Your faith shouldn't be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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I use to be a die hard 'word of faith' advocate myself (still am, to a lesser degree) but in this season I find myself taking a more fundamentalist approach to the divine reason of holy scripture.

My belief is that here, the Apostle Paul is elevating the importance of God's word and promises above that of what we may consider the wisdom (natural logic, reason, science, and philosophy) of man ('worldly wisdom').

I remember a scripture (I believe in the Gospel of John? Edit - 1 John 2:15-17) that declares 'all that is in the world.. the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of not from God but is of the (secular) world.

At work on my phone so I'm spitballing here.. may edit in the Scripture later but it may come to mind.

Ok I found the Scripture.. it's on not loving the world.

My conviction is that it's for all believers, not just the preacher.

I think our faith being in the power of God.. this means to take His Word at face value, believing that it holds true spiritual authority.

This faith (as it appears to me) means to love what God loves and hate what He hates.

This makes sense, if we are being tranformed from glory to glory in the image of His (God's) dear son (Christ) then we will inevitably be 'Christ-like' no?

It is a sign of maturing Spiritually, Word of Faith teaches us God's Word
to bring us into the fullness of The Blessing that Jesus paid with His Blood for.
Times are changing, we are being taught what it means to serve the Lord in this present day.
Yes it is good to learn about the many blessings of God, I believe its time to set our eyes on the things that are above this World.
If not us then the generations to come, who are in the Body will be looking toward His return.
Its our calling to preach Salvation to those who are lost, no matter where we are in this present time.
All we receive from God through Word of Faith teaching, is a means of doing so.
You cannot reach any one if your sick, broken down by the evil of this world, or financially busted to the point of being unable to take care of yourself let alone help others on to the narrow path.
In Kenneth Hagin's sermons you will hear about staying in the middle of the road.
We certainly cannot get far by falling into either side of the ditch.
I like your post, because I can relate myself, and we all know the great commission is a commandment from our Lord Jesus Christ.

God will Bless.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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Well, perhaps it is time!

One of the strengths of the Word of Faith is the emphasis on demonstration of the Gospel. That comes from a deep personal relationship with God.

I'm late as always anymore.
I love your statement on the core of Word of Faith belief.
It is spot on, that could contribute to the lack of comments from Word Of Faith Believers.
We know in whom we believe, I speak to the Lord every Day.
I listen for the guidance of Him The Holy Ghost.
Its hard for some to understand, nevertheless when I'm witnessing I must tell the truth, because its Gods love for us that we hear, to God be the Glory in hearing we know Him.
Its so good to see Someone stand against abortion as you do.
I am ashamed our Nation has moved this far away from life.
Thank You
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Jun 6, 2002
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Your faith shouldn't be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.​


What does this look like in real life?

