
  1. L

    Imma be honest, I’m looking for Christian friends that love anime and drawing

    Heyy! I’m looking for Christian friends that love anime and drawing. I’m down for texting or emailing. But y’all gotta be over 20 ya girl not trynna catch a case.
  2. Michael Snow

    Anabaptists, Mennonites, Quakers.

    Along with Church of the Brethren, these are known as the Historic Peace Churches. In the past, conscientious objection had been an important part of their witness in the world. 40 years ago, they joined in unison for the "New Call to Peacemaking" initiative. I would like some feedback from...
  3. Sierra98loveretail

    Introduction from Artist

    Small town girl looking for a Art buddy in oregon, name is Sierra... Don't think your art is worthy, well I'll tell you otherwise with no criticism or critiques because those actions are rude the way I see it, if you want to know me here is the bottom line.. Single, 24, Oregon usa looking for...
  4. Sierra98loveretail

    Need Art friends!

    In oregon and as a artist on the high functioning autism side I find it very difficult to make and find new friends, while I'm putting my best foot forward to volunteer at a local youth nonprofit some encouragement would be nice from anyone in my shoes specifically so we can talk about struggles...
  5. E

    Prayer for my Dearest Sisters...To the moon and back...

    Good evening. It's twilight hours where I am, but I've been kept awake by the thought of some dear people close to me who have a changing event to attend tomorrow, that would allow them to pull their community up from where it is and change many lives. They are a group of 12 wonderful young...
  6. linux.poet

    What topics do you enjoy discussing with other people?

    This can be distinct from hobbies and interests, since what you enjoy doing can be different from what you enjoy talking about. For example, I enjoy sewing, but someone talking to me about it would bore me to no end. Conversely, if someone walked up to me and started talking about web design...
  7. Proselyte of Yah

    Hello All (looking for Arian brothers & sisters)

    Hi all, just wanted to say a hello to peeps here. Hoping to connect with some like-minded Christians here who may share the same or similar theological stances to myself. I did attempt to post an introduction in the "No Creed-Restorationist" section here (as I hold those values), but...
  8. Cheyanne

    Apologizing to friends I hurt in the past

    Hi. This is my first time posting on here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully reply with biblical guidance/advice. I was saved in July of 2021. Before that I was deeply into the new age/occult. I was incredibly selfish and I abruptly ended my friendships with three of my...
  9. Heartofsilver

    Pray for my marriage

    Hello Everyone, I would appreciate prayer for my marriage. There has been hurt and misunderstandings prior to my husband and I getting married recently. A couple years ago, I started writing to international pen pals again on a photo blog app and I would tease my then fiancee fiancee with how...
  10. H

    Introduce Myself and Need Support

    Hello everyone, hope you are having a great day so far My name is Holly Sit, but you can call me Holly. I am from Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, but currently, I am studying in Melbourne now. I have been a Christian since I was in high school. This Covid-19 pandemic influenced me badly, I cannot...
  11. EtainSkirata


    Hey all. This year is the first year I've lived alone (almost a year now, anyway). I was fortunate to find a church that felt like a family away from home, but due to some theological differences creating an impasse (can't take communion without being a member, and I don't feel comfortable being...
  12. M

    Girlfriend´s friends drive her away from God

    Hey everyone, I was hoping I could find some advice here. First to give up some context, I have been a christian basically my whole life I have tried my best to live a life worthy of being called God´s son so perphaps sometimes I could be inflexible with some things. About 6 months ago I...
  13. TatiG

    Hello!!! Looking for a woman’s group :)

    Hello all! My name is Tatiana and I’ve been looking for an active Christian community in hopes of finding a Christian woman’s group I can join. I would love to make some new friends. Please let me know or direct me towards an online group for Christian women if anyone knows of one! Thanks...
  14. VanillaLion

    Prayer To Find Christian Friends

    Hello! Can you guys please pray that God sends me Christian friends? Thank you =] :)
  15. mario1001

    Please keep me in prayer

    I'm having a tough time right now. I just had to end a toxic one sided friendship and I'm hurting. I don't want to be bitter about it, but I'm angry that I let myself think this person was my friend when they weren't. I know they're moving on without a care while I grieve this loss. Maybe it's...
  16. SugarCookies

    Prayer for finding new friendships

    I am looking to make new friends and have fellowship. I live in the UK and there aren't many Christian groups or resources for young adults to make friends (Not that I've found) please would you pray for me that I will meet Christian Women my age who I can connect with. If anyone has any sites...
  17. Monksailor

    Who We Choose as Friends Determines the Direction and Quality of Our Lives

    My wife and I listened to this presentation by Andy Stanley on "Your Move" this a.m. the topic is just a fraction of what he covered but I think it covers it in a general sense. It is a VERY VALUABLE resource for ANY Christian, but I thought especially for those who have just entered the family...
  18. P


    I want to give PRAISE :bow::clap: to GOD, he knows what makes me happy and I will say that he has intervened and my friendship with Daniel has long as my faith remains strong and trust GOD for what is best and not fall into the habit of conditional trust, I believe it can only get...
  19. AllDayFaith

    Having a hard time with people

    This is what I'm going through: Proverbs 17:9 He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends. The people around me are refusing to forgive me for an offense, and all day every day they remind me of what happened to me...
  20. tim nunn

    hi im new like to be with my christian family

    hi all im a christian and im new here and look forward to meeting lots other christian brothers and sisters in christ to help and care for one another anyway we can.