When trying to find like-minded people in church, false gospel is prominent?

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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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I saw this in another topic, where a woman in her 20s was having a hard time finding other single, that she felt isolated without coming across other like-minded genuine Christians at her church, people were suggesting trying out other churches and their organizations, then someone chimed in...feeling for her as he said he's tried like 10 + churches in the area, but they all taught "false gospel".

Whenever I went to church, this was a non-issue. In fact, it never even entered my mind...not sure why this person just up gave up on churches in the area? How does HE know they are teaching "false" gospel? What makes him /her an expert?

Isn't it weird it that these outliers think this of churches locally? It's almost like they are the flat earthers of the church community.


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Dec 20, 2020
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Oh yes, it's very prominent. Just because they have a Bible in the church & a cross on the sign doesn't mean they are genuine. Many churches turn the Gospel into just being a good person. Jesus becomes just a good moral teacher. God's characteristics is reduced. Sin is reduced. Many have agendas they try to push. They preach the same 4 passages over & over. They emphasize only one topic (for example every sermon is the rich have a hard time entering the Kingdom). I don't doubt at all she'd be struggling. 10+ seems a little excessive tho.
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High Fidelity

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I saw this in another topic, where a woman in her 20s was having a hard time finding other single, that she felt isolated without coming across other like-minded genuine Christians at her church, people were suggesting trying out other churches and their organizations, then someone chimed in...feeling for her as he said he's tried like 10 + churches in the area, but they all taught "false gospel".

Whenever I went to church, this was a non-issue. In fact, it never even entered my mind...not sure why this person just up gave up on churches in the area? How does HE know they are teaching "false" gospel? What makes him /her an expert?

Isn't it weird it that these outliers think this of churches locally? It's almost like they are the flat earthers of the church community.
I suppose it depends where you live. In the US you have a lot of options for solid churches. In Europe there are very, very few.

Most churches in Europe now are either watered-downed or overtly contrary to scripture, e.g. female preachers, gay marriages etc.

Personally in those circumstances I would not put myself in that position to be negatively influenced.

Christianity in Europe is on its last legs and a lot of churches are changing to accommodate the world in a bid to keep their doors open.

It’s also worth keeping in mind the many and the few verses. We’re already told that those that take the narrow path are fewer than those that take the wide path. So yes, places preaching sound doctrine will be fewer, as will those listening. We know that much.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Isn't it weird it that these outliers think this of churches locally? It's almost like they are the flat earthers of the church community.

Ironically, if you're following the stories in the Bible, it's usually the 'outlier' few who are right and the majority being wrong.

Even Jesus said it explicitly, only few will find the 'small gate' and the 'narrow way' that leads to life (Matthew 7:14).

I'm NOT saying the few is always right but it's often probable the majority is wrong.

To let you know a disturbing fact, Christianity is far from being the minority religion. It's no longer the 'few'. There are more Christians than Atheists and Agnostics combined. There are more Christians than Muslims and that makes Christianity the most popular religion in the world. In other words, Christianity is the biggest group of people in the world by belief or philosophy, etc.

And my own experience if you can believe it. Of all the countless Christian churches I've been to. All of them believed in at least one false teaching.
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God is Love
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I saw this in another topic, where a woman in her 20s was having a hard time finding other single, that she felt isolated without coming across other like-minded genuine Christians at her church, people were suggesting trying out other churches and their organizations, then someone chimed in...feeling for her as he said he's tried like 10 + churches in the area, but they all taught "false gospel".

Whenever I went to church, this was a non-issue. In fact, it never even entered my mind...not sure why this person just up gave up on churches in the area? How does HE know they are teaching "false" gospel? What makes him /her an expert?

Isn't it weird it that these outliers think this of churches locally? It's almost like they are the flat earthers of the church community.
There are indeed false teachings in many of the churches .... we are to study His Word ourselves and the Holy Spirit will help us discern them.

We are not to be "spoon fed" by anyone nor any church.

Many churches teach that we have a immortal soul ... this is not true and if one believes this they will be led down many roads of false teachings (deceived)

Whenever I went to church, this was a non-issue. In fact, it never even entered my mind

It should enter everyone's mind ...study for yourself.
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Weekend building-based religion is heavily leavenized. If there was just one piece of excrement in a swimming pool, who here would jump in for a swim? I wouldn’t. How about just one tablet of rat poison in the punch bowl, who’s going to take a drink? I’m not. And I am going to be infinite times more cautious when it comes to my soul. 2 Timothy 2:15 says study to show yourself approved, not sit in the pews to show yourself approved.

“A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” —Galatians 5:9

“Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” —Matthew 16:6

“For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?“ —1 Corinthians 3:3-5

Yet we have thousands of denominations and numerous varying manmade doctrines in weekend building-based religion. Some of which even carry the names of men. Man must decrease, Christ must increase. John 3:30-31.

