World Flood???


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Mar 1, 2004
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(Genesis 6–9) describes a worldwide flood (the Noachian Flood) covering even the highest mountains of the earth and the construction of a huge boat (a rectangular box-like craft) that transported animals, at least two of a kind of all land animals on the earth.

Only the highest mountains 'known to man' mentioned was where man was living. There are much higher mountain ranges outside of the territory where man was living.

Only indigenous animals of the domain of man's relatively small region on earth were placed in the Ark.

To sample two of each of every species found all over the earth? They could not have fit. It would have taken a substantial sized fleet of arks to do so.

The account was dealing with only the *known* world to man at the time it took place. Man was in his infancy on earth and did not cover a large part of the earth. Many still fail to see that factor in how the account was written about.

Rightly divide the Word of God is required of us lest we be ashamed.
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See in the dark
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Dec 20, 2003
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(Genesis 6–9) describes a worldwide flood (the Noachian Flood) covering even the highest
mountains of the earth and the construction of a huge boat (a rectangular box-like craft) that transported animals, at least two of a kind of all land animals on the earth. Bible says that the rains that created the Noachian Flood lasted for 40 days (Genesis 7:17), that the waters prevailed on the earth for 150 days (Genesis 7:24), and after these 150 days the waters gradually receded from the earth so that by the seventh month and the seventeenth day, Noah’s Ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4). A year plus two
months and twenty-seven days later the earth was dry enough so that
Noah,his family,and the load of animals could disembark from the Ark
(Genesis 8:14). Because this flood was intended by God to destroy all flesh on earth
(Genesis 6:13) and because sedimentary rocks on all continents
contain fossils that supposedly represent the “destroyed flesh of all
life,” it might be thought that the Bible story, describing a whole earth flood, was true. However, interlayered with these fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks on all continents are layers of evaporite rock salt (sodium chloride), gypsum
(hydrated calcium sulfate), anhydrite (calcium sulfate), and various
potash and magnesium salts, which are associated with red beds
(shales) containing fossilized mud cracks (Schreiber and others 2007).
Many of these mineral compounds and red beds have combined thicknesses on different continents of more than one kilometer (~3,281 feet) (Collins 2006). The
red beds are red because they contain red hematite (iron oxide) which formed from magnetite grains. Raindrop prints occur in many places around the world which could not have been formed or preserved if the muds (now in
shales) containing these prints were deposited under water
during Noah’s flood. (Senter 2011; Hill et al. 2016) Nests of dinosaur eggs are found in several places around the world, and it is illogical that dinosaurs could have had enough time to create these nests and lay their eggs while they were
fleeing from rising waters to reach higher ground. (Senter
2011; Hill et al. 2016)
a marine sea was once present and to disappear when the sea became
completely dry. Therefore, one could expect these evaporites to
be at the top of the supposed Noachian Flood deposits when the
water supposedly receded and the land dried out, but certainly not in
different levels in between older and younger fossiliferous “Flood
deposits”. We read in the Bible that there is only one time in which the Flood
waters are said to recede and leave the earth dry. That is, no multiple
worldwide climatic conditions are described in which flooding, then
drying to a dry earth, more flooding, more drying to a dry earth, in
repeated cycles that occur over and over again in that Flood year. On
that basis, it is logical that all the kinds of evaporite deposits and red beds in many different levels in the supposed Noachian Flood deposits could form only in local climates with desert drying-conditions and could not possibly have formed all at the same time — a time when flood covered the whole earth for more than one year (Collins 2006). On that basis, the Noachian Flood story cannot describe a whole-earth flood, but it could only represent a
large regional flood.

Source: Creationism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
Young Earth Creationism | National Center for Science Education
Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon: What Does the Evidence Really Say? - Articles
Yes, Noah's Flood May Have Happened, But Not Over the Whole Earth | National Center for Science Education

With respect, this is not proof. The facts are these different layers and then there is a theory that explains how such layers could have occurred which is impossible to prove. Since the Flood was an unprecedented supernatural event this could have occurred in a multitude of ways that we have no idea about including geothermal activity, rapid deposition of weird rainfalls full of salt and dust etc etc. The bible talks about such seismic activity being linked to the flood. If these deposits were spewed out from beneath the ocean or ripped out of existing geological structures and deposited on rapidly forming layers of sedimentary rock as undisrupted and preformed massive layers quickly buried by new layers of sedimentary rock then features of those layers could include buried dinosaur eggs etc.
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With respect, this is not proof. The facts are these different layers and then there is a theory that explains how such layers could have occurred which is impossible to prove. Since the Flood was an unprecedented supernatural event this could have occurred in a multitude of ways that we have no idea about including geothermal activity, rapid deposition of weird rainfalls full of salt and dust etc etc. The bible talks about such seismic activity being linked to the flood. If these deposits were spewed out from beneath the ocean or ripped out of existing geological structures and deposited on rapidly forming layers of sedimentary rock as undisrupted and preformed massive layers quickly buried by new layers of sedimentary rock then features of those layers could include buried dinosaur eggs etc.

Fun. While the fact Earth has a lot more water far underground than on the surface of course gets attention, and quite reasonably so, my favorite when we want natural looking explanations (which God tends to favor because they can look as if only chance, and allow His bigger goal to find out who will have faith (belief without seeing proofs) to be possible.... my own favorite natural looking speculative idea that does correspond to real events that do happen in history is an impactor event in deep ocean at a low angle.

An ice comet impact in deep ocean like the Pacific, far from land, at a very low angle, where the comet, or swarm, breaks apart (more) before the impact, so that it's a lot of fragments plowing into the deep ocean and not making it to the bottom of the water, but vaporizing hundreds to thousands of cubic miles of water into steam, which would create lengthy world-wide precipitation... Say, if a larger swarm occurring over many hours/days, perhaps one could get to the order of 100,000 or above cubic miles of vaporized water :) Fun, right?

You'd get drenched.
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Follower of Isa Al Masih
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May 15, 2008
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I could imagine local flood theories that would be highly problematic. The Bible seems to teach, for example, that all living humans descended from Shem, Ham, and Japheth. If there were some interpretations that allowed for other lineages who did not perish in the flood I would find it problematic.
of course, global flood theories are also highly problematic as well. The OT is written for ancient Hebrews and is xenocentric in nature. terms and expressions would be defined inside this vacuum, anything outside simply doesn't exist. Shem-Ham-Japheth decedent models have led to a lot of racist-driven theories and frankly, I'm not interested in them but bloodlines are indeed very important in the bible.

Romans 11 says we're grafted in and "share in the nourishing root of the olive tree". this is a bit of a bloodline contrast with that of the natural branches and the unnatural but to be honest, I doubt there are any natural branches left today and we are all grafted in (even the Jew). I mean that on a spiritual level but also on a bloodline level because of the number of diasporas, intermarriage, and identity loss. But we sort of miss the point when we focus too much on the physical bloodline. When we come to Christ we are adopted through him and the adopted bloodline takes precedence so much so the old bloodline before Christ we are called to surrender and it is put to death.

This takes on a similar flavor to the ethnocentricity of the OT, even pre-flood /post-flood world view. All under Christ are his and take on his identity. all outside of Christ are lost and in darkness. the people matter, but their identity of darkness doesn't matter. Much like the OT there is a known world defined by Israel and that's the focus. So the line I'm called under is by way of adoption and the rest is put to death and doesn't matter.
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