Recent content by Whyayeman

  1. Whyayeman

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    No, he was found guilty of 34 felonies. You cannot rewrite the record, however hard you try.
  2. Whyayeman

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Of course not, that was a ridiculous suggestion but I think a custodial sentence is appropriate for 34 felonies. He narrowly escaped a (brief) trip to the cells for contempt of court. Now it just a book-keeping discrepancy. Nice one!
  3. Whyayeman

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    I think he should. Justice must be seen as well as done.
  4. Whyayeman

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    So, only you spotted this. It would have helped the defence if only they had known.
  5. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Well, it might be difficult to find an untainted candidate for the office in the Republican Party. Almost anybody would be a better choice, in my view.
  6. Whyayeman

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    That is easy. He was charged with 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York. You have not been paying attention.
  7. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    That is quite a claim. Can it be substantiated with actual examples?
  8. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Oh, yes! What's not to like? Here is another: 'rigged trial'. The convicted felon has already repeated this empty phrase; outside the court after the Guilty verdict and again in Convicted Felon Tower. As sure as night follows day his coterie will repeat it. It is the latest red hope.
  9. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    There is a problem for you here. Your examples are not news; they are opinion. Then, your last example has come after the verdict. None of these examples support your claim that 'the Biden campaign' has been making capital out of the trials.
  10. Whyayeman

    Swastikas found in Oxford University lavatories

    Are we reduced to slogans?
  11. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    That is not what happened here. A legitimate investigation led to a conviction. America is not a police state.
  12. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    I agree with everything here (#42). In a sane Republican Party these sentiments would be powerful enough to unseat him as candidate for office. However, I think Republicans - Christian or not - knew enough about the man's character to have ditched him many years ago. There is still time to...
  13. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Why would you come to that conclusion? Biden has said nothing about the trial as far as I know. It has been Trump who has made that claim over and over again, even after the Guilty verdict. Why do you believe it?
  14. Whyayeman

    Top Republicans, led by Trump, refuse to commit to accept 2024 election results

    A new dilemma for the Republican Party after the conviction of their candidate for nominaton: should that nomination now go ahead, or should a new candidate for the Presidency be found? The VP choice will be made in the light of that decision.
  15. Whyayeman

    Swastikas found in Oxford University lavatories

    Make up your mind. Are socialists behind the demonstrations, or as previously asserted, Nazis? I don't know about American university towns, but I can tell you that Oxford is not where the most wealth is in this country. To describe a legally held political demonstration as a 'direct attack' is...