Galatians 6:16 Evaluated

Grip Docility

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Galatians 6:16 is the only verse that is used to prop up the teaching/Doctrine of Supersession.

Let’s evaluate its context...

May peace come to all those who follow this standard, and mercy to the Israel of God! From now on, let no one cause me trouble, because I bear on my body scars for the cause of Jesus. Brothers, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Galatians 6:16-18 - Bible Gateway passage: Galatians 6:16-18 - Holman Christian Standard Bible

Paul immediately separates those he’s addressing in this salutation from “the Israel of God”.

In all of Paul’s gentile letters, he binds circumcision with Abraham.

The issue here is that Abraham wasn’t of the Body of Moses... (Jude 1:9). And for the record, please evaluate Jude 1:9 as Satan is contending for “THE BODY of Moses” with Michael (Defender of Israel, per Daniel 12:1). The context of Satan contending over the corpse of Moses is beyond ridiculous. This is just one of many references to the Tribes of Jacob/Israel (Not Abraham) being called the people of Moses.

If Israel is bound to Moses... which Scripture affirms, even in John 1 and beyond... as Jew and Gentile, saved by the DBR, are bound to Christ, as Ephesians 2 SPECIFICALLY states... why now does the doctrine of Supersession appear, IMO, to ignore painstaking efforts on the Apostles parts to maintain that Israel is Israel and the BOC is the BOC?

All perspectives welcome.
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I believe we're already starting off with a false premise.

I don't believe it's supersessionism that's supported in Galatians - but, instead, a thread of *continuation*. There's not a cutting off of one group - and a beginning of something completely new. "Israel" has always been "the people of God".

As I posted in the other thread - this is all fairly new to me....but this article articulates my beliefs well:

The Church and Israel in the New Testament
by Keith Mathison

One of the most common questions asked by students of the Bible concerns the relationship between Israel and the church. We read the Old Testament, and it is evident that most of it concerns the story of Israel. From Jacob to the exile, the people of God is Israel, and Israel is the people of God. Despite the constant sin of king and people leading to the judgment of exile, the prophets look beyond this judgment with hope to a time of restoration for Israel. When we turn to the New Testament, the same story continues, and Israel is still in the picture. Jesus is described as the one who will be given “the throne of his father David” and the one who “will reign over the house of Jacob [Israel] forever” (Luke 1:32–33). He is presented as the One the prophets foresaw.

On the day of Pentecost, the true Israel, Jewish believers in Jesus, was taken by the Holy Spirit and formed into the nucleus of the New Testament church (Acts 2). The Holy Spirit was poured out on the true Israel, and the same men and women who were part of this true Israel were now the true new covenant church. Soon after, Gentiles began to become a part of this small group.

This is an extremely important point to grasp because it explains why there is so much confusion regarding the relationship between the church and Israel. The answer depends on whether we are talking about national Israel or true Israel. The church is distinct from national Israel, just as the true Israel in the Old Testament was distinct from national Israel even while being part of national Israel. The remnant group was part of the whole but could also be distinguished from the whole by its faith.

However, if we are talking about true Israel, there really is no distinction. The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost.

~ The Church and Israel in the New Testament by Keith Mathison
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Galatians 6:14-16 But far be it from me to boast, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…….all that counts is new [personal] creation. All who take this principal as their guide: peace and mercy be upon them, the Israel of God. Revised English Bible

The proper interpretation and translation of the last phrase in Galatians 6:16 has become a matter of controversy in the past century or so. Formerly, "The Israel of God" was understood as a name for the Church. The καὶ ("and") which precedes the phrase upon the Israel of God, was understood as an explicative καὶ. This understanding of the grammar is reflected in the Revised Standard Version's Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God, and in the New International Version's: even to the Israel of God. It is not necessary, to understand the καὶ as an explicative in order to get substantially the same sense. If it be regarded as an ordinary connective καὶ, the all who take this principal, correctly refers to the individual Christians, Jewish and Gentile, and Israel of God to the same Christians, regarded collectively; being the entire messianic community."

So the rendering "and upon the Israel of God" (KJV and others) is acceptable enough, provided it is not misapplied. In any case, it is clear that in this verse Paul cannot be pronouncing a benediction upon persons who are not included in: All who keep the Christian rule….The entire argument of the epistle contradicts any idea that here in 6:16 he would give a blessing to those who are not Christians.