“But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” —Matthew 15:9

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hotl iron;” —1 Timothy 4:1-2

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.” —2 Peter 2:1-3

It’s very important to take heavy caution in regards to whom you yoke yourself up with as far as spiritual matters. It is not a game.

“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” —2 John 1:10-11

Yeah I know there’s some genuine reborn Christians within the religious buildings. But I believe God only has them there as an example of biblical Christians for the others, not for the manmade doctrines being taught. And they are strong in the faith.

“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, andcunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” —Ephesians 4:14

There is a denominational religious building on nearly every street in America, doesn’t quite seem like the narrow way that few find which Christ spoke of. Anyone who is looking to attend I’d recommend they study on their own, get the wisdom and apply the tools in God’s word for themselves. That’s where the abundance lies. And you won’t be deceived by false teachers and false doctrines.
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d taylor

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How can a believer tell, well God has made it so simple to receive His free gift of Eternal Life (salvation) belief in Jesus. When false gospels are taught, they can easily be seen, by people who are not believing in false gospels.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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There are indeed false teachings in many of the churches .... we are to study His Word ourselves and the Holy Spirit will help us discern them.

We are not to be "spoon fed" by anyone nor any church.

Many churches teach that we have a immortal soul ... this is not true and if one believes this they will be led down many roads of false teachings (deceived)

It should enter everyone's mind ...study for yourself.

I've thought about it. And yes, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker is a big one that comes to mind.

Then there are those at home Bible study groups that wind up on the news when the leader of the group has their own agenda, or look to be the center of attention

There are pastors that cheat on their wives and so on. That's where it's obvious
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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I've thought about it. And yes, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker is a big one that comes to mind.

Then there are those at home Bible study groups that wind up on the news when the leader of the group has their own agenda, or look to be the center of attention

There are pastors that cheat on their wives and so on. That's where it's obvious
Widen your view .... everybody sins ... false teachings are in the churches .... all churches are in a apostate condition of some sort ... read the letters to the churches (Revelation 2-3) .... nothing has changed ... it's about false teachings .... deception, ignorance and/or knowingly teaching the things of man rather than that of God ... the only way one can discern is to study for themselves.

Act 17:11

New King James Version
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.


Matthew 24

People who would come in His name. These would be people who falsely represented Christ presenting themselves as pastors, prophets, teachers, evangelists and so-called Christian leaders, but were really wolves in sheep’s clothing.

People who would actually claim they were Christ. This has actually happened, there have be some of these as well ... Among them were Jim Jones (1931–1978) and Sun Myung Moon (1920–2012). As you said ... the obvious ones.

The ones to be aware of are the ones that are not so obvious.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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There are indeed false teachings in many of the churches .... we are to study His Word ourselves and the Holy Spirit will help us discern them.

We are not to be "spoon fed" by anyone nor any church.

I agree.

Are you talking about this verse?

1 John 2:27
As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.

I think all churches believes in at least one false teaching. Some more than the others.

I suppose it might be the norm. Nobody's perfect after all.
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Widen your view .... everybody sins ... false teachings are in the churches .... all churches are in a apostate condition of some sort ... read the letters to the churches (Revelation 2-3) .... nothing has changed ... it's about false teachings .... deception, ignorance and/or knowingly teaching the things of man rather than that of God ... the only way one can discern is to study for themselves.

Act 17:11

New King James Version
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.


Matthew 24

People who would come in His name. These would be people who falsely represented Christ presenting themselves as pastors, prophets, teachers, evangelists and so-called Christian leaders, but were really wolves in sheep’s clothing.

People who would actually claim they were Christ. This has actually happened, there have be some of these as well ... Among them were Jim Jones (1931–1978) and Sun Myung Moon (1920–2012). As you said ... the obvious ones.

The ones to be aware of are the ones that are not so obvious.
Excellent points, and so true, everybody sins and comes up short. Which is why the First Century Church Model wasn’t the one man opus we have in modern denominational religious buildings. The local bodies in the NT Church were overseen by multiple elders (Acts 11:30, Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5) because we all need to take correction at times.

What truly matters isn’t the rites, rituals and superficial works that modern weekend religion focuses on anyway, it is the heart that matters to God (2 Corinthians 7:10, Psalm 34:18, Luke 18:13-14, 1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 51:17, Matthew 15:18-20). Denominational building-based religion is all about outward appearances. Many adherents of the modern religious system have the words; but they ain’t got the ‘music’ so to speak. In public they’ll act all holy, virtuous, and charming for the crowd, but behind closed doors is where a person’s true colors are shown.

