War Log

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See the latest on the march to World War III here.

[22-Jan-2024] Crisis in the Taiwan Strait likely in 2024, experts say | The Hill

A majority of experts said they believe a crisis in the Taiwan Strait is likely in 2024, with a Chinese blockade or “quarantine” of the island seen as the most likely scenario.

[4-Jan-2024] Lebanese Journalist Close To Hizbullah: If Israel Starts A War, Hizbullah Will Use Unconventional Weapons

Unconventional weapons means chemical weapons.

- [13-Aug-2023] Israel on Guard for Hezbollah Chemical Weapons Attack

[3-Jan-2024] For The Middle East, There Is No Turning Back Now...

It really looks like the Middle East is going to blow up in 2024. If it does, then WW3 will be on the way in 2025. That's my thinking, anyway. There is time for you to prepare but not a lot of time.

What does blow up mean? I think it means a big war - a nuclear war. Israel will have to nuke its way out of defeat.

[13-Dec-2023] Hamas May Have Used Chemical Weapons Against Israeli Soldiers on Oct. 7: Probe - The Messenger

[31-Oct-2023] Iran’s nuclear envoy threatens Israel’s annihilation after return from Hamas meeting in Russia | Washington Examiner

Israel will face annihilation if the war against Hamas “expands,” a senior Iranian official warned as Israel Defense Forces attack the terrorist group by land and air in Gaza.

"If the war expands [any further], we cannot say that Israel would lose, because nothing will remain of Israel to be described as loser or winner,” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani said, per Iran’s Fars News Agency.

[9-Oct-2023] Twitter: IDF will destroy Damascus, target Syrian President Assad if Hezbollah joins war; US warships will support Israel in war. Message relayed via France (@ynetalerts)

IDF instructs Israelis to prepare for 3-day stay in bomb shelters/secure rooms, ensure supply of food, water, battery-run devices in case power is down. This is a clear indication of imminent escalation into larger war.

My interpretation of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:

1. 1945 - America nukes Japan
2. 2001 - 9/11 and the rise of Islam
3. 2023? - Israel nukes Syria and other neighbors (Isaiah 17)
4. 2024? - Russia and China nuke America as retaliation for #3 (Isaiah 18)

If Israel does nuke Syria, then retaliation most likely would come to America in the spring.

[11-Jun-2023] US-China war risks grow as Beijing sees little point in talking to Biden’s team | South China Morning Post

As a result, Beijing is no longer so interested in communication, and exchanges between the two militaries have been kept minimal. The two most powerful nations have entered a perilous phase of miscommunication and mis-signalling – which usually occurs as a prelude to an unexpected war.

[2-Jun-2023] Why Putin will use nuclear weapons - UnHerd

He has, for instance, made clear to the Russian people that Moscow’s red lines for the use of nuclear weapons, spelled out in its official documents, have all been crossed since the invasion. These include the claim that the very survival of Russia is at stake in the current struggle ... .

[29-May-2023] China's growing arsenal boosts risk of nuclear war, study says - Washington Times

Growing danger of nuclear conflict is 'real,' nuclear lab warns.

[25-May-2023] Is Iran unlocking the gates to Armageddon? | The Hill

For now, however, only one thing is certain. Tehran has inserted the nuclear key into the gate lock of Armageddon and is beginning to twist it open.

My comment: It's probably now or never for Israel concerning an attack on Iran to shut down it's nuclear program.

[23-May-2023] Western arms for Ukraine make 'nuclear apocalypse' more likely: Russia's Medvedev | Reuters

[21-Ma-2023] Just over half of mainland Chinese people back full-scale war to take control of Taiwan, poll finds | South China Morning Post

[11-Max-2023] Japan: Preparing for War | ARTE.tv Documentary - YouTube

[1-May-2023] Unintended Escalation Could Lead to War with China, Experts Say | Air & Space Forces Magazine

[26-Apr-2023] China pushes largest-ever expansion of nuclear arsenal

[25-Apr-2023] China is preparing for war with the West

[13-Apr-2023] Israel must prepare for war with Iran without US help, former NSA chief says | The Times of Israel

“We need to prepare for war. It’s possible that we will reach a point where we have to attack Iran even without American assistance,” Amidror, a hawkish former general who served as Nation Security Council chief under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2011-2013, said in an interview with Radio 103 FM.