The phrase has become controversial because the traditional interpretation conflicts with principles of interpretation associated with Dispensationalism. Dispensationalists, those who believe in a ‘rapture to heaven’, insist on maintaining a sharp distinction between "Israel" and "the Church".

They refute the idea that here Paul is using the phrase "Israel of God" in a sense that includes Gentiles, because this undermines their contention that "the Church" is distinguished from "Israel" in Scripture. This major tenet of the 'rapture to heaven' believers, is a false teaching.
The dispensationalist explanation of the meaning of "The Israel of God" in Galatians 6:16 is contrary to Paul’s main point, in which it is said that: in Christ Jesus ... there is neither Jew nor Greek. This central idea of the epistle, is expressed in the third chapter: "you are all one in Christ Jesus ... if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring" Galatians 3:26-29

The fascination with the secular state of Israel which is so characteristic of dispensationalists today has led many of them to think that the restoration of the Jews as "God's people" has already occurred, despite the fact that their rapture has not yet happened and the Jews continue to reject Christ. Dispensationalists insist that this unbelieving Israel according to the flesh must be blessed by everyone. But of course this premise is totally wrong, because there is no blessing for anyone who rejects Christ.

The attempt to limit the meaning of "Israel of God" to the carnal sons of Judah betrays a fundamentally wrong approach to biblical interpretation, and to New Testament theology in particular.
Even in those who do write the correct interpretation of Galatians 6:14-16, I find, however, an insufficient appreciation of Paul's teaching. Peace be upon the Israel of God, is a positive blessing and affirmation of true Christian believers as the spiritual Israel of God.
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Grip Docility

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Galatians 6:14-16 But far be it from me to boast, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…….all that counts is new [personal] creation. All who take this principal as their guide: peace and mercy be upon them, the Israel of God. Revised English Bible

The proper interpretation and translation of the last phrase in Galatians 6:16 has become a matter of controversy in the past century or so. Formerly, "The Israel of God" was understood as a name for the Church. The καὶ ("and") which precedes the phrase upon the Israel of God, was understood as an explicative καὶ. This understanding of the grammar is reflected in the Revised Standard Version's Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God, and in the New International Version's: even to the Israel of God. It is not necessary, to understand the καὶ as an explicative in order to get substantially the same sense. If it be regarded as an ordinary connective καὶ, the all who take this principal, correctly refers to the individual Christians, Jewish and Gentile, and Israel of God to the same Christians, regarded collectively; being the entire messianic community."

So the rendering "and upon the Israel of God" (KJV and others) is acceptable enough, provided it is not misapplied. In any case, it is clear that in this verse Paul cannot be pronouncing a benediction upon persons who are not included in: All who keep the Christian rule….The entire argument of the epistle contradicts any idea that here in 6:16 he would give a blessing to those who are not Christians.

The phrase has become controversial because the traditional interpretation conflicts with principles of interpretation associated with Dispensationalism. Dispensationalists, those who believe in a ‘rapture to heaven’, insist on maintaining a sharp distinction between "Israel" and "the Church".

They refute the idea that here Paul is using the phrase "Israel of God" in a sense that includes Gentiles, because this undermines their contention that "the Church" is distinguished from "Israel" in Scripture. This major tenet of the 'rapture to heaven' believers, is a false teaching.
The dispensationalist explanation of the meaning of "The Israel of God" in Galatians 6:16 is contrary to Paul’s main point, in which it is said that: in Christ Jesus ... there is neither Jew nor Greek. This central idea of the epistle, is expressed in the third chapter: "you are all one in Christ Jesus ... if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring" Galatians 3:26-29

The fascination with the secular state of Israel which is so characteristic of dispensationalists today has led many of them to think that the restoration of the Jews as "God's people" has already occurred, despite the fact that their rapture has not yet happened and the Jews continue to reject Christ. Dispensationalists insist that this unbelieving Israel according to the flesh must be blessed by everyone. But of course this premise is totally wrong, because there is no blessing for anyone who rejects Christ.

