Witnessing tips: Overcoming fears!


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Jun 21, 2006
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Thank you for the tips. Being a new Christian, I am new to this whole witnessing thing. Apparently, through living out my faith, I have changed my mother's opinion of Christians (praise Yah!) but I jus sat down and talked with her last night about tarot and consulting the dead and what I believe from the Bible on some of the stuff (she's into it) and it was a little on the depressing side (the results, I mean). Well, at least she listened...

Please pray and God bless!

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Feb 6, 2008
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The main thing that you have to remember for witnessing to Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses, theoddamerican, is that they have different definitions for things than we do. Look up their faith terms, and make sure to steer clear of them, and use different wording. Explain, in simple, non-ecclesiastical language, how Salvation works (Watchman Nee has put together an excellent study of this in his book "The Normal Christian Life") and why we can't get there by selling magazines, etc.
But the first and foremost thing you need to do in witnessing to them is praying. They're a part of a cult, and those things are hard to get out of, both in your mind and in their system. They won't want to change their minds. So, the biggest thing you need to do for them is pray.

Toyjarta, this is not uncommon, so don't feel like the odd one out :) But you still should learn about things so that you will have an answer to the tough questions you'll be asked when witnessing. Learn your stuff, and you won't be left blank when they try to prove to you that God doesn't exist, or isn't who you think He is.
Try books by Lee Strobel, including some that you should never be without:
The Case for Christ (historical accuracy of Bible, therefore idenity of God as Yahweh)
The Case for a Creator (scientific accuracy of Christianity, and Creationism in general)

Then, there's C.S. Lewis. You should read as much of his as you can, but in case you're not a bookie like me (;)), here's an excellent work of apologetics:
Mere Christianity (basic case for existence, identity, supremacy and morality of God)

Then, of course, there will be spiritual questions that you will not know the answer to right off the bat. For this, you should really know your Bible as well as you can. Then, pray for answers to passages you don't understand.

In all things, pray for God to direct you to His will, and to help you do it in the way He wants.
Hope this helps :)
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One thing that I learned as a professional sales person is to practice, practice, practice! The more you practice the more comfortable you'll be. The more comfortable you are the easier it will be. The easier it is the more fun it will be. The more fun it is the easier it is to overcome your fears! After you've practiced and know what you're going to say you'll find that after you witness the first time the easier it becomes every time after that. I've been teaching people how to witness now for about 10 years and to this day I still practice what I'm going to say when I witness.

Hope that helps!

Be Blessed!

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Jan 9, 2009
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I think my biggest hang-up is all the question I myself have about Christianity. I mean, I consider myself a Christian and strive to follow Jesus' teachings, but there are a few things that I have been wondering about-- mostly about baptism and keeping the Sabbath-- and I don't want to lead anyone in the wrong direction.
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Witnessing is just like playing an instrument. To get good you've got to practice! When I teach a class on witnessing the biggest thing that I can do to equip people for the streets is to get them to practice. I teach them how to share thier faith and then I break them into small groups of 2-3 and let them take turns practicing on each other until they have it down pat! I've been using the same witnessing method since 1999 only tweaking it just slightly since I first started out and to this day I still practice. If I don't I know I will blow it.

There you have it, my best advice, practice, practice, & practice some more then go out & do the Lord proud!:clap:
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Mar 17, 2011
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Whew, that's a good one. When I first started out. I was like a frozen snow man. I could say not one word. I did not want to mess up and really did not know what to say. Luckly, I had people to go with. That did know. It took me almost one year before I could get the courage to even speak to anyone. I still to this day can not figure out why I could not speak to anyone for a year as a witness. I just stood and watched the others witness.

Funny thing is I was a public speaker to boot! I could talk in front of 15 to 20 people with no problem! That involved my career however.

Once I got used to it. I could not stop talking as a witness! I go places on my own now. Dosen't matter where. Anywhere. Where drugs and crime are even. I don't encourage that for everyone however. Pray before you do something like that.
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Jun 25, 2006
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I suck at witnessing. I mostly just plant tracts. Greg Koukl of the 'Stand To Reason' ministry talks about just 'putting a stone in their shoe'. I don't always have to carry them across the finish line or seal the deal. Instead, perhaps God wants me to just plant a little something into their life. One man plants, another waters, and God does the rest.

