Is Slipknot Christian or Anti Christian? Can Christians Listen to Slipknot?


Sep 3, 2016
Eastern Orthodox
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Quick disclaimer for the title: want to get opinion from metal listeners that are christians so all of you who are saying "metal is devil's music" etc. please avoid commenting here because a non-argumented opinions are unnecessary.

I'm aware that similar topics have been active before, but it was quite a long time ago so I think it's okay if I start this fresh one here. So, to get to the topic. I'm fairly new to the metal genre, I've been listening for about two years now, but I'm that type of guy who's hard on finding new bands and new music. I'm more like listen-on-repeat-until-I'm-sick-of-it guy. I'm listening to both christian and secular bands. I think it is fine to listen to secular bands as long as they are religion-neutral or not anti-christian or not mocking God. To not make this post long, point is I'm very much into Slipknot at the moment. It's just something that's resonating with me currently. Now, I've did some research to see anything that could've associate band with satanism or something similar. I can't say that they passed the test 100% percent clear. Obviously, there are some of the references in Iowa (which is the album I'm so into currently), both lyrically and with it's album cover. But, as much as I found out, lyrics are mostly metaphors and not to be taked literally and those goat heads are something that sells.

I don't know for sure and that's why I'm here. I want to take my personal liking of the band to the side and take an objective look at it. However, I couldn't find anything that could entirely explain are they satanic or not and should a christian listen to them. I don't care about "listen what you like" etc. So, from expirienced listeners, should I listen to this band or should I skip?


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Quick disclaimer for the title: want to get opinion from metal listeners that are christians so all of you who are saying "metal is devil's music" etc. please avoid commenting here because a non-argumented opinions are unnecessary.

I'm aware that similar topics have been active before, but it was quite a long time ago so I think it's okay if I start this fresh one here. So, to get to the topic. I'm fairly new to the metal genre, I've been listening for about two years now, but I'm that type of guy who's hard on finding new bands and new music. I'm more like listen-on-repeat-until-I'm-sick-of-it guy. I'm listening to both christian and secular bands. I think it is fine to listen to secular bands as long as they are religion-neutral or not anti-christian or not mocking God. To not make this post long, point is I'm very much into Slipknot at the moment. It's just something that's resonating with me currently. Now, I've did some research to see anything that could've associate band with satanism or something similar. I can't say that they passed the test 100% percent clear. Obviously, there are some of the references in Iowa (which is the album I'm so into currently), both lyrically and with it's album cover. But, as much as I found out, lyrics are mostly metaphors and not to be taked literally and those goat heads are something that sells.

I don't know for sure and that's why I'm here. I want to take my personal liking of the band to the side and take an objective look at it. However, I couldn't find anything that could entirely explain are they satanic or not and should a christian listen to them. I don't care about "listen what you like" etc. So, from expirienced listeners, should I listen to this band or should I skip?

We have Christian freedom to engage in the secular world; to listen to music, watch films, read books, play games etc without sinning. I don't believe any kind of media is sinful in and of itself, but rather that it's a question of whether it causes us to sin or not.

Simply, does listening to Slipknot cause you to sin? Or does it injure your neighbour's faith as to cause him to sin?

If yes, then it's best to try and find some Christian alternatives. I can, for example, recommend bands under the Facedown Records label, which is Christian metal. The Burial is good. Other bands that are somewhat along the lines of Slipknot could be August Burns Red, For Today and Oh Sleeper. I also know of some Christian black metal (or "white metal") if you're into that, such as Antestor, Crimson Moonlight and Drottnar.

If no, if you simply don't care about the band's image and lyrics, but can enjoy the music without causing harm to yourself or your neighbour - great. But as with any secular entertainment, even though we have freedom in Christ to enjoy things, not all things are profitable, and so if listening to this kind of music becomes a serious distraction or burden, then be on guard.

