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  1. Whyayeman

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    Because it is real. You have been discussing/arguing this on the internet since 2004 and your opinion is unchanged? You haven't been paying attention. (There are YouTube videos for everything.)
  2. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    This is a thread about right-wing activists removing texts. I sense a shifting of the goalposts here. You said: They want the trashy, low-quality, propaganda removed. So you agree. There is an agenda. Right-wing groups are taking over the job of selecting school-books. I think that when a...
  3. Whyayeman

    Hottest Week on Record, Hottest June, Record hottest days, Record Low Antarctic sea ice

    Kentucky is not the world! There is little dispute that weather events are serious and frequent these days. The weight of scientific evidence is now overwhelming. The atmosphere is heating up at the fastest rate, however measured - (and this includes methodologies which can measure atmospheric...
  4. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    These are two extremist books which should not be in school libraries. Any reasonable system of selection would of course block their acquisition. in the unlikely event of librarians seeking to put them on the shelves. This is from #1: A movement that started in schools has rapidly expanded to...
  5. Whyayeman

    America’s Stunning Embrace Of Paganism Signals The End Of This Country As We Know It

    I agree about the usage; the decline of American society is being blamed on a society which has 'lapsed' from its Christian traditions. I think people like me are perhaps included by the original poster. I am not a Christian but I am not a Pagan. Nor have I 'lapsed'. For me this comes down to...
  6. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    Yes, that is the agenda. Library selection is necessary, of course, as budgets are limited. The issue for me is 'who chooses, and on what authority?' Nothing Margaret Atwood has written has been described as porn before as far as I know. I think the objection was to an illustration in a graphic...
  7. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    Yes, perfect. If the jury were undecided this must have been the crucial moment. Here is a fuller version of his remarks in the opening speech from Wikipedia: He asked jurors not to approach the novel "in any priggish, high-minded, super-correct mid-Victorian manner", but alleged that the novel...
  8. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    I am really sorry about that. (And no, I don't think you have just made it up.) I won't be contributing further to this thread.
  9. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    We all know he lied in his video. He told a lie about jury selection - on the video - when he claimed that the judge and prosecution chose the jury. Actually we all know how the jury was selected; prosecuting and defending counsel did it together under the supervision of the judge. He is not...
  10. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Well, it is often used here as a badge of honour. Who first coined it, I wonder? Who wears it on a baseball cap with a suit and a ridiculous tie? You have to admit, it does look ridiculous!
  11. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    Oh, yes, I had forgotten about Nexus, Plexus and Sexus. They were full of filth and I read them from cover to cover!
  12. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Ecclesiastes 10:2 This verse is appended to all Ceillaigh's posts, so I went to my King James Bible (always at hand when I post on CF!). Here are the verses that follow, for anybody interested: 3. Yea...
  13. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    Banning books is counterproductive anyway. Our moist famous case in the UK was about the DH Lawrence novel 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'. It was banned from publication and sale in the UK for half a century as an obscene publication. It was printed in France under plain covers (in English, of...
  14. Whyayeman

    Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

    But the policy for selecting books can be problematic, as here. There is a particular agenda, amounting to censorship. It is unhealthy in a free country like America.
  15. Whyayeman

    America’s Stunning Embrace Of Paganism Signals The End Of This Country As We Know It

    OK. Stonehenge is an enigma. Let us put the discussion of who invented the winter festival aside as irrelevant. To what extent is Paganism embraced by Americans? We have a few professed Pagans in the UK - about 74,000 according to the 2021 National Census. They make next to no impact except to...
  16. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    So the jury was swayed by prejudice? Yet they were selected in the usual way with defence lawyers agreeing to the final twelve chosen after a long and careful process. Trump followers do not accept the rule of the courts generally and this trial in particular - the most scrutinised legal...
  17. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Or even, say, one? The defence team will, I am sure, be grateful.
  18. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    As someone who has lost a relative on the battlefield I understand the value of human life as well as anybody. Many are in the same position and take some comfort from the understanding that the sacrifice was for a great cause - liberty. Trump says he has the solution and we all know what it...
  19. Whyayeman

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    Strong enough. For an appeal to be granted the defence must demonstrate that the trial was defective in some way or that new evidence has been discovered that would likely influence the jury's decision. You can't simply appeal in the hope of a different verdict.