On the other hand, I’ve known many people who barely, or do not even know the words at all. But they do have the ‘music’ if that makes any sense. That is so interesting to me, and it is hard for me to articulate in my own words what I believe God is trying to teach me in all of that, but it brings to mind Matthew Ch. 23, and the sheep/goats parable at the end of Matthew 25. As well as Philippians 3:1-3, where Paul refers to false teachers as dogs and evildoers, and warns the brethren to steer clear of those who fixate on religious rites. True worship is in the Spirit, how one lives their life..not practicing religious traditions.

The greatest enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry weren’t the drunkards, tax collectors, prostitutes, gluttons, Roman government, etc. His greatest enemies were the hypocrite religious leaders, and a false disciple who betrayed Him. I believe the same applies today. Manmade religion and false converts are the biggest enemies of Christ, same now as it was then.

Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

In other words, history repeats itself.

Philippians 3:18-19
“(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)“

That is true it is the not-so-obvious to be aware of, but they can easily be spotted as well. By how they respond to well meaning constructive criticism. We all need correction at times.

“Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.” —Proverbs 9:8

Plenty modern pastors and their disciples love to dish it out, just can’t take it.
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Dec 20, 2020
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Good to know you would consider the early church fathers to be heretics for teaching the immortality of the soul. I've read some of their writings. Clement for example references this teaching in his epistle to the Corinthians. Hard to believe he, being a co-laborer with Paul, would be instructing the Corinthians to believe heretical doctrine. He's not the only early father who held to this.

The immortality of the soul is well established in Scripture. It's been the predominant belief within Christianity since the beginning. It's pride to believe that you have the truth and the rest of the church doesn't.
What is immortality of the soul?

I really need to read some more of their writings...........Read bits & pieces, I read some of the Gnostic Gospels
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Essentially, it is the belief that all beings whether righteous or wicked, exist after death. The righteous with God in heaven in glorified, resurrected bodies and the souls of the wicked in everlasting judgement in the lake of fire. Some sects deny the existence of the wicked after death. They would hold that only the righteous are granted immortality through Christ. They believe the wicked are annihilated after death and cease to exist. Or, some would hold they are sent to hell, but annihilated at the final great white throne judgement. The foundation of their argument is that immortality of the soul is only possible through salvation through Christ.

The problem with this belief is that it's contrary to what the established church has always believed. This view was not the original interpretation of Christ's teachings on hell and the afterlife. Consider this quote by the early church father Clement of Rome:

All souls are immortal, even those of the wicked, for whom it would be better that they were not deathless, for punished with endless vengeance of quenchless fire and not dying, it is impossible for them to have a period put to their misery (Clement of Rome, 1st Century)

He shall raise the bodies of all men who have lived and clothe those of the worthy with immortality and shall send those of the wicked, endured with eternal sensibility, into everlasting fire with the wicked devils (Justin Martyr, 2nd Century)

I could link so many other quotes from the early church fathers and there are countless scriptures to back up this teaching. The teaching of conditional immortality crept into the church later. People need to do their research more and actually read church history. If a doctrine wasn't the accepted interpretation of Scripture in the 1st or 2nd century, it's safe to say one should be very cautious and concerned about accepting that doctrine. To do so, is to raise yourself above the wisdom of the apostles and church fathers. That's a worrisome position to take.

My original point in posting was not to start a debate on conditional immortality vs immortality of the soul, but to show that it's dangerous to separate yourself from others through pride. That though the state of the modern church is far from ideal there is a safety in holding to the teachings that those who essentially ate with the apostles, and were directly discipled by Paul, Peter, John, etc espoused. What pride is required for a man today, who is not a scholar of Greek or Scripture to dismiss the established and cherished teachings of the church and to separate himself to be his own church. That pride always leads to error in doctrines and a sense of being more enlightened. It's very spiritually dangerous.
Okay, that's what I thought, but now I'm confused. In your first post you say Clement taught the soul isn't immortal & was teaching heresy. Now you're saying he didn't teach that?

I'm trying to Google what he taught on this. It seems, like w/ every thing, & church fathers especially, people try to spin what he says to fit their own beliefs. I read what they quote he said & don't see what they're saying he said. For example, the first Google result is trying to argue because he says 'death' a lot, that's proof he's teaching the soul dies, but I don't really think that means that at all.
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No. I said that Clement and the other fathers did teach in the immortality of the soul. I was replying to the other member who claimed that churches who teach the soul is immortal teach heresy. I was being sarcastic and saying that in that case, the church fathers are heretics as well since they all taught this. Also, people can try to twist their quotes (when taken out of context) to support any idea they wish. The key is to read the entirety of their writings. I'm not going to link entire epistles or letters here, but in each letter, there are so many references to everlasting judgement. Justin Martyr's letter to Emperor Titus has so many references to it and extrapolations on Scripture verses on hell. It's impossible to claim that the fathers did not believe in eternal conscious torment. You can't just pick out one verse here or there. Read the entirety of their writings. They believed in everlasting punishment for the sinful. That's a foundational teaching in early Christianity.
Oh sorry, I didn't catch the sarcasm. :sweatsmile: I read your post again & see it now

Good to know. thanks for clarifying :)
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Okay, that's what I thought, but now I'm confused. In your first post you say Clement taught the soul isn't immortal & was teaching heresy. Now you're saying he didn't teach that?

