eastern orthodoxy

  1. The Liturgist

    Unitarian Universalist Church in Albuquerque Appropriates Eastern Orthodox Cross

    This really disturbs me, and I think it would disturb most traditional Christians, to see a central part of the iconography of their tradition abused by Unitarian Universalists in order to make a statement about religious equivalence and syncretism. I have half a mind to send them a letter of...
  2. The Liturgist

    Some interesting theological terms from the Eastern churches

    At times, some members might notice that those such as myself, various Orthodox members like my Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox friends @prodromos @HTacianas @FenderTL5 @dzheremi and other friends of ours such as @ViaCrucis may use a vocabulary somewhat unfamiliar to the average Western...
  3. J

    Orthodoxy's view on Genesis 1

    Hi, I'm a lcms Lutheran, I'm just curious what the EO view is on the literal 6 24 hour days. Are there priests who believe in the "framework view" of Meredith Kline or the "analogical view"? Or is it required that there is not a literary/figurative way of interpretation? (for ordination in...
  4. J

    Lutheran official apologetic method related to Real Presence

    Which is the official position : Classical, evidential, presuppositional, or other ? From what I've seen it seems to be evidential, but I don't see why it can't be others also. I think this falls under epistemology and prolegomena. I could be wrong but from what I can understand as a layman...
  5. The Liturgist

    Eusebius of Caesarea

    @dzheremi Last night I was surprised to come across a report that the Syriac Orthodox venerate Eusebius of Caesarea, and apparently believe that he changed his mind, that is to say, repented of Arianism, at the Council of Nicaea, and is on their liturgical calendar. I have not had a chance to...
  6. The Liturgist

    Orthodox Liturgical Music and Concerns about Formalities

    Recently, in another thread in the main Eastern Orthodox forum, I inadvertently made the debate a bit heated by making a stupid, crass and emotionally charged reply of a disparaging nature about Praise and Worship music. To be precise, I called it “trash” and in so doing through negligence...
  7. The Liturgist

    Metropolitan Kallistos, David Bentley Hart, Universalism, and the Church of the East

    What started as a short reply to our pious and reverend Presbyter @ArmyMatt unleashed something of a can of worms in my mind as I realized it crossed the nexus of several areas of theological study I have been focused on for the past decade, resulting in a voluminous post that was only...
  8. The Liturgist

    Names of people to pray for

    I have a list of the baptismal names of various people, including Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans and traditional Protestants, some of whom are deceased, which is categorically organized so that people can be prayed for liturgically in the right way. For example, the...
  9. The Liturgist

    Interesting and Unusual Eucharistic Prayers

    I’ve mentioned my interest before in the Epworth Chapel on the Green in Boise, which is an oasis of liturgical conservative Methodism, similiar to a planned mission church in Indiana being organized by a Nazarene pastor who is a member of the Society of Wesleyan Anglicans, the latter intending...
  10. The Liturgist

    Historical notes on the conversion of Russia and Ukraine to Chrisrianity

    I had intended to post this in reply to an erroneous comment posted on a CF.com member blog, which asserted inaccurately that both Ukraine and Russia were once ruled by the Roman Empire. This idea, while it would be convenient for people seeking to interpret prophecies about the end times, is...
  11. The Liturgist

    Fr. Seraphim Rose On Debating Sectarians

    There is a great deal of wisdom in the writings of the legendary Russian Orthodox hierarch, who was miraculously delivered from a life of homosexual perversion in the notorious decadence of San Francisco’s North Beach in the 1950s, to a life of holy celibacy, founding the austere St. Herman of...
  12. The Liturgist

    Beautiful Hierarchical Divine Liturgies

    This hierarchical divine liturgy, celebrating the reconsecration of All Saints OCA in Olyphant, PA, in 2011, I thought I would post ten years later - I have had the YouTube video in my collection since 2013, so it made some sense. This particular church was severely damaged by a fire from a...
  13. The Liturgist

    Orthodox Christians As The Victims Of Heretical Sects

    This originated as a reply to a thread, but grew a bit too large, so I made it a blog post. Indeed, it is true that Roman Pagans accused the early Christians of cannibalism, based on a misunderstanding of the Eucharist. Pagan accusations of gross sexual immorality were probably the result of...
  14. The Liturgist

    Billy Graham, And The Three Great Televangelists

    I thought, having recently felt compelled to state the following history in a few different topics, for those unfamiliar with the three great televangelists, Dr. James Kennedy, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Rev. Robert Schuller, or the important work done in the Soviet Union by Billy Graham, the...
  15. The Liturgist

    How liberal am I, actually? And, the evils of misogyny

    I am apparently considered a liberal, I have found out in the past 24 hours, in part for my Evolutionist interpretation of Genesis ch. 1 and in part because I reject the penal substitutionary atonement and satisfaction atonement of John Calvin and Anselm of Canterbury respectively, as well as...
  16. dzheremi

    Missing/lost anaphoras?

    Hi all, So I was just reading over today's readings in my Church (if I can't get to it physically, which I can't right now for various reasons, I figure I can at least still do that), and I noticed that one of the saints commemorated in today's Synaxarium entry is St. Marouta the Bishop, who I...
  17. T

    Question Concerning Oriental Orthodoxy and the Assyrian Church of the East

    Hello everyone, To cut a long story short, a movie that I was recommended by someone initially brought great shock to me as it featured God the Father being portrayed by a human. I am a Catholic and I felt so appalled by this image that I got into research and found out that the Catholic Church...
  18. ~Anastasia~

    Eastern Orthodoxy on the wrath of God

    please note this thread is posted in The Ancient Way - I am interested in the Eastern Orthodox views on the wrath of God. Others welcome in fellowship and discussion, but please don't debate or post an answer if you don't know the EO teaching - I'm familiar with most others already. :)...
  19. Raphael Jauregui

    Do you pray with icons? What are your thoughts?

    While I was raised Lutheran, I was also confirmed/chrismated in the Greek Orthodox Church. I still continue to pray with icons. At our Episcopal church, we do have some icons and we occasionally place more during special services. What are your thoughts, as Anglicans, about the use of icons in...
  20. dzheremi

    LDS Mormonism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Comparison (~2 hrs)

    Ancient Faith Today: Mormonism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity In the spirit of previous threads I've made concerning Mormonism and Scientology, I wanted to share this podcast featuring two Eastern Orthodox Christians who were formerly connected to Mormonism (one a cradle Mormon and the other...