The Goodness of God


Kitchen Ninja
Oct 19, 2014
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I got my current job despite several people trying to sabotage it. It would take a long time to explain the backstories and the political backstabbings going on in the background, but I'll shorten it to this: I begged God to save me from the job I had, and then I interviewed, hoping it was an answer to my prayer.

I was not selected originally. The manager liked me, but the HR person hated my brother and didn't I deserved the job being so new, and they continually convinced the manager I'd be a bad fit.
Well the person they picked changed their mind and took another position, and the person after them, also changed their mind and transferred to another store instead, and the person after them decided they didnt want to transfer from another store after all, and the one after them... Seeing a pattern?...

They went through every single candidate, and I don't know how many job offers got signed that somehow resulted in not even one shift being worked-- on their way down to me until I was the only one left. Now I'm the manager, and very nearly got promoted to a corporate position they just created. I made it all the way to the last round of cuts before they let me know they were choosing someone else at this time.

God opened this door for me, and has allowed me to succeed despite multiple backstabbing, double-talking snakes that have tried to ruin me. Makes me have a special appreciation for stories like Daniel, and Joseph.
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I agree with this. I think it is difficult to trust God until you truly accept that he is loving and good and wants the best for us. I think sometimes people fear that God will disrupt their plans or prevent something they desire from happening and they shrink back from surrendering their life fully to him. In reality though it's the very opposite. He's trying to prevent us from dettoying our lives through sin or foolish choices. I'm glad to hear that things are working out well for you.

Thank you.

It's like the analogy of the giraffe and ant. If we're on the ground we can't see from his perspective. He has a different vantage point than we do. Many things don't make sense because of that. We don't understand the no and not now on our level. He knows what's up ahead. We don't.

Recognizing surrender is a continuum is a start. As we grow in maturity and trust we'll give Him more. In some places He has the reins and others are a process.

There was a time when marriage was a focus. But it rarely crosses my mind. I pray for my husband and thank the Lord for him and our family and that's it. It's a done deal. I don't need to dwell on it now. I don't feel the longing anymore or wonder when. It's in His hands.

I'm experiencing a similar result in my work, studies and health. Things are moving on their own so to speak. Much like marriage they're done deals in my mind. I've prayed and fasted and now I stand. There's no need to worry.

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May 20, 2015
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I got my current job despite several people trying to sabotage it. It would take a long time to explain the backstories and the political backstabbings going on in the background, but I'll shorten it to this: I begged God to save me from the job I had, and then I interviewed, hoping it was an answer to my prayer.

I was not selected originally. The manager liked me, but the HR person hated my brother and didn't I deserved the job being so new, and they continually convinced the manager I'd be a bad fit.
Well the person they picked changed their mind and took another position, and the person after them, also changed their mind and transferred to another store instead, and the person after them decided they didnt want to transfer from another store after all, and the one after them... Seeing a pattern?...

They went through every single candidate, and I don't know how many job offers got signed that somehow resulted in not even one shift being worked-- on their way down to me until I was the only one left. Now I'm the manager, and very nearly got promoted to a corporate position they just created. I made it all the way to the last round of cuts before they let me know they were choosing someone else at this time.

God opened this door for me, and has allowed me to succeed despite multiple backstabbing, double-talking snakes that have tried to ruin me. Makes me have a special appreciation for stories like Daniel, and Joseph.
Your story is a good example of God's goodness and how he provides for us. It's really awful though how petty and spiteful some can be. It's definitely encouraging that God opened the door for you and helped you past all the obstacles.
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“But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:25-28

It goes along with the things mentioned here as far as trusting God, the discussion of His goodness, (part of which is His patience with us therefore we should also exhibit patience..whether awaiting an answer from Him, or being patient with other believers or the people of the world), hope, and surrendering to the Lord. He will intercede for us as He sees fit, He knows what we need, what is best for us and these verses help strengthen faith and trust in Him.

