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Christmas House Theme


Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Good morning Mayflower, I hope you are doing well. I haven't heard from you in a while and hope that you and your family are doing well.

Not 2 hours ago, I had a most fascinating dream that has stayed with me that I feel might make a good story. It is a Christmas dream though, a little out of season. But I wanted to share it with you to see if you wish to play in this world my mind thought up.

There were many moving parts to the dream prior to the 'falling'; things that fade in and fade out. But this part of the dream is the one that stuck with me.

Somehow and someway, I don't understand it, I was falling in the sky without a parachute. Someone else panicked when they saw it (I am not sure who she was) when all of a sudden, a sleigh in the air dove right underneath where I was falling and caught me. (Weird because I wasn't actually in 1st person perspective when I saw the sleigh, I was in 3rd person perspective. Once caught, however, I moved back to 1st person perspective and was in the sleigh with Santa Claus.)

He didn't say much to me, he simply drove the sleigh until we got to a dilapidated old house which seemed to be perhaps on the outskirts of a town, basically sitting by itself. I got out of the sleigh and looked at it. It seemed very run down and I thought to myself that if we had to fix this place up, it was going to take a lot of time and energy. Again, I don't ever remember Santa directly interacting with me, but he seemed to communicate to me and I seemed to know this house was an older house that saw finer days of children in the home. I got the sense it used to be a small house with maybe 4 or 5 children (or maybe more), but that the closest thing I could get to describe the house's purpose was to be an orphan house or a house for sick children or a house for lonely children. Something else also told me the house itself was in mourning and that part of it was still alive; in other words, I knew (and when I walked in it was confirmed to me) that in order to keep itself alive, it would bring up memories of what used to be.

I walked in the front door and directly in front of me was some sort of barrier - hard to explain. It wasn't hard, it was soft - maybe foam? And I could see over it a living room [and when I could see into the living room, the barrier was no longer and issue; I can't say it disappeared, it was just like it wasn't. Hard to explain as sometimes dreams are.] Very beautiful living room in deed. Many elegant chairs and a large TV ... not flat screen, maybe a larger screen embedded in a wood framing like maybe an entertainment center. Maybe the screen was 45+ inches. And it was playing, it was on. I didn't recognize the cartoon, but it was a cartoon of some sort maybe. (I say maybe because I am writing this down, Mayflower, because I don't want the dream to fade. If I waited until the end of today - it would be gone forever, and I so loved it even though I cried at the end. I might be getting one or two details a little distorted, but be assured that 95% of my retelling of this dream is as I remember it.)

I continued on. There definitely was definition, an order to this place. Farther back behind the living room was a door, larger than most normal doors, and I don't seem to remember it having a door knob. Rather, the kind of handle you might see in a garage setting or something. Hard to explain, perhaps I will find a picture for you. (sort of like this, only maybe a little bigger: https://dd5wnkwp5hmnk.cloudfront.net/images/300x300/5455v_154339.jpeg?543482292

When I opened it, it was a large room that I assumed may have been a play room of some sort. But there were maybe 2 or 3 mice in it scurrying around. I closed it immediately; I realized cleaning this house to get it back so children could use it again would take a while. I'd have to set a whole bunch of mouse traps. (Again, don't ask me how I knew this is what I was supposed to do. I just knew it.)

Just trying to keep the sense of the house in my mind. Again, pretend I was standing in the middle of the house facing that larger room, but still in the living room. To the left was a hallway which I went down. There were some rooms there, but they went unexplored. I just knew it was messy in that area, it was going to take a lot. It seemed to 'wrap' around, though, but to the left (rather than the right as you expect it to somehow interact with the rest of the house).

