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Does the ELCA have social teachings on the gay wedding controversy?


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I'm just using it as an example. They tend to be the most common group that takes this notion of instant holiness as a given. We Lutherans reject it. Our lives are complicated, we are saints yes, but we are also sinners at the same time. Therefore, we don't play God, we don't speak for God unless it is clear through biblical evidence and plain reason. Not just pious whims so common in other evangelical churches. We actually want rock-solid certainty before we go spouting off what is God's design or God's will.

Denominational problems aside (since I have none lol), righteous judgement had nothing to do with instant holiness. Nor has that been implied at all. Righteous judgement is judging, or coming to a decision based on the authority of the Word, as oppose to leaning on your own understanding. The Christian baker saying "no", whether or not it makes people feel less happy, is them exercising righteous judgement. Its a decision that is based on what the Word of God already clearly established about associating yourself with it (ex. of righteous judgement: The Word of God said not to associate, doing this act will have me associate, therefore I can't do this act.) My argument is that they should not be forced to say yes, they should have that right to say "yes" or "no". I would not shame them, because I know why they would say "no". I still stand by that, so idk what else to say.
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Do you know what righteous judgement mean, and the difference between unrighteous and righteous judgement?

Who, besides God, can judge in righteousness?

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Denominational problems aside (since I have none lol), righteous judgement had nothing to do with instant holiness. Nor has that been implied at all. Righteous judgement is judging, or coming to a decision based on the authority of the Word, as oppose to leaning on your own understanding. The Christian baker saying "no", whether or not it makes people feel less happy, is them exercising righteous judgement. Its a decision that is based on what the Word of God already clearly established about associating yourself with it (ex. of righteous judgement: The Word of God said not to associate, doing this act will have me associate, therefore I can't do this act.) My argument is that they should not be forced to say yes, they should have that right to say "yes" or "no". I would not shame them, because I know why they would say "no". I still stand by that, so idk what else to say.

"I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral persons— not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since you would then need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber. Do not even eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? God will judge those outside. 'Drive out the wicked person from among you.'" - 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

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"I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral persons— not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since you would then need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber. Do not even eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? God will judge those outside. 'Drive out the wicked person from among you.'" - 1 Corinthians 5:9-13


I think you're mixing up pronouncing judgement on a person vs. judging the situation.
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Who, besides God, can judge in righteousness?


So why would Jesus ask the Jews to make righteous judgement in John 7, if they were not able to make righteous judgement? Because we are able to.

Righteous judgement is not a supernatural phenomenon, its having the Word be the ruling force of your decision-making with guidance of the Holy Spirit. Its not to make sentence, but its to make decisions. We make decisions every single day, whether its coming from the authority of the Word and guidance of the Holy Spirit or not makes the difference of whether you're making a righteous or unrighteous judgement.
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So why would Jesus ask the Jews to make righteous judgement in John 7, if they were not able to make righteous judgement? Because we are able to.

No, that's a failure to distinguish Law and Gospel. Not everything God commands we can obey. Sin is present in our lives from birth to death. God's commands often show us our sinfulness, our inability and need for his grace. I see no promise here of infallibilty in our "righteous judgments". And presumption of grace puts us on dangerous ground.

You should come here with an open mind, or not come at all. Our church has spoken, we will not countenance discrimination against sexual minorities. We are aware of the Bible, and trust our theologians and pastors to help us understand it, as a community responsible to God and our neighbor. You are free to accept that or not, but you cannot challenge what is Evangelical Lutheran teaching.
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No, that's a failure to distinguish Law and Gospel. Not everything God commands we can obey. Sin is present in our lives from birth to death. God's commands often show us our sinfulness, our inability and need for his grace.

You should not come to a Lutheran forum and lecture us on what the Bible says. You should come with an open mind, or not come at all. Our church has spoken, we will not countenance discrimination against sexual minorities. You are free to accept that or not, but you cannot challenge what is Evangelical Lutheran teaching.

yeah i just realized that it was a lutheran forum, but next time maybe remind me that first before calling me a failure as a Christian.

And probably put the forum to lutheran only, since this doesn't seem like an open-minded forum either. I'm a non-denom, you're only gonna get a non-denom answer from me. If this forum is not open to that argument, don't open it.
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It's not open to challenging what is in our constitution or confessions, but otherwise people are free to discuss, and hopefully to learn. We are open-minded, we are just not open-minded towards what our church has deemed sinful and repugnant.

We are all failures as Christians from time to time, and we are definitely all sinners, but the Gospel is that God forgives you. You do not have to be perfect for God to love you, but it is important that you hear God's Word preached clearly.

And for us Lutherans, there is a certain way that we believe is correct, and the other other ways that miss Christ altogether. Jesus and the forgiveness and eternal life he brings, is at the center of our faith. And Jesus came only for sinners, so that shapes our ethics. Nobody has the right to put up stumbling blocks for those Jesus came to save.
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So, you come into the ELCA/ELCIC forum and decide that you should tell them that they are wrong, even though you are not in the ELCA/ELCIC. Ah, a problem that we've had since this forum was first created.

Why do people insist on doing that?

The ELCA believes in a God of love. We are told not to judge our neighbors. We believe that only God can truly judge people. We are to live out our faith as God says - not sit in judgement of our neighbors. We believe that God still loves them. We even believe that we don't get everything right, but we have our doctrines that we believe.
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So, you come into the ELCA/ELCIC forum and decide that you should tell them that they are wrong, even though you are not in the ELCA/ELCIC. Ah, a problem that we've had since this forum was first created.

Why do people insist on doing that?

The ELCA believes in a God of love. We are told not to judge our neighbors. We believe that only God can truly judge people. We are to live out our faith as God says - not sit in judgement of our neighbors. We believe that God still loves them. We even believe that we don't get everything right, but we have our doctrines that we believe.
This thread has been dead for two years and the person was new at the time.
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