Adam & Eve Materialized on Evolved, Populated Earth


Nov 9, 2004
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Why should that be concidered?
Can you show a fact of evolution?
By fact not a dog turning into another dog, or a fish ditto, or a bird ditto, but creature A turning into creature b.
There are no transitional fossils, mutation doesn’t leave an intermediate A.5.
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Nov 9, 2004
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57:5.1 5,000,000,000 years ago your sun was a comparatively isolated blazing orb, having gathered to itself most of the near-by circulating matter of space, remnants of the recent upheaval which attended its own birth.

57:5.2 Today, your sun has achieved relative stability, but its eleven and one-half year sunspot cycles betray that it was a variable star in its youth. In the early days of your sun the continued contraction and consequent gradual increase of temperature initiated tremendous convulsions on its surface. These titanic heaves required three and one-half days to complete a cycle of varying brightness. This variable state, this periodic pulsation, rendered your sun highly responsive to certain outside influences which were to be shortly encountered.

57:5.3 Thus was the stage of local space set for the unique origin of Monmatia, that being the name of your sun's planetary family, the solar system to which your world belongs. Less than one per cent of the planetary systems of Orvonton have had a similar origin.

57:5.4 4,500,000,000 years ago the enormous Angona system began its approach to the neighborhood of this solitary sun. The center of this great system was a dark giant of space, solid, highly charged, and possessing tremendous gravity pull.

57:5.5 As Angona more closely approached the sun, at moments of maximum expansion during solar pulsations, streams of gaseous material were shot out into space as gigantic solar tongues. At first these flaming gas tongues would invariably fall back into the sun, but as Angona drew nearer and nearer, the gravity pull of the gigantic visitor became so great that these tongues of gas would break off at certain points, the roots falling back into the sun while the outer sections would become detached to form independent bodies of matter, solar meteorites, which immediately started to revolve about the sun in elliptical orbits of their own.

57:5.6 As the Angona system drew nearer, the solar extrusions grew larger and larger; more and more matter was drawn from the sun to become independent circulating bodies in surrounding space. This situation developed for about five hundred thousand years until Angona made its closest approach to the sun; whereupon the sun, in conjunction with one of its periodic internal convulsions, experienced a partial disruption; from opposite sides and simultaneously, enormous volumes of matter were disgorged. From the Angona side there was drawn out a vast column of solar gases, rather pointed at both ends and markedly bulging at the center, which became permanently detached from the immediate gravity control of the sun.

57:5.7 This great column of solar gasses which was thus separated from the sun subsequently evolved into the twelve planets of the solar system. The repercussional ejection of gas from the opposite side of the sun in tidal sympathy with the extrusion of this gigantic solar system ancestor, has since condensed into the meteors and space dust of the solar system, although much, very much, of this matter was subsequently recaptured by solar gravity as the Angona system receded into remote space.

57:5.8 Although Angona succeeded in drawing away the ancestral material of the solar system planets and the enormous volume of matter now circulating about the sun as asteroids and meteors, it did not secure for itself any of this solar matter. The visiting system did not come quite close enough to actually steal any of the sun's substance, but it did swing sufficiently close to draw off into the intervening space all of the material comprising the present-day solar system.

57:5.9 The five inner and five outer planets soon formed in miniature from the cooling and condensing nucleuses in the less massive and tapering ends of the gigantic gravity bulge which Angona had succeeded in detaching from the sun, while Saturn and Jupiter were formed from the more massive and bulging central portions. The powerful gravity pull of Jupiter and Saturn early captured most of the material stolen from Angona as the retrograde motion of certain of their satellites bears witness.

57:5.10 Jupiter and Saturn, being derived from the very center of the enormous column of superheated solar gases, contained so much highly heated sun material that they shone with a brilliant light and emitted enormous volumes of heat; they were in reality secondary suns for a short period after their formation as separate space bodies. These two largest of the solar system planets have remained largely gaseous to this day, not even yet having cooled off to the point of complete condensation or solidification.

57:5.11 The gas-contraction nucleuses of the other ten planets soon reached the stage of solidification and so began to draw to themselves increasing quantities of the meteoric matter circulating in near-by space. The worlds of the solar system thus had a double origin: nucleuses of gas condensation later on augmented by the capture of enormous quantities of meteors. Indeed they still continue to capture meteors, but in greatly lessened numbers.