Then, a peculiar question came to me. Where exactly did the children sleep? I had seen a play area, a living area, and perhaps I could excuse that side corridor as where the kitchen might be. But I hadn't seem any beds or places to sleep. Again, standing in the middle of the living room (corridor to the left, large room in front of me but back a little), I walked over to the right. There was a very small and wide hallway. I saw a bunch of wooden stairs (the kind that have holes in between each stair because it's not really a finished stair. Sort of like this, but completely wood and also not perfectly even: https://secure.img1-ag.wfcdn.com/im/24841205/resize-h800^compr-r85/7074/70746336/Beardsley+Scrape+Rib+Non-Slip+Stair+Tread.jpg) It was leading up to there; I moved away and went back to the main living room because I was scared to go up there.

Then something told me, something reasoned to me that I had to absolutely go up those stairs. My question about where the children would sleep would be found up there.

So I went back; in some dreams, the scene might change and confuse me. But in this dream, it didn't change. I simply returned to the original place I was scared to go up. Before climbing the stairs on the wall to the right were what I could only describe as signs. Maybe black board signs, but I don't remember them being black. Whatever they were, it seemed to have the names of children on them with the assignment of their rooms maybe and maybe there were also chores on the signs for them to do. It wasn't one large sign, but rather many little signs. (I seem to remember the lettering were different colors on some sort of white background - but they weren't white boards. Definitely some sort of crayon or acrylic was used. And it was obvious kids wrote them.)

Now, Mayflower, this is the end of the dream that I am about to describe to you. It ends with only what I can call heavenly joy or heavenly sorrow, I'm not sure. I climbed the stairs and there was one door in front of me. (Which is peculiar, I would have thought based on the signs of the children's name I'd be in a hallway of many rooms, but it was only one door going to one room.)

I opened it and literally came into a most joyful sight. I looked around; the whole room was decorated for Christmas. I think I may have imagined it, but it was probably snowing outside. I looked over to the left and there was a large bed. There was a beautiful young girl on the bed (maybe 12 or 13); she was wearing a very elegant green dress, sort of like the one you might see if you thought she was being raised by aristocrat families. Yet, she had a great large smile and a keyboard on her lap ... somehow, I can't describe it. She was playing the keyboard with a joyful tune. (Do you know how many songs I have written in my sleep? Too many to count which were good at the time, but which I never remembered.)

Then turning my head to the right, at a large desk where three other children. I think they were all boys or two boys and one girl. Slightly fuzzy.

They were singing! And they were smiling and happy. They were singing a Christmas carol, but I never heard it. It was singing of joy and happiness and maybe the fact that it was snowing. They were all in unison, all four children were singing this song, elated at something though I wasn't sure what they were elated for.

So many emotions over took me in that I was still convinced these children were orphans, that this house had many fond memories of happy times and of love, and that somehow all these children loved each other. I began to cry and weep because the scene was too much. I didn't want to leave it, yet I didn't want to keep crying either. I think it would have kept going on forever if I let it (but I didn't deliberately say I wanted it to go. But you know how dreams are, sometimes they fade at the slightest hint that you want to leave it, even if you regret that half of a second remorse.)

And then I woke up, my eyes opened, and I realized I had a most peculiar dream.

The reason why I shared it with you is because for some reason - I felt like this would be my gift to you. I mean, sharing it with you.

Do you think there is potential in this dream to write another story with you? No worries if not, I completely understand. I just felt like this dream was the perfect dream to write to you about and I so enjoyed our last story where we worked together. And in no way am I saying a story has to be written exactly like this dream; but there are nice elements all through it.

I have ideas on how to tell the story too; whether it is me first person (which would be sort of bad because then it would leave you having to be third person, which doesn't make sense.) Or I thought we could be estranged adult brother and sister writing to each other letters about these dreams. (But not sure how that would work or why we'd be writing to each other.)

No worries if none of this dream makes sense or it doesn't resonate with you; I'm just happy if you'd receive it as something joyful to think on for a few moments. But do let me know if you think you'd be interested in using it for inspiration to play in its world. :) Peter James
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
Marital Status
Good morning Mayflower, I hope you are doing well. I haven't heard from you in a while and hope that you and your family are doing well.

Not 2 hours ago, I had a most fascinating dream that has stayed with me that I feel might make a good story. It is a Christmas dream though, a little out of season. But I wanted to share it with you to see if you wish to play in this world my mind thought up.