Separately on Wednesday, the Walla news site reported that IDF Military Intelligence has recently told political leaders that the prospect of war is currently more likely than restored calm. ...

[11-Apr-2023] Washington’s Mideast Withdrawal Sets Israel and Iran on a Collision Course - Israel News - Haaretz.com

The likelihood of Israel becoming embroiled in a real war has risen significantly in recent months. That’s the conclusion of Military Intelligence, and both senior army officers and the political decision makers are aware of it.


Given this, Military Intelligence thinks there is now a higher probability that a series of clashes on different fronts could ignite a large-scale, multifront war, even if no one intended it to do so. This is the “perfect storm” intelligence officials have been talking about for months. And it comes on top of the implications of the domestic dispute over the government’s efforts to overhaul the judiciary.

[10-Apr-2023] Why do we think Putin won’t use ‘the bomb’? | The Hill

Why do we think Vladimir Putin will not use “the bomb” when there is so much evidence that he will?

Official Russian documents spell out when Russia might use nuclear weapons — the so-called “red lines.” Reasons include “aggression with conventional weapons against the Russian Federation, when the very existence of the state is threatened”; or “attacks … against critical governmental or military sites of the Russian Federation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions.” Putin has made clear to the Russian people that these lines have been crossed.

[4-Apr-2023] Netanyahu: If we don't stop Iran going nuclear, 'the entire world will be held hostage' | The Times of Israel

My comment: Iran is behind the complete destruction of the West. Here, Israel attacks Iran. Iran retaliates. Israel responds with nuclear weapons. Russia and China retaliate against America a little later.

[31-Mar-2023] The West is an 'existential' threat to the Russia, says Sergei Lavrov | Euronews
[22-Mar-2023] Russia would only use nuclear weapons faced with 'existential threat': Kremlin

My comment: Is Moscow's criteria for nuclear war met?

[30-Mar-2023] ‘People here are ready’: Russia’s Nobel Prize–winning journalist warns nuclear war is being sold to the public ‘like pet food’ | Fortune

Muratov, who was interviewed by the BBC in Russian capital Moscow, said Russians were being conditioned by the Kremlin to be ready for nuclear war.

“We see how state propaganda is preparing people to think that nuclear war isn’t a bad thing,” he said. “On TV channels here, nuclear war and nuclear weapons are promoted as if they’re advertising pet food.”

[29-Mar-2023] Xi Jinping Says He Is Preparing China for War | Foreign Affairs

"It is too early to say for certain what these developments mean. Conflict is not certain or imminent. But something has changed in Beijing that policymakers and business leaders worldwide cannot afford to ignore. If Xi says he is readying for war, it would be foolish not to take him at his word."

[13-Mar-2023] Nuclear War a 'Real Threat,' Says Russia Lawmaker as He Urges Ceasefire

"I think that [Putin's] nuclear threat is a real threat," Yavlinsky told Newsweek, echoing Putin's remarks that the warnings are "not a bluff."

[7-Mar-2023] China warns conflict is inevitable unless U.S. changes course

The United States and China are hurtling toward inevitable “confrontation and conflict” unless Washington changes course, Beijing’s new foreign minister warned Tuesday.

[6-Mar-2023] All Signs Point to Imminent Israeli Attack on Iran - Israel Today

US officials reacted to a recent IAEA report by warning that Iran could have enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb in about two weeks. In other words: Iran is about to become a nuclear threshold state and it’s now or never [for Israel to attack].

[4-Mar-2023] Russian Philosopher: If We Lose, There Will Be Nuclear War | MEMRI

Russian Anti-Liberal Philosopher Aleksander Dugin: Russia Cannot Afford To Lose In Ukraine – If We Start Losing, We May Use Nuclear Weapons; Withdrawal From Ukraine Would Hurl Russia Into A Civil War

My comment: Aleksander Dugin is also known as Putin's brain. This was aired on 23-Feb-2023 in Saudi Arabia. MEMRI translated it into English.

[2-Mar-2023] The U.S. Needs to Talk About the Risk of War With China

A memo from Gen. Michael Minihan, recently leaked to NBC News, warned his troops that “my gut tells me we will fight [a war with China] in 2025.” ...