I was walking with a coworker today. He was talking about TV shows involving ghosts and past lives. I wanted to interject Christianity into the mix, but I felt like I might offend him if I challenged the stuff that he was talking about. Perhaps I didn't even need to challenge him, but just offer some alternatives involving Christianity. Instead, I just clammed up and listened.

Afterwards, I felt like God was telling me to not be afraid to stick my neck out there a little bit. I wouldn't have to be rude, but I could just express my faith. I sometimes am able to share my honest struggles and deep personal feelings. I think it helps other people to let down their guard and relate to me better. Several people have also seen what God has done in my life. Sometimes people do come to me when they are going through their own problems. People really used to trust me. I've sort of gotten away from that. Perhaps that is what I can grow back into. Being a trustworthy person that others can relate to.
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Humble Servant of God
Dec 25, 2011
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Unless you truly LOVE the person that you are talking to - DON'T witness to them! DO NOT!!
There are a great many Christians who are doing UNTOLD HARM with these "witnessing schemes". For some incomprehensible reason, some churches keep devising programs, and training methods, to send Christians out to "witness". In reality, this becomes nothing more than a verbal battle. Sadly, people return from these excursions thinking they have done 'something great'. In reality, you may be doing a great deal of harm.

Case in point ... yesterday I was talking to my daughter. She is not a Christian, she is an artist. She was walking around the campus of her Art School, and was verbally accosted by visiting Christians. They didn't introduce themselves, or explain their purpose. But instead they pretended to be doing "spiritual readings", and then proceeded to confront people with their own viewpoint. I doubt that this was a Christian sect - more likely a church that had come up with the 'brilliant idea' that they could lure people in ... by saying they were 'doing spiritual readings'. After this, they barraged my daughter with all kinds of comments along the lines of ... "you must have poor self esteem, but God really loves you!", "we're sure that your art reflects doubts about your own self worth, but there is a better way!", "did you know that you are going to Hell and you need to change your life!". and things like this.

My daughter left this encounter with the OPINION that Christians are a ... INSULTING, OPINIONATED, and EGOTISTICAL people who are obnoxious and have NO IDEA about the lives of other human beings. I doubt that she will take any steps towards Christianity anytime soon, and perhaps never!!

These types of approaches to people do a great deal of harm, in my opinion. Far more harm than good. If you are embarking on a "Witnessing Program" with a series of laid out steps ... I suggest that you abandon it. There is NO justification for such an approach in the New Testament ... none that I can see anyway.

Instead, I think that the words from John 13:34-35 are the real guide for how we should see others. IF you are following any kind of canned program, or some sort of pre-prepared format, then you are almost certainly BREAKING this instruction from Christ!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another".
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Just Ben

Dec 30, 2015
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I didn't know what to do and still don't. I started online witnessing in hopes to overcome some persecution fears. Your right, now matter how gracious you are with people, some will outright attack you.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that gives people a reason to need the Gospel. I spoke with a proud arrogant man with love and patience. By the end of our conversation he said I was trying to scare him into needing a God. That's the closest I have ever came to seeing God convict someone of sin. Is it normal to feel like your constantly failing? I think failure is a legitimate fear. This is a hard battle to fight and I can't do it alone. Good thing I have Jesus and go to a spirit lead church.
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Just Ben

Dec 30, 2015
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Unless you truly LOVE the person that you are talking to - DON'T witness to them! DO NOT!!
There are a great many Christians who are doing UNTOLD HARM with these "witnessing schemes". For some incomprehensible reason, some churches keep devising programs, and training methods, to send Christians out to "witness". In reality, this becomes nothing more than a verbal battle. Sadly, people return from these excursions thinking they have done 'something great'. In reality, you may be doing a great deal of harm.

Case in point ... yesterday I was talking to my daughter. She is not a Christian, she is an artist. She was walking around the campus of her Art School, and was verbally accosted by visiting Christians. They didn't introduce themselves, or explain their purpose. But instead they pretended to be doing "spiritual readings", and then proceeded to confront people with their own viewpoint. I doubt that this was a Christian sect - more likely a church that had come up with the 'brilliant idea' that they could lure people in ... by saying they were 'doing spiritual readings'. After this, they barraged my daughter with all kinds of comments along the lines of ... "you must have poor self esteem, but God really loves you!", "we're sure that your art reflects doubts about your own self worth, but there is a better way!", "did you know that you are going to Hell and you need to change your life!". and things like this.