There were many moving parts to the dream prior to the 'falling'; things that fade in and fade out. But this part of the dream is the one that stuck with me.

Somehow and someway, I don't understand it, I was falling in the sky without a parachute. Someone else panicked when they saw it (I am not sure who she was) when all of a sudden, a sleigh in the air dove right underneath where I was falling and caught me. (Weird because I wasn't actually in 1st person perspective when I saw the sleigh, I was in 3rd person perspective. Once caught, however, I moved back to 1st person perspective and was in the sleigh with Santa Claus.)

He didn't say much to me, he simply drove the sleigh until we got to a dilapidated old house which seemed to be perhaps on the outskirts of a town, basically sitting by itself. I got out of the sleigh and looked at it. It seemed very run down and I thought to myself that if we had to fix this place up, it was going to take a lot of time and energy. Again, I don't ever remember Santa directly interacting with me, but he seemed to communicate to me and I seemed to know this house was an older house that saw finer days of children in the home. I got the sense it used to be a small house with maybe 4 or 5 children (or maybe more), but that the closest thing I could get to describe the house's purpose was to be an orphan house or a house for sick children or a house for lonely children. Something else also told me the house itself was in mourning and that part of it was still alive; in other words, I knew (and when I walked in it was confirmed to me) that in order to keep itself alive, it would bring up memories of what used to be.

I walked in the front door and directly in front of me was some sort of barrier - hard to explain. It wasn't hard, it was soft - maybe foam? And I could see over it a living room [and when I could see into the living room, the barrier was no longer and issue; I can't say it disappeared, it was just like it wasn't. Hard to explain as sometimes dreams are.] Very beautiful living room in deed. Many elegant chairs and a large TV ... not flat screen, maybe a larger screen embedded in a wood framing like maybe an entertainment center. Maybe the screen was 45+ inches. And it was playing, it was on. I didn't recognize the cartoon, but it was a cartoon of some sort maybe. (I say maybe because I am writing this down, Mayflower, because I don't want the dream to fade. If I waited until the end of today - it would be gone forever, and I so loved it even though I cried at the end. I might be getting one or two details a little distorted, but be assured that 95% of my retelling of this dream is as I remember it.)

I continued on. There definitely was definition, an order to this place. Farther back behind the living room was a door, larger than most normal doors, and I don't seem to remember it having a door knob. Rather, the kind of handle you might see in a garage setting or something. Hard to explain, perhaps I will find a picture for you. (sort of like this, only maybe a little bigger: https://dd5wnkwp5hmnk.cloudfront.net/images/300x300/5455v_154339.jpeg?543482292

When I opened it, it was a large room that I assumed may have been a play room of some sort. But there were maybe 2 or 3 mice in it scurrying around. I closed it immediately; I realized cleaning this house to get it back so children could use it again would take a while. I'd have to set a whole bunch of mouse traps. (Again, don't ask me how I knew this is what I was supposed to do. I just knew it.)

Just trying to keep the sense of the house in my mind. Again, pretend I was standing in the middle of the house facing that larger room, but still in the living room. To the left was a hallway which I went down. There were some rooms there, but they went unexplored. I just knew it was messy in that area, it was going to take a lot. It seemed to 'wrap' around, though, but to the left (rather than the right as you expect it to somehow interact with the rest of the house).

Then, a peculiar question came to me. Where exactly did the children sleep? I had seen a play area, a living area, and perhaps I could excuse that side corridor as where the kitchen might be. But I hadn't seem any beds or places to sleep. Again, standing in the middle of the living room (corridor to the left, large room in front of me but back a little), I walked over to the right. There was a very small and wide hallway. I saw a bunch of wooden stairs (the kind that have holes in between each stair because it's not really a finished stair. Sort of like this, but completely wood and also not perfectly even: https://secure.img1-ag.wfcdn.com/im/24841205/resize-h800^compr-r85/7074/70746336/Beardsley+Scrape+Rib+Non-Slip+Stair+Tread.jpg) It was leading up to there; I moved away and went back to the main living room because I was scared to go up there.

