Our goal in life should be to seek the truth. This short video celebrates the power of the Holy Spirit.
God is in complete control of our lives. God knows precisely what we need. This short video celebrates the value in trusting God.
God speaks to us through the teachings of Jesus. This short video will help you hear the voice of God.

Understanding God

There are three things that delight God. Understand these three things and you will understand God. This short video will show you how.

Wait for God

God is ready to work on our behalf. Instant gratification is not usually part of God’s plan.

Obedience to God

Love for God is demonstrated in obedience. This brief video illustrates the joy of seeking God’s will.
Nothing is more important than our relationship with Jesus. This short video will help define that relationship.
Are you connected to the body of Christ? This short video explorers this Biblical teaching.
We all face various struggles in life. This short video outlines how God wants to help with your struggles.

Amazing God

The Bible provides us with everything we need to know about our amazing God. This short video is a selection of some essential scripture.
Nothing is better than being blessed by God. This short video will point you toward God’s blessing.
Prayer is the fuel that keeps our spiritual life growing. Prayer moves us closer to God. This short video will help you focus your prayers.

Walk by Faith

Nothing can derail God’s plan in our life. This short video will encourage you with truth from the Bible.
Every day is an opportunity to move closer to God. This short video offers 10 questions for you to consider regarding your Daily Life with God.

Relying on God

We should make every decision together with God. This short video offers some suggestions for connecting with God.

Knowing Jesus

There are great benefits in knowing Jesus. Take a few minutes right now to revisit this essential scripture.

More Like Jesus

Jesus is our source of victory! This brief video considers how our lives connect with his.

One in Christ

This essential scripture is a wonderful reminder of who we are as children of God. Take a few minutes right now to revisit this encouraging message.
maintenance man

Daily Devotionals

Bible study inspired thoughts.
Great Thumbnails! I am currently slowly learning to make my own for my own videos but you got things really down, very nice.

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maintenance man
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