I'm trying to Google what he taught on this. It seems, like w/ every thing, & church fathers especially, people try to spin what he says to fit their own beliefs. I read what they quote he said & don't see what they're saying he said. For example, the first Google result is trying to argue because he says 'death' a lot, that's proof he's teaching the soul dies, but I don't really think that means that at all.
Hey partner..the truth is it doesn’t matter what those people taught. Whole lot of extra writings and readings we do not need. And some of them did indeed have false teachings. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have thousands of manmade denominations in weekend religion. In fact, the title ‘church fathers’ that they’ve been given by the gatekeepers of corporate building-based religion is in opposition to what Christ taught.

“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”
—Matthew 23:9

Of course that only applies within a spiritual context, you can call your dad ‘father’ if you prefer lol. And whatever truth they did teach, it can all be found somewhere in between Genesis & Revelation. That’s all we need, God’s Word, and the Spirit, as the scripture another poster mentioned earlier:

“But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” —1 John 2:27

Mark 9:43-48 makes it clear that the souls of the wicked are eternal. It was unbiblical manmade religions that teach in opposition to this biblical truth..like the Jehovah Witness religion, which was invented by a freemason named Charles Taze Russell, and the 7th day adventist religion which was founded by 2 proven false prophets William Miller and an occultist named Ellen White who is said to have been involved in Druidic witchcraft. Her writings do in fact contain New Age terminology such as ‘mother earth’ and ‘vital force’.

At any rate, we had a thread here going on about the role of women, I do find it interesting what some of these unbiblical ‘church fathers’ had to say about women..of course I do not personally agree with this slop they preach. God’s word teaches that women should in fact teach other women (Titus 2:3-5). Christ Himself treated women with dignity, gentleness, kindness, and respect all during His earthly ministry..not so much with these ‘church fathers’ (so-called). I surely do not wish to be a member of this ‘church’ that they fathered haha.

“Men should not sit and listen to a woman … ‘For it is improper for a woman to speak in an assembly,’ no matter what she says, even if she says admirable things, or even saintly things, that is of little consequence, since they come from the mouth of a woman.”
Fragments on 1 Corinthians 74

“What is seen with the eyes of the Creator is masculine, and not feminine, for God does not stoop to look upon what is feminine and of the flesh.”
Selecta in Exodum (Fragments on Exodus), Patrologia Graeca 12, Column 296–297

”And do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the unsealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image, man. On account of your desert—that is, death—even the Son of God had to die. And do you think about adorning yourself over and above your tunics of skins?”
De Cultu Feminarium (On the Apparel of Women), Chapter 1

“The woman taught once, and ruined all. On this account therefore he says, let her not teach. But what is it to other women, that she suffered this? It certainly concerns them; for the sex is weak and fickle, and he is speaking of the sex collectively.”
Homily 9 on First Timothy

“Man was first formed, and elsewhere he shows their superiority.”
Homily 9 on First Timothy

“God maintained the order of each sex by dividing the business of life into two parts, and assigned the more necessary and beneficial aspects to the man and the less important, inferior matter to the woman.”

“Hearken about the women of old; they were great characters, great women and admirable; such were Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Deborah, and Hannah; and such there were also in the days of Christ. Yet did they in no case outstrip the men, but occupied the second rank.”
Homily 13 on Ephesians

While denouncing the female prophets Quintilla, Maximilla, and Priscilla, Epiphanius makes this remark: “Women are unstable, prone to error, and mean-spirited.”
Panarion (also known as, Against Heresies) 79.1.6
Another translation which is often quoted is, “In very truth, women are a feeble race, untrustworthy and of mediocre intelligence.”