The attempt to limit the meaning of "Israel of God" to the carnal sons of Judah betrays a fundamentally wrong approach to biblical interpretation, and to New Testament theology in particular.
Even in those who do write the correct interpretation of Galatians 6:14-16, I find, however, an insufficient appreciation of Paul's teaching. Peace be upon the Israel of God, is a positive blessing and affirmation of true Christian believers as the spiritual Israel of God.

Good post. I can easily say there is a Heavenly Israel/Jerusalem, per Paul’s explanation in Galatians 4.

I also see the cutting off, in Romans 11.

I have studied Romans 11:11-36 extensively enough to know that there will be a future regrafting.

Along this line, it becomes clear that Jerusalem coming down, new... as Revelation states seems to line up with your explanation.

I will look into this further and gather you are displeased with dispensational theology, so in that light, I will add a grain of salt. But, well written and much for me to process.
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Grip Docility

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I believe we're already starting off with a false premise.

I don't believe it's supersessionism that's supported in Galatians - but, instead, a thread of *continuation*. There's not a cutting off of one group - and a beginning of something completely new. "Israel" has always been "the people of God".

As I posted in the other thread - this is all fairly new to me....but this article articulates my beliefs well:

Galatians 6:14-16 But far be it from me to boast, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…….all that counts is new [personal] creation. All who take this principal as their guide: peace and mercy be upon them, the Israel of God. Revised English Bible

The proper interpretation and translation of the last phrase in Galatians 6:16 has become a matter of controversy in the past century or so. Formerly, "The Israel of God" was understood as a name for the Church. The καὶ ("and") which precedes the phrase upon the Israel of God, was understood as an explicative καὶ. This understanding of the grammar is reflected in the Revised Standard Version's Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God, and in the New International Version's: even to the Israel of God. It is not necessary, to understand the καὶ as an explicative in order to get substantially the same sense. If it be regarded as an ordinary connective καὶ, the all who take this principal, correctly refers to the individual Christians, Jewish and Gentile, and Israel of God to the same Christians, regarded collectively; being the entire messianic community."

So the rendering "and upon the Israel of God" (KJV and others) is acceptable enough, provided it is not misapplied. In any case, it is clear that in this verse Paul cannot be pronouncing a benediction upon persons who are not included in: All who keep the Christian rule….The entire argument of the epistle contradicts any idea that here in 6:16 he would give a blessing to those who are not Christians.

The phrase has become controversial because the traditional interpretation conflicts with principles of interpretation associated with Dispensationalism. Dispensationalists, those who believe in a ‘rapture to heaven’, insist on maintaining a sharp distinction between "Israel" and "the Church".

They refute the idea that here Paul is using the phrase "Israel of God" in a sense that includes Gentiles, because this undermines their contention that "the Church" is distinguished from "Israel" in Scripture. This major tenet of the 'rapture to heaven' believers, is a false teaching.
The dispensationalist explanation of the meaning of "The Israel of God" in Galatians 6:16 is contrary to Paul’s main point, in which it is said that: in Christ Jesus ... there is neither Jew nor Greek. This central idea of the epistle, is expressed in the third chapter: "you are all one in Christ Jesus ... if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring" Galatians 3:26-29

The fascination with the secular state of Israel which is so characteristic of dispensationalists today has led many of them to think that the restoration of the Jews as "God's people" has already occurred, despite the fact that their rapture has not yet happened and the Jews continue to reject Christ. Dispensationalists insist that this unbelieving Israel according to the flesh must be blessed by everyone. But of course this premise is totally wrong, because there is no blessing for anyone who rejects Christ.

The attempt to limit the meaning of "Israel of God" to the carnal sons of Judah betrays a fundamentally wrong approach to biblical interpretation, and to New Testament theology in particular.
Even in those who do write the correct interpretation of Galatians 6:14-16, I find, however, an insufficient appreciation of Paul's teaching. Peace be upon the Israel of God, is a positive blessing and affirmation of true Christian believers as the spiritual Israel of God.

In deep study of Galatians 6:16, context and correct Greek rendering put forth 2 very likely meanings... based on the word (Kai) which translates to “and”

There are three Kai’s in the verse.

The final Kai is where the argument comes in. 2 of the possible renderings are in diametric dispute. The third rendering is in dispute with only one of them.