Is it only for the preacher?
I think this has a double edge. One is being played against the other. The raising up of a dead person defies all rational logic and human wisdom.
Prayers answered when there is no rational way they could have been.
  1. I used to walk a quarter mile from home to catch a bus to go to work. One day I was almost to the bus stop and I realized I had forgotten the change for the bus. I immediately prayed. Within steps I looked down and saw a little change purse on the side of the road filled with change.
  2. Out little infant son had a fever that just would not to away no matter what we did. I laid hands on him and rebuked the devil. His fever immediately left him.
  3. I was at the grocery store and had a load of grocs in the back. I turned the key and heard that dreaded clicking of the starter motor not turning. Again and again I turned the key until it would not even click. I laid hands on the dash and prayed for the Lord to help. I turned the key and it immediately started.
  4. I was in the Jesus movement back in the early 70s. We had planned an outdoor meeting in the park. We all got there ready to praise and worship, but the clouds threatened and it started to rain. We prayed and the clouds divided over our heads to either side of the park. It was raining on every side except over the park where we could see blue sky.
  5. My wife was home alone while I was at work. A storm came up and lightening struck and the lights went out. Pitch black! She was in the bedroom and the emergency light and radio were at the other end of the house. She prayed for help. She began to walk toward where the emergency light and emergency radio were. Every few steps the lightening would flash, and she could easily see her path. She got to the light and radio. She switched on the wind-up/solar radio and the first words coming from the speaker were "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
  6. Back in those Jesus Movement days. Some of the young believers who congregated at the local Christian Coffee House prayed and decided join together and start a "commune" Jesus people house. We found the house but did not have enough money to make the down payment. We prayed again. Within a few days I received a letter from a lawyer back in my hometown. My great aunt without children had died, and since my mother (her sister) had passed years before, the inheritance fell to me and my brothers. My share was more than enough for the down payment. We called it "The Redemption House."
  7. All our children have grown and live many miles away. The house seemed pretty empty. We prayed. That night we heard a cat calling. We went to the back door and a scrawny little kitten was staring in the window crying. We have a new house member who we love. Ralph.
  8. I live in SC and worked in cotton mills for over 20 years. They started shutting down in the late 70s. I moved from one to the next, and each in turn would shut down shortly after I arrived. Finally it was announced the last one was shutting down. Bad enough, but at the age of 43 I was unemployed and and had zero retirement monies! We prayed. Unemployment was running out and we were in trouble. We held fast to our confession. Shortly thereafter the employment office called and asked if I wanted to attend tech college. My military service qualified me to go for free. Even books paid for. 2 years later I was employed by the state (with a very good pension plan). I retired 17 years later making over 80k a year. We retired and are receiving over 50k a year in retirement, SS, royalties from my book sales, and transcription work by my wife.
  9. 20 years into a thirty year mortgage, we were approaching retirement and did not want to be saddled with a 700 buck a month house payment. We prayed and almost immediately the money began to come in from all directions. We paid off the mortgage 6 years early and at 68, we are debt free.
  10. Several years ago we started to have plumbing problems. The septic tank began to fill up and the drains began to gurgle and the toilets were really slow. We had the tank pumped and that helped for a short while. Then it almost immediately started happening again, even worse! I felt led to just lay my hands on the house and pray. I did, and called on the Lord for help. It was not an audible voice that spoke to me, but it might as well had been. He said. "Relax, don't worry, I got this..." I walked into the house and flushed the commode. The problem was completely gone and we have had no problems since.
Yes. The power of God, not the wisdom of men.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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I think this has a double edge. One is being played against the other. The raising up of a dead person defies all rational logic and human wisdom.
Prayers answered when there is no rational way they could have been.
  1. I used to walk a quarter mile from home to catch a bus to go to work. One day I was almost to the bus stop and I realized I had forgotten the change for the bus. I immediately prayed. Within steps I looked down and saw a little change purse on the side of the road filled with change.
  2. Out little infant son had a fever that just would not to away no matter what we did. I laid hands on him and rebuked the devil. His fever immediately left him.
  3. I was at the grocery store and had a load of grocs in the back. I turned the key and heard that dreaded clicking of the starter motor not turning. Again and again I turned the key until it would not even click. I laid hands on the dash and prayed for the Lord to help. I turned the key and it immediately started.
  4. I was in the Jesus movement back in the early 70s. We had planned an outdoor meeting in the park. We all got there ready to praise and worship, but the clouds threatened and it started to rain. We prayed and the clouds divided over our heads to either side of the park. It was raining on every side except over the park where we could see blue sky.
  5. My wife was home alone while I was at work. A storm came up and lightening struck and the lights went out. Pitch black! She was in the bedroom and the emergency light and radio were at the other end of the house. She prayed for help. She began to walk toward where the emergency light and emergency radio were. Every few steps the lightening would flash, and she could easily see her path. She got to the light and radio. She switched on the wind-up/solar radio and the first words coming from the speaker were "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
  6. Back in those Jesus Movement days. Some of the young believers who congregated at the local Christian Coffee House prayed and decided join together and start a "commune" Jesus people house. We found the house but did not have enough money to make the down payment. We prayed again. Within a few days I received a letter from a lawyer back in my hometown. My great aunt without children had died, and since my mother (her sister) had passed years before, the inheritance fell to me and my brothers. My share was more than enough for the down payment. We called it "The Redemption House."
  7. All our children have grown and live many miles away. The house seemed pretty empty. We prayed. That night we heard a cat calling. We went to the back door and a scrawny little kitten was staring in the window crying. We have a new house member who we love. Ralph.
  8. I live in SC and worked in cotton mills for over 20 years. They started shutting down in the late 70s. I moved from one to the next, and each in turn would shut down shortly after I arrived. Finally it was announced the last one was shutting down. Bad enough, but at the age of 43 I was unemployed and and had zero retirement monies! We prayed. Unemployment was running out and we were in trouble. We held fast to our confession. Shortly thereafter the employment office called and asked if I wanted to attend tech college. My military service qualified me to go for free. Even books paid for. 2 years later I was employed by the state (with a very good pension plan). I retired 17 years later making over 80k a year. We retired and are receiving over 50k a year in retirement, SS, royalties from my book sales, and transcription work by my wife.
  9. 20 years into a thirty year mortgage, we were approaching retirement and did not want to be saddled with a 700 buck a month house payment. We prayed and almost immediately the money began to come in from all directions. We paid off the mortgage 6 years early and at 68, we are debt free.
  10. Several years ago we started to have plumbing problems. The septic tank began to fill up and the drains began to gurgle and the toilets were really slow. We had the tank pumped and that helped for a short while. Then it almost immediately started happening again, even worse! I felt led to just lay my hands on the house and pray. I did, and called on the Lord for help. It was not an audible voice that spoke to me, but it might as well had been. He said. "Relax, don't worry, I got this..." I walked into the house and flushed the commode. The problem was completely gone and we have had no problems since.
Yes. The power of God, not the wisdom of men.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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Amen, there are so many things in our lives , that can only be God or His ministering Angels.
We are thankful for the small things, and the mighty things.
All of our blessings are the same in Gods eyes.
Our Faith is what will move the Heavens and God our Father is pleased to do so.
He deserves our praise daily, our gratitude for showing us more love than we will ever know.
A missionary working abroad came down with Small pox.
She was destrought and in fear, being placed in Quarantine.
She prayed and got her answer.
The Lord said if you would praise me as much as you pray to me,then you would be healed.
The next day she was, doctors found no sign on her.
I heard this from a sermon, and started praising our Father.
I had a leg for 3 months with bacteria heading for the bone, both my shoulders were in a lot of pain, to make it harder I had to go back to Physical labor due to lazy people.
God healed me quickly perfectly, and I praise him daily in bad and good times.
Glory to God in all things!!!
Thank You Jesus!
Praise be to He the Holy Spirit who guides my life.