WOW! So women are another race? Haha, yeah I would say that is heretical. Furthermore:

“I don’t see what sort of help woman was created to provide man with, if one excludes procreation. If woman is not given to man for help in bearing children, for what help could she be? To till the earth together? If help were needed for that, man would have been a better help for man. The same goes for comfort in solitude. How much more pleasure is it for life and conversation when two friends live together than when a man and a woman cohabitate?”
De Genesi ad literam (The Literal Meaning of Genesis) 9.5.9
“… woman was given to man, woman who was of small intelligence and who perhaps still lives more in accordance with the promptings of the inferior flesh than by superior reason. Is this why the apostle Paul does not attribute the image of God to her?”
De Genesi ad literam Book 11.42

Interesting stuff to say the least. I am not seeing this attitude in the interactions The Lord Jesus Christ had with women. TL;DR..take the ‘church fathers‘ (so-called) writings, and use them to build a campfire haha; and stick to God’s Word. All it takes is that one lil tablet of rat poison, you gonna drink from that punch bowl? Regard your soul with infinite times more caution than this earthly life.
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I think what you are saying is some of the problem you see. It’s incorrect to completely toss everything except the Bible. We give the Bible the highest authority, not the only authority. This means if we think we see a problem, we refer back to the Bible: anything that contradicts it is wrong (b/c God's truth doesn't change, if it does no one can trust him & he isn't who he says he is). But we are also fine looking & see what Christians in the past did or wrote about. The Bible itself isn’t too terrible to understand, it says what it says, & the Spirit testifies, but when we are not sure, we have to look to see what early Christians were doing & so have to look outside of it.

I think you are also reading some of those quotes from the fathers in regards to women with a present-day pro-feminist lens. Men & women are different. The Bible teaches this. Doesn’t mean it’s bad. A bird can’t swim like a fish. A fish can’t fly like a bird. When God speaks to Job, he uses these analogies too. In his design, he has created things with different strengths & weaknesses, for different purposes & roles, & it is good that way. I’m not rich like Elon Musk. Elon Musk doesn’t know my life. Don’t take those quotes out of context. Paul himself is very strict on women, but he’s just as strict on men. (I wonder if those quotes are leaving out the judgement for men?) & Paul uses the word ‘inferior’ too. But so what. Structurally speaking, I’m inferior to the president. Sadly people have hijacked that word. Nowadays it means ‘oppressed’. In God’s economy, it doesn’t mean that.
Unfortunately we don't like to be told we are wretched sinners & weak. Some of those quotes aren't that much more politically correct then what the PC New Testament says of the sinful mankind. We deserve to be called that. Needs to be said more. So I want to say some of those quotes are over-stepping, but the Bible itself doesn't hold back when it's calling people out for their sin or the sin of mankind.

All that being said, yes, some of the church fathers had incorrect views on some things. We know they are incorrect because they contradict what other church fathers taught & what the earliest sources (the Bible) teach. So they are good to read & be informed of, & can be referred to when we have a question about something, but yes, a tier lower than the Bible (doesn’t mean they’re being oppressed )
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Sep 21, 2022
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I think what you are saying is some of the problem you see. It’s incorrect to completely toss everything except the Bible. We give the Bible the highest authority, not the only authority. This means if we think we see a problem, we refer back to the Bible: anything that contradicts it is wrong (b/c God's truth doesn't change, if it does no one can trust him & he isn't who he says he is). But we are also fine looking & see what Christians in the past did or wrote about. The Bible itself isn’t too terrible to understand, it says what it says, & the Spirit testifies, but when we are not sure, we have to look to see what early Christians were doing & so have to look outside of it.

I think you are also reading some of those quotes from the fathers in regards to women with a present-day pro-feminist lens. Men & women are different. The Bible teaches this. Doesn’t mean it’s bad. A bird can’t swim like a fish. A fish can’t fly like a bird. When God speaks to Job, he uses these analogies too. In his design, he has created things with different strengths & weaknesses, for different purposes & roles, & it is good that way. I’m not rich like Elon Musk. Elon Musk doesn’t know my life. Don’t take those quotes out of context. Paul himself is very strict on women, but he’s just as strict on men. (I wonder if those quotes are leaving out the judgement for men?) & Paul uses the word ‘inferior’ too. But so what. Structurally speaking, I’m inferior to the president. Sadly people have hijacked that word. Nowadays it means ‘oppressed’. In God’s economy, it doesn’t mean that.
Unfortunately we don't like to be told we are wretched sinners & weak. Some of those quotes aren't that much more politically correct then what the PC New Testament says of the sinful mankind. We deserve to be called that. Needs to be said more. So I want to say some of those quotes are over-stepping, but the Bible itself doesn't hold back when it's calling people out for their sin or the sin of mankind.

All that being said, yes, some of the church fathers had incorrect views on some things. We know they are incorrect because they contradict what other church fathers taught & what the earliest sources (the Bible) teach. So they are good to read & be informed of, & can be referred to when we have a question about something, but yes, a tier lower than the Bible (doesn’t mean they’re being oppressed )
Ahh, to each their own as they say. As for me, the Bible is the only authority. The way I see it, all these extrabiblical writings are the problem. The scriptures are spiritually discerned also, (1 Corinthians 2:14), not discerned via scholarship, as is the case with these ‘church fathers’ so-called. That’s why there’s so many different religions these days that people observe on the weekends. But like I say, to each their own. My take is, God Himself will reveal what He wants a person to know. Therefore when I don’t understand something, I will wait on Him. I prefer to just eliminate all the clutter of these extrabiblical things all together and stick to the Word alone.