Romans 8:28 is always a well known and very reassuring verse. It doesn’t mean things will always get what we want at any given time or situation, God knows what is best for us better than we do. So that goes back to what was discussed earlier as far as being content..appreciating things like being outside in nature : ) Or when less desirable times come, things will eventually work out for the good of those whom have answered God’s call on their lives and love Him.

The further along we go with the Lord our desires will become less worldly and align more with His will, which reminds me of Psalms 37:4-5. “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” He gives us a new heart (Psalms 51:10) which has desires more aligned with His will for us, a heart that enables us to serve Him. To bring Him glory. The masses delight in the world’s system, and it’s fallen culture and at the same time ironically it makes them miserable and full of discontentment. But God gives the Christian the power to be content even in adversity, like Paul the Apostle when he was in prison, or being persecuted against and getting expelled from regions he went to preach to. It is inspiring he went from attempting to destroy the faith, to being used very heavily by God and serves as a model to emulate in the church, he was a living example of God’s goodness, His mercy, His willingness to forgive and bring a former sinner along to much greater things. God enabled him to completely become an entirely new creation, directly opposing what he once was.

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.“
1 Peter 5:6-7
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“But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:25-28

It goes along with the things mentioned here as far as trusting God, the discussion of His goodness, (part of which is His patience with us therefore we should also exhibit patience..whether awaiting an answer from Him, or being patient with other believers or the people of the world), hope, and surrendering to the Lord. He will intercede for us as He sees fit, He knows what we need, what is best for us and these verses help strengthen faith and trust in Him.

Romans 8:28 is always a well known and very reassuring verse. It doesn’t mean things will always get what we want at any given time or situation, God knows what is best for us better than we do. So that goes back to what was discussed earlier as far as being content..appreciating things like being outside in nature : ) Or when less desirable times come, things will eventually work out for the good of those whom have answered God’s call on their lives and love Him.

The further along we go with the Lord our desires will become less worldly and align more with His will, which reminds me of Psalms 37:4-5. “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” He gives us a new heart (Psalms 51:10) which has desires more aligned with His will for us, a heart that enables us to serve Him. To bring Him glory. The masses delight in the world’s system, and it’s fallen culture and at the same time ironically it makes them miserable and full of discontentment. But God gives the Christian the power to be content even in adversity, like Paul the Apostle when he was in prison, or being persecuted against and getting expelled from regions he went to preach to. It is inspiring he went from attempting to destroy the faith, to being used very heavily by God and serves as a model to emulate in the church, he was a living example of God’s goodness, His mercy, His willingness to forgive and bring a former sinner along to much greater things. God enabled him to completely become an entirely new creation, directly opposing what he once was.

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.“
1 Peter 5:6-7
I really like all the verses you shared, especially Psalm 37. I totally agree with your point that the further we develop spiritually, the more we desire things that are Godly and spiritual. I really like how strong of a term "delight" is. I think that is equivalent to feeling enraptured and captivated by someone. I like that you added this verse to the discussion, because it really helps to illustrate how you will feel about God when you focus on his goodness and blessings and spend time in fellowship with him
It's really uplifting to think about that.
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Sep 21, 2022
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I really like all the verses you shared, especially Psalm 37. I totally agree with your point that the further we develop spiritually, the more we desire things that are Godly and spiritual. I really like how strong of a term "delight" is. I think that is equivalent to feeling enraptured and captivated by someone. I like that you added this verse to the discussion, because it really helps to illustrate how you will feel about God when you focus on his goodness and blessings and spend time in fellowship with him
It's really uplifting to think about that.

Yes ‘delight’ is excellent wording. It in fact is another blessing from God not to be overlooked, to delight in Him..fallen mortal humans are incapable of delighting in the Lord without His grace and mercy operating in their lives due to a tendency toward sin and selfishness in the natural man. The things of God are foolishness to those who walk after the flesh and are spiritually blind (1 Cor. 2:14).