57:5.12 The planets do not swing around the sun in the equatorial plane of their solar mother, which they would do if they had been thrown off by solar revolution. Rather, they travel in the plane of the Angona solar extrusion, which existed at a considerable angle to the plane of the sun's equator.

57:5.13 While Angona was unable to capture any of the solar mass, your sun did add to its metamorphosing planetary family some of the circulating space material of the visiting system. Due to the intense gravity field of Angona, its tributary planetary family pursued orbits of considerable distance from the dark giant; and shortly after the extrusion of the solar system ancestral mass and while Angona was yet in the vicinity of the sun, three of the major planets of the Angona system swung so near to the massive solar system ancestor that its gravitational pull, augmented by that of the sun, was sufficient to overbalance the gravity grasp of Angona and to permanently detach these three tributaries of the celestial wanderer.

57:5.14 All of the solar system material derived from the sun was originally endowed with a homogeneous direction of orbital swing, and had it not been for the intrusion of these three foreign space bodies, all solar system material would still maintain the same direction of orbital movement. As it was, the impact of the three Angona tributaries injected new and foreign directional forces into the emerging solar system with the resultant appearance of retrograde motion. Retrograde motion in any astronomic system is always accidental and always appears as a result of the collisional impact of foreign space bodies. Such collisions may not always produce retrograde motion, but no retrograde ever appears except in a system containing masses which have diverse origins.
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Nov 9, 2004
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The temptation of Eve, who had arrived on a fallen, previously populated, evolved earth. Just what was it that the "craft beast" proposed? How did he manage to compel Eve to eat of the tree of forbidden fruit?

51:3.4 "The plans for race upstepping are prepared by the Planetary Prince and his staff and are executed by Adam and Eve. And this was where your Material Son and his companion were placed at great disadvantage when they arrived on Urantia. Caligastia offered crafty and effective opposition to the Adamic mission; and notwithstanding that the Melchizedek receivers of Urantia had duly warned both Adam and Eve concerning the planetary dangers inherent in the presence of the rebellious Planetary Prince, this archrebel, by a wily stratagem, outmaneuvered the Edenic pair and entrapped them into a violation of the covenant of their trusteeship as the visible rulers of your world. The traitorous Planetary Prince did succeed in compromising your Adam and Eve, but he failed in his effort to involve them in the Lucifer rebellion."
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Nov 9, 2004
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58:6.5 "At the proper degree of saltiness in the oceans animal life evolved, and it was comparatively simple to allow the briny waters to circulate through the animal bodies of marine life. But when the oceans were contracted and the percentage of salt was greatly increased, these same animals evolved the ability to reduce the saltiness of their body fluids just as those organisms which learned to live in fresh water acquired the ability to maintain the proper degree of sodium chloride in their body fluids by ingenious techniques of salt conservation.

58:6.6 Study of the rock-embraced fossils of marine life reveals the early adjustment struggles of these primitive organisms. Plants and animals never cease to make these adjustment experiments. Ever the environment is changing, and always are living organisms striving to accommodate themselves to these never-ending fluctuations.

58:6.7 The physiologic equipment and the anatomic structure of all new orders of life are in response to the action of physical law, but the subsequent endowment of mind is a bestowal of the adjutant mind-spirits in accordance with innate brain capacity. Mind, while not a physical evolution, is wholly dependent on the brain capacity afforded by purely physical and evolutionary developments.

Through almost endless cycles of gains and losses, adjustments and readjustments, all living organisms swing back and forth from age to age. Those that attain cosmic unity persist, while those that fall short of this goal cease to exist."
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Nov 9, 2004
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Where did the "crafty beast" come from? Who was this figure of ancient lore, powerful enough to outflank Eve and Adam? The Urantia revelation helped me to realize that there is soooo much in the Bible that is based on actual events of the distant past that help explain in a somewhat logical way what happened to us, to our world.

The spiritual and even biological evolution of our world was "interrupted", forever altered by the fall of our trusted planetary prince. On the evolutionary worlds of time and space, the arrival of a Planetary Prince signifies the beginning of the spiritual instruction by an actual agent of God. People were to trust him and his associates as if he were the Son of God on earth!!!! So one can ponder the mass confusion introduced into our world when our Prince, Prince Caligastia, joined in the Lucifer insurrection, rebelling against the rule in the name of the unseen Universal Father by the Paradise Son, aka Christ Michael, aka Jesus of Nazareth.