Haha, definitely no pro-feminist lens here partner. LOL, idk if you saw the other thread I was referring to, but I am about as anti-feminist as one can possibly get haha. Men are to lead, and women are not to usurp spiritual authority over men in a local assembly of the brethren. But these ‘church fathers’ clearly insinuate that women are some sort of sub-human creatures. Tell me the Books, Chapters, and Verses where Paul or Christ preached such hateful things like ‘even saintly things don’t matter coming from the mouth of a woman’, or ‘God does not stoop to look upon what is feminine’, or ‘women are the devil’s gateway’, or that ‘men are superior’ (God is no respecter of persons, Acts 10:34), or that women are of another race? Ha, come on now..the way these clowns speak of women is reminiscent of the way Adolf Hitler spoke of Jewish folks.

In that thread on biblical marriage roles I mentioned, I said multiple times that men and women are different. That is quite obvious. You’re preaching to the choir there partner haha. These unbiblically titled ‘church fathers’ clowns speak like God has even less than no use for women. It isn’t so. In the OT there were multiple female prophets, in the NT Christ had multiple female disciples. Speaking of prophets..how many false prophecies did it take for one to be stoned to death in the OT? Just one..therefore God takes deception very serious, and deception is all within what these ‘church fathers’ preach. That title alone is anti-biblical deception (Matthew 23:9).

LOL, we will have to agree to disagree on this: in no way am I inferior to ‘The Cadaver In Chief’ hahaha..not to say I am any better either. As for ‘structurally speaking’, well, as it is written, God is no respecter of persons. He does not regard a hobo in the gutter beneath the multibillionaire tycoon. We ain’t under the Hindu caste system here LOL. That’s the problem with manmade religion, see, the unbiblical structure..which was modeled after the pagan Roman government. God keeps it simple, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. There are no ‘reverends’ or ‘fathers’ or ‘masters in divinity’ (insert vomit emoji) or Rabbis, or other self-exalting titles in God’s New Testament 1st century church model. One is our master (Matthew 23:8-10). There are no condescending titles for the masses in the body either, such as ‘laity’ (insert vomit emoji).

Truthfully, I don’t mind at all being told I am wretched, weak, a sinner..I am all good with that, see my username? Haha. I love that passage and know precisely what I am before God. He personally showed me that in great detail one Spring evening several years ago. It was the greatest blessing I ever had! And all other humans are wretched weak sinners too, which is why I will never trust them. Let only God be true, every man a liar, Romans 3:4.

“Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.”
—Psalm 119:128

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”
—1 Thessalonians 5:21

Personally, I won’t be holding fast to the writings of the ‘church fathers’ lol, count me out of their ‘church’ so-called haha.
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Tranquil Bondservant

Nothing without Elohim
Oct 11, 2022
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What is immortality of the soul?

I really need to read some more of their writings...........Read bits & pieces, I read some of the Gnostic Gospels
I personally used to believe in Conditional Immortality (or Annihilationism) and I can say that the immortality of the soul is proved through ECT (eternal conscious torment) being true, or rather the way of getting there. I personally don't like the term "immortality of the soul" as when approaching Scripture from that starting point it's incredibly hard to prove. Because once the words used in the Bible are de-contextualised the arguments for Conditional Immortality become very strong. For example, who can argue that the soul is immortal with verses like Matthew 10:28 and 1 Corinthians 15:53-57? A better term in my mind would be something along the lines of "continual existence" because death to the Apostles had a very different meaning to what most people mean by death in modern times.

The destruction language is a perfect example. I used to hold out that the soul was not immortal because of verses like 2 Peter 2:6 "and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter" and "just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire." (Jude 7). Contrary to what @GodBeMercifulToMeASinner is saying, this is where the Church Fathers play a significant role. Given those two verses out of context (combined with Matthew 10:28) it would seem to throw the concept of the immortality of the soul into disarray, as we're plainly told that Sodom and Gomorrah are examples of the final judgement and what happened to them? Peter says they were "turned to ashes" and Jude explicitly says their destruction was an example of the "eternal fire".