Fallen man’s standard of good is far inferior to God’s. As the Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 10:18 no one is good but God, when He was rebuking the rich young ruler. Which is an interesting verse because the Lord Jesus Christ is subtly hinting at His divinity, attempting to get the young ruler to further examine His goodness (why call me good?), and also leading the rich young ruler to examine his own lack of goodness..regardless of all his commandment keeping. He delighted in his own righteousness and earthly treasure more than God, and was not willing to give up everything to follow Christ. These are some other relevant verses relating to delight in the Lord. It truly simplifies life and produces contentment to maintain focus on the things of God and delight in Him above all else, putting the distractions of the world to the side.

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
1 John 2:15

“Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.”
Psalms 73:25

“Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
Habakkuk 3:17-18

“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,”
Philippians 3:8

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“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,”
Philippians 3:8
Philippians really is amazing <3
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Jan 16, 2019
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@YankeeGirl's comment on suffering was really refreshing. You don't hear a lot about bearing up with grace anymore. We see examples in the bible and early church writings whose poignancy inspires and challenges.

Listen carefully, my child, to your master's precepts, and incline the ear of your heart. Receive willingly and carry out effectively His commands. This message is for you, then, if you are ready to give up your own will once and for all, and armed with the strong and noble weapons of obedience to do battle for the true King, Christ the Lord.

It's true, I suffer a great deal--but do I suffer well? That is the question.

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May 20, 2015
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@YankeeGirl's comment on suffering was really refreshing. You don't hear a lot about bearing up with grace anymore. We see examples in the bible and early church writings whose poignancy inspires and challenges.

Listen carefully, my child, to your master's precepts, and incline the ear of your heart. Receive willingly and carry out effectively His commands. This message is for you, then, if you are ready to give up your own will once and for all, and armed with the strong and noble weapons of obedience to do battle for the true King, Christ the Lord.

It's true, I suffer a great deal--but do I suffer well? That is the question.

I agree. I like what you shared. I especially like that last line. We don't hear about suffering for the gospel anymore. It's not emphasized by many pastors. In fact, I've met many Christians that were genuinely surprised that being a true follower of Christ will set you apart and that you will experience some form of enmity from the unsaved. Since Christianity is legal in the west, they assume there will be no suffering.

It doesn't always mean physical persecution. It can be as simple as being ostracized or disliked for the faith. We need to accept that being a follower of Christ will cause some disruptions to our friendships and relationships. Christ warned us that following Him would bring a sword in our relationships and divide families. If the world hated him, they will also hate his followers. I think it's very harmful to gloss over this when we try to reach others. We have to count the cost before truly surrendering our life to Christ. It's interesting though that the attitude of the early church was very different towards suffering for Christ. The passage you quoted is a great example.

I loved the last words of St. Ignatius so much that I decided to make it my signature here years ago. To the early church fathers and martyrs, suffering for Christ was a great honor. The account of his martyrdom is so inspiring and touching. He actually wrote to some of the disciples and told them to not make any attempts to secure his escape.

I think a great and edifying book to read is Foxes Book of Martyrs. He includes so many stories of men and women who died heroically for Christ. It early makes you think about the decline of the Christian faith in the west.
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I agree. I like what you shared. I especially like that last line. We don't hear about suffering for the gospel anymore. It's not emphasized by many pastors. In fact, I've met many Christians that were genuinely surprised that being a true follower of Christ will set you apart and that you will experience some form of enmity from the unsaved. Since Christianity is legal in the west, they assume there will be no suffering.

I used to read a book about the saints as a child. I was really intrigued with them. I discovered Gibran later on and enjoyed Rumi as well. Suffering was a common theme in their work. My favorite book in the bible growing up was Ecclesiastes followed by Proverbs, Sirach and The Wisdom of Solomon. I've read a few mystics too. I enjoyed Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux the most.

I developed a clear understanding of many principles relating to faith and life that aren't popular. Like loss, waiting, denial and suffering. I found myself in the company with others who shared a similar philosophy. They weren't believers but a lot of the principles were there.