Perhaps the scariest aspect of the Minihan memo is that most Washington policymakers broadly share his views. ...

[27-Feb-2023] War in the Middle East Is Closer Than You Think - WSJ

Russia isn’t parked, Iran isn’t pacified, and both are coordinating strategies with China.

[27-Feb-2023] Israel’s Dangerous Shadow War With Iran | Foreign Affairs

Why the risk of escalation is growing.

[23-Feb-2023] How long will escalating Israel-Iran hostilities remain a covert conflict?

Nadimi predicts that these [Israeli] attacks will likely increase “in size and numbers” since “the Iranian regime is expected to accelerate all its offensive deterrent programs in the future.”

Despite an “ever-existing risk of escalation at any moment,” he is unsure whether there could be an all-out war between Israel and Iran in 2023. Nevertheless, he believes “a serious exchange before 2025 is a possibility.”

My comment: "Serious exchange" almost certainly means a big war between Israel and Iran. We know from past comments by many players that the next war will be a fight to the death. Israel will likely have to nuke its way out. Russia and China need this excuse in order to nuke America: Isaiah 17 and 18, horses 3 and 4 in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Daniel 7:4-5.

Iran is Behind the Destruction of the West | Christian Forums

Note: I just finished the above article. It has not been approved yet. It might not be visible for a day.

[22-Feb-2023] Russia Tested Nuclear Capable Missile During Biden’s Ukraine Trip – CNN - The Moscow Times

Russia unsuccessfully tested its nuclear-capable “invincible” missile during President Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine this week, CNN reported Tuesday, citing two unnamed U.S. officials.

Had it been successful, the officials said President Vladimir Putin would have touted the test at his state-of-the-nation address.

Instead, Putin announced the suspension of Russia’s participation in the last U.S.-Russian nuclear arms limitation treaty and ordered his nuclear forces to prepare for a new arms race.

My comment: Apparently, Russia is now nuking up while America sleeps.

[21-Feb-2023] Russia, China Challenge U.S.-Led World Order - WSJ

[21-Feb-2023] Putin says Russia will halt participation in New Start nuclear arms treaty | The Guardian

My comment: Russia is effectively pulling out of the New START treaty. This treaty limits the number of deployed nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles.

Why do you think Russia is pulling out of the New START treaty now? Could it be that it is planning a surprise nuclear attack on America?

[19-Feb-2023] Iran Nuclear Detection of Uranium Enrichment to 84% Purity - Bloomberg

International atomic monitors in Iran have detected uranium enriched to levels just below nuclear weapons-grade, risking an escalation over Tehran’s expanding program.

My comment: Don't be surprised if Israel attacks Iran by this spring.

[11-Feb-2023] China considering tripling stockpile of nuclear warheads, sources say | The Japan Times

[31-Jan-2023] U.S. says Russia violating last major arms treaty - Washington Times

The Biden administration on Tuesday formally accused Russia of violating the New START arms treaty over what it said was Moscow‘s failure to allow inspections of weapons sites or agree to meetings on treaty disputes.

[28-Jan-2023] Experts warn Israel is 'preparing to go to war' with Iran this summer | Express.co.uk

Last week the Sunday Express reported Israeli concerns that Iran was now “just weeks away” from enriching its uranium stockpile to 90 percent, the level where a small enough quantity can feasibly be fitted into a nuclear warhead and attached to a missile.

[27-Jan-2023] Peter Zeihan: China's Collapse Is Far Worse Than You Think, China Is Terrified - YouTube

[27-Jan-2023] EU official: Russia shifts war focus to 'NATO and the West' | AP News

Sannino [Secretary General of the European Union’s European External Action Service], speaking at a news conference in Tokyo as part of an Asia-Pacific tour, said Putin had “moved from a concept of special operation to a concept now of a war against NATO and the West.”

[22-Jan-2023] Putin Ally Says West's Deliveries of New Weapons to Kyiv Will Lead to Global Catastrophe

A close ally of President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that deliveries of offensive weapons to Kyiv that threaten Russia's territories will lead to a global catastrophe and make arguments against using weapons of mass destruction untenable.

