
  1. AlexB23

    Ketichup Jam. Bruh, man Artificial Intelligence makes me cringe sometimes

    AI makes ketchup flavored Jam. Bros, don't eat this. Now for only $2.49 at your local Wally World. Prompt: Ketchup jam branded jar. DALL-E 3 XL V2: Ketchupp - Ketichup Jam Banded Jaim
  2. AlexB23

    Quaker recalls certain snack bars for December 15th, 2023, but this is a rare event

    Hello folks. The probability of getting sick from oats is extremely low, but there is a recall for Quaker oats branded products with the specified LOT numbers listed on the FDA recall (linked below). But hey, Tesla recalled 2 million vehicles a few days ago. Bad products happen, but at the...
  3. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Pictures Of Food And Beverages We Love ^-^ =3

    Here we can post pictures of Food and Beverages we love!! :hug::hug::):):full::full::hrelax::hrelax::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::curryrice::curryrice::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone::maize::maize::pizza::pizza::tangerine::tangerine:
  4. J


    Hi, at times I feel urges to fast (food), for something I pray for each day. I am underweight however, although not significantly so. It would be useful to hear if anyone has any thoughts around whether to do so or not. Thanks so much.
  5. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Cooking Videos ^-^ =3 =]

    Hello! Here we can post Cooking Videos! =3 ^-^ :full::full::full::full::hrelax::hrelax::hrelax::hrelax::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::):):):):coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::curryrice::curryrice::curryrice::curryrice:
  6. T

    Is marijuana a drug?

    “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Cannabis-sativa or marijuana is classified as an angiosperm, meaning a seed-bearing plant...
  7. W

    Chickens are over priced

    A fellow up the street is selling live chickens for $25 each I told him I can get a cooked one at the supermarket for $10 go figure.
  8. Richard.20.12

    Eating diorders are addictions, right? Well sort of I guess. About "Grace"....

    I wonder if people working with those with eating disorders have noticed if saying Grace before eating (not a memorized robotic bunch of words rattled off nonchalantly!) but really giving thanks to Jesus for having that food, helps people with eating problems. Does feeling appreciative help us...
  9. Kilk1

    Did any in the early church require a kosher diet?

    In the early church, we see statements suggesting that the dietary laws of clean/unclean meats from Old Testament passages such as Leviticus 11 are no longer binding. For example: As for their [the Jews'] scrupulousness about meats, and their superstitions about the Sabbath, and their...
  10. Alistair_Wonderland

    Found the most amazing Japanese cooking channel!

    I discovered this Japanese cooking channel a while back, and I love it! The girl who does the cooking is very cute and high-energy, and the meals she makes are easy to make and very interesting! I introduce to you... Haachama cooking!
  11. Daniel Marsh

    What is your favorite recipe for Humble Pie?

    HUMBLE PIE 1 Cup of Compassion 2 Cups of Sugar 3 Cups of Patience 5 Cups of Humility 7 Cups of Self Restraint 2 Tbs of Understanding 1 Healthy sprinkling of Love Step 1: Check Yourself... Step 2: Pour out All Self Pride into a large collander and sift until...
  12. Alistair_Wonderland

    Cooking Channels on YouTube

    What cooking channels do you guys like to watch on YouTube. I personally love the British channel SORTEDfood. They're funny but also informative, and with normal guys working alongside professional chefs, it gives me the inspiration to...
  13. Kilk1

    Are we supposed to say grace before eating?

    Hello, CF! 1 Timothy 4:3-5 teaches that all foods are sanctified by the word of God and by prayer and that they were "created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth" (NKJV). Similar passages to consider are Matthew 15:36; Acts of the Apostles 27:35; 1...
  14. bèlla

    The Ultimate Pantry

    What are your must have items in your pantry? Things you can't live without? Feel free to share brands, images or links! :) Yours in His Service, ~Bella
  15. bèlla

    Favorite Comfort Food

    What are your favorite comfort foods? Feel free to share a recipe link and image to inspire everyone. :)
  16. Kilk1

    Eating with thanksgiving

    Hello! The Bible discusses giving thanks to God for food in a number of passages. Among them are Matthew 15:36, Romans 14:6, and Acts of the Apostles 27:35. Should Christians give thanks before every meal? Do the Scriptures teach we should give thanks every time we eat food--even snacks? If not...
  17. Totodile386

    ☩ Change The Food We Eat! The Clothes We Wear! The Children's Toys! And More.

    Good day. As many are aware of, people need to be supporting and investing in organic, pesticide-free, renewable, and sustainable development. What is the "alternative"? More pesticide-bloody, unsustainable decadence? Think about the word "unsustainable" for just a minute. Let's consider...
  18. Kessa

    Christian view on dietary restrictions

    What is the Christian view on dietary restrictions? In Islam, we have rules about which foods are safe and wholesome to eat (halal) and foods which are forbidden (haram), such as pork products and alcohol. There is Koranic justification for following a halal diet (Surah 2:173), so it transcends...
  19. Within Reason

    If The Meat Industry Was Honest - Meat For Realz

    If The Meat Industry Was Honest - Meat For Realz
  20. S

    Buying clothing shops that sell yoga/religious garments

    Dear Christian Forum reader, I am posting this in the ethics/morals section because I had a hard time navigating the site and figuring out where to put a question like this. If the post needs any relocating you are welcome to notify me or have a moderator move it to the proper place. I found...