I was going through a difficult time and this piece helped me heal. I wrote a public response and addressed each stanza. Swallowing the medicine line by line. By the time I was done I had peace. I'll share it below.

And a woman spoke, saying, Tell us of Pain.

And he said:
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility:

For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

I love the reference to silence and tranquility. I used to have a quiet day once a week. I'd fast from talking and be still. It was a lesson in stillness and I learned how to sit with my thoughts and emotions without utterance. I had a lot spiritual practices during that period even though I was estranged from God. Most of them are considered contemplative. They're beneficial for times like this when anchoring and settledness aren't plentiful.

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I used to read a book about the saints as a child. I was really intrigued with them. I discovered Gibran later on and enjoyed Rumi as well. Suffering was a common theme in their work. My favorite book in the bible growing up was Ecclesiastes followed by Proverbs, Sirach and The Wisdom of Solomon. I've read a few mystics too. I enjoyed Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux the most.

I developed a clear understanding of many principles relating to faith and life that aren't popular. Like loss, waiting, denial and suffering. I found myself in the company with others who shared a similar philosophy. They weren't believers but a lot of the principles were there.

I was going through a difficult time and this piece helped me heal. I wrote a public response and addressed each stanza. Swallowing the medicine line by line. By the time I was done I had peace. I'll share it below.

And a woman spoke, saying, Tell us of Pain.

And he said:
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility:

For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

I love the reference to silence and tranquility. I used to have a quiet day once a week. I'd fast from talking and be still. It was a lesson in stillness and I learned how to sit with my thoughts and emotions without utterance. I had a lot spiritual practices during that period even though I was estranged from God. Most of them are considered contemplative. They're beneficial for times like this when anchoring and settledness aren't plentiful.

Hey same. Ecclesiastes has always been one of my favorite books too. A few years ago I carefully read through it and I found it really encouraging. My favorite themes in the book were the seasons to life and that the day of a man's death is better than his birth. The passage I liked most was Ecclesiastes 7: 2-3.

I found it encouraging to realize that when you have sorrows and experience suffering you are actually more fortunate in some ways. You are being given an opportunity to be sober and draw closer to God. I think some people can remain shallow their whole lives and be focused on the pleasures of this life if they have never truly been touched by sufferings. So in a way, this relates back to my original post about the Goodness of God. He allows us sometimes to pass through certain trials, because through the trials our hearts are often made softer and we become less attached to worlds things.

It really is interesting to think about these things. I think it helps to put our circumstances into perspective. Anyway thanks for sharing that. I also think it's interesting that you spent time purposely focused on being quiet and alone with your thoughts. It's hard to be sober and spiritually minded when we are distracted. A lot of people can't handle being still, because it forces them to think about more serious things.
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Hey same. Ecclesiastes has always been one of my favorite books too. A few years ago I carefully read through it and I found it really encouraging. My favorite themes in the book were the seasons to life and that the day of a man's death is better than his birth. The passage I liked most was Ecclesiastes 7: 2-3.

How uncanny! Ecclesiastes 3 was my favorite. I was quite young at the time but it helped me to see that everything has a purpose and change is inevitable.


I found it encouraging to realize that when you have sorrows and experience suffering you are actually more fortunate in some ways. You are being given an opportunity to be sober and draw closer to God. I think some people can remain shallow their whole lives and be focused on the pleasures of this life if they have never truly been touched by sufferings. So in a way, this relates back to my original post about the Goodness of God. He allows us sometimes to pass through certain trials, because through the trials our hearts are often made softer and we become less attached to worlds things.

I learned a lot from being sick. Lessons on time, patience, acceptance and contentment to name a few. I learned the meaning of kindness and benevolence and experienced both as I never had. It was humbling. I had an opportunity to bless others in return. It wasn't for naught.

It really is interesting to think about these things. I think it helps to put our circumstances into perspective. Anyway thanks for sharing that. I also think it's interesting that you spent time purposely focused on being quiet and alone with your thoughts. It's hard to be sober and spiritually minded when we are distracted. A lot of people can't handle being still, because it forces them to think about more serious things.