[19-Jan-2023] Kremlin Warns of Escalation if West Gives Ukraine Longer Range Weapons - The Moscow Times

Separately, former president Dmitry Medvedev warned that the West's continued support for Ukraine could lead to nuclear war.

"A nuclear power losing in a conventional war can provoke the outbreak of a nuclear war," he wrote.

[19-Jan-2023] Putin ally warns NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine | Reuters

[1-1-2023] Victory Over Russia in Ukraine May Bring World War 3: Niall Ferguson - Bloomberg

Kissinger is right to worry about the perils of a world war. The first and second world wars were each preceded by smaller conflicts: the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913, the Italian invasion of Abyssinia (1936), the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), the Sino-Japanese War (1937). The Russian invasion of Ukraine may seem to be going well for the West right now. But in a worst-case scenario, it could be a similar harbinger of a much wider war.

My comment: The Russia-Ukraine war is really a fight between Russia and the West. Neither side will back down. Each side is escalating, Russia with more troops and the West with more and better weapons.

[29-Dec-2022] Russia Already at War with U.S., 'Collective West': Lavrov

"The collective West, which is headed by a nuclear power—the United States—is at war with us," Lavrov told Channel One, as reported by the state-run Tass news agency.

"This war was declared on us quite a long time ago, after the coup d'etat in Ukraine that was orchestrated by the United States and, in fact, backed by the European Union," Lavrov said, referring to the Maidan Revolution of 2014; a popular uprising that unseated pro-Kremlin President Viktor Yanukovych.

[29-Dec-2022] Israel Is Getting Ready for a Third Lebanon War | Opinion

My comment: The next war will actually be the fourth war. Here's a list of wars with Lebanon: War of independence: 1947-1949, First Lebanon War: 1982-1985, Second Lebanon War: 2006. Source: Wikipedia.

[28-Dec-2022] Will Yoav Gallant's second coming herald an Israel attack on Iran? - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post

Will this be Yoav Gallant and Benjamin Netanyahu's best chance to redo their missed opportunity in 2010 and attack Iran?

[19-Dec-2022] China’s Dangerous Decline | Foreign Affairs

It has been a head-spinning season, even by the turbulent standards of contemporary China. But underneath the noise, the events all carried the same signal: that far from a rising behemoth, as it is often portrayed by the U.S. media and American leaders, China is teetering on the edge of a cliff. ...


American hawks will be tempted to celebrate China’s struggles. But they should postpone the party, for a declining China could be much more dangerous than a booming one. ... Brands, for example, has pointed to Germany in the runup to World War I and to Japan’s decision to attack the United States in World War II to argue that “peril may emerge when a country that has been rising, eagerly anticipating its moment in the sun, peaks and begins to decline before its interests have been fulfilled.”


The greatest danger, of course, would be a military move on Taiwan. The parallels here to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his calamitous war on Ukraine are chilling. As Blanchette has written, “an environment in which an all-powerful leader with a single-minded focus cannot hear uncomfortable truths is a recipe for disaster.” Yet that is just the kind of system that Xi has created.

[14-Dec-2022] China’s War Against Taiwan Has Already Started - The Atlantic

How Beijing tries to make a democracy submit without putting up a fight

Sometimes Chinese pressure on Taiwan has been military, involving the issuing of threats or the launching of missiles. But in recent years, China has combined those threats and missiles with other forms of pressure, escalating what the Taiwanese call “cognitive warfare”: not just propaganda but an attempt to create a mindset of surrender.

[14-Dec-2022] Russia Must Prepare for War With NATO in 2023, State TV Guest Says

A guest [Konstantin Sivkov] on Russian State TV has said that Moscow must begin preparing for a war with NATO in spring 2023, in a clip that has now gone viral.

- [28-Mar-2022] Ukraine Is Just the Beginning by Konstantin Sivkov

The below article, authored by Konstantin Sivkov, “Ukraine is just the beginning: The geopolitical consequences of the special operation will change the entire view of the world,” was published in the March 28, 2022, edition of Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kuryer, which, until it closed in March, was a prominent, conservative weekly newspaper focusing on military and defense issues.1 Sivkov is a retired naval officer and General Staff Academy graduate who served in the Center for Military-Strategic Research of the General Staff from 1995 to 2007.