Then something told me, something reasoned to me that I had to absolutely go up those stairs. My question about where the children would sleep would be found up there.

So I went back; in some dreams, the scene might change and confuse me. But in this dream, it didn't change. I simply returned to the original place I was scared to go up. Before climbing the stairs on the wall to the right were what I could only describe as signs. Maybe black board signs, but I don't remember them being black. Whatever they were, it seemed to have the names of children on them with the assignment of their rooms maybe and maybe there were also chores on the signs for them to do. It wasn't one large sign, but rather many little signs. (I seem to remember the lettering were different colors on some sort of white background - but they weren't white boards. Definitely some sort of crayon or acrylic was used. And it was obvious kids wrote them.)

Now, Mayflower, this is the end of the dream that I am about to describe to you. It ends with only what I can call heavenly joy or heavenly sorrow, I'm not sure. I climbed the stairs and there was one door in front of me. (Which is peculiar, I would have thought based on the signs of the children's name I'd be in a hallway of many rooms, but it was only one door going to one room.)

I opened it and literally came into a most joyful sight. I looked around; the whole room was decorated for Christmas. I think I may have imagined it, but it was probably snowing outside. I looked over to the left and there was a large bed. There was a beautiful young girl on the bed (maybe 12 or 13); she was wearing a very elegant green dress, sort of like the one you might see if you thought she was being raised by aristocrat families. Yet, she had a great large smile and a keyboard on her lap ... somehow, I can't describe it. She was playing the keyboard with a joyful tune. (Do you know how many songs I have written in my sleep? Too many to count which were good at the time, but which I never remembered.)

Then turning my head to the right, at a large desk where three other children. I think they were all boys or two boys and one girl. Slightly fuzzy.

They were singing! And they were smiling and happy. They were singing a Christmas carol, but I never heard it. It was singing of joy and happiness and maybe the fact that it was snowing. They were all in unison, all four children were singing this song, elated at something though I wasn't sure what they were elated for.

So many emotions over took me in that I was still convinced these children were orphans, that this house had many fond memories of happy times and of love, and that somehow all these children loved each other. I began to cry and weep because the scene was too much. I didn't want to leave it, yet I didn't want to keep crying either. I think it would have kept going on forever if I let it (but I didn't deliberately say I wanted it to go. But you know how dreams are, sometimes they fade at the slightest hint that you want to leave it, even if you regret that half of a second remorse.)

And then I woke up, my eyes opened, and I realized I had a most peculiar dream.

The reason why I shared it with you is because for some reason - I felt like this would be my gift to you. I mean, sharing it with you.

Do you think there is potential in this dream to write another story with you? No worries if not, I completely understand. I just felt like this dream was the perfect dream to write to you about and I so enjoyed our last story where we worked together. And in no way am I saying a story has to be written exactly like this dream; but there are nice elements all through it.

I have ideas on how to tell the story too; whether it is me first person (which would be sort of bad because then it would leave you having to be third person, which doesn't make sense.) Or I thought we could be estranged adult brother and sister writing to each other letters about these dreams. (But not sure how that would work or why we'd be writing to each other.)

No worries if none of this dream makes sense or it doesn't resonate with you; I'm just happy if you'd receive it as something joyful to think on for a few moments. But do let me know if you think you'd be interested in using it for inspiration to play in its world. :) Peter James

Wow Peter. That is a beautiful dream. Im sorry it took so long to respond back. I didn't get tagged for some reason and have been on CF, but mainly talking with friends. This would make an amazing story!
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
Marital Status
Could I suggest something? My friend on here is really good at interpreting dreams from God. This is an absolutely amazing dream. I have ideas what it could mean, but not really experienced or the place to here. But if you want to paste this in signs gifts you can, or we can pm him if you are just curious.