However; Clement, while not Scripture, who existed within the worldview and immediate teaching of the Apostles and also wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians sometime around 70-96AD, says this:
"On account of his hospitality and godliness, Lot was saved out of Sodom when all the country round was punished by means of fire and brimstone, the Lord thus making it manifest that He does not forsake those that hope in Him, but gives up such as depart from Him to punishment and torture. For Lot’s wife, who went forth with him, being of a different mind from himself, and not continuing in agreement with him [as to the command which had been given them], was made an example of, so as to be a pillar of salt unto this day. This was done that all might know that those who are of a double mind, and who distrust the power of God, bring down judgment on themselves, and become a sign to all succeeding generations." -The Frist Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Chapter 11.
So as we can see Clement saw the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as a sign of punishment and torture. Apart from ECT being the predominant view of the Church throughout history, it should be very hard for anyone who is genuinely inquiring into the "immortality" of the soul to ignore this contextualising of the destruction language used in the NT. Another historical source (not Scripture) which is far more explicit, cited by Jude and Peter and goes back to 300BC(ish) is 1 Enoch. Specifically for the worldview of ECT: 1 Enoch 10:12-14, 1 Enoch 21:7-10 and 1 Enoch 90:23-26.

Now as someone who personally used to believe in Conditional immortality you need to wrestle with the very words used to affirm it. There were other words used for the grave that actually denoted a grave and not a place of existence after physical death like Hades. There's also the fact that Tartarus is a place where conscious beings are kept and etc. A good question to ask is what do you think those words that are written in Scripture are intended to conjure in the minds of the gentile Greek audience? A place of continual existence or one of unconsciousness/non existence?

Something that was also extremely convincing to me was that in 2 Peter 2:4 zophos is the word used here to describe the darkness in Tartarus (the word translated as hell in this verse); therefore the use of zophos in Jude 13 is for the same. Because of this it means that the black darkness of Tartarus is reserved for those who are thrown into Gehenna (2 Peter 2:17), the second death; thereby confirming ECT because this is a place where conscious beings are kept and have been kept. Though it will be the first time man suffers a similar fate to the Angels who sinned (Gen 6:2) and who were placed in bonds (Jude 6, 13; 2 Pet 2:4). To put it simply, the judgement that will come upon those who are not in Christ is the black darkness of Tartarus (a place of continual conscious existence) according to both Peter (2 Pet 2:17) and Jude (Jd 13). A handy picture of this can be found in the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13); they were shut out in the darkness and yet continued to exist.

What about Gehenna? That's where all of the souls in Hades/Sheol (blanket term for the abode of the dead which also includes Tartarus) are going to be thrown into right? So even if we continue to consciously exist after we die for a time, it does not mean that that the soul will exist forever? What Gehenna is rests upon the question “what is death to the Apostles?” because Gehenna is the second death. Death to the Apostles and all people of that time in this context is separation of body and soul; the soul goes to Hades/Sheol where there is no escape apart from the deliverance of God through Christ. Thereby affirming the continual existence of the soul both after death and judgement, as the framework/paradigm of what is "death" does not include non-existence.
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Sep 21, 2022
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Some more interesting (and unbiblical) things about the ‘church fathers’ (so-called). The ‘apostolic fathers’ (so-called) of the 2nd century were teaching a false gospel that baptism, celibacy, and martyrdom provided forgiveness of sin (Howard Vos, Exploring Church History, p. 12). The scriptures say anyone who preaches ‘another gospel’ is accursed (Galatians 1:8-9).

The same historian cited above also wrote the later ‘fathers’ (so-called) Clement, Origen, Cyril, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine, Theodore, and John Chrysostom “In their lives and teachings we find the seed plot of almost all that arose later. In germ form appear the dogmas of purgatory, transubstantiation, priestly mediation, baptismal regeneration, and the whole sacramental system” (Vos, p. 25).

None of that stuff is written in the scriptures. My intent isn’t to offend anyone, but to encourage people to rely on God’s Word alone..it is all we need for doctrine, nobody needs any of these manmade religions, their manmade traditions, manmade doctrines, and all that. Only the Bible. And only God is the only Father of the Church (set apart ekklesia) Matthew 23:9.

We are warned in the scriptures that false teachings came in right from the beginning of the 1st century church, and the false teachings would only escalate as time passes. A snowball effect. Acts 20:29-30, 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, 2 Corinthians 11:12-15, 1 Timothy 4:1-6, 2 Timothy 3:1-13, 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

2 Peter 2:1 states that there would be false teachers who bring in “damnable heresies,” i.e. heresies that damn the soul to hell. Corruption of the “doctrine of Christ” = “false christ.”

John’s epistles state the same: (1 John 2:18-19, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 1:7-11).

2 Timothy 3:13
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

I will illustrate that verse with the unbiblically titled ‘church fathers’. Only God is the Father of His ekklesia.

