
  1. J

    DON’T LET FAILURE STOP YOU | Failure Is The Best Teacher - Inspirational & Motivational Video

    DON’T LET FAILURE STOP YOU | Failure Is The Best Teacher - Inspirational & Motivational Video Please watch this video:
  2. linux.poet

    Five Little Poems About My Life

    This is an exercise from when Miss Linux was back in poem school that I polished up. It's not publishable due to its title (how many poetry editors get poems with this title?) but it shall serve as decent introduction to myself and my poetic style. Enjoy! (Comments and Criticism appreciated.)...
  3. PureWolf

    Feeling Hopeless

    So the last 5 years or so have been very rough. Starting with our dog Neeko getting sick. He had lyme disease and it cost $650 between the tests to find out what he had and the medication. My father and brother refused to help me pay the bill or medicate Neeko. I used my Care Credit card and...
  4. Jean13

    Am I Wrong?

    Hi, I am new to this site so, sorry if this is the wrong forum. I really need advice right now. I am an undergraduate and, I want to be a pharmacist. Ever since I decided that I would pursue pharmacy things have been going wrong. I started failing classes, which is something I've never done in...
  5. М

    I cheated on a test...

    I'm really depressed about my decision. And also I am not proud about this. But today I cheated on my test. I was warned that if I don't pass this test I will need to study the whole summer and pass my corrective test, which is pretty much impossible. I don't want to justify myself. I cant stand...
  6. Unapologetically_Wild

    Fear That Paralizes

    1st entry I keep saying I am a writer - but a writer who doesn’t write isn’t really a writer! Just as I keep saying I am an Artist but I am too afraid to fail, too afraid of imperfection to let the reigns lose and make a mess of something. I have tried to hold the reins, to bridle my own...
  7. ll_retro.duck_ll

    Missing Something for Sexual Freedom?

    Hello, been struggling with an addiction to porn ever since middle-school and even after I became a Christian (20+ yrs). I grew in knowledge of the Word of God and Christian service over the years. What became an everyday act became limited to about 1-2 times every week 2 weeks. The longest I...
  8. pantingdeer

    Let myself down on the exam

    I feel very numb right now, I cant really think properly. I got over 90% in each homework for a module I'm doing but I did the exam today and let's just say it's unlikely I'll even get 60% I couldn't think properly under the time pressure and couldn't find the problems in my answers because I...
  9. Christsfreeservant

    Foot in Mouth

    Tonight I had one of those real life lessons taught to me. I will not share the details of what took place, but I will just suffice it to say that I said something I wished I would not have said, and I felt badly afterwards that I said it, and so I apologized for it and for my insensitivity...
  10. T

    Dealing with porn, marijuana & alcohol as a female Christian

    I'll be honest, I've been having a really tough time with these sins. And right now I'm really wanting to smoke, but I know I'll feel guilty about it and it will make my mood worse. I was doing so well with not looking at porn and masturbating but I failed the other day. I feel like I will...
  11. mindlight

    Is Trumps USA successful internationally?

    Under Trump is America a better Christian moral example, richer, stronger and more influential or less so? Some things Trump has done: 1) Appointment of conservative Supreme justices (possibility of rolling back Roe v Wade) 2) challenging of the LGBT agenda e.g. in military, ending of...
  12. Christsfreeservant

    In God Only

    Psalm 73:25 ESV Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. Other humans are going to fail us at one time or another, because we are all clay. We are all flesh and blood. Not one of us can ever say we have never sinned. And, we all still have the...
  13. Christsfreeservant

    We Need A Revival

    2 Timothy 1:1-7 (ESV) Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a...
  14. Jchaudoir36's Poetry Blog

    "love Makes It All Possible"

    My wife and I We talk, we listen To each others successes To each others failures We pause We pray My wife and I We reflect and comfort each other This world We live in Can be tough We embrace each others needs As our own Love makes it all possible by, Jeff Chaudoir
  15. H

    Letter to My Fellow Christians

    This is for every Christian who wants to read this. It's time for us to stop our smug, arrogant, patronizing view of the world. I no longer call myself a Christian not because I'm ashamed of Christ but because I'm ashamed and even disgusted by the actions of those who supposedly believe in the...
  16. insurchoftruth

    Christian Topics & Bible Study-You Are a Champion 2 Corinthians 2:14

    Christian Topics & Bible Study-You Are a Champion 2 Corinthians 2:14 When we fall into all sorts of trouble, often the first thing we look at, is our defeat and weakness. We think that we become a victim. But God, never sees as a victim! He just can not, because he never created us to be a...
  17. derpytia

    I'm A Waste Of Space

    I'm 24 years old and sometimes I am reminded just how useless a person I am. I have a bachelor's degree in a field I can no longer work in due to health issues. I work a dead end, low pay, part time, retail job where I'm treated like scum by a lot of people including my managers. I don't go out...
  18. N

    Advice For Pregnancy

    I'm a devoted Christian. I've had my share of trials, at only age 19. My girlfriend is almost certainly pregnant. I am responsible for my actions, and I am suffering for them. I desperately need loving, Christian advice on how to handle this whole situation. When my parents find out, they will...
  19. Kitteh

    38 years old..i think jesus dump me

    Hey guys this is my first threads, I was crawling all over the internet searching for any proof of reality that Jesus, Mother Mary or his Father (God) if did perform any miracle too those obedient single christian to find their soul mate. Unfortunately none (without solid proof). So i guess...
  20. rethink88

    When you don't feel good enough

    Check out this post I Am Not Good Enough (and that's okay) What do you do when you feel like you aren't good enough?