About Slipknot, specifically. It's my understanding that they're atheists and use satanic symbols as part of their image and opposition to Christianity, which is unsurprising as it's a very common outward expression with bands of this genre. But I would say, despite their offensive appearance and crass lyrics, I don't think Slipknot is any worse than any secular music, for secular music, in general, is almost exclusively anti-Christian if you really consider the lyrics. The music of Ariana Grande, Drake and Taylor Swift etc are also profoundly anti-Scriptural. Strictly speaking, I don't believe there's any such thing as truly neutral lyrics, for all lyrics are written from some philosophical standpoint, and so, they all glorify something, whether it be atheist values, sex, drugs, secular values, and anything that is not God. For this reason, I would never play secular music in church, and it pains me when people consider some music "clean enough" to be played in church. It's not. But I digress.

In a word, be glad and take comfort in the freedom you have in Christ, but at the same time, be on guard against anything that may cause you or your neighbour to sin.

Blessings +
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Quick disclaimer for the title: want to get opinion from metal listeners that are christians so all of you who are saying "metal is devil's music" etc. please avoid commenting here because a non-argumented opinions are unnecessary.

I'm aware that similar topics have been active before, but it was quite a long time ago so I think it's okay if I start this fresh one here. So, to get to the topic. I'm fairly new to the metal genre, I've been listening for about two years now, but I'm that type of guy who's hard on finding new bands and new music. I'm more like listen-on-repeat-until-I'm-sick-of-it guy. I'm listening to both christian and secular bands. I think it is fine to listen to secular bands as long as they are religion-neutral or not anti-christian or not mocking God. To not make this post long, point is I'm very much into Slipknot at the moment. It's just something that's resonating with me currently. Now, I've did some research to see anything that could've associate band with satanism or something similar. I can't say that they passed the test 100% percent clear. Obviously, there are some of the references in Iowa (which is the album I'm so into currently), both lyrically and with it's album cover. But, as much as I found out, lyrics are mostly metaphors and not to be taked literally and those goat heads are something that sells.

I don't know for sure and that's why I'm here. I want to take my personal liking of the band to the side and take an objective look at it. However, I couldn't find anything that could entirely explain are they satanic or not and should a christian listen to them. I don't care about "listen what you like" etc. So, from expirienced listeners, should I listen to this band or should I skip?

Personally, I like some metal, and Stryper is my specific cup of tea, but this doesn't mean I don't like to listen to secular stuff as well within certain limits, one such limit being that within my extensive music collection, there isn't anything that is overtly "in your face" of a Satanic nature. So, if Slipknot has goat-heads and even minor references to Satanism as a part of their marketing ploy, as has other bands like, say, Motley Crue among others, then I probably wouldn't make them a regular part of my musical diet. Regardless, in your case, one verse of the Bible that might apply here is the following:

1 Corinthians 7:30-31 New International Version (NIV)
30 those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; 31 those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.

So, if you think you want to "use" the music of Slipknot, fine (kind'a, I guess). Just do three things: 1) remain mindful and critical of what you're hearing lyrically, 2) don't allow it to sway you philosophically away from Christ, 3) and don't let Slipknot be the only thing you listen to; somewhere in your musical diet should be something which strongly encourages you toward the Lord. And that's that.
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Sep 3, 2016
Eastern Orthodox
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Thanks everyone for your replies, everyone's opinion was greately appreciated.

We have Christian freedom to engage in the secular world; to listen to music, watch films, read books, play games etc without sinning. I don't believe any kind of media is sinful in and of itself, but rather that it's a question of whether it causes us to sin or not.

Simply, does listening to Slipknot cause you to sin? Or does it injure your neighbour's faith as to cause him to sin?

If yes, then it's best to try and find some Christian alternatives. I can, for example, recommend bands under the Facedown Records label, which is Christian metal. The Burial is good. Other bands that are somewhat along the lines of Slipknot could be August Burns Red, For Today and Oh Sleeper. I also know of some Christian black metal (or "white metal") if you're into that, such as Antestor, Crimson Moonlight and Drottnar.

If no, if you simply don't care about the band's image and lyrics, but can enjoy the music without causing harm to yourself or your neighbour - great. But as with any secular entertainment, even though we have freedom in Christ to enjoy things, not all things are profitable, and so if listening to this kind of music becomes a serious distraction or burden, then be on guard.

