about husbands internet searches

    So I’ve posted before on my husbands porn use and my concerns. I still haven’t decided how to handle it because I’m afraid if things blow up and we separate I don’t want the possibility of losing my 3 kids even if it was split custody. But recently I found he’s been searching local escort sites...
  9. A

    I'm afraid my wife cheated on me; I need guidance

    Hello everybody, I’m in a bit of a marriage crisis. I’m afraid that my wife may have cheated on me while she was taking a vacation with her sister to Europe a few months ago. We’ve been married for about 5 years and dated for about three years before that. I need to give some background (see...
  10. savedthroughgrace

    Needing advice (adultery)

    So I have shared portions of my story in a couple of places on here but I want to start a thread to get my thoughts out there and get some feedback. I am a 24 year old male. I have committed a couple of acts of adultery against my wife and God. About 3 months ago an inappropriate friendship (I...
  11. savedthroughgrace


    Hi all, (sorry for the long post) I am new to the forums but I have been a Christian my whole life. I have, however, had some struggles for a lot of my life. I'm 24 and married. At a young age I was introduced to pornography and since then sexual immorality of different kinds have been a...
  12. D

    Recovery after wife's infidelity

    Two months ago I discovered a phyiscal affair that went on for about a month between my wife and another married man which is over. We had drifted completely appart prior to the affair I decided that if she came completely clean and hid nothing I would commit to our marriage as well. She is...
  13. A

    Can we divorce?

    In Matt 5:31-32 ... seemed to say it's the right thing to do (in my case). But many other verses seemed to indicate one must not divorce his wife. Please share your thoughts with me as I am planning to divorce her in 2 months time. Am I doing the right thing? A little background, we are now...
  14. D

    Broken Vows

    Hi Everyone, I am new here, and I am reaching out to ask for godly input regarding my marriage, which is currently in shambles. I was married last February to my friend of 9 years. We had a long distance relationship through the majority of our relationship, and I knew that he had a past...
  15. H

    Surviving an affair

    Discovered 3 months ago my husband was involved in an affair. He broke it off, and we are working very hard on repairing our relationship. He wants to remain married to me; expresses he still loves me very much. However, he states he is no longer sexually attracted to me. I, of course, find...
  16. C

    How to rebuild trust//

    I posted for the first time on this thread several months ago and now I need advice on something that builds off of my previous post. So I will quote my first post and then add my more recent experience. I would really love to get past this, so anyone who has dealt with something similar and...
  17. L

    can you avoid hell by not getting married?

    I understand you go to hell for cheating on your spouse. Therefore if I decided to never get legally married, would that ensure I go to heaven? I'm concerned that I am about to get married and getting married will cause me to go to hell when I cheat on my spouse? I probably have a good 60...
  18. ChildOfGod1115

    Marriage after divorce? Other related questions.

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, Southern Baptist, and have a few questions. I was saved and baptized about a year ago. I was married for 5 years the only time I've been married. We got married in 2007. We had 3 children, and it turned out he was living a secret life and was a pedophile. He's...
  19. H

    Help please! Wife in mid-life crisis & had emotional affair

    Looking over the various threads in this forum I can see that I'm not alone. That realization alone makes my heart ache that much more. There's so much pain out there! The Short Version: my wife of 11 years had an "emotional affair" but with, admittedly, alot of physical attention. in other...
  20. L

    Should I stay away from my inlaws

    I am American my husband is from a Latin American country. My husband had an emotional affair denies having sex but he was planning on leaving me and his son. I have forgiven and I just have to watch everything he does all emails and text messages One side of his family has been rude to me...