My daughter left this encounter with the OPINION that Christians are a ... INSULTING, OPINIONATED, and EGOTISTICAL people who are obnoxious and have NO IDEA about the lives of other human beings. I doubt that she will take any steps towards Christianity anytime soon, and perhaps never!!

These types of approaches to people do a great deal of harm, in my opinion. Far more harm than good. If you are embarking on a "Witnessing Program" with a series of laid out steps ... I suggest that you abandon it. There is NO justification for such an approach in the New Testament ... none that I can see anyway.

Instead, I think that the words from John 13:34-35 are the real guide for how we should see others. IF you are following any kind of canned program, or some sort of pre-prepared format, then you are almost certainly BREAKING this instruction from Christ!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another".
I think we should witness in a way that is natural, like learn to speak about your faith to everyone no matter who they are. You never know, a complete stranger just might need that little extra nudge to seal the deal for them about following Christ. That's how I came to believe.
There was a man that talked to me for a long time about Christ. I kept ignoring and even getting mad at him because of his persistence. Then he was just fine one day. I never saw him again. But the funny thing is that his voice was ecoed from complete strangers . after the 3 rd stranger said the same thing as the others; well..that pretty much sealed it fore me. There's more to it than that but sometimes people need that push from strangers.
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Daniel Marsh

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Jun 28, 2015
Livingston County, MI, US
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----This article has been edited---
I've gained a little more wisdom to help people out with conquering their fears. Note the article below is not nessesarily an absolute solution to conquering fear. I've tried to keep it biblically solid but i'm bound to make mistakes. USE YOUR WISDOM, if i post anything contradictory to the bible don't be stupid and believe it! PM me and i'll check it up and make the changes where appropriate.
----This article has been edited---

These are just my personal tips for those who fear people when witnessing. I found it helps ALOT when getting out there and laboring for lost souls. Again i emphasis that i'm no teacher, no preacher, no deacon, no *insert big church name thingy here* just a normal guy, kinda good looking :p, partly intelligent (bad thing?) and onward trying to complete my degree.

Before i do write this in case people get paranoid thinking i'm a hypocrite, i've examined myself deeply before writing this. I witness to at least 1 person a day mostly 1 on 1 (my personal commitment to God), i don't expect people to do the same, this is just my personal commitment.

I have been doing this for nearly 6 months and i've learnt alot. God has graciously granted me wisdom and guidance over the past 6 months and i'm overly thankful for His patience with me and my mistakes and failures.


We first divide the 3 most common fears for a christian when witnessing and how to deal with them.

Ready? - Too late, we're starting!

FEAR 1 :eek:
Religion is a sensitive issue.

This is mostly common with people with low self esteem *puts hand up*. They will go red when trying to talk about God and religion to people who are unbelievers or just close friends or relatives. They can't even mention the name of Jesus without getting uncomfortable. Most of the time, they will feel very nervous with christians who try to ask them where they're at in their spiritual walk with God.

Common fear or not, i suffered it and it really sucks. Truely, it's the most
annoying fear you'll get.

However this is actually on a scale of 1 to 10 of the "I'm too scared" level would be close to about 4.

Most people think it's 10 in fact, almost everyone thinks it's 10 but it's a totally totally overrated fear. Totally, from my experience, i kicked myself for being so scared about it.... ouch.

FEAR 2 :mad:
Persecution, tribulation, people hating you, people thinking you're a dork, people intimidating you.

This fear on the scale of 1 to 10 is 10. The most toughest fear to tackle and certainly the most challenging.

When you witness, you hate it when people scoff off at you or call you a moron or insult you, reject you, hate you, tease you etc. I mean, comon, who doesn't? The last thing you want is to feel rejected. Why? Because we're humans, we love to be accepted. We love to be loved. Simple.

However you're out there on a battlezone, you're not going to get sunshine and lollypops. You're going to get slander, hateful words, insults, and persecution. In the extreme cases, you'll probably meet up with physical beatings, something you want to avoid hehe. I haven't been beaten up yet but i have been insulted before, many times.

Hardest fear to deal with, something i'll cover afterwards.

FEAR 3 :doh:
Not knowing what to do.

7 on the scale. This fear varys from christian to christian. Some christians know what to do exactly but others got no clue whatsoever.