About Slipknot, specifically. It's my understanding that they're atheists and use satanic symbols as part of their image and opposition to Christianity, which is unsurprising as it's a very common outward expression with bands of this genre. But I would say, despite their offensive appearance and crass lyrics, I don't think Slipknot is any worse than any secular music, for secular music, in general, is almost exclusively anti-Christian if you really consider the lyrics. The music of Ariana Grande, Drake and Taylor Swift etc are also profoundly anti-Scriptural. Strictly speaking, I don't believe there's any such thing as truly neutral lyrics, for all lyrics are written from some philosophical standpoint, and so, they all glorify something, whether it be atheist values, sex, drugs, secular values, and anything that is not God. For this reason, I would never play secular music in church, and it pains me when people consider some music "clean enough" to be played in church. It's not. But I digress.

In a word, be glad and take comfort in the freedom you have in Christ, but at the same time, be on guard against anything that may cause you or your neighbour to sin.

Blessings +

I wouldn't describe Slipknot as making me sin. To be honest, none of the bands I listen to do. It's just that I enjoy the energy and that metal sound. Will definitely look into bands you listed, but I'll have to skip white metal. That's something I just can't dig into. Some songs I can stand regarding the music, but some I tried listening long ago and just few seconds into and it started giving me creeps. That and death metal is something I'm not "grown" enough to enjoy at the moment. But that regarding secular music is my point as well. Those mainstream artists are more anti-scriptural than a lot of metal bands. I mean, if we want to take it so strictly, anything that's not strictly christianity directed is anti-christian aka satanic right? But, my take on this is, and I try to be as much objective as I can, as long as an artist / band don't mock, insult God etc. and as long as they aren't glorifying satan, I think that they are more-less "safe" to listen to. I mean, my problem with Slipknot is mostly stuff that could be taken as satanic. Goat head, which is like a symbol of satanism on cover, (even though goat is an animal but we all know the point goat has in metal) some satan references in lyrics. I mean, a lot of the lyrics are dark themed but they aren't making me want to go and kill anyone etc, it's just that I enjoy the strenght of the songs but those blatant imagery is what made me think a bit more about it. There are also softer songs so I coulnd't be totally with "ok, totally dark, imagery fully supported, won't listen to", I wanted to take everything in consideration. My current stand is that I will proceed, but with caution. If I get more info that would support satanism theory, I'll stop listening to them.

I'm a metal fan but there's absolutely no denying Slipknot has many blatant satanic references.

Yes, that's undeniably true. But, as I said above, there are two sides to it. I mean, consider The Heretic Anthem and Snuff. Who could've thought both songs are from the same band. Now, regarding satanic references in lyrics, so far as I've listened it's most likely something similar to this (and they don't appear that much often). For example, in Heretic Anthem, there's a line that says "If you're 555, then I'm 666". My initial thoughts were that they openly admitted satanism there but a bit of research and it turns out it's directed as a hate message to music industry and other artists being sellouts so I guess their references are more metaphorical like this than they actually are real but I haven't totally did my research so I can't say it with 100% security.

So, if you think you want to "use" the music of Slipknot, fine (kind'a, I guess). Just do three things: 1) remain mindful and critical of what you're hearing lyrically, 2) don't allow it to sway you philosophically away from Christ, 3) and don't let Slipknot be the only thing you listen to; somewhere in your musical diet should be something which strongly encourages you toward the Lord. And that's that.
(failed inserting quote correctly, sorry for that)

Totally agree with this. Don't relax and always stay on guard. Will do!

Thats pretty dark music and a dark album. Try instrumental bands, like "cloudkicker".

Yeah, pretty dark, not that it affect me in a bad way though. Personally, I don't think that metal instrumental is enough in my opinion, I need lyrics, that's what is somewhat fueling me and with good instrumental is what great songs consist of. But it's good music man!
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Not everything is about "making you sin" or "harming your faith".

The devil es someone (not something) quite serious to joke, sing or talk about. Just read any exorcist's account of the doors that open the way for the devil into a soul and you will see what I mean. Avoid just speaking of "what I think" or "what I feel": learn from other's experience.

Please, please, don't be so naive as to think that "if I don't allow it to harm me, it won't". By dealing with the devil -yes, also in music- you are admitting him. And, believe me, I've seen it, that's a door you definitely don't want to open.
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