The following two views are supported by this view. Kai renders the entire verse without break and refers to the unity of God’s Israel through Christ.

Supersession (Minor View)

Israel of God is referring to the Heavenly Jerusalem where we are all one in Jesus.

Supersession (Major View)

Israel of God is the complete replacement of National Israel.

Dispensational (Minor View)

The Kai is rendered to “And”... thus the verse reads “And the Israel of God”... Taking into context the Unity of the Jews that believe, in stark contrast to the Unbelieving Judaizers that Paul has been railing against and called cursed.

Dispensational (Major View)

The Kai is rendered to the rare form “Even”, thus making it, “Even the Israel of God”. This suggests Paul is attempting to show mercy and Love to the Jews that he has railed against that are enemies of the gospel.

The Kai to the “Even” rendering is rare and seems out of place towards the Enemy of the Gospel Jews as Paul has just suggested extreme circumcision for them (AKA castration)... as well as rendered them cursed.

The Kai to the “And” rendering is very common and shifts location only by contextual understanding. As the “and“ located in the “BOC is Israel sense”... fits the context of Jews and Gentiles unifying in the BOC and not holding one another in division.

The Kai to the “And”, as in, “and the Israel of God”, Nods recognition to the Jews that are unifying with the BOC, in support of Unity contextually discussed and contrast to the cursed of Israel that are Judaizing.

Which one is right? That’s for each of us to decide, in respect to scripture and the 1 John 2:27 of the matter.
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Jun 12, 2012
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Galatians 6:16 is the only verse that is used to prop up the teaching/Doctrine of Supersession.
Let’s evaluate its context...

May peace come to all those who follow this standard, and mercy to the Israel of God! From now on, let no one cause me trouble, because I bear on my body scars for the cause of Jesus. Brothers, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Galatians 6:16-18 - Bible Gateway passage: Galatians 6:16-18 - Holman Christian Standard Bible
Paul immediately separates those he’s addressing in this salutation from “the Israel of God”.
In all of Paul’s gentile letters, he binds circumcision with Abraham.
Does he not also bind all those of faith in Jesus Christ with Abraham (Gal 3:29)?
The issue here is that Abraham wasn’t of the Body of Moses... (Jude 1:9).
Isn't that from an Apocryphal work (The Assumption of Moses), not regarded as divinely inspired?
And doesn't the "body of Moses" there refer to Moses' actual physical body?
And for the record, please evaluate Jude 1:9 as Satan is contending for “THE BODY of Moses” with Michael (Defender of Israel, per Daniel 12:1). The context of Satan contending over the corpse of Moses is beyond ridiculous. This is just one of many references to the Tribes of Jacob/Israel (Not Abraham) being called the people of Moses.

If Israel is bound to Moses... which Scripture affirms, even in John 1 and beyond... as Jew and Gentile, saved by the DBR, are bound to Christ, as Ephesians 2 SPECIFICALLY states... why now does the doctrine of Supersession appear, IMO, to ignore painstaking efforts on the Apostles parts to maintain that Israel is Israel and the BOC is the BOC?
Except for the one olive tree of God's people, both Jew and Gentile, in Ro 11:16-23, and both OT and NT saints in the church (Heb 12:22-24)?
All perspectives welcome.
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Grip Docility

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Does he not also bind all those of faith in Jesus Christ with Abraham (Gal 3:29)?

Isn't that from an Apocryphal work (The Assumption of Moses), not regarded as divinely inspired?

Except for the one olive tree of God's people, both Jew and Gentile, in Ro 11:16-23?
Actually, in the OT, two olive trees are mentioned. Also… no apocryphal references. Moses and Abraham are seperated by time for good purpose.

Abraham is not an Israelite. He preceded Israel. If this was not so… Then we would still be under the law and Galatians wouldn’t exist.

As for the book of Jude (Jude 1:9)… it is Canon. Michael is Israel’s defender, per the book of Daniel. Daniel 12:1
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Grip Docility

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Does he not also bind all those of faith in Jesus Christ with Abraham (Gal 3:29)?

Isn't that from an Apocryphal work (The Assumption of Moses), not regarded as divinely inspired?
And doesn't the "body of Moses" there refer to Moses' actual physical body?