Sign Gifts

But yeh, this would make an amazing story!!! A dream come true. ^_^
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Could I suggest something? My friend on here is really good at interpreting dreams from God. This is an absolutely amazing dream. I have ideas what it could mean, but not really experienced or the place to here. But if you want to paste this in signs gifts you can, or we can pm him if you are just curious.

Sign Gifts

But yeh, this would make an amazing story!!! A dream come true. ^_^

Hi Mayflower, how are you? Thank you so much; I just figured there wasn't much interest in it. No worries at all; I don't like to hound people. :)

I am happy to submit my dream for review just to see what someone's perspective on it might be. Can't believe that was only 2 months ago. Most of my dreams are about theater and how I wish I were back on stage. Usually, they aren't that sophisticated and detailed as that dream. I absolutely how to write it out that morning, Feb 15 or it would have faded from memory. But it was very impressionable.

I'd be honored to RP with you again; I was missing it! :)
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
Marital Status
See, what is pretty amazing how I just read this recently, because Monday I had a dream with santa in it too:

Dream: I was at the outside mall with my daughter. It looked a little different in that it had an arch opening to pass through to get inside. I had her in her small "cowboy" stroller. We usually put my son in it these days on small park trips. So I was taking her to see Santa Clause, but we went into this building first where people were just standing around, looking on their phones. It had black walls/floors etc. Usually this is the movie theater area. I was sad, because I had no money to take her to see Santa either. I was looking in my wallet. Paper no cash. I think maybe a dollar was in there, but wasn't enough.

So then we turned and just left the mall.

So after I fed John, I fell back to sleep and had this dream.

Dream: I was at the outside mall by myself. I went into this hallway type place with a room. I knew the mall was about to close and I was going to be locked in, but I was really tired. It was a white room and had a twin sized bed. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep/spent the night at the mall. When I woke up in the morning there, I am really unsure what happened. I know I went to search for houses or something, but can't remember.

Nothing like your dream, but came to mind when I read this. ^_^
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
Marital Status
I even wrote an intro idea to how we get to this amazing dream in a story.

A mother and her daughter went to a mall to see santa clause in June and found she didn't even have money to do that. She thought it was a crazy event she found on a flying flyer. Christmas in summer. But her daughter was crazy about santa clause and talked about him all year long. When what did her wondering eyes appear? A hallway appeared leading back to a white room with two twin beds and what... There was another there sleeping. A man... he was snoring away with chocolate on his face and cheeto fingers. He smiled and looked very content. Elaynah looked around to see if there was anyone else there....maybe it was a refreshing area...it was an outside mall. It was empty. She turned around to leave. May was fast asleep in her stroller and she needed to get home to make her dinner soon. But something stopped her...a crib? Was that always there? Exhaustion over came Elaynah and she thought of the notion of sleeping next to a strange man in the middle of Jefferson Pointe.

Her mind wandered again. Maybe seeing santa was free. She hated the idea of May seeing him and not understanding why she couldn't go up to him like the other kids. She laid her down in the beautiful crib and thought at least May could sleep awhile. Cheeto man seemed harmless enough, and she would stay awake.


Yeh her staying awake won't happen. ^_^ It leads into his dream so well. :D
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
Marital Status
You have beautiful dreams too Mayflower; the first one sounds like you love your daughter and want the best for her and sometimes lament about not getting her what she needs.

The second dream I couldn't even begin to think about what it might mean. :)

But I like exchanging dreams. :)
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
Marital Status
I even wrote an intro idea to how we get to this amazing dream in a story.

A mother and her daughter went to a mall to see santa clause in June and found she didn't even have money to do that. She thought it was a crazy event she found on a flying flyer. Christmas in summer. But her daughter was crazy about santa clause and talked about him all year long. When what did her wondering eyes appear? A hallway appeared leading back to a white room with two twin beds and what... There was another there sleeping. A man... he was snoring away with chocolate on his face and cheeto fingers. He smiled and looked very content. Elaynah looked around to see if there was anyone else there....maybe it was a refreshing area...it was an outside mall. It was empty. She turned around to leave. May was fast asleep in her stroller and she needed to get home to make her dinner soon. But something stopped her...a crib? Was that always there? Exhaustion over came Elaynah and she thought of the notion of sleeping next to a strange man in the middle of Jefferson Pointe.

