
  1. J

    YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE | Discover Who God Made You To Be - Inspirational & Motivational Video

    Please watch this inspirational video:
  2. YahuahSaves

    What does it mean to you to have your "identity" in Christ?

    I've struggled with this concept ever since being saved and learning about The Holy Trinity beyond my childhood religious upbringing and understanding. I'm starting to think that "dying to the flesh", does not just mean the sins that contaminate our lives, nor does it just mean avoiding...
  3. Tom 1

    Belief and identity

    Interested in people's thoughts about how belief is supported by identity and vice versa. Some definitions: I'd rather not get sidetracked into discussions of what belief means, so belief for this thread just means what you happen to think is true. Identity - for this discussion everything...
  4. Davis E Don

    Please pray that did made me a Davis 2.0

    Please pray that God did make me a Davis 2.0 I suffer from Identity and sexual identity. I want to be a male to female? But God already made me godly Davis Don 2.0 I hate masturbating and I hate watching pornography all my life! I want to transform then touch instead. I hate being a...
  5. 2PhiloVoid

    "Non-denominational"??? What does that even mean?

    Ok. We all see folks these days dancing around in various churches who label themselves as "Non-denominational." But I'm wondering about the meaning and denotation of that term since I see people here on C.F. who, as far as I can tell, are sometimes Christians BUT also sometimes not. And...
  6. T

    Long Lost Nordic Identity

    I want to be more like Jesus and God my Father has revealed to me that I first must first face some painful truths that I do not want to face. But the Holy Spirit is with me and will comfort me, just as he has always done, so I do not need to be afraid. I want to share my story to encourage...
  7. Tom 1

    Questions about Buddhism

    Hello, I'm curious about what the points of similarity are between Christianity and Buddhism. Anyone here who is a convert from Christianity to Buddhism, or just very familiar with both, who can highlight anything the two religions have in common? I'm also curious about the sense of self in...
  8. Dominigo

    Hello, New here, introducing myself

    Hello there ChristianForums Community; Im Domingo, and im from San Antonio, and im just Introducing myself; I am a born Again Christian who is looking for peole of faith to chat with and communicate with about our Faith, and The Scriptures. Peace\ I think; Faith = Salvation & Salvation = Works...
  9. Christsfreeservant

    Who Do You Say?

    Matthew 16:13-17 ESV Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say...
  10. Extra Toasty

    A Culture Sunk in Vanity

    The Western culture has been sinking deeper and deeper into vanity. I feel that, in our society, virtue has become degenerated from something that is valued in itself to something valued as a rhetorical tool. We have developed into a sort of 'hype culture' where a virtuous action is principally...
  11. Kajiki

    I Wish I Was a Better Discerner (Any Advice is Welcome)

    I keep leaving and returning and leaving and returning to this Forum. This time however, I don't want to get advice from only one specific group at a time. I am very open to advice from any Christian who could help me here. I don't know what I am doing and have honestly been having an identity...
  12. C

    Finding my identity in Christ

    I have been struggling for years in my marriage and I believe that God has revealed to me that it is because I'm trying to find my identity in my wife rather than Him. Has anyone done a study in this area that they would recommend? I've been a believer and follower of Christ for about 20 years...
  13. sunestauromai

    Identity Crisis?

    Flesh vs. Spirit I’ve heard a lot of explanations of Romans 6-8. Most of them left me unsatisfied, for they seemed to be crafted to fit into one theology or another, rather than to clarify Paul’s description of the struggle with the flesh and God’s solution in the Spirit. Paul said this in...
  14. L

    Is my "soul" me in any meaningful way, and why should I be concerned?

    Hello everyone, I've been thinking a lot about the philosophy of identity, mostly in sci-fi ish thought expiriments. But the more I think about it, the thornier it makes spiritual issues as well. Let's imagine this. Suppose I'm a criminal in the star trek universe and when I'm getting beamed...
  15. mindlight

    Personal Identity and International Politics

    There are 5 ways that a persons identity can be formed or verified: 1) Genetics - the physical facts 2) Psychological identity - what the person feels about themselves 3) Choice - what the person chooses to be 4) Community - what society says a person is or deep social historical traditions and...
  16. Monna

    What's In A Name? No. 2 Are You A "who" Or A "what?"

    Mohembo was no genius in grammer, or even English. But he remembers clearly a lesson in which he was taught: when refering to people, use "who;" when refering to animals or things (whether animate or inanimate) use "what." Correct or not, this made such an impression on him that it still guides...
  17. M

    Thoughts on Fictosexuality?

    I made an account specifically to ask this question, though if it goes well, I'm hoping to return to this site in the near future for further advice and such. I'm too terrified to ask a pastor about this in real life. Truth be told, "Martha Joyce" isn't even my real name, and the same goes for...
  18. shaheem white

    We are Saints not sinners

    Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ. I felt led to post this because as a Man Of God I am really troubled when I read about a Christian referring to himself/herself as a sinner. I know that one of the biggest issues we face in the body of Christ today is "Identity". and It's time for us...
  19. shaheem white

    As A born again christian you are not a sinner!!

    Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ. I felt led to post this because as a Man Of God I am really troubled when I read about a Christian referring to himself/herself as a sinner. I know that one of the biggest issues we face in the body of Christ today is "Identity". and It's time for us...
  20. Sondog

    True Identity...

    There is a burning desire in the hearts of all people for a true understanding of their identity. In some ways, this has always been true. But with the ongoing dismantling of absolutes in our culture, even more so, since many people have always looked for a certain sense of identity in their...