... it can safely be assumed that Sivkov’s accurate article reflects the Kremlin’s inner circle view in what is depicted as ‘big picture’ explanation of the ramifications of Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine in the context of a “global war” against the West led by the United States.

... Therefore, the Kremlin does not see the 2022 invasion of Ukraine as a local conflict between two nations, but as just a front of a larger war between Russia and the West, with Ukraine being simply a Western proxy.

[13-Dec-2022] China's plan to be the next nuclear superpower

Beijing’s nuclear strategy has long been surprisingly modest. So why did it just double its nuclear arsenal?

And of course, this signaling comes amid rising military and political tensions between China and the United States, and growing speculation about a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan — a conflict that many experts fear could end up involving the use of nuclear weapons.

[7-Dec-2022] Putin Calls Russian Nukes Deterrent Factor, Says War Risk Rising - Bloomberg

Warning that the threat of nuclear war in the world is rising, Putin reiterated that Russia will defend itself and its allies “with all the means we have if necessary.”

My comment: Syria is a Russian ally. What if Israel nukes Syria as in Isaiah 17?

[2-Dec-2022] Opinion | World War III Begins With Forgetting - The New York Times

This grim reality has arrived with startling rapidity. Since February, the war in Ukraine has created an acute risk of U.S.-Russia conflict. It has also vaulted a Chinese invasion of Taiwan to the forefront of American fears and increased Washington’s willingness to respond with military force. “That’s called World War III,” indeed.

Yet how many Americans can truly envision what a third world war would mean? Just as great power conflict looms again, those who witnessed the last one are disappearing. Around 1 percent of U.S. veterans of World War II remain alive to tell their stories.

My comment: America seems to always hit a crisis period about 60 to 80 years after the last big crisis. I explain this here:

The Secret Mathematical Law Behind The Shemitah And Jubilee Years | Christian Forums

[1-Dec-2022] China on course to expand nuclear arsenal to 1,500 warheads by 2035, says Pentagon | Financial Times

[30-Nov-2022] John Mearsheimer: We're playing Russian roulette - UnHerd

The West is screwed, says the realist foreign policy scholar.

Bleakly, Mearsheimer now believes that the opportunity for peace has been lost, and that there is no realistic deal that could be reached in Ukraine. Russia will not surrender the gains made in Eastern Ukraine, while the West cannot tolerate their continued occupation; meanwhile, a neutral Ukraine is also impossible, as the only power capable of guaranteeing that neutrality is the US, which would of course be intolerable to Russia. As he puts it, succinctly: “There are no realistic options. We’re screwed.”

He believes that escalation is likely, and the chance of a nuclear event is “non-trivial”.
He lays out his rationale for why the Russians might well go there, step by step

[30-Nov-2022] The End of China | Peter Zeihan | YouTube

China is looking down the wrong end of a double-barrel shotgun. One barrel - loaded with a rolling series of government breakdowns. The other - loaded with a tightening grip of Xi Jinping. No matter which side goes off, China will be sent into a spiral of self-destruction.

[27-Nov-2022] Iran's Only Options Are Nuclear Diplomacy Or War, Says Politician

After more than two months of relative silence in Iranian media about nuclear talks, pundits have started debates on the diplomatic impasse amid popular protests.

As a result, argued Falahatpisheh, "there are only two options: Starting a war or returning to the negotiating table.” It appears that by expanding the 60-percent enrichment, “Iran is saying that it is also prepared for war."

[26-Nov-2022] U.S.-China cold war more dangerous than U.S.-Soviet rivalry - Nikkei Asia

[21-Nov-2022] China’s New Politburo Has Taiwan in Its Crosshairs | The National Interest

[19-Nov-2022] Are We on the Road to Another Pearl Harbor? - The American Spectator

The PLA, Yoshihara writes, “is predisposed to delivering a decisive first blow against U.S. forward-deployed forces in the western Pacific, particularly those in Japan.” Chinese doctrinal writings, he notes, emphasize surprise attacks and offensive campaigns at the outset of war. Chinese strategists call this part of a “counterintervention strategy” designed to strike American targets that pose the greatest threat to China’s important coastal hubs along the “Beijing-Tianjin, Shanghai-Nanjing, and Guangzhou-Shenzhen corridors.”

[17-Nov-2022] World War III?