I spent a lot of time in religious settings growing up. We had a close relationship with our parish and visited often. I went alone as well to talk and ask questions. The atmosphere was peaceful. We had snacks and spoke about God. My aunt wasn't catholic but she was equally engaged. I'd listen to the bible on tape when visiting. She taught me about prayer and we attended meetings and conferences. I spent time with the nuns at the rectory in high school.

That's probably where that comes from. Early impressions and experiences that remained with me. I spent years looking for God elsewhere but I always wanted Him. I needed something deeper and immersive. Church wasn't enough. I read the bulletin in a day. I was hungry and no one realized I was starving.

I needed a relationship with God beyond the things I saw and heard. I think the priests understood that's why they gave me a bible and talked with me. I thought about being a nun and visited a monastery although I wasn't catholic I kept an open mind. I loved it and didn't want to leave. But the Lord said no.

They practice silence too. It began with dinner and someone read while we ate. It lasted until 4 AM. They had seven periods of prayer throughout the day. It was magical.

There's an old exercise I discovered years ago. Sit quiet for five minutes and listen to the thoughts in your head. It helps you recognize what comes from you and what doesn't. You'll never realize how much the devil talks or what he says until you get quiet. That's when you'll understand the necessity of guarding your heart and mind and unplugging is part of it.

God bless and thanks for sharing.

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May 20, 2015
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How uncanny! Ecclesiastes 3 was my favorite. I was quite young at the time but it helped me to see that everything has a purpose and change is inevitable.

View attachment 333848

I learned a lot from being sick. Lessons on time, patience, acceptance and contentment to name a few. I learned the meaning of kindness and benevolence and experienced both as I never had. It was humbling. I had an opportunity to bless others in return. It wasn't for naught.

I spent a lot of time in religious settings growing up. We had a close relationship with our parish and visited often. I went alone as well to talk and ask questions. The atmosphere was peaceful. We had snacks and spoke about God. My aunt wasn't catholic but she was equally engaged. I'd listen to the bible on tape when visiting. She taught me about prayer and we attended meetings and conferences. I spent time with the nuns at the rectory in high school.

That's probably where that comes from. Early impressions and experiences that remained with me. I spent years looking for God elsewhere but I always wanted Him. I needed something deeper and immersive. Church wasn't enough. I read the bulletin in a day. I was hungry and no one realized I was starving.

I needed a relationship with God beyond the things I saw and heard. I think the priests understood that's why they gave me a bible and talked with me. I thought about being a nun and visited a monastery although I wasn't catholic I kept an open mind. I loved it and didn't want to leave. But the Lord said no.

They practice silence too. It began with dinner and someone read while we ate. It lasted until 4 AM. They had seven periods of prayer throughout the day. It was magical.

There's an old exercise I discovered years ago. Sit quiet for five minutes and listen to the thoughts in your head. It helps you recognize what comes from you and what doesn't. You'll never realize how much the devil talks or what he says until you get quiet. That's when you'll understand the necessity of guarding your heart and mind and unplugging is part of it.

God bless and thanks for sharing.

Perhaps someday we could have a thread in Singles devoted to a study of Ecclesiastes. We could all share our thoughts on the themes of the book. It might be enjoyable for some of us.

A verse that showed up the other day as the daily verse on my Bible app was Romans 15:4. I tend to read the KJV translation most often and I really like the word "comfort." The NIV translates it as encouragement which is still a very similar idea. I was thinking about being comforted by God and what a tremendous feeling that is. I'm sure that a study on all the ways he comforts us could be very interesting. I wanted to add that thought that one of the attributes of his goodness is that he comforts us. Normally I think of the Holy Spirit when the word comfort is used in the NT and I also think of God comforting us with his presence in times of our sorrows and sufferings. I don't think I've ever really stopped to think of the Scriptures as being another source of his comfort. I think of them more as edifying and enlightening/convicting/ piercing.