Her mind wandered again. Maybe seeing santa was free. She hated the idea of May seeing him and not understanding why she couldn't go up to him like the other kids. She laid her down in the beautiful crib and thought at least May could sleep awhile. Cheeto man seemed harmless enough, and she would stay awake.


Yeh her staying awake won't happen. ^_^ It leads into his dream so well. :D

That is very nice Mayflower; is this a short story you are going to write or do you want to RP it? I'm happy to, I just need a little more info about how to begin and what you're looking for. :)
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
Marital Status
That is very nice Mayflower; is this a short story you are going to write or do you want to RP it? I'm happy to, I just need a little more info about how to begin and what you're looking for. :)

Oh that is just a story intro idea for your rpg idea based on your dream. I was thinking we both fell asleep and the three of us would be in your dream here. I just felt it lead into it so well.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
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You have beautiful dreams too Mayflower; the first one sounds like you love your daughter and want the best for her and sometimes lament about not getting her what she needs.

The second dream I couldn't even begin to think about what it might mean. :)

But I like exchanging dreams. :)

Me too. Some I wouldn't use as a story, but then others I think have good fantasy elements to them or even hold some wisdoms to help people with. Like Christmas time, so many encourage santa, but forget Christ. Gifts aren't always available, but salvation is. Not to mention the over and abound blessings just abiding in God.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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I am not sure if I saw your dream in february and just forgot to go back and read it, or sometimes don't catch the tag. At any rate, glad I saw this. I love dreams. I am pretty fascinated with them.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
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Me too. Some I wouldn't use as a story, but then others I think have good fantasy elements to them or even hold some wisdoms to help people with. Like Christmas time, so many encourage santa, but forget Christ. Gifts aren't always available, but salvation is. Not to mention the over and abound blessings just abiding in God.

Please don't be mad at me for saying this - I wish you were my sister. You have such beautiful dreams and thoughts and you care about people. You don't have to comment on that. It may have been wrong for me to say it out loud!

Oh that is just a story intro idea for your rpg idea based on your dream. I was thinking we both fell asleep and the three of us would be in your dream here. I just felt it lead into it so well.

Oh wow, you really liked the original idea? I liked your dreams as seeds for the story. Please, it's not all about me. So we can play in the house any which way we want. It doesn't have to be exactly like I have it - although I wish I understood some of the symbolism of the singing children or the mice in the large closed off room or the cartoon on the TV!
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
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Please don't be mad at me for saying this - I wish you were my sister. You have such beautiful dreams and thoughts and you care about people. You don't have to comment on that. It may have been wrong for me to say it out loud!

Oh wow, you really liked the original idea? I liked your dreams as seeds for the story. Please, it's not all about me. So we can play in the house any which way we want. It doesn't have to be exactly like I have it - although I wish I understood some of the symbolism of the singing children or the mice in the large closed off room or the cartoon on the TV!

Awwww. Well recently of late I have had more Christian brothers and mentors as friends. Mainly has been public online, because I am married and try to be careful online. But thanks, Peter.. very nice of you to say that. I think you are pretty cool too. :)
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Awwww. Well recently of late I have had more Christian brothers and mentors as friends. Mainly has been public online, because I am married and try to be careful online. But thanks, Peter.. very nice of you to say that. I think you are pretty cool too. :)

Yes, you are wise in having those rules. There was a part of me that felt bad when our last story together ended. Happy because I never reached the end of a story, sad because I enjoyed it.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
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Yes, you are wise in having those rules. There was a part of me that felt bad when our last story together ended. Happy because I never reached the end of a story, sad because I enjoyed it.

Yes. This has been my experience. Id get caught up in things. Never finish. Since my focus is Christ in even my writing, just transformation has taken place.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Yes. This has been my experience. Id get caught up in things. Never finish. Since my focus is Christ in even my writing, just transformation has taken place.