Last year, we published 2034: A Novel of the Next World War, in which an altercation in the South China Sea between the U.S. and Chinese navies quickly escalated into nuclear war.

Looking around the world today—with Russia threatening to use a nuclear weapon in its war against Ukraine; Chinese military drills in the Taiwan Straits; the Iranian regime facing ongoing civil unrest; and North Korea firing a ballistic missile over Japan for the first time in half a decade—we’ve lately wondered whether we should have titled our book 2024.

[16-Nov-2022] We are much closer to World War Three than many are prepared to admit

The important question is: with Putin under immense pressure and desperate to regain the initiative, at what point might he decide to attack Nato weapons supplies entering the battle zone via Poland, which are so crucial to Ukraine’s combat power?

[13-Nov-2022] Opinion | What Happens When a Cascade of Crises Collide? - The New York Times

It seems as if the world is encountering a “perfect storm” of simultaneous crises: The coronavirus pandemic is approaching the end of its third year, the war in Ukraine is threatening to go nuclear, extreme climate events are afflicting North America, Europe, Asia and Africa, inflation is reaching rates unseen in decades and authoritarianism is on the march around the world.

My comment: Societies move forward in time just like forests - with a feedback loop mechanism. Negative feedback tends to get suppressed leaving a positive feedback loop. After about 70 years of stability the forest is ready to burn down to the ground. The problem is everything. One avoids this kind of crisis with the Shemitah and Jubilee years which are effectively controlled burns for societies.

No Shemitah and Jubilee years means things are about to get worse.

[12-Nov-2022] Julia Davis on Twitter: "Meanwhile in Russia: a rally, demanding for Moscow to strike Washington. They cite Putin's words: "We will go to heaven as martyrs and they will simply croak." https://t.co/csQp3KYTTN" / Twitter

A letter from Aleksandr Dugin, aka Putin's brain.

[11-Nov-2022] Dmitri on Twitter: "Some people spoke about Dugin's letter from yesterday, here's the full translation. He states that Russian authorities reached the limit of what they can surrender. He blames Putin directly for the failures and low-key threatens him with death.

Kherson is surrendered. A Russian city was surrender, the capital of one of the regions of
Russia-the same as Belgorod, Kursk, Donetsk or Simferopol. If you don't care, then you are
not Russian. ...

Authorities. They are responsible for this. ...

How to get out of the situation? ...

This is not a betrayal, this is a step towards Armageddon. The conditions of the winning
West, this civilization of Satan, will never be acceptable for Moscow. This means that tactical
nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons will remain. That is the end. And here is the
most important thing.

... It is foolish to go for the total destruction of mankind only because of the fear of the Russian ldea, of our ideology. There is no other way. The authorities in Russia can't surrender anything else. The limit has been reached. But there are not enough purely technical means for Victory.

The war must become a people's war in full measure. ...

[10-Nov-2022] Russia Quietly Checks Its Bomb Shelters as War Fears Spread - Bloomberg

The bomb-shelter drive is another example of how the invasion, now in its ninth month, is triggering a broader militarization of Russian society. Kremlin officials portray the war as an existential one between Russia and the US, a characterization Washington rejects. Russian education officials this week said they would reinstate Soviet-era basic military training in schools across the country starting next year.

Take a look at this article from 27-Oct-2022:
Russians Are Building Bomb Shelters Amid Fears About Nuclear War

[9-Nov-2022] Xi Jinping tells China’s army to focus on preparation for war | China | The Guardian

Xi said the army must “comprehensively strengthen military training in preparation for war”, having warned at a recent party congress of “dangerous storms” on the horizon.

[7-Nov-2022] History repeats itself with Russia-Ukraine war | The Japan Times

Key points from the article:

1. "The more Russia is cornered, however, the more likely it may be to succumb to the temptation of using tactical nuclear weapons. ... Indeed, Charles Kupchan, a scholar of international relations, describes the war in Ukraine as “the most dangerous geopolitical moment since the Cuban missile crisis.”"

Note: As I have said in the past, tactical nukes in Ukraine will likely lead to World War 3.

2. "It will be a different story, however, if Russian troops fully withdraw from Ukraine. This could lead to Putin’s downfall and destabilize Russia. It’s possible — although it seems unlikely at present — that a new, more pro-Western order could emerge in Russia. Should that happen, it could produce a 1972 moment in reverse."

