Recent content by T.i.m.o.t.h.y.

  1. T

    Bible Quotes

    Numbrs.6: 24-26 24 The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; 26 The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and...
  2. T

    A - B - C - of Hymns

    When we all get to heaven
  3. T

    A - B - C - of Hymns

    When the roll is called up yonder
  4. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    The problem is not a lack of evidence. The problem is whether or not people acknowledge it as evidence. That is what I mean. The flood of Noah is only acknowledged in terms that atheists are comfortable to address it. They steal the true cause and reassign it to an evolutionary occurrence.
  5. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    But atheists are not capable of being intellectually dishonest. That is your opinion. I know that the Bible does not claim to be a science book and is not a means of teaching archeology. More archeology is continuing to be done to disprove that statement.
  6. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    Such evidence you simply ignore and deny it's existence.
  7. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    Just because you ignore or discredit them doesn't make them non existent. Do you deny that atheists have had official debates with creation scientists? I am not a creation scientist but I've heard and seen the archeology that proves there was. Such are the topics that creation scientists have...
  8. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    That's right. When science is used without hostility against the Bible, I agree with it. I don't use the phrase "falsely called science". I don't have a love hate attitude toward it. Science does not disprove the Bible. But science minded person's, atheists like yourself seek to disprove the...
  9. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    I am addressing the issue. Whether the light is day 1 God's own light shining out from Him.. or day 4 the solar light. The result of day and night is the same. With the distinction that the God-light on day 1 is different (not created) than the solar light on day 4 (created). I have not ever...
  10. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    I am stating that the global flood of Noah is literal. I am saying that the archeology of creation scientists is evidence, therefore I am stating that it is not fiction.
  11. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    It was not a separation on day 4. It was the creation of the sun on day 4. In Genesis two the narrative describes focus of events after day 7 when God finished creating. The entirety involving Adam and Eve. Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are different. There is no contradiction. Yes there are...
  12. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    I disagree with your limited views.
  13. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    As you demonstrate each time with your interpretations. Stating that there are contradictions can be due to interpretive bias also. Many contradictions are due to translation error, or scribal copy error. And the erroneous idea of the Bible publishers or the critical text scholars not to...
  14. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    The Sumerian King list, history's first mention of a great flood dating at 2100 BC. There are many other examples that can be found on internet.
  15. T

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    There are two directions of interpretation. 1. Reading the text as it is. 2. Adding one's own bias to it. There are additional methods as well. There are many archaeological findings that attest to historical validity in Genesis.