
  1. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian to do this ?

    I recently met a new Christian friend who became a Christian 2 years ago and without asking he told me about the donations he makes to poor people and when he evangelizes to people. Even though I like what he is doing and congratulated him on doing those things I’m concerned he might be trying...
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    Can a Christian relationship last long and happy when the couple has little to nothing in common with each other ?

    If the only thing they share in common is political views and Faith views can the relationship work good and well in the long run ?
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    Is it hard to find Christian close friends?

    I go to church on a regular basis and I stay after the service to socialize but I find it hard to connect with many of my church members. They are my friends but I don’t have a real close bond with none of them because we don’t have too much in common. Is this issue common?
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    Is there any scripture that explains why women like men that mistreats them ?

    Most women are repelled by guys that treat them really well even some so called Godly women. I was wondering if there is any Biblical scripture that explains why ?
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    What are somethings that are actually not sins but Christians act like it is ?

    What are some acts MOST Christians act like are sins when they’re actually not ?
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    Why Christian women act like it’s a Biblical commandment for a man to pursue them ?

    I have heard so many Christian women say this throughout my twenties as a Christian man I thinking it was Biblical command almost for years. Until recently I decided to do some research myself. Why is this saying still getting spreaded like wildfire?
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    Is there any truth to what he saying?

    From experience this has some truth but i want to know has other men experienced the same ? Maybe it could just be me
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    When is a person considered not a Christian anymore ?

    When can we truly say a person is no longer a Christian? Is it few months of unrepentant sin or few years of repentant sin or when they say they don’t believe anymore ?
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    Is this a wrong view to has a Christian?

    Im starting not to think highly of most people and have a neutral view of them even if they proclaim they are Christians until I see enough to verify them a long period of time is that the right way to view people ?
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    Does music bring out certain energies out of people ?

    I listen to alot of secular music and it usually has no effect on my walk with God EXCEPT one type of music. When I listen to sensual type of music I notice I am more likely to fall into sexual sin is this common? Does music bring out certain traits in people ?
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    (Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers) what does this verse really mean ?

    I know this verse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t associate with unbelievers but does this verse mean we shouldn’t be friends with unbelievers or close friends with unbelievers or we shouldn’t have business with them ?
  12. Q

    Is it really bad to mostly listen to secular music as a Christian ?

    I know some people who listen to mostly Christian music and are the most hostile foul-mouthed people around and I know some Christian who only listen to secular music and demonstrate Christ-like behaviour more than most people who call themselves Christians. With that said does it really matter...
  13. Q

    Are we really new creations in Christ ?

    Are we really new creations in Christ if we struggle with not committing sins of flesh we once did before we became Christians?
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    What is gossip ?

    What counts as gossip since they are no biblical definition to gossip ?
  15. Q

    Am I wrong for this as a Christian?

    I asked my boss to put me on a certain time shift I told him my performance would be better at this shift so he gives me the shift and my performance starts off good and then the week later my performance on the shift becomes very inconsistent and worst than what it was on the original shift. My...
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    Should Christian parents physically discipline their children at times ?

    It’s advised in proverb’s don’t spare the rod so should we listen to this advice ?
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    Women when you first started dating as a Christians was it hard to tell if a man was interested or not while dating ?

    Alot of women in the world get validation from sex and alot of physical affection. I was wondering was it hard to tell the interest level of a Christian man when a women becomes a Christian and becomes celibate and has boundaries ? Have any Christian women experienced this before in their early...
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    Should a man in a Godly relationship compliment how beautiful his girlfriend is daily ?

    I know looks starts the initiation of the relationship but should a man compliment his girlfriend or WIFE looks daily in a Christian relationship? Or is that vain and sign of insecurities and being carnal from the women she’s in need of compliments or the man being desperate
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    Does a promiscuous past effects affects Men & women Christians differently ?

    Even after they have repented how does that effect their future relationships and behaviours. Speaking from experience on this topic is greatly appreciated
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    How often should we read the Bible ?

    Should Christians read it everyday or every other day or weekly?