
  1. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Currently Reading? ^w^ =3

    Hello my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!! <3 [Hugs] :hug::hug::):):hug::hug::cookie::cookie::coffee::coffee::custard::custard: What are you all currently reading?? ^w^ =3 :):):clap::clap::cheer::cheer::cookie::cookie::coffee::coffee::custard::custard:
  2. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Maverick City Music - Promises [feat. Joe L Barnes and Naomi Raine]

    Maverick City Music - Promises [feat. Joe L Barnes and Naomi Raine] :cookie::cookie::coffee::coffee::custard::custard:
  3. CoreyD

    Fame and a Name

    Is having fame a bad thing? What about fame without a name? Audrey Munson had it all — fame, looks, love, and money — and yet she died forgotten by the world, elderly, alone, and penniless. She was locked away for more than half her life, not even able to view the dozens of bronze and marble...
  4. Christsfreeservant

    Weary of Heart

    "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; And you will be comforted in Jerusalem." Isaiah 66:13 Our God is not weak. He is strong and powerful. And, yet, he is also gentle and tender like a mother hen is to her chicks. He comforts his children like a mother comforts her young. He...
  5. Aviel

    Jesus : Is Alive

    Jesus : Is RISEN - -
  6. Christsfreeservant

    He Gives Purpose

    There are many people in this world, especially here in America, who claim to be Christians, or who profess to have personal relationships with Jesus Christ by faith in him, and in what he did for us in dying on a cross for our sins so that we could be forgiven our sins and have the hope of...
  7. K

    Thoughts on God vs the Kingdom of God. What does it mean for "God" to do something?

    Thoughts on God vs the Kingdom of God. What does it mean for "God" to do something? A man falls in a lake and is on the brink of drowning. “God save me!,” he cries out. Another man with a boat rushes to the rescue. “Thank God,” the rescued man exclaims, shivering safely in the boat and...
  8. SamoIsus

    Meditations on Word of God - Bible verses/quotes with beautiful music

    I made music videos with Bible quotes. Here are my two first works: Meditation on Word of God - Psalm 96:5 Listen to this beautiful music and meditate on Word of God. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. - Ps 96:5 Meditation on Word of God - Psalm...
  9. GodJesusAndChocolate

    God and Friends Fellowship ^w^ =3

    Welcome!! [Hugs] :hug::hug::):):hug::hug: This is the God and Friends Fellowship thread!! ^w^ =3 :hug::hug: Here we can hang out and chat!! :hug::hug::):):hug::hug: Let's Fellowship and be Friends!! ^w^ =3 :hug::hug::):):hug::hug::cheer::cheer::clap::clap::ebil::ebil:
  10. Heartofsilver

    Job loss

    I left my job for another job. I took some bad advice and am seeing how the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Now I am without a job due to taking that bad advice plus having issues with anxiety. Please pray that God will make a way for me to get a new job somehow that I can stick...
  11. stars1777

    How do I get rid of negative core beliefs about my self esteem and worth?

    Recently, I keep having this belief about myself that I am some unlovable worthless human being that doesn't deserve compassion and grace. I believe that I am some cursed being who Jesus didn't even want to die for or waste his time on. I don't believe that I have worth and I don't believe that...
  12. bradley5201

    Pray for success and everything goes well in my life of faith

    Gracious Father, I approach you with gratitude for the opportunity to share my podcast with the world. I humbly seek your divine favor and guidance for its success. Bless the words spoken, that they may resonate with listeners' hearts. May the podcast reach those in need of inspiration and...
  13. Christsfreeservant

    Keeping Ourselves from Idols

    “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:20-21). When I was younger, and I...
  14. stars1777

    I don't believe that God created me for anything good anymore.

    People say God doesn't create worthless people but I am living proof that's not true at all. I lost the belief that God had a good purpose for everyone. It's like my life is meant to be a complete failure. If there was three words to summarize my life, it's just "weak-minded fool". I am...
  15. T

    Why do Bad Things Happen to God's People?

    SCRIPTURE: 'He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall...
  16. Tranquil Bondservant

    Bible Discussion and Reflection Thread

    I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread about the Bible where we can post some verses or reflection on Scripture. Feel free to do it in whatever manner you like, whether it just be free form mediation on the truth of God found in His Word or posting the parts of the Bible you've been...
  17. T

    Faith requires a corresponding action!

    SCRIPTURE: 'But they couldn’t reach him because of the crowd. So they went up to the roof and took off some tiles. Then they lowered the sick man on his mat down into the crowd, right in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5:19-20...
  18. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Pictures Of Food And Beverages We Love ^-^ =3

    Here we can post pictures of Food and Beverages we love!! :hug::hug::):):full::full::hrelax::hrelax::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::curryrice::curryrice::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone::maize::maize::pizza::pizza::tangerine::tangerine:
  19. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Currently Writing?? ^-^ =3

    Hello Friends!! :hug::hug::):) Here we can talk about what we are currently writing!! :hug::hug::):):coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  20. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Doing?? / What Have You Been Doing?? ^-^ =3

    Hello!! Here we can just talk about what we have been doing recently or what we are currently doing right now. =3 ^-^ :):):hug::hug::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone: