's Blog

Having the mind (the nous) of Christ Romans 12:1-3 the askesis that is commonly taught in the bible. It is indeed the gospel according to Jesus. If anyone is willing... let him first deny himself... then take up his cross... and follow me... One has to be willing to deny themselves, the...
Citizen of the Kingdom
3 min read
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The question that the Christian should ask himself, isn't "What would Jesus do?" but, rather, "Am in a position to receive the work of God in my life?" Active participation comes from the will. To be willing one must place themselves in the position to lean on God’s understanding and not our...
Citizen of the Kingdom
1 min read
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God the Father has one offer to those who believe and that is eternal life. God the Son otoh is Him to Whom the rewards are His to give. Christ is that aspect of Hebrews that speaks of the belief in God as One Who rewards and to which belief is essential. The rewards are given on the day of the...
Citizen of the Kingdom
2 min read
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A friend suggested I write more details into this and present it as a blog but I think the minor details aren't necessary to recreate the effect it had on those present. lol I remember doing that once (preaching hell and damnation was the topic of the comment) but not on purpose and it led to...
Scattered notes on body, soul and spirit Having the mind (the nous) of Christ Romans 12:1-3 the askesis that is commonly taught in the bible. It is indeed the gospel according to Jesus. If anyone is willing... let him first deny himself... then take up his cross... and follow me... One has to...
Typology of the Resurrection of Christ Feast of Unleavened Bread Leviticus 23:6-8 this small amount was very important because no one was to eat anything from this first harvest until the sheaf of the first-fruits had been waved before the Lord, Leviticus 23:14 Once this sheaf had been...
The most important thing of all Once God has revealed to you a higher spiritual truth never go back to that which was the shadow in your thinking.God is urging you to move higher into the place in the heavelies. That which is seen in the shadow of things, and then having been projected onto...
Citizen of the Kingdom
3 min read
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Satan's main objective, after enticing the emotion with lust of the eye, and provoking the intellect with lust of the flesh to step outside of God's protection, is to gain the will. The belief that satan won Adam (male & female) to was that God's restriction was not an act of love and that they...
Romans 5:12 We can assume that all have sinned. But in what way are we convicted in sin? That's really the question... We're deemed righteous in Christ 1 Corinthians 1:30 The judgement is in place for satan John 16:11. Satan is the source of sin and has become father of the human race John...
This world is a quarry where living stones are being shaped, forged and fitted for being built up together to become the city of our God, the New Jerusalem. Do you know that when Soloman's temple was built that not a sound was heard in the temple area? All the fitting was done elsewhere and then...
Most Christians these days have an unclear view of the reward system. Many use the doctrine of purgatory to explain away what is easily rightly divided in the Word in recognition of the difference between the millennium and eternity. Like the prophets of old who couldn't see the church age in...
Hebrews 6:1-3 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And this...
Faith in the reliability of the bible is comparable to someone who has a calculator who's components are said to be infallible yet they have no understanding as to why, compared to a Master Mathematician. This is much like a simple faith in the bible as the word of God, with faith in Jesus'...
Citizen of the Kingdom
2 min read
Keeping in mind that it's a process to maturity not an instant cure. God bless! I have found that over the years the names of doctrine means different things to different denominations. It would be great if we could all get on the same page about these basics of Christianity. For an ideology of...
This is a testimony that Jesus and I composed for you with where to find the basic doctrine in the bible on the next post :) It was composed in one sitting from my notes of a rough draft outline of a book called ~Things that become sound doctrine~ DEPRAVITY I was born as bad off as I could...

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