write something nonsensical, surreal, silly. (3)


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The next morning, as Donker woke up in the hammock where he slept, he gave thought as he did each morning that way to what there was needed for him to do. He looked over to his fruit container. It still had enough fruit for that day, he saw, so he would not need to go to the gathering for more, yet. And then thoughts of what he learned about gorilla ancestors coming here came to him. Then he remembered, he would have to go all the way to the other end of the canyon, carrying Dick Dancer on his shoulders, to find what they could that would explain how the chill dogs and the superwolves came to this canyon originally. He knew it would be a long walk there, and back again. Well then, it would be better to start early that way, to go in the cool of the morning. He got up, and ate a few of the fruits there, and took a couple more, to have with him on the outing later on. He thought then, hopefully Dick Dancer would bring something for food for himself along with him, too.

When Donker had made himself ready for going out, he went to the doorway and then went to the space between his quarter and that of the tribbel marmosets, to watch for when he might spot Dick Dancer. But Dick Dancer was already out, there, just across the space between their quarters, looking toward him, certainly having waited.

Donker said to him, "You are ready, for us to go that way?"
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Donker said to him, "You are ready, for us to go that way?"

Dick Dancer said, "I sure am."

Donker said, "And you have food you can eat, while we are on this long outing to get there?"
"I have fruit along with me, here, and this covering mat I can use to ride over your shoulders on. It will make it more comfortable."

"For me? Or for you?"

"I think it will be more comfortable for both of us. If you can now, let's go do this."

Donker carried Dick Dancer that way, along the row of shelters of the tribbel marmosets on that side, across from homes of the chill dogs on the other side. There were the gardens of growing fruits and vegetables along that way, after every half dozen or so shelters. That went on a long way. Still after going far that way, they came to the last of the homes. Here it was noticeable even to them that the high canyon walls were not as high here, and they deceased in height even further. Yet the way to the area of the wide band of trees and the hedges among them.
Late that morning they came up to that band of trees and hedges, the canyon walls, much lower here, came to an end where there was a lower drop from them. They saw some trees here were those that bore olives, so that they might pick some. The sea was further on, and from here Donker saw that there was a structure, still distant.

"That must be the pier, there!"

Dick Dancer said, "But notice that dark area there, between those trees. What is it, it makes a round shape?!"
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Donker said, "Of course I notice it. That is just a hole, with the shrubs growing around it."

"But we came from caves and tunnels, and we are looking for what way chill dogs and superwolves came, we should look at this."

They came nearer. They then saw a long passage.
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The passage Donker and Dick Dancer saw was not like other passages known about. It was darker further in, but near this opening they saw straight walls on either side reach down to a straight floor, that led from this opening a far way in. There was a vertical rectangular door frame with a covering panel hinged to it on the right side near the opening.

Dick Dancer said, "We might explore in here, and find if there is indication this passage would be where chill dogs and superwolves came through from their place of origin."

Donker said, "I don't know what a door there in this passage would have to do with that. I still wanted to go where that pier is farther out that way to the great area of water."

Dick Dancer said, "We can still look in here and see what that door is to. Then after that I will go with you to see that pier, if you can reach it that far."

Donker did not argue, and he went in still carrying Dick Dancer, and, going through this dark passage they came to this door. And from here they saw there was another door further in, where it was much darker, still.

Donker opened that door, with that covering panel swinging out. Within, they soon made out an altar, and behind it was a statue, and there was an image on the wall behind that. The statue was in the likeness of a large superwolf, standing up on the hind legs, a front paw reaching to the altar on one side. The image on the wall showed four chill dogs, facing each other, except four one looking out toward the viewer. They were standing on a surface depicted as being all white, the chill dogs had just a slightly different shade. Clusters of trees, which were designating pine trees, were on all sides around them in that image.
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