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  1. Fantine

    Birds of a Feather...

    The most evil dictator in the world comes to Trump's defense: Let's make a billboard: Endorsed by Vladimir Putin! The choice of dictators worldwide!
  2. Fantine

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Listen hard. Not one says he didn't do the acts for which he was convicted. Instead, they say: He shouldn't have been charged. The crimes were committed too long ago (2016). He has not been convicted of federal election fraud. Not yet! They quibble about NY state law. They say the trial should...
  3. Fantine

    The "political prosecution"

    Well, I guess Republicans are back to calling Biden a criminal mastermind instead of a senile old man. Pence is the latest. Eye roll, please. The purported mastermind orchestrated the NYC courts to prosecute Trump. Really? And they claim this will make...
  4. Fantine

    After Conviction, Trump's stock loses $300 million

    I guess "Truth Social" loses credibility after its owner adds 34 felony convictions to the $450 million tax fraud, $84 million sexual abuse judgment and $25 million fraudulent university judgment. The silver lining I see is that Wall Street realizes he's a bad investment, even if his loyal...
  5. Fantine

    Supreme Court Immunity Decision

    I am wondering whether Mr. Trump's conviction will give the less ideological members of the Court to take limits on presidential immunity more seriously. I recognize two are unreachable, but last week the Court was evaluating the case based on their faith in the relative integrity of our 46...
  6. Fantine

    Is Roberts Timing Planned Alito, Thomas Exits?

    Like most of you, I'm shocked, disappointed and unsurprised that the Supreme Court made an ethics policy and promptly threw it in the trash. Presiding over this is a Chief Justice who is always said to be concerned about his legacy. The outright unchecked corruption and borderline treason of...
  7. Fantine

    Catholic Bishop Sues Magazine Connecting Him to Trump The suit was dropped when the magazine agreed to remove the incorrect info. Bishop Barron,a well-respected Catholic media figure, did my heart good when he set the record straight. Quote: Editors' note: With the author's permission, the editors have removed a...
  8. Fantine

    Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein arrested for assault at Wash U student protest

    So now our country will have two candidates in court during campaign season! Surely we can do better than this. While I believe that President Biden could do more to put pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu to engage in a cease fire to prevent the widespread civilian death, starvation, and...
  9. Fantine

    18 indicted in Arizona, along with one "unindicted co-conspirator."

    I am sure that most of the 18 are shaking their heads and bemoaning that old proverb, "With friends like the unindicted conspirator (DJT), who needs enemies?" I guess that Michigan and Arizona, seeing how busy Trump's court calendar will be with lengthy trials in NY, Washington, D.C., Georgia...
  10. Fantine

    Suozzi wins Santos' former district--one Republican down, 2 or 3 to go...

    Yippee. I am so excited. The Queens/suburban district is seen as a bellwether for other swing districts that turned red in 2022. Because I lived in NY-3 for 16 years, i had been so disheartened to see Santos representing them. And hopefully a sign that Mike Johnson will go back into...
  11. Fantine

    Is it better to raise children without religion?

    This article says studies show it is. According to multiple reports, research has shown that a secular upbringing may be healthier for children. According to a 2010 Duke University study, kids raised this way display less susceptibility to racism and peer pressure, and are “less vengeful, less...
  12. Fantine

    Tipping Ethics

    My children have worked in restaurants when they were younger. In this Bible Belt state, no one wants to work on Sunday morning--because the churchgoers are legendary for tipping 10% or less, sometimes not tipping at all. One mean couple left her a fake dollar bill that said, "Disappointed? You...
  13. Fantine

    The Foundations of 13 Former Presidents Deplore the Attacks on our Democracy and Warn America to Change Today, at the initiative of the George W. Bush Institute, U.S. presidential foundations and centers for thirteen presidents since Herbert Hoover released a statement expressing concern about the health of American democracy. The...
  14. Fantine

    Huckabee's dire prediction for 2024 He says if Trump loses in 2024 it will be the last election decided by ballots instead of bullets. Threatening revolution if Trump doesn't get his way is not a very persuasive platform. I guess we'll just have to declare martial law, activate the National...
  15. Fantine

    Kindergarten Cops?

    I was invited to be a surrogate grandma at a friend's daughter's school yesterday. It's a religious school in a red, red, red state. I have been to lots of grandparents' days in my time, but this one was different. We were all herded into the large cafetorium, where we waited for the children...
  16. Fantine

    Mike Huckabee's Disinformation Series of Children's Books

    If ANY books should be banned from public libraries, these ought to top the list. Just imagining what is inside each title makes me cringe, and while I hope that libraries wouldn't waste their money on them, I am not a book banner and would just hope parents would have the good sense not to take...
  17. Fantine

    Justice Alito on Supreme Court regulation Conservative justices' complaints that congressional oversight is unconstitutional will backfire in the long run, I think. We have heard some horrific stories of lavish gifts and benefits...
  18. Fantine

    I have been told that St. Paul did not write all the epistles....

    I am in my early 70's, and never heard this until about two years ago, I first heard it from a Presbyterian minister, who said that the later Pauline letters seemed to be more 'institutional' in that they wanted Christianity to be more in sync with the Roman Empire in order to spread the faith...
  19. Fantine

    Do American voters need more 2024 choices?

    Heard this discussion on polling yesterday. When polled, most voters say Trump is "criminal," Biden is "old," and DeSantis is "fascist." Do you, too, feel like we need better choices? While I would choose the "old" candidate from those three, the other two terrify me. Where are the knights...
  20. Fantine

    Expunging Trump's Impeachments? They're far from the shallows now...

    It has never been done before, and may not be able to be done. The Senate, which held two trials, obviously won't go along with it. But that doesn't stop Reps. Elise Stefanik (who is bright enough to know better) and MTG (who isn't) from trying. And really, since he is adding on more and more...