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  1. OzSpen

    Commercialism vs true Christmas message

    To all on this Christmas Eve, May you all have a Christ-centred Christmas and a blessed New Year. Around Christmas and Easter, Aussie sceptics (that's how we spell it) and doubters come out in force against the Christian message. At these seasons, I write an article and address these issues...
  2. OzSpen

    Australia not Australian

    The title of this thread is, 'Australian & New Zealand'. Australian is an adjective and it is combined with the proper noun, New Zealand. To be grammatically correct, the thread title should be 'Australia & New Zealand'. The Collins Dictionary (online) provides this explanation: 1. adjective...
  3. OzSpen

    Any identifying as C&MA in this forum?

    Since I joined CFcom in 2005, I've identified myself as Baptist because I am ordained with a baptistic denomination, the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA), Australia. I've done this because the C&MA is not identified in the 'Christian Communities' directory. The denomination has approx. 6...
  4. OzSpen

    Any C&MA folks here

    Are there any Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA) people participating on CFcom? I've suggested to the moderators that in the forum, 'Christian Communities' that the C&MA be added. It's a strong world-wide missionary denomination. I'm ordained with the C&MA Australia and have identified...
  5. OzSpen

    John Wesley on salvation

    Does John Wesley state that salvation is dependent on God + human ability? It may be true but I haven't seen direct quotes from his works that reach that conclusion. Can any of you provide evidence in support of that view of salvation by Wesley or against that perspective by Wesley? Oz
  6. OzSpen

    I can't reply to posts

    Would somebody be able to assist me? I am logged in but in the Baptists directory I am unable to reply to posts in this thread: Would somebody be able to assist me to correct this malfunction? Many...
  7. OzSpen

    Sola Scriptura

    Mark, That's the kind of argumentation I've heard from others so I did my searching of the church fathers. Scripture alone, Sola Scriptura, goes back long before the time of the Reformation. I've documented some of the strong statements in support of the authority of Scripture in the church...
  8. OzSpen

    Anniversary of Tyndale's martyrdom

    On 6th October 2015, it is the 479th anniversary of the martyrdom of pioneer English Bible translator, William Tyndale. I encourage you to read this brief article about him and his work, 'Translator William Tyndale Strangled and Burned'. Although John Wycliffe was the first to translate the...
  9. OzSpen

    How to send private message

    Which is the best way to send a private message (PM) on CF? Is 'Conversation' the PM means of interaction? Oz
  10. OzSpen

    Anti-marriage equality advt censored

    Some of you may be interested in what has happened to a pro-marriage advertisement that was supposed to appear on TV on the night of the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras. Take a read of this article from The Sydney Morning Herald, 'Backlash after anti-marriage equality ad debuts on Mardi Gras night' (9...
  11. OzSpen

    Israel gone missing

    Would you believe that one of the world's largest publishers, HarperCollins (it bought out Zondervan), has not included the nation of Israel in atlases sold to schools in the Middle East? Take a read of, 'Israel missing from HarperCollins atlases sold to Middle East schools'...
  12. OzSpen

    They've had enough of church

    A church leader alerted me to this article by Thom Schultz, The Rise of the ‘Done With Church’ Population. It deals with what is happening to some active Christians who are 'done with church' but not done with Jesus. Why don't you take a read. Schultz states that 'the Dones are...
  13. OzSpen

    SBC, Jimmy Carter & homosexuality

    Former USA president, Jimmy Carter, Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher at Maranatha Baptist Church, Plains GA, has stated: "I never knew of any word or action of Jesus Christ that discriminated against anyone," he said in a video posted on His remarks came in response to a...
  14. OzSpen

    Rowan Williams ignorant of church growth in UK

    Have you read the article online from The Telegraph [UK] with the heading, 'Former archbishop of Canterbury: We are a post-Christian nation'? It begins:Exclusive: Former archbishop of Canterbury [Lord Rowan Williams] says Britain is no longer a nation of believers, as...
  15. OzSpen

    Global poverty going up or down?

    Is global poverty increasing or decreasing? What do you understand as Christians? Is it going up or down? The Barna Group has recently completed research on this issue. You can read the research HERE. Was that information a surprise or not? Oz
  16. OzSpen

    Is evangelism everyone's responsibility?

    Today I received an email from an evangelical friend who asked: 'I'm wondering if you believe all Christians have a duty to evangelise? I'm trying to find someone who can explain the Scriptural case for it'. Do you believe there is a scriptural case for everyone to evangelise...
  17. OzSpen

    It's a sin to bore God's people with God's Word

    My son tells me that this quote is from Howard Hendricks: "It's a sin to bore God's people with God's word". I can't find it on the Internet as being attributed to Hendricks. However, after coming home from a church and having been bored into silliness by a preacher who can't preach, I wrote...
  18. OzSpen

    Christmas, salvation & angels

    Since Jesus' incarnation, which we celebrate at Christmas, was to come as a human being and not as an angel, could it be that God does not provide redemption for angels like he does for human beings? I'm thinking of a verse such as Hebrews 2:16. What do you understand is the meaning of Heb...
  19. OzSpen

    Global slaughter of Christians & silence of churches

    Sisters and brothers in Christ, I urge you to read this article, 'A Global Slaughter of Christians, but America’s Churches Stay Silent'. The article begins: I don't live in the USA, but there is a silence by Christians in my country about this persecution. Wherever you are...
  20. OzSpen

    Hymn writers won't change lyric for Presbyterians

    I thought that you might be interested in this news item from ABC News (USA), 31 July 2013, 'Hymn writers won't change lyric for Presbyterians'. I understand that the Presbyterian Church USA has a strong theological liberal dimension, but this story just about tops it all for me to show how...