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Why the 'obsession' with homosexuality?


Christian Humanist
Jun 5, 2007
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If homosexual marriages were acceptable in the eyes of GOD, they would have been performed in Jerusalem at the time of CHRIST and he would have likely changed water into wine at one. They were not. CHRIST visted none, and the wedding feast recorded was not used by CHRIST to propose that possibility.

You know, Nip, the Bible doesn't record Jesus doing a lot of things -- laugh, use the bathroom, stuff like that. But I don't see anyone calling laughter or defecation sinful. If they did, your argument might have some merit. Since they don't, it looks like you're still trying to find religious justification for your personal feelings -- and failing at it.
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Mar 9, 2005
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Frankly, many Christian I talk to recognize homosexual marriage as just another sign of the LAST DAYS before the Catching Away. There is that very strong possibility. With so many earthquakes in diverse places, and governments quickly creating a one world currency, and average people pretty much doing whatever they delight to do, and the seeming weather changes, and the re-emergence of the nation of Israel, and all the nations coming together against Israel and turning away of people to believe all sorts of godlessness; it would not surprise me.

So there is such a thing as winning battles but losing the war. :groupray:
Such would not be to my lose.
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Under Deck
Jul 13, 2006
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Frankly, many Christian I talk to recognize homosexual marriage as just another sign of the LAST DAYS before the Catching Away. There is that very strong possibility. With so many earthquakes in diverse places, and governments quickly creating a one world currency, and average people pretty much doing whatever they delight to do, and the seeming weather changes, and the re-emergence of the nation of Israel, and all the nations coming together against Israel and turning away of people to believe all sorts of godlessness; it would not surprise me.

So there is such a thing as winning battles but losing the war. :groupray:
Such would not be to my lose.

Ha! Christians have been saying this for the last 2k years....
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Mar 9, 2005
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You know, Nip, the Bible doesn't record Jesus doing a lot of things -- laugh, use the bathroom, stuff like that. But I don't see anyone calling laughter or defecation sinful. If they did, your argument might have some merit. Since they don't, it looks like you're still trying to find religious justification for your personal feelings -- and failing at it.

If it was a worthy point, it was recorded.
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Draenei Priestess
Feb 3, 2008
Telaar, Nagrand
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You know, Nip, the Bible doesn't record Jesus doing a lot of things -- laugh, use the bathroom, stuff like that. But I don't see anyone calling laughter or defecation sinful. If they did, your argument might have some merit. Since they don't, it looks like you're still trying to find religious justification for your personal feelings -- and failing at it.

= LittleNipper

If it was a worthy point, it was recorded.

Which begs the question, when did Jesus condemn Homosexuality or gay marriage?
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Christian Humanist
Jun 5, 2007
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The name ISAAC means "may GOD smile." It can also mean "HE laughs."

1. "May God smile" does not necessarily mean "God smiles."
2. The "He" in "He laughs" does not refer to God, but to Abraham, who laughed when told an old man like him would have a son. Reread Genesis 17, especially verse 17.

But the larger point is, Nip, is that it is impossible to only do what Jesus was recorded as doing, and nothing else.
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Jun 30, 2007
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And it's not a hate crime for them to try to intimidate "Christians".:preach:

That's right. Because its merely a response to the "Christians" who persecute the gays. If they quit persecuting the gays it goes away.
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Oct 20, 2007
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If homosexual marriages were acceptable in the eyes of GOD, they would have been performed in Jerusalem at the time of CHRIST and he would have likely changed water into wine at one. They were not. CHRIST visted none, and the wedding feast recorded was not used by CHRIST to propose that possibility.

Personally, I do not pray for the banning of homosexual marriage, I pray for Christian marriages to become stronger and last longer and to set the standard as an example.

Frankly, many Christian I talk to recognize homosexual marriage as just another sign of the LAST DAYS before the Catching Away. There is that very strong possibility. With so many earthquakes in diverse places, and governments quickly creating a one world currency, and average people pretty much doing whatever they delight to do, and the seeming weather changes, and the re-emergence of the nation of Israel, and all the nations coming together against Israel and turning away of people to believe all sorts of godlessness; it would not surprise me.

So there is such a thing as winning battles but losing the war. :groupray:
Such would not be to my lose.

If it was a worthy point, it was recorded.

Or perhaps that slavery no longer is legal that is the sign of the last days. After all, slavery was prevalent at the time of Christ and there is no indication he ever condemned or tried to stop the ugly practice. In fact, he even healed the Centurion's slave, indicating he must have approved. So perhaps Christians should start praying for the return of slavery. If it was a worthy point it must have been recorded, right?
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"Some of your posts are blatant presentaton of the need for yet another sex partner, and/or the open celebration of your promiscuous desires."

Oh yeah. I can really see how the people on here talking about being in monogamous relationships and wanting to get married shows the celebration of promiscuous desires.
Of course claims like that are lies. Everyone knows they are lies but since there is no way to honestly justify hatred what else is left?
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If homosexual marriages were acceptable in the eyes of GOD, they would have been performed in Jerusalem at the time of CHRIST and he would have likely changed water into wine at one. They were not. CHRIST visted none, and the wedding feast recorded was not used by CHRIST to propose that possibility.

Personally, I do not pray for the banning of homosexual marriage, I pray for Christian marriages to become stronger and last longer and to set the standard as an example.
If the emancipation of slaves were acceptable in the eyes of God, slavery would have ended in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus and he would have likely walked on water to celebrate the end of a despicable instiution.
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Big Empty Circle

Big fat Confederate-sympathizing queer Zen atheist
Jun 19, 2008
Paducah, KY
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The notion seems to be growing among believers.

Well, some people, even some Christians, have believed the world was going to end on predetermined dates at fairly regularly intervals for as long as I've been alive, anyway... We actually spent a week in my last Psych class discussing the cognitive dissonance associated with the world then NOT ending and how these cultists resolve it in their minds ("Jesus got mad and didn't come because of X..." or "We staved off the end of the world for another so-many years..." or "The world DID end; we're just the only ones who noticed!") Pitiful. I'm sure you could find at least one and probably a smattering of such Christian groups believing at this very moment that they know for sure based on scripture and mystical prophecy that the Apocalypse will commence on a certain date in the near future.

Point being... every time someone thinks the End Times are coming on x-date, should we all run around frantically trying to do whatever it is they think needs to be done, since they obviously know so much? How have you not been picked up by an apocalyptic cult yet?
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Sex was CREATED by GOD for procreation. Having sex for fun is not what sex was created for.

Buddy, you gotta get a life! You mean to say that every single time you have ever had sex, you did it in hopes of creating a child?

Absolutely ridiculous!

Sex brings us closer to one another and closer to God in the process! If that's not happening for you, you are doing it wrong!

...You cannot be a husband by the way unless you are a male, so she cannot biblically or in any sense of the term ever be your wife ...

You are not the final arbiter of morality OR of language, for that matter!
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