"THE ADVENT OF a Lanonandek Son on an average world signifies that will, the ability to choose the path of eternal survival, has developed in the mind of primitive man. But on Urantia the Planetary Prince arrived almost half a million years after the appearance of human will.

About five hundred thousand years ago and concurrent with the appearance of the six colored or Sangik races, Caligastia, the Planetary Prince, arrived on Urantia. There were almost one-half billion primitive human beings on earth at the time of the Prince's arrival, and they were well scattered over Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Prince's headquarters, established in Mesopotamia, was at about the center of world population.


Caligastia was a Lanonandek Son, number 9,344 of the secondary order. He was experienced in the administration of the affairs of the local universe in general and, during later ages, with the management of the local system of Satania in particular.

66:1.2 Prior to the reign of Lucifer in Satania, Caligastia had been attached to the council of the Life Carrier advisers on Jerusem. Lucifer elevated Caligastia to a position on his personal staff, and he acceptably filled five successive assignments of honor and trust.

Caligastia very early sought a commission as Planetary Prince, but repeatedly, when his request came up for approval in the constellation councils, it would fail to receive the assent of the Constellation Fathers. Caligastia seemed especially desirous of being sent as planetary ruler to a decimal or life-modification world. His petition had several times been disapproved before he was finally assigned to Urantia...…" UB 1955

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Nov 9, 2004
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The interruption of the spiritual and biological evolution of man due to the double default is difficult to consider, but sin has irreversible repercussions that unfortunately are shared by all.

The question of what would have happened if Adam didn't sin, didn't deliberately follow in Eves footsteps and more specifically why he sinned.

The author of this paper is Solonia, the same angel of the garden who met with the pair after the default to inform them of the consequences.

NOTE: The "sin" was that Eve decided to mate with a mortal outside the garden to speed up rehabilitation of the previously fallen world. His name was Cano, a Nodite leader from the land of Nod, he was Cains true biological father.


"The celestial life of the planet was astir. Adam recognized that something was wrong, and he asked Eve to come aside with him in the Garden. And now, for the first time, Adam heard the entire story of the long-nourished plan for accelerating world improvement by operating simultaneously in two directions: the prosecution of the divine plan concomitantly with the execution of the Serapatatia enterprise.

75:4.2 And as the Material Son and Daughter thus communed in the moonlit Garden, "the voice in the Garden" reproved them for disobedience. And that voice was none other than my own announcement to the Edenic pair that they had transgressed the Garden covenant; that they had disobeyed the instructions of the Melchizedeks; that they had defaulted in the execution of their oaths of trust to the sovereign of the universe.

75:4.3 Eve had consented to participate in the practice of good and evil. Good is the carrying out of the divine plans;
is a deliberate transgression of the divine will; evil is the misadaptation of plans and the maladjustment of techniques resulting in universe disharmony and planetary confusion.

75:4.4 Every time the Garden pair had partaken of the fruit of the tree of life, they had been warned by the archangel custodian to refrain from yielding to the suggestions of Caligastia to combine good and evil. They had been thus admonished: "In the day that you commingle good and evil, you shall surely become as the mortals of the realm; you shall surely die."

75:4.5 Eve had told Cano of this oft-repeated warning on the fateful occasion of their secret meeting, but Cano, not knowing the import or significance of such admonitions, had assured her that men and women with good motives and true intentions could do no evil; that she should surely not die but rather live anew in the person of their offspring, who would grow up to bless and stabilize the world.

75:4.6 Even though this project of modifying the divine plan had been conceived and executed with entire sincerity and with only the highest motives concerning the welfare of the world, it constituted evil because it represented the wrong way to achieve righteous ends, because it departed from the right way, the divine plan.

75:4.7 True, Eve had found Cano pleasant to the eyes, and she realized all that her seducer promised by way of "new and increased knowledge of human affairs and quickened understanding of human nature as supplemental to the comprehension of the Adamic nature."

75:4.8 I talked to the father and mother of the violet race that night in the Garden as became my duty under the sorrowful circumstances. I listened fully to the recital of all that led up to the default of Mother Eve and gave both of them advice and counsel concerning the immediate situation. Some of this advice they followed; some they disregarded. This conference appears in your records as "the Lord God calling to Adam and Eve in the Garden and asking, `Where are you?'" It was the practice of later generations to attribute everything unusual and extraordinary, whether natural or spiritual, directly to the personal intervention of the Gods.
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Nov 9, 2004
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Note: The Urantia revelation claims that humans migrated "into" Africa, not out of, as scientist speculate. The indigo races preferred the warmer climate and found their way deep into the African continent where they were relatively isolated for hundreds of thousands of years.