Note: A pro-Western Russia could align with the West against China. China has to be nervous right now about the Russia-Ukraine war.

3. China is growing nervous about increasingly relentless sanctions and the stranglehold on Chinese companies as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war. International relations scholar Dale Copeland writes: “Just as in 1941 with the American oil embargo, Chinese officials suspect that the United States might take steps to cut off Chinese access to Taiwanese semiconductors.” The more vital the target, the more likely that sanctions will lead to war. We should remember that the “1941 moment” is a tragic example of what happens when economic sanctions fail.

Note: It was US sanctions on Japan that led to Pearl Harbor.

[6-Nov-2022] Inside the battle for Taiwan and China's looming war threat | 60 Minutes Australia - YouTube

[6-Nov-2022] Extremely Ominous Warning About China From US Strategic Command Chief | theWarZone at theDrive.Com

All told, Admiral Richard's remarks are absolutely some of the most dire we have heard from a top U.S. official in regard to the threat posed by China's growing military might. Some aspects of them we have heard from his predecessor, but the degree to which he proclaims the U.S. is losing its competitive advantage vis-a-vis China and that a war is coming is truly stunning. ...

[4-Nov-2022] Netanyahu ally: I believe he'll strike in Iran if nuclear talks fail, US doesn't act | The Times of Israel

Note: Nuclear talks have pretty much failed, and the US probably won't act. Is Isaiah 17 brewing in the background?

[4-Nov-2022] ‘The Big One Is Coming’ and the U.S. Military Isn’t Ready - WSJ

“This Ukraine crisis that we’re in right now, this is just the warmup,” Navy Admiral Charles Richard, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, said this week at a conference. “The big one is coming. And it isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested” for “a long time.”

How bad is it? Well, the admiral said, “As I assess our level of deterrence against China, the ship is slowly sinking. ...

[4-Nov-2022] The Age of Megathreats by Nouriel Roubini - Project Syndicate

For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like "deglobalization" and "trade war" had no purchase. But now we are entering a new era that will more closely resemble the tumultuous and dark decades between 1914 and 1945.

[4-Nov-2022] Worsening China-US relations ‘raise risk’ of conflict in Asia-Pacific | South China Morning Post

A senior Chinese military analyst has warned that worsening relations between China and the US are raising the risks of a maritime conflict in the Asia-Pacific region.

[4-Nov-2022] Medvedev says Russia is fighting a sacred battle against Satan | Reuters

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday cast Russia's war in Ukraine as a sacred conflict with Satan, warning that Moscow could send all its enemies to the eternal fires of Gehenna.

[4-Nov-2022] Iran seeking nuclear help from Russia in exchange for weapons -CNN - The Jerusalem Post

Iran has been attempting to acquire additional nuclear materials from Russia, as well as get help with nuclear fuel fabrication, sources told CNN. The fuel, powering Iran's nuclear reactors, may bring the Islamic Republic significantly closer to creating a nuclear weapon.

[2-Nov-2022] Russian Military Leaders Discussed Use of Nuclear Weapons, U.S. Officials Say - The New York Times

Senior Russian military leaders recently had conversations to discuss when and how Moscow might use a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, contributing to heightened concern in Washington and allied capitals, according to multiple senior American officials.

President Vladimir V. Putin was not a part of the conversations, which were held against the backdrop of Russia’s intensifying nuclear rhetoric and battlefield setbacks.

But the fact that senior Russian military leaders were even having the discussions alarmed the Biden administration because it showed how frustrated Russian generals were about their failures on the ground, and suggests that Mr. Putin’s veiled threats to use nuclear weapons might not just be words.

Matt's note: War games show that tactical nukes in Ukraine almost always lead to World War III.

Why Vladimir Putin Would Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine | The New Yorker
Why Vladimir Putin Would Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine

[1-Nov-2022] Why Vladimir Putin Would Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine | The New Yorker

In the end, every “rational” case for why Putin won’t use nuclear weapons in Ukraine falls short. He is not afraid of losing support from his current allies, because he misapprehends Russia’s position in the world; he sees Russia as politically, economically, and militarily stronger than it is. Chinese and Indian leaders may express alarm at the use of extreme measures such as nuclear weapons, but to Putin this points to their lack of resolve—their weakness, not the Kremlin’s. And, if need be, he is prepared to make outlandish denials, no matter how implausible. ...