So, personally, i don't believe there's like 1 single way to witness to people AS LONG as it is not leaning to the prosperity gospel (Jesus will give you Joy peace and happiness, He's got a wonderful plan for your life, Jesus will fill that God shaped hole in your heart)

This is another annoying fear that i think it's overrated. Like always, peopel will find it different but it comes down to you. For me, this was 10 on my scale, i had no idea what to do.


So these 3 fears are probably the main fears. I'm sure there's others but i'm only going to cover what i've experienced and the ways around it.

TIPS and how to combat these fears!

Religion is a sensitive issue.

This fear is easily overcomed. How? Well, start fellowshipping with christians. Get to church and talk around and start talking about God, what God has done for you on the cross. This fear like i said is overrated, it's easy to overcome this fear.

People who are uncomfortable with this probably have never gotten into a church or are just not getting into God's word. So start getting into God's word and start fellowshiping with christians. The best way to sharpen a sword is to use a surface harder than the sword itself.

Ching! easy.

FEAR 2 (Edited)
Persecution, tribulation, people hating you, people thinking you're a dork, people intimidating you.

This is the toughest fear you'll face. I don't think i've met any christian who has not faced this fear. I'm sure there are some but i haven't met them yet.

One thing all of us hate was being bullied at school. this is a form of persecution.

Same when witnessing to people, you don't want them to lash out at you or hate you or get offended (btw some people WILL get offended regardless how gentle you are) so what can you do? You don't know who will get offended will you?

In the US the marines endure weeks of physical toture but also verbal torture. The trainers will insult, revile and curse their soldiers in training to 'harden' them up and build up morale so that they will not be shaken in combat.

With witnessing, you gotta find some way to harden yourself up. How? Well, instead of getting someone to curse and insult you, just get out there and learn to take insults in a Christ like fashion from those who get offended. Jesus was insulted but he did not insult those back. Do the same, if people insult you, don't offer any insults back. Just take it in, and shake it off.

Unfortunately there's no guaranteed safe way to conquer this fear. The only way i've been able to conquer this fear is to force myself to witness and take insults patiently. Eventually you will easily shake off insults or slander, there's no big deal. This is more to do with experience than to personal fear. I've witnessed nearly everyday for nearly a year now and i'm not as afraid of being rejected anymore.

Remember there are multitudes of christians who were martyred for their faith and they go through insults and all kinds of persecution way worse than your average bully in school.

And important note to keep in mind. Remember you are to witness out of love. it's a common mistake for enthusiastic christians to go out and witness and purposefully start trouble to get persecuted for their faith. One particularly damaging thing about this is that you will appear as an extremist, which to the world out there has about a ton and a half of negative conotations.

They are motivated because Jesus said 'if you're persecuted because of your faith you'll have great reward in heaven'. Folks, also remember are you doing it just for the reward or are you doing it for the salvation of the lost? Persecution WILL come, guaranteed, if you go out and find it, you risk getting more than you bargain for. Instead, ask God to protect you and that if persecution comes, that you will have the strength to take it patiently.

I have made this mistake and fortunately i got out of it quickly with nothing but a spiritual scratch.

Not knowing what to do.

The articles below talk about an important method of witnessing.

Always convince them of sin first. Use the Law to do that. NEVER give the gospel immediately unless they are broken or humble. Because what you do is you gospel harden them. You give arrogant, proud and self righteous people the gospel that was never intended for them. You must plow up the stoney ground hearer by getting them to be concerned for their salvation and about hell too. THEN you give them the gospel because they know what they're being saved from. It sounds like hellfire preaching but it isn't as the articles below explain.

HugeDomains.com - TtwMinistries.com is for sale (Ttw Ministries)

I encourage you to read the articles. These are awesome methods of witnessing to people and knowing all that you need to know.

It's very easy to understand and you don't have to be a bible theorist to witness to people. In those articles contain some very cool information about how to witness to people like Jesus did, talk about hell judgement day, God's wrath and repentance in an orderly way. No strings attached it even has some written conversations that you can follow.

Also www.wayofthemaster.com

Handy place to learn how to witness. Watch some of the episodes!


Well those are just some tips to breaking through some fears that christians have. Remember, that there are countless lost souls out there that we need to lead to Christ, let's get out there and do something. I am and i'll continue to make sure i am. How about you?

Simply ask a non-Christian friend if you can practice on them. Many of my friends came to Jesus this way. None were right away, God simply used me to plant the seeds. He used my life to water the seeds.
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