
  1. The Liturgist

    The Harrowing of Hell

    Those who enjoy listening to Choral Evensong, which I do on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from St. Thomas Fifth Ave, one of the last of the Anglican churches to preserve that great tradition of a boys’ choir, the majority having succumbed to a combination of liberalism, in abolishing boys...
  2. The Liturgist

    A disappointing Christological homily at Guildford Cathedral, and the importance of stressing the deity of Christ

    I particularly like Guildford Cathedral for their music program, and was excited last week to hear a Christological sermon by the celebrant. However, on hearing it, I was disappointed, because rather than stressing the deity of Christ, she managed to inadvertently imply Arianism, through two...
  3. The Liturgist

    The Church of England has capitulated to the world on gay marriage

    Last week, in a truly devastatingly tragic event, the worst thing to happen in the Church of England in many years, they voted to begin trial blessing services for homosexual marriages, which are of course directly contrary to scripture. In retrospect, it is remarkable that the C of E held out...
  4. The Liturgist

    Names of people to pray for

    I have a list of the baptismal names of various people, including Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans and traditional Protestants, some of whom are deceased, which is categorically organized so that people can be prayed for liturgically in the right way. For example, the...
  5. The Liturgist

    Interesting and Unusual Eucharistic Prayers

    I’ve mentioned my interest before in the Epworth Chapel on the Green in Boise, which is an oasis of liturgical conservative Methodism, similiar to a planned mission church in Indiana being organized by a Nazarene pastor who is a member of the Society of Wesleyan Anglicans, the latter intending...
  6. The Liturgist

    Catechizing at Evensong

    So recently it came to my attention that according to the 1662 and other editions of the BCP, a catechtical session is in theory supposed to follow the Nunc Dimitis, but in practice this is rarely if ever done, and I have never heard it. That said, a part of me is intrigued by the idea of...
  7. The Liturgist

    The importance of traditional theology and worship

    I find myself extremely bothered this evening, because, looking at this list of churches in Cambridge, MA, it dawned on me that the only churches there where one has some assurance of traditional theology, the Roman Catholic parishes and Christ the King Presbyterian Church (PCA) have the...
  8. The Liturgist

    Insurance for Vestments, Paraments, Relics, Chalices, Patens and Ecclesiastical Furniture

    Hey there, I was thinking about the high cost of good vestments and how according to sacred tradition these have to be burned if, for example, the chalice is spilled on them, and it occurred to me, ecclesiastical service items like the chalice and diskos or paten, relics, icons, paraments, and...
  9. The Liturgist

    What Eucharistic Prayer Is This?

    At this lovely Reformation Sunday service held at Old North Church, a Eucharistic prayer was used which didn’t seem to correspond to any in the 1979 BCP. I even looked at Common Worship. Perhaps I missed something. The priest did say he and many congregants were originally of Lutheran...
  10. The Liturgist

    Does Your Church Recite the Creed on Sunday?

    I am seeking to find out how many members have the experience of Eastern, Oriental or Assyrian Orthodox, Roman and Eastern Catholics, most Anglicans and many Lutherans of hearing the Nicene, Apostles or even the Athanasian Creed every Sunday. If you are a member of a Protestant Church other...
  11. The Liturgist

    New Moral/Liturgical Problem in the Anglican Church of Canada

    This development makes me extremely sad: CANADA: New gender blessings for trial use | VirtueOnline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism As I see it, not only is this horrible liturgical theology, but also horrible moral theology, and represents a spectacular failure on the part of the...
  12. The Liturgist

    Unceasing Worship

    The focus of this blog is the description of prayer, mystical theology, liturgy, and liturgical beauty, which is to say, the beauty of how we worship our Lord, and the expressions of that worship, whether through ritual, sacred music, iconography and other artwork, and architecture.
  13. The Liturgist

    Sola Scriptura vs. Nuda Scriptura

    A member in another thread asked me an interesting question, which I have posted here to avoid derailing the thread and also to not give the misleading appearance of criticizing anyone participating in that thread, for nothing in this reply was written in response to the comments or beliefs of...
  14. Not David

    Is the Queen the Head of the Anglican Church?

    So how does that work?
  15. Pádraigín Ní Saorlaith

    Questions About Anglicanism

    I've had an interest in the Anglican Tradition for a while. I have a few questions, most of which have to do with the ACNA. First, aside from having a stronger position on not ordaining women and breaking away from the Episcopal Church at a different time, I’m a little fuzzy on what makes the...
  16. jinc1019

    Women and Authority in the ACNA. Don't They Already Have It?

    Hello All, I've long been interested in Anglicanism, but until relatively recently, I haven't lived in a place in which a regularly operating ACNA parish exists, and I never felt comfortable with the Episcopal Church, for a variety of reasons most of you could probably guess. As I've spent...
  17. Raphael Jauregui

    Is a creed other than the Nicene or Apostles' Creed ever used?

    I am legitimately curious now to see whether any other of our active practising Anglicans have been in a parish or congregation where a creed other than the Apostles' Creed or Nicene Creed has been used. At our parish, our praise service, that is the contemporary 'evangelical' service, uses a...
  18. Raphael Jauregui

    By 2021, the Episcopal Church will enter full communion with the United Methodist Church

    Personally, I have been supportive of full communion between the Episcopal Church and the UMC for awhile. We already have full communion with the ELCA, in which I grew up, the Old Catholic Church, the Mar Thoma Church, and the Moravian Church. What do y'all think? United Methodist Church...
  19. Raphael Jauregui

    Is God Father and Mother? Is God beyond gender?

    In 2016, the first diocesan woman bishop of the Church of England said that God is neither male or female and that she avoids gendered pronouns for God. "According to [Bishop Rachel] Treweek, God should not be given a gender. During her October 26 inauguration into the House of Lords, she said...
  20. Raphael Jauregui

    (Anglican) Church of Ireland - motion on same-sex relationship

    This Friday, 5 May 2017, the Church of Ireland will be debating a motion to ask for the bishops to provide a service of thanksgiving for same-sex couples entering in civil partnership or marriage. The proposal is simply to ask for the services and those services would not receive a vote until...