61:7.4 500,000 years ago, during the fifth advance of the ice, a new development accelerated the course of human evolution.
Suddenly and in one generation the six colored races mutated from the aboriginal human stock. This is a doubly important date since it also marks the arrival of the Planetary Prince.

64:5.2 And now, among these highland Badonites there was a new and strange occurrence. A man and woman living in the northeastern part of the then inhabited highland region began suddenly to produce a family of unusually intelligent children. This was the Sangik family, the ancestors of all of the six colored races of Urantia.

64:5.3 These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight. Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the Sangik parent.

Oldest Tools Outside Africa Found, Rewriting Human Story

New evidence suggests that our ancient cousins left the continent much earlier than thought.

PUBLISHED July 11, 2018

By Michael Greshko
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Nov 9, 2004
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75:1.1 The Adamic mission on experimental, rebellion-seared, and isolated Urantia was a formidable undertaking. And the Material Son and Daughter early became aware of the difficulty and complexity of their planetary assignment. Nevertheless, they courageously set about the task of solving their manifold problems. But when they addressed themselves to the all-important work of eliminating the defectives and degenerates from among the human strains, they were quite dismayed. They could see no way out of the dilemma, and they could not take counsel with their superiors on either Jerusem or Edentia. Here they were, isolated and day by day confronted with some new and complicated tangle, some problem that seemed to be unsolvable.

75:1.2 Under normal conditions the first work of a Planetary Adam and Eve would be the co-ordination and blending of the races. But on Urantia such a project seemed just about hopeless, for the races, while biologically fit, had never been purged of their retarded and defective strains.

75:1.3 Adam and Eve found themselves on a sphere wholly unprepared for the proclamation of the brotherhood of man, a world groping about in abject spiritual darkness and cursed with confusion worse confounded by the miscarriage of the mission of the preceding administration. Mind and morals were at a low level, and instead of beginning the task of effecting religious unity, they must begin all anew the work of converting the inhabitants to the most simple forms of religious belief. Instead of finding one
language ready for adoption, they were confronted by the world-wide confusion of hundreds upon hundreds of local dialects. No Adam of the planetary service was ever set down on a more difficult world; the obstacles seemed insuperable and the problems beyond creature solution.

75:1.4 They were isolated, and the tremendous sense of loneliness which bore down upon them was all the more heightened by the early departure of the
Melchizedek receivers. Only indirectly, by means of the angelic orders, could they communicate with any being off the planet. Slowly their courage weakened, their spirits drooped, and sometimes their faith almost faltered.

And this is the true picture of the consternation of these two noble souls as they pondered the tasks which confronted them. They were both keenly aware of the enormous undertaking involved in the execution of their planetary assignment.

75:1.6 Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were ever faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia. But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient. Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.
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Thee Librarian

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Jan 25, 2018
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If we consider old earth evolution as an established fact and return to the Genesis creation account of Adam and Eves abrupt materialization on earth, we can view the assumptions of Christendom differently.

Consider the following:

* Adam and Eve arrive as adults educated in Gods will for them on earth, they speak a language, the same language as the beast.

* The "crafty beast" or devil as we learn later, has already fallen into sin, he is already working against Gods will, working to undermine A&E. The beast knows Gods will for the pair.

* Cain and able tend "flocks" and "fields", how much food does a family need to work for in a tropical paradise??? They are making contributions to a religious order???

* When we consider that Cain is concerned about the people away from his family, in Nod or anywhere else, we can start to see signs that indicate the earth is already populated.

* As fragmented as the story is that the Hebrews were putting into the written word, we might consider that it was a very old story that had been carried by oral traditions through many cultures, wars etc.