Well, I enjoy Christian rping too. All other stories ... yes, they don't end for some reason. But Christ centered stories do end.

There are so many topics for an rp I want to explore with you and other friends like you. Heaven, forgiveness, redemption, Christmas (like this Christmas story), being overcomers. :)

And dreams that many people dream together? Did you ever watch Neverending Story - that was one of the songs: dreams we dream together! :)
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
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I think in light of what we have talked about, it would be cool to use these elements for a Christmas Story:

* Your introduction to the overall story; I'm guessing you find my character asleep in the mall alley way.
* The house, though we can change up the interior the way we want it
* The happy girl singing a Christmas carol with other happy children.
* The need to renovate the house for orphan boys and girls
* If this truly is a dreamscape fantasy, then I would need to know from you what theme you would like to explore in the story and how you would like it to go.

Is the dream the main thrust of the story, or only a launching off point for a greater story afterwards?

These are my initial thoughts. As usual, you do really great with platonic friendship themes, so I'm happy to explore this or if you ultimately aren't feeling it - any RP you would like to do. :)

I do want to see an uptick of rpg story tellers in this area eventually.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
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I think in light of what we have talked about, it would be cool to use these elements for a Christmas Story:

* Your introduction to the overall story; I'm guessing you find my character asleep in the mall alley way.
* The house, though we can change up the interior the way we want it
* The happy girl singing a Christmas carol with other happy children.
* The need to renovate the house for orphan boys and girls
* If this truly is a dreamscape fantasy, then I would need to know from you what theme you would like to explore in the story and how you would like it to go.

Is the dream the main thrust of the story, or only a launching off point for a greater story afterwards?

These are my initial thoughts. As usual, you do really great with platonic friendship themes, so I'm happy to explore this or if you ultimately aren't feeling it - any RP you would like to do. :)

I do want to see an uptick of rpg story tellers in this area eventually.

I would love that too! This is sort of a hidden subforum of a subforum. :)

I think what would be neat is a theme on what can help us in our spiritual walks with God. Visions of what could be in this beautiful house. We can add rooms if you want with maybe good memories, small things that God sees us do that we don't. And things to give up. And the top being a room to let Christian brothers and sisters in and how joyous that is to have. This could maybe be both of their biggest issue. One a parent and sort of stopped having friends after marriage and untrusting of people, and the other just someone lonely too who desires close friendships. There are different types of love that is like a brotherly love, romantic love, and agape love.


When Christians deny themselves Godly friends, men and woman alike, there is a void there that only loving God and others can fill. So anyways, since this is using elements from your special dream, Id say whatever is good. Just an idea. We could even just leave the Christmas symbolism in that top room as making it extra special, since Christmas is a time for friends and family. They could come to the mall just to shop and look around or something.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
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I like shorter stories, but could be like a "chapter" in a book if you like. I find I am a lot more satisfied when a story is finished, but that is just me. :) I get sidetracked when it is too long.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
United States
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I would love that too! This is sort of a hidden subforum of a subforum. :)

Actually, you probably have already heard of this song. We used to sing it at Pure Life, but when you listen to the end - I always found it fascinating that basically the singer says God wants to put his heart back into the theater and performing arts world:

Why not the RPG world? :)

Shorter stories work for me!

I think what would be neat is a theme on what can help us in our spiritual walks with God. Visions of what could be in this beautiful house. We can add rooms if you want with maybe good memories, small things that God sees us do that we don't.

Something else to think about Mayflower; I think it's in psychology (or I really don't know exactly where I learned it or maybe I made it up, who knows) - a house can represent the life of a person. Every room you are in, if you think about it - every room represents a different aspect of the human life. Living room - the things you enjoy; the study, the things you read. The kitchen, the things you eat. The garage or back yard, the things you enjoy (or the things you hoarde! lol) In a house like this which would be for maybe orphans, the bedroom can be the sacred place that children allow their friends to play with them or have joy in their life and existence.

I don't know how that could be implemented - what do you think?
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