PS and He sent me a man my age to help who is just as skilled in the trade as I am, no worry.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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God Bless you All ,I know many have had unthinkable loss of loved ones.
My strength comes from above in knowing in whome I Believe.
knowing our loved ones are with the Lord is a great comfort.
I live the life they would want , knowing one day soon we will gather at the River of Life .
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66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
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My final thought on "1 Corinthians 2.5", "Religion is the pathway to faith but don't hold onto it. Faith once acquired will become all an intrinsic treasure that no man can pilfer from you."

The fact is religion is stolen from people all the time. It's a building, it's a book, it's anything but just a thing made by man.
The fact is faith is never stolen by people once found. It's a Church, its God's word, it's every passion that God gives to those who thirst for them.
Anyone with a mustard seed of faith, a passion, and an honest need for God will taste his presence and want more of it.

Churches can die easy without the people who attend them, and God's people need a place to find edification. I have found faith easily however I know an old Methodist church in Ozark Al, that's just sitting in the woods dormant and long forgotten and this isn't the Claybank church. However, as I bring this up, I also know there is a small scuffle going on here and my church is splitting so this will not be on us, but I think, and I believe I know that this is a sign of more time ahead. Therefore, I'm Thinking that I may have to do my own Bible studies at home.

What we think about religion is flawed in that it can and will eventually be unavailable to us. All you need to know is just remember the basics, 3:16 and such. all we need is to remember that we are the Church, not a building built by men but a group of individuals for and of our God...
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