The arguments that Putin won’t use nuclear weapons because doing so would endanger Russians, including himself, are blind to the fact that Putin believes he has the right, possibly the moral obligation, to sacrifice hundreds of thousands or millions of people. ...

[31-Oct-2022] The nuclear threats that hang over the world | Financial Times

"Although that immediate crisis receded, the overall threat that Russia will use a nuclear weapon is still judged to be rising. One scenario discussed in the US government is that a humiliating Russian defeat in the battle for Kherson might persuade Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukrainian troops in an effort to reverse the tide on the battlefield."

[30-Oct-2022] A Chinese invasion of Taiwan is coming | The Spectator

‘During his keynote address at the opening ceremony of the National Party Congress,’ Seki continued, ‘Xi drew enthusiastic applause as he vowed to unify Taiwan with the mainland. Xi made it clear that he would use force to take Taiwan if necessary.’ I asked Seki if Xi would follow through on his end of the bargain. ‘The possibility of a move to take Taiwan is now very high,’ he replied. ‘Even if that means war.’

[27-Oct-2022] Putin Blasts West, Says World Faces Most Dangerous Decade Since WW2

"The historical period of the West's undivided dominance over world affairs is coming to an end," Putin, Russia's paramount leader, told the Valdai Discussion Club during a session entitled "A Post-Hegemonic World: Justice and Security for Everyone".

"We are standing at a historical frontier: Ahead is probably the most dangerous, unpredictable and, at the same time, important decade since the end of World War Two."

[12-Oct-2022] We Are On a Path to Nuclear War - War on the Rocks

In war, nothing is inevitable and not much is predictable. But the war in Ukraine has a direction that observers can see and that we should name. What began as a criminal Russian aggression against Ukraine has become a proxy war between Washington and Moscow. The two sides are locked in an escalatory cycle that, along current trends, will eventually bring them into direct conflict and then go nuclear, killing millions of people and destroying much of the world. This is obviously a bold prediction and certainly an unwise one to make — in part because if I’m right, I’m unlikely to be around take credit for it.

[7-Oct-2022] Just how worried should you be about nuclear war? Biden says very. - Vox

The president issued a dire warning about the threat of nuclear war. “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis,” he said. It was a signal of the severity of the moment the world is in amid Russia’s war with Ukraine.

[30-Sept-2022] Putin Always Chooses Escalation - The Moscow Times

Over the last few weeks, we have spoken to 15 civil servants, parliamentary deputies, and executives at public and private companies. More than half were senior managers. All of our sources in the elite — who all spoke on the condition of anonymity — said the military conflict will only escalate in the coming months. Yet none can predict what will happen if Russia loses.

[16-Sept-2022] 'The threat from Iran is growing to levels not seen before – and it will intensify' - www.israelhayom.com

This is a wake-up call. There is no other way to describe it. It is not about the IDF wanting more budgets or changes. They will, of course, need that as well, but that's not the main part. When we do wake up, it might be too late. It will be just like with the 1973 Yom Kippur War: whatever we do not invest in deterrence now we will have to invest many times over later.


[30-Dec-2021] What Does the Russian Ultimatum to the West Mean? | Desk Russie

"The Russian blackmail is explicit and is directed at both the Americans and the Europeans. If the West does not accept the Russian ultimatum, they will have to face “a military and technical alternative”, according to Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko: “The Europeans must also think about whether they want to avoid making their continent the scene of a military confrontation. They have a choice. Either they take seriously what is put on the table, or they face a military-technical alternative.” After the publication of the draft treaty, the possibility of a pre-emptive strike against NATO targets (similar to those that Israel inflicted on Iran), was confirmed by former Deputy Minister of Defense Andrei Kartapolov (Duma Defense Committee): “Our partners must understand that the longer they drag out the examination of our proposals and the adoption of real measures to create these guarantees, the greater the likelihood that they will suffer a pre-emptive strike.”"


"In a word, Russia is demanding that NATO commit suicide, and that the United States be reduced to the role of a regional power. ..."

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