
  1. AlexB23

    Irish Musician promotes Demonic Stuff at Eurovision 2024

    Hello folks. I am not a person who enjoys posting videos onto Christian Forums, as I prefer articles, and not everyone has time to watch a 10 minute video. But, here we are in May 2024, and apparently an Irish singer (Bambie Thug) performed a demonic ritual on stage during Eurovision 2024. The...
  2. Reader Antonius

    "Demonology 101" – Traditional Christian Basics & Diabolic Tactics

    Pax, Ειρήνη, שלום! Praised be Jesus Christ! I recently wrote this treatment for a friend. It is based on my studies of historical demonology, knowledge I've gleaned over the years from exorcists & those who assist them (including psychologists or doctors who scrutinize claims of cases), and the...
  3. By_the_Book


    I had one of those experiences today where God asked me to do something that seemed absolutely ridiculous for me to do and something I would not normally do, but God was in it. He had me go see a movie called Nefarious, it is in theaters now. Every human being, Christian or non-Christian, should...
  4. brodav9@thicket

    trouble believing God it could be,

    Pray about this. Lord do I have any spirits of doubt or unbelief. These spirits can be a real hindrance. Or do I have spirits of fear in waiting for God to manifest my answer while I am in a certain trial of trouble. Ps. 46:1 The Lord is a very present help in time of trouble--by faith...
  5. brodav9@thicket

    her demon cut me but I was okay no hard feelings.

    She was laying on the ground and crawling like a snake--literally. children were all around her and they said to me, all she does is sit in a chair and listen to that rock music. I reached out to her to deliverance her. She reached up and scratched my arm, just a little blood though. All of...
  6. C

    Prayer Request, under attack

    Hi. Please pray for me because i dabbled in stuff that brought it to me and they are haunting me now (long story). Need prayer over me to get them to leave me while i wait for the only priest i found that is understanding that Jesus told us to cast out unclean spirits, its very rare to find one...
  7. Richard.20.12

    Satan and false teachers: How far would he go to convince an audience the speaker was from God?

    I just saw a video from Kathryn Krick, who seems to specialize in the casting out of demons. Its pretty unnerving. Also how the anguish in the voices is so similar. That would be hard to replicate amongst different people I would think. Or people are better actors than we realize but I...
  8. truefiction1

    What is Abortion?

    Elective abortion is called "murder" by members of the pro-life community, and worse still, is claimed by some to be the modern equivalent of "child sacrifice" as practiced in ancient pagan (demonic) religious cultures by some members of the Christian Church. I've pondered this matter at great...
  9. Sarah G

    Angels & Demons?

    I'm listening to the book 'The Veil: an invitation to the unseen realm' by Blake K Healy. He's a Christian and claims to have seen both demons and angels since he was a child. This isn't something I learned about growing up as a Methodist and I've always tended to stay away from the subject...
  10. TruthSeekah

    Do you believe in demons? Can we cast them out?

    Daniel Adams Rebukes A VOODOO DEMON That Manifested In A Lady! Do you believe in the power of God? Does it have the ability to set someone free? In this amazing video we see the power of almighty God on display as a young woman get set from from a voodoo demon! Do you think this is real...
  11. A

    Help! I’m getting spiritually attacked AT church

    Why is this happening? I attend two different churches and at one of them I’ve been getting spiritually attacked, so has my sister. We both got attacked the same day. Looking back on it, it’s happened a lot. I didn’t sense it was the devil trying to hinder me, but I sense it’s more so a sin of...
  12. BibleUnboxed

    What do you think the evil spirit in 1 Samuel 16:14 is?

    I just made a video exploring this topic and I'd love to know your thoughts. Basically I think it could either have been a spiritual servant of God (not the devil or a demon) OR a description of Saul's depression.
  13. Occams Barber

    Demons and Christianity

    One of the many things which has surprised me about Christianity, since joining CF back in 2012, is the apparently widespread Christian belief in the existence of demons. Attributing various negative events and strange experiences to demonic activity is a regular occurrence in this Forum...
  14. B

    Help with 1 John 4:2-3, Discerning the spirits of God or demons

    My question is about 1 John 4:2 and 1 John 4:3 and determining which spirits are from God and which are not. I do not know for sure but it sounds like those scriptures mean that when you ask a spirit if it confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh that if it confesses that Jesus did come in...
  15. HeavenAwaitsHer

    Pray for deliverance and healing

    My hope has lead me here. Me and my sister have been under what I believe to be a spiritual attack on our body/ some sort of witchcraft. It started once we started to attend a church of signs and wonders. The prophet there was into astrology and had read my palm, asked me my personal...
  16. S

    Reptilian Shapeshifter Compilation - Our Alien Rulers

    This post was written by Christian Alexei Kunimi. I am not him, but I want to help to raise awareness of this most important subject, which has been suppressed, trivialized and muddied by disinformation. We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able...
  17. the last child

    The Last Child

    The sun shone brightly. Children of all ages milled around him, laughing and shouting. Today was the big day. The last day. After today, there would be no more. The village had been all but abandoned. Crumbling buildings and broken glass, a few empty cans were all that was left to remind them of...
  18. Shadowprophet

    Seal of Solomon, I Don't know what to think about this. What do you think?

    As a Christian, This was a concept I had never heard about. The Significance of the Sacred Seal of Solomon and its Symbols A different website with other information and pictures of archaeologically recovered artifacts So, I wanted to bring it up here for discussion. I think this is an...
  19. dzheremi

    LDS D&C 129 (again): "material that hadn't necessarily been given in revelation form, er, format..."

    @drstevej has a good thread on D&C 129 (the 'handshake test') going right now, so I don't mean to steal his thunder, but when I was just considering asking a question in that thread, some of the background material I'd been looking at about it jumped out at me, including a little bit of phrasing...
  20. Laidyjenn

    Hi, I am new on here!

    Hi everyone, New here and I think this is such a great resource and connection place for christians. I would really really like to connect with christians that dream like crazy and are called into the deliverance ministry. That would be awesome Look forward to connecting. April