They definitely are comforting though and I have been edified and encouraged many times by reading Scripture. I just never really stopped to think about it in that way. The wording in this verse in Romans really struck me in a different way. It's very interesting to think about this and that God has given us his words to guide and comfort us.

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Perhaps someday we could have a thread in Singles devoted to a study of Ecclesiastes. We could all share our thoughts on the themes of the book. It might be enjoyable for some of us.

That would be neat. Studying Proverbs and Ecclesiastes together might be an option too.

I don't think I've ever really stopped to think of the Scriptures as being another source of his comfort. I think of them more as edifying and enlightening/convicting/ piercing.

Reassurance is s common theme. I think its meant to comfort us in difficult moments. We see varying results and we're reminded more awaits and through it all God is there. We're not alone.

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This is a passage from a devotional I'm reading on marriage. The message emphasizes goodness and parallels recent discussions. I hope it blesses you.


Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. —Romans 12:10

We’ve all met the mom whose default response to a negative report of her child is, “My little Johnny would never . . .” She just couldn’t possibly believe her sweet angel would be anything other than kind. As a mother, she unequivocally sees the good in her child at all times.

Seeing nothing but the good in others is what Paul means when he calls Christians to be devoted to one another in love. The way we do that is by showing honor to others. In the original Greek, the last half of this verse could be literally translated as taking the lead of one another in honor. Paul is calling us to outdo one another in honor, and by doing this we remain devoted to one another in love.

A love like this is the kind we need to have in a marriage. Not a foolish kind of love, but a prudent love that continues to see the good. You and your spouse should find opportunities to lead the way by showing honor for each other. This looks like constantly keeping the good qualities of the other at the forefront of your mind. You might not always find ways to honor each other in action and deed, but there is always an opportunity to honor each other in the judgment of the mind.

When you live with someone, their flaws great and small are on full display. As the years of marriage pass, it may even start to seem that the flaws eclipse the good qualities. Your point of view becomes focused on the characteristics and tendencies you wish were different.

This is a very natural habit for humans and spouses. Yet the kind of love Jesus calls us to have for each other is a devoted and genuine love, even when you see a person in their truest form. This is a discipline you will need to practice over and over again. When a certain behavior or situation frustrates you, pause to see the good in each other. This practice will go a long way in developing a discipline of loving each other radically.

Allow the best-case scenario to be the default when it comes to how you view each other in your marriage. This is what it looks like to truly honor and love as described in this week’s verse. Think the best of your spouse when they forget to pick up dinner on the way home, take four months to change the batteries in the smoke detector, snap when you ask a simple question, or continue to check out after getting home from work.

I am not suggesting you ignore issues within your marriage and push them aside for the sake of honoring each other. It’s healthy to choose to talk about the difficulties or disconnect in your marriage while still loving and honoring your life partner. This may not always bring about resolution, so I encourage you to seek advice from a counselor or pastor in such cases.

Let’s pray

Father, give me eyes to see the good in my spouse. Show me ways to honor them in the midst of any shortcomings. Help us honor and love each other with radical love. Amen.
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Lovable Mess
May 19, 2023
United States
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It's horribly hot and humid outside today. I was coming home from an errand and saw a young man standing at the intersection, holding a "Peace is in Jesus" sign. No doubt he was very uncomfortable and sweating heaps. Yet I saw several drivers honking at him and his sign, and I gave him a wave as I passed. Made my heart just a tiny bit happy.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
Marital Status
I got my current job despite several people trying to sabotage it. It would take a long time to explain the backstories and the political backstabbings going on in the background, but I'll shorten it to this: I begged God to save me from the job I had, and then I interviewed, hoping it was an answer to my prayer.

I was not selected originally. The manager liked me, but the HR person hated my brother and didn't I deserved the job being so new, and they continually convinced the manager I'd be a bad fit.
Well the person they picked changed their mind and took another position, and the person after them, also changed their mind and transferred to another store instead, and the person after them decided they didnt want to transfer from another store after all, and the one after them... Seeing a pattern?...