Except for the one olive tree of God's people, both Jew and Gentile, in Ro 11:16-23, and both OT and NT saints in the church (Heb 12:22-24)?
Two Olive Trees… Zechariah 4:11
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Jun 12, 2012
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Actually, in the OT, two olive trees are mentioned. Also… no apocryphal references. Moses and Abraham are seperated by time for good purpose.

Abraham is not an Israelite.
Abraham is the father of Israel.
He preceded Israel. If this was not so… Then we would still be under the law and Galatians wouldn’t exist.

As for the book of Jude… it is Canon. Michael is Israel’s defender, per the book of Daniel.
The NT is the OT revealed, while the OT is the NT concealed.
Apostolic teaching is authoritative to the church, with which all understanding of Scripture must agree, right?. . .and wherein is one olive tree of both Jew and Gentile, right?
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Grip Docility

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Abraham is the father of Israel.

The NT is the OT revealed, while the OT is the NT concealed.
Apostolic teaching is authoritative to the church, with which all understanding of Scripture must agree, right?. . .and wherein is one olive tree of both Jew and Gentile, right?
Romans 11 discusses this… but Zechariah 4:11 precedes all completed grafting.
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Grip Docility

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Abraham is the father of Israel.

The NT is the OT revealed, while the OT is the NT concealed.
Apostolic teaching is authoritative to the church, with which all understanding of Scripture must agree, right?. . .and wherein is one olive tree of both Jew and Gentile, right?
No… Abraham is not Israel. Jacob is Literally Israel.

Abraham is considered the Father of the full number, but Jacob literally was renamed to Israel for good purpose.

Abraham proceeds the Law. If you conflate Abraham with Israel, you null Paul’s writings in Galatians, as Unbelieving Israel is still under the slavery of mount Sin. Hagar is associated with Israel, via the stone tablets and slavery that is incurred under the bondage of the Law. Remember when Paul declares, cast out the Slave Woman?
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Jun 12, 2012
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Romans 11 discusses this… but Zechariah 4:11 precedes all completed grafting.
The two olive trees are Zerubbabel (royal line of David) and Joshua (priest), pointing ultimately to the one Messianic King-Priest (Heb 7).
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Grip Docility

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The two olive trees are Zerubbabel (royal line of David) and Joshua (priest), pointing ultimately to the one Messianic King-Priest (Heb 7).
Think about that... The King who tore the curtain of the Holy place. The very one who is peace to the Jew and Gentile. There is now one tree, but has God abandoned literal Israel? Why did God allow an intentional Partial Hardening, as enunciated by many NT passages? It will end in ONE TREE, but it is currently still broken, even according to Paul, in Romans 11.

Remember when Jesus curses the "fig tree"?
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Jun 12, 2012
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Think about that... The King who tore the curtain of the Holy place. The very one who is peace to the Jew and Gentile. There is now one tree, but has God abandoned literal Israel? Why did God allow an intentional Partial Hardening, as enunciated by many NT passages? It will end in ONE TREE, but it is currently still broken, even according to Paul, in Romans 11.

Remember when Jesus curses the "fig tree"?
God has only one people, the one olive tree of Ro 11, composed of both believing Jews and believing Gentiles.
None who do not believe in Jesus Christ are in God's people.
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Grip Docility

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God has only one people, the one olive tree of Ro 11, composed of both believing Jews and believing Gentiles.
None who do not believe in Jesus Christ are in God's people.
Correct, enter Romans 11
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Galatians 6:16 is the only verse that is used to prop up the teaching/Doctrine of Supersession.

Let’s evaluate its context...

May peace come to all those who follow this standard, and mercy to the Israel of God! From now on, let no one cause me trouble, because I bear on my body scars for the cause of Jesus. Brothers, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Galatians 6:16-18 - Bible Gateway passage: Galatians 6:16-18 - Holman Christian Standard Bible

Paul immediately separates those he’s addressing in this salutation from “the Israel of God”.

In all of Paul’s gentile letters, he binds circumcision with Abraham.