Consider that God is Spirit, and Adam and Eve were a Spiritual creation, a change of character.
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Thee Librarian

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Jan 25, 2018
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75:1.1 The Adamic mission on experimental, rebellion-seared, and isolated Urantia was a formidable undertaking. And the Material Son and Daughter early became aware of the difficulty and complexity of their planetary assignment. Nevertheless, they courageously set about the task of solving their manifold problems. But when they addressed themselves to the all-important work of eliminating the defectives and degenerates from among the human strains, they were quite dismayed. They could see no way out of the dilemma, and they could not take counsel with their superiors on either Jerusem or Edentia. Here they were, isolated and day by day confronted with some new and complicated tangle, some problem that seemed to be unsolvable.

75:1.2 Under normal conditions the first work of a Planetary Adam and Eve would be the co-ordination and blending of the races. But on Urantia such a project seemed just about hopeless, for the races, while biologically fit, had never been purged of their retarded and defective strains.

75:1.3 Adam and Eve found themselves on a sphere wholly unprepared for the proclamation of the brotherhood of man, a world groping about in abject spiritual darkness and cursed with confusion worse confounded by the miscarriage of the mission of the preceding administration. Mind and morals were at a low level, and instead of beginning the task of effecting religious unity, they must begin all anew the work of converting the inhabitants to the most simple forms of religious belief. Instead of finding one
language ready for adoption, they were confronted by the world-wide confusion of hundreds upon hundreds of local dialects. No Adam of the planetary service was ever set down on a more difficult world; the obstacles seemed insuperable and the problems beyond creature solution.

75:1.4 They were isolated, and the tremendous sense of loneliness which bore down upon them was all the more heightened by the early departure of the
Melchizedek receivers. Only indirectly, by means of the angelic orders, could they communicate with any being off the planet. Slowly their courage weakened, their spirits drooped, and sometimes their faith almost faltered.

And this is the true picture of the consternation of these two noble souls as they pondered the tasks which confronted them. They were both keenly aware of the enormous undertaking involved in the execution of their planetary assignment.

75:1.6 Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were ever faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia. But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient. Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.

God re-made man into the spiritual image of God.
Before that spiritual awakening, there was no spiritual death.
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Jan 31, 2022
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I've come to believe that the Genesis 1 reference of the creation of man refers to pre-Adam man which specifically was soulless man. In Genesis 2:7 God breathed life (breath of God in other contexts support this idea) into man and he became a living soul.
If these "pre-Adam ... souless" humans existed, they would have outnumbered the descendents of Adam and Eve quite considerably. Do they still exist? If not, what happened to them?
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Jan 31, 2022
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What I find interesting is that even the most traditional, orthodoxy Christians have no issue believing that God himself chose to manifest Himself on this earth in bodily form using natural means (i.e. conception, implantation, full 9 months gestation in Mary's womb and natural birth) yet we have a hard time thinking that the earth brought us forth (dust of the earth = the substance of the earth?).
On the other hand, theistic evolutionists should not have any trouble believing that God instantly turned inanimate matter into a living man (Gen 2:7), because that is precisely what Jesus did when he raised Lazarus fom the dead (John 11).
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Jan 31, 2022
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There isn't a scientist any where who is prepared to publicly argue that fosils 'prove' evolution.
To be fair to scientists, the aim of a scientific theory is not to "prove" anything.
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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To be fair to scientists, the aim of a scientific theory is not to "prove" anything.

No theories are an attempt to explain date.
The theories however are form using the scientists biases
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Jun 30, 2003
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If these "pre-Adam ... souless" humans existed, they would have outnumbered the descendents of Adam and Eve quite considerably. Do they still exist? If not, what happened to them?
Well, if any descendant of one of the 'souled' humans has a soul and if the souled and the soulless interbreed, then pretty quickly everyone would be souled.
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Jan 31, 2022
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The revelation that Adam and Eve, 2 incarnate celestial beings who were to be the worlds new visible spiritual administrators, arrived on a previously evolved, populated earth that had already fallen into sin under the previous administration, makes more sense when considering the totality of data. We can see this in both Genesis and science.
My current understanding is that Adam did not evolve but was created directly from inanimate matter as per Gen 2:7, and that non-human life had existed on earth looong before Adam was created.

But I find it curious that God decided to create man such that he shares many physical features in common with apes and monkeys. Why? Is there some truth in evolution, after all?
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Jun 30, 2003
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It's not just that we share some
But I find it curious that God decided to create man such that he shares many physical features in common with apes and monkeys.
physical features. A comparison of our DNA just screams that we descend from a common ancestor.
Why? Is there some truth in evolution, after all?
Well, yeah. You are posting in the theistic evolution forum, after all.
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