They went through every single candidate, and I don't know how many job offers got signed that somehow resulted in not even one shift being worked-- on their way down to me until I was the only one left. Now I'm the manager, and very nearly got promoted to a corporate position they just created. I made it all the way to the last round of cuts before they let me know they were choosing someone else at this time.

God opened this door for me, and has allowed me to succeed despite multiple backstabbing, double-talking snakes that have tried to ruin me. Makes me have a special appreciation for stories like Daniel, and Joseph.
Brother that's so incredibly encouraging. Thank you for sharing and glorifying The Lord :heart:.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
Marital Status
Myself, my Mother and my Brother (we still live together) were forced to move during Covid due to skyrocketing house prices and the landlord wanting to sell the house we were renting. It was at a time were it was borderline impossible to find a house due to there being no supply for the massive increase in the demand for them. Anyway we ended up having to search high and low for one for about a month or two and we eventually found one about 60kms away. The Lord provided us a house that has a big enough yard for my dog, has good neighbours, is about 5kms away from my Mother's place of work, not far from my Brother's & etc. It's beyond perfect for the situation we've found ourselves in and I couldn't be more grateful. Thanks to The Lord my mother has been expanding her business during & after Covid and somebody who she hired from the UK moved to Australia right down the street from us! We were able to help them move and even invite them out to my grandparents farm for Christmas last year. However as miraculously providential as that is, it's not the end of the story.

The house we're currently in now was always going to be an intermediate house until we move to a more permanent place (which The Lord has recently provided for us!); but one day I was mowing the lawn and I felt in my soul an incredibly strong desire to mow an old lady's lawn. I couldn't explain it and to be honest it was really bizarre. When I got finished mowing our lawn I looked across the street and there was an elderly lady who was struggling to pull start her mower (most people here use petrol push mowers, including me) and her lawn was really long, about half a shin/knee height in some places. I couldn't believe it and I went over and offered to mow their lawn and as always in Australia I had to convince her to accept the help. After I finished she offered to pay me and I couldn't accept it because it was The Lord who put it on my heart to serve, I was inexperienced at witnessing (still am) so I didn't have the courage to tell her about what happened with The Lord putting it on my heart. I ended up going back over to my house and grabbing a Bible I got for my birthday and giving it to her lol. It turned out that her husband was dying of cancer and that she didn't know how she was going to be able to mow the lawn due to the size of the front yard and how long it was. What I'm about to say I'm not saying to brag but only because it's relevant to the story; I've formed a friendship with her through mowing her lawn for over a year now for free because it's a joy to serve The Lord with what little I have (my youth/body) and I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Yesterday her husband passed away from the cancer and today I went over there to see how she was doing. And I ended up bringing up the example of what The Lord has done here. That He in His love would providentially move us near one another, supernaturally put it on my heart and provide for her somebody to mow grass. That if He loves you this much to provide you with help for something as inconsequential as a lawn, how much more does He love you and your husband? This isn't even to mention the fact that sometimes when I have trouble sleeping and am unable to mow, that her other neighbour who is a Christian mows her lawn without me even asking them! She's surrounded by Christians who just happen to provide for her labour for something that in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter (cutting grass) but displays the love of God so profoundly.

While the provision of the house and all of the other boons are incredible blessings, I have no doubts in my mind that we were specifically moved here so I could comfort her and help her. Lol I'm crying while typing this because I'm blown away by the love God has for us small people that the world chews up and spits out.

How great & good is the God we serve? As if the Cross wasn't plenty, in His overwhelming love He still provides for us things as small as mowing a lawn.

Sorry for the length of this but it's a lot of things to condense and unfortunately I have trouble with being verbose.
I pray that The Lord further opens all of our eyes and reveals to us His immense love. The love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all :heart:. Please pray for my neighbour and the struggles she is facing.