The issue here is that Abraham wasn’t of the Body of Moses... (Jude 1:9). And for the record, please evaluate Jude 1:9 as Satan is contending for “THE BODY of Moses” with Michael (Defender of Israel, per Daniel 12:1). The context of Satan contending over the corpse of Moses is beyond ridiculous. This is just one of many references to the Tribes of Jacob/Israel (Not Abraham) being called the people of Moses.

If Israel is bound to Moses... which Scripture affirms, even in John 1 and beyond... as Jew and Gentile, saved by the DBR, are bound to Christ, as Ephesians 2 SPECIFICALLY states... why now does the doctrine of Supersession appear, IMO, to ignore painstaking efforts on the Apostles parts to maintain that Israel is Israel and the BOC is the BOC?

All perspectives welcome.
Supersession is just as foolish as the dispensational two citizenships in Christ’s mediation. Ephesians 2 supports Christ’s mediation over the uncircumcised and circumcised as a new creature. We see this in the Old Testament prophecies where God scattered the sheep through Christ,

Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones. (Zechariah 13:7)​

The context is the first advent, insomuch as Christ was crucified and the sheep scattered, fulfilling Christ’s parables, like the sowing of the good seed. Unlike the Jews, the northern tribes mix with the Gentiles. He returns as king. There is no separate mediation for the circumcised.
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Grip Docility

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Supersession is just as foolish as the dispensational two citizenships in Christ’s mediation. Ephesians 2 supports Christ’s mediation over the uncircumcised and circumcised as a new creature. We see this in the Old Testament prophecies where God scattered the sheep through Christ,

Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones. (Zechariah 13:7)​

The context is the first advent, insomuch as Christ was crucified and the sheep scattered, fulfilling Christ’s parables, like the sowing of the good seed. Unlike the Jews, the northern tribes mix with the Gentiles. He returns as king. There is no separate mediation for the circumcised.
I know that there is much in Zechariah 14, Joel 3 and Romans 11... and I don't know how it all will fully play out, because Paul writes it as a Mystery. I do wish that the Body of Christ would step to and realize that Jews and Israel matter to God. Anti Semitism that flows from the Western Body is painful to observe.
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I know that there is much in Zechariah 14, Joel 3 and Romans 11... and I don't know how it all will fully play out, because Paul writes it as a Mystery. I do wish that the Body of Christ would step to and realize that Jews and Israel matter to God. Anti Semitism that flows from the Western Body is painful to observe.
I would say it goes both ways. Remember, it was the Jews who first persecuted the believers, their fellow brethren. It still lingers today with the ADL’s attempt to dominate the Goyim who avow “Christ is King.” To this day, Jews disown their own family members who avow Christ.

As I said, the northern tribes mixed with the Gentiles to become Christians with more regularity than the Jews. Christ is the cause of the enmity between the two kingdoms.

And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. (Zechariah 11:13-14)​

I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. (Romans 11:11)​

Matthew 27:1-10 maintains Zechariah prophesied the first advent. The jealousy persists until Christ returns.

Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand… And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all. (Ezekiel 37:19, 21-22)​

The body of Christ commences the joining of the two kingdoms, which is consummated when Christ returns. In essence, all Israel shall be saved (Romans 11:26); it is finished when Christ returns; it doesn’t begin as dispensationalists believe.

God did not replace his people as Supersessionists believe, and neither did he stop feeding them as dispensationalists hold. Everything is fulfilled exactly as the prophets predicted.
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Jun 12, 2012
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Correct, enter Romans 11
And only the remnant who have not been hardened will be saved during that 2,000+ years, right?
Just as only a remnant of the Gentiles is being saved during that same time period?
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Jun 12, 2012
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I know that there is much in Zechariah 14, Joel 3 and Romans 11... and I don't know how it all will fully play out, because Paul writes it as a Mystery. I do wish that the Body of Christ would step to and realize that Jews and Israel matter to God. Anti Semitism that flows from the Western Body is painful to observe.
You think the church is anti-Semitic? Not in my neck of the woods.

Yet the teaching of Jesus Christ (Gal 1:11-12) through Paul puts Jews on the same footing as all mankind; i.e., salvation is conditioned on faith in Jesus Christ.

Keeping in mind that Paul received his teaching from Jesus Christ (Gal 1:11-12), he being the real teacher there of the Jews' conditional (not guaranteed) salvation (Ro 11:23).
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