
  1. Lov4Christ

    Update: Healing for brain

    So I apparently have extremely severe autism, will be diagnosed very a soon. But before you say somthing about how you know about autism you have to realize its a SPECTRUM. If You don't know what that means, google it(watching videos on youtube can be somewhat useful). But basically it means...
  2. AlexB23

    Hello fellow Christians

    Hello fellow Christians. I am Alex, a Christian guy with autism who is new to the forums. God's creation, our world and science fascinate me, as everything is interconnected and study of His creation align with God and the Bible. - Alex B.
  3. Ethan Redmace

    What do I do? How can I have joy and peace? Long backstory.

  4. K

    how do i know if god answers my prayers (not me)

    this kind of relates 2 my autism/unknowingly took mark/salvation- saved post since these 'spiritual events' have occured this yr - just 1 yr after unknowingly taking the i've said, i've never been able 2 recognize god's answer's, so i'm wondering if these could be...these all...
  5. K

    autism & mark of beast

    i'll try 2 make this short ---i'm an adult christian believer w' asperger's (possibly more) that is unable 2 recognize god's voice, presence, answers, signs or even warning signs in general (except rarely after the fact...i can only understand the literal parts of the bible & not even all of...
  6. W

    My son is autistic

    My son is autistic. My wife gave birth to our beautiful son Johnny in 2007 it wasn't till Johnny started school at the age of 6 that we knew we had a problem. the school reported that Johnny was very difficult to manage and would not follow instructions. During lunch breaks, Johnny would take...
  7. T

    Severe anxiety during church and church events has prohibited me from making connections

  8. Thoughts Of A Christian Aspie

    Thoughts Of A Christian Aspie

    I spend 98% of my time living inside my head, always thinking about random things and often talking of them with God. Recently I begun writing down my thoughts in a journal and considered making an online version in the form of a blog. This blog in particular will be thoughts relating to...
  9. SummerMadness

    Police shoot 13-year-old boy with autism

    A 13-year-old boy with autism was shot by police after his mother called for help managing a 'mental breakdown'
  10. pantingdeer

    If have problems should I go to doctor?

    I don’t think I’m a normal person. I have social problems, I don’t love people, I don’t be attracted to people, I don’t have happiness. I do social, psychopath, sociopath, depression and autism tests online to check what is wrong with me because I don’t know at all. Or is there in fact nothing...
  11. Autism Changepoints

    Autism Changepoints

    Millennial autism [ASD2/3] growth compared to the introduction of fetal cell-based vaccines in the USA. Taken from
  12. SaintCody777

    Why do some Christians who oppose vaccination are OK with blood transfusions and organ transplants?

    As I am taking immunology class, I am now learning in pictures and videos what are specific proteins and molecules and what do they have to do with the immune system. I noticed that many Bible believing Christians rail against all vaccination on reasons they claim is based in the Bible, but yet...
  13. superm4n

    Asperger's Cartoon And Video

    Really intriguing cartoon and video here. I stumbled on it last night and wanted to share.
  14. A

    Messed it up - again

    I have messed it up again with my wife. Just before she was going on a retreat I messed up my last phone call with her. I have messed up recently in other aspects of my relationship with her, by doing the Aspie thing and needing things to be totally clear and explicit. She is patient and...
  15. Streetwise


    autism spectrum disorder is not a mental illness it is a developmental disorder it is in the wrong category
  16. ChristianGirl_96

    Upcoming evaluation for DSD

    Hello Later this week we have a long awaited autism evaluation for my stepdaughter at a specialist autism clinic. Any advice and tips on what to expect would be appreciated thank you. How long does it take? The only symptom I’ve personally observed in her is her hand flapping. What sort of...
  17. J

    Trouble With Relationships

    I am having issues with relationships. I am autistic and this has happened before this person came over to my house. I had trouble with relationships numerous times and I don't understand what is going on. This is just one example of what I have been dealing with. She claims she is a therapist...
  18. B

    This Looks Like Where I Should Be Please Let It Be

    Hello Readers. I don't know where to start really. I have a lot of emotional baggage I don't want to go into that I'm working through with God's help. But wise people say you can't go through this life alone it's a good thing to have friends and support. I have a supportive family but sometimes...
  19. GospelGloryMinistries

    Greetings from the Gold Coast Australia

    Hi, I am Pastor/Evangelist John Green and I minister at Dream Centre Church at the Gold Coast. I am also a member evangelist of the Next Generation Alliance of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association and I hold Crusades in different nations. I am married to my beautiful wife Cecilia and we have...
  20. Amy-Rebekah

    Autism/ accessible service ideas

    hi guys, last Sunday I went to church and ended up with a thumping migraine due to the lights and noise etc but in my migraine medication state I had an idea. Many services are simply inaccessible for people with autism and other disabilities. I am wondering how I could make a service accessible...