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2015
Marital Status
Myself, my Mother and my Brother (we still live together) were forced to move during Covid due to skyrocketing house prices and the landlord wanting to sell the house we were renting. It was at a time were it was borderline impossible to find a house due to there being no supply for the massive increase in the demand for them. Anyway we ended up having to search high and low for one for about a month or two and we eventually found one about 60kms away. The Lord provided us a house that has a big enough yard for my dog, has good neighbours, is about 5kms away from my Mother's place of work, not far from my Brother's & etc. It's beyond perfect for the situation we've found ourselves in and I couldn't be more grateful. Thanks to The Lord my mother has been expanding her business during & after Covid and somebody who she hired from the UK moved to Australia right down the street from us! We were able to help them move and even invite them out to my grandparents farm for Christmas last year. However as miraculously providential as that is, it's not the end of the story.

The house we're currently in now was always going to be an intermediate house until we move to a more permanent place (which The Lord has recently provided for us!); but one day I was mowing the lawn and I felt in my soul an incredibly strong desire to mow an old lady's lawn. I couldn't explain it and to be honest it was really bizarre. When I got finished mowing our lawn I looked across the street and there was an elderly lady who was struggling to pull start her mower (most people here use petrol push mowers, including me) and her lawn was really long, about half a shin/knee height in some places. I couldn't believe it and I went over and offered to mow their lawn and as always in Australia I had to convince her to accept the help. After I finished she offered to pay me and I couldn't accept it because it was The Lord who put it on my heart to serve, I was inexperienced at witnessing (still am) so I didn't have the courage to tell her about what happened with The Lord putting it on my heart. I ended up going back over to my house and grabbing a Bible I got for my birthday and giving it to her lol. It turned out that her husband was dying of cancer and that she didn't know how she was going to be able to mow the lawn due to the size of the front yard and how long it was. What I'm about to say I'm not saying to brag but only because it's relevant to the story; I've formed a friendship with her through mowing her lawn for over a year now for free because it's a joy to serve The Lord with what little I have (my youth/body) and I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Yesterday her husband passed away from the cancer and today I went over there to see how she was doing. And I ended up bringing up the example of what The Lord has done here. That He in His love would providentially move us near one another, supernaturally put it on my heart and provide for her somebody to mow grass. That if He loves you this much to provide you with help for something as inconsequential as a lawn, how much more does He love you and your husband? This isn't even to mention the fact that sometimes when I have trouble sleeping and am unable to mow, that her other neighbour who is a Christian mows her lawn without me even asking them! She's surrounded by Christians who just happen to provide for her labour for something that in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter (cutting grass) but displays the love of God so profoundly.

While the provision of the house and all of the other boons are incredible blessings, I have no doubts in my mind that we were specifically moved here so I could comfort her and help her. Lol I'm crying while typing this because I'm blown away by the love God has for us small people that the world chews up and spits out.

How great & good is the God we serve? As if the Cross wasn't plenty, in His overwhelming love He still provides for us things as small as mowing a lawn.

Sorry for the length of this but it's a lot of things to condense and unfortunately I have trouble with being verbose.
I pray that The Lord further opens all of our eyes and reveals to us His immense love. The love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all :heart:. Please pray for my neighbour and the struggles she is facing.

Thank you for sharing all of that. The pandemic was such a hard time for so many. I went through a lot as well during those years. It is comforting though to see God's blessings in our lives and provision during those rough years.

I like your comment you made that the love of God can really be seen in how he looks after us all in even the smallest things. It sounds like you have been a good witness and help to your neighbor:)
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
Marital Status
Thank you for sharing all of that. The pandemic was such a hard time for so many. I went through a lot as well during those years. It is comforting though to see God's blessings in our lives and provision during those rough years.

I like your comment you made that the love of God can really be seen in how he looks after us all in even the smallest things. It sounds like you have been a good witness and help to your neighbor:)
Thank you and I hope you were able to land back on your feet somewhat. It was convulsive for so many people and many more suffered so much worse than my family did. I count myself as incredibly fortunate. Also I'm not much a witness without our Father's help :p.
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