
  1. AlexB23

    French national library quarantines books believed to be laced with arsenic

    So many of us have probably gotten tired of news about wars, so let's discuss books. A French library found out that some books in the collection, specifically a few from the 1800s were laced with arsenic, a toxic metalloid (partial metal with nonmetal properties, arsenic Wiki Link). Who knew...
  2. AlexB23

    America's Drinking Water Problem - PFAS

    Hello folks. America has has issues with toxic water before, such as with lead as in Flint, MI. The EPA has made a law to remove harmful "forever chemicals" from the water. Here is the article...
  3. V

    Trump To Take Action After Ohio Train Disaster

    “For two years, the transparency and accountability that you promised to obsessively uphold during your inauguration has been nowhere to be found. The incompetence and failure within your administration cannot continue to be ignored when Americans’ health and safety are at risk. I hope you will...