Taught that churches should have elders and a ruling bishop; in other words, he was exalting one bishop over another. In the scriptures, the terms “bishop” and “elder” refer to the same humble office within the assembly of the brethren (Titus 1:5-7). He claimed that a church does not have authority to baptize or conduct the Lord’s Supper unless it has a bishop. These are relatively innocent manmade doctrines, but are the blueprint for modern weekend religion and it’s unbiblical hierarchies, which were modeled after the pagan Roman government. Denominational weekend religion is all about CONTROL.

Justin Martyr:
Helped develop the idea of a “middle state” after death that was neither heaven nor hell. Eventually this doctrine became known as purgatory in the Roman Catholic religion, it is found nowhere in scripture.

Preached the manmade doctrine of ‘real presence’ claiming “the eucharist becomes the body of Christ.” This isn’t found in scripture anywhere. He also supported the authority of the bishop as a ruler over many churches. Not scriptural. Titus 1:5-7 makes it clear elders are ordained in every city, and elder/bishop are interchangeable terms.

Helped further develop the manmade doctrine of purgatory, and believed that most men would eventually be saved. The scriptures teach narrow is the way, few there be that find it (Matthew 7:14).

He denied the Deity of Christ and His atonement, saying, “The Logos of God became man so that you may learn from man how man may become God” (cited from Bernard McGinn, The Presence of God, Vol. 1 - “The Foundations of Mysticism,” p. 107). He believed that the bread of the Lord’s Supper was Christ and worried about dropping crumbs of it on the ground. He adopted Montanism, believing that Montanus spoke prophecies by inspiration of God. He taught that widows who remarried committed fornication. Totally unbiblical. The New Testament encourages younger widows to remarry (1 Timothy 5:14). He also taught the manmade doctrine of baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

A wealthy tyrant who wrote against the Novatian churches for their efforts to maintain a pure church membership. He didn’t care if church members gave evidence of the new birth as long as they conformed to external rituals. Much like today’s weekend building-based religion. He also supported the manmade doctrine of infant baptism.

“disbelieved the full inspiration and infallibility of the Scriptures, holding that the inspired men apprehended and stated many things obscurely” (Discussions of Robert Lewis Dabney, I, p. 383). He rejected the account of history in the beginning chapters of Genesis and of Satan taking the Lord Jesus up to a high mountain and offering him the kingdoms of the world (Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol. III, p. 614). He taught that Jesus is a created being and not the eternal Son of God. “He held an aberrant view on the nature of Christ, which gave rise to the later Arian heresy” (“Origen,” Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics). He taught that man can become divine as Jesus is divine. “For Christians see that with Jesus human and divine nature begin to be woven together, so that by fellowship with divinity human nature might become divine, not only in Jesus, but also in all those who believe and go on to undertake the life which Jesus taught...” (Against Celsus, 3:28). Also taught the manmade doctrine of baptismal regeneration and salvation by works. “After these points, it is taught also that the soul, having a substance and life proper to itself, shall, after its departure from this world, be rewarded according to its merits. It is destined to obtain either an inheritance of eternal life and blessedness, if its deeds shall have procured this for it, or to be delivered up to eternal fire and punishment, if the guilt of its crimes shall have brought it down to this” (Origen, cited by W.A. Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers). “[He] evidently had no clear conception of the Pauline doctrine of justification by faith” (Louis Berkhof, The History of Christian Doctrines, p. 65). The ‘gospel’ Origen taught was a false gospel, and he therefore was under God’s curse (Galatians 1:6-8). He believed in a form of purgatory and universalism (all men will be saved), believing that even Satan would be saved. “Now let us see what is meant by the threatening with eternal fire. ... It seems to be indicated by these words that every sinner kindles for himself the flame of his own fire and is not plunged into some fire which was kindled beforehand by someone else or which already existed before him. ... And when this dissolution and tearing asunder of the soul shall have been accomplished by means of the application of fire, no doubt it will afterwards be solidified into a firmer structure and into a restoration of itself” (Origen, cited by W.A. Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers). It is said he even castrated himself for the manmade doctrine of superior holiness of “celibacy” over marriage.

There’s plenty more, but that’s enough for now. Even satan preached more biblically than these ‘church fathers’ when Christ went into the wilderness to be tempted by him (Matthew 4:1-11). The Biblical Christian Faith isn’t about uniting with various religions and the various manmade doctrines they preach. The Biblical Christian Faith is about division. Being ‘set apart’.

“But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.” —Psalm 4:3

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” —Matthew 10:34-39

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
—2 Corinthians 6:16-18

“He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” —Mark 7:6-9
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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It's very strange that someone would have such an agenda to undermine the church fathers that they would mine quotes and do google searches to try to compile a list of the errors they teach. It's obvious what you did, lol. All the quotes have citations to other's commentaries on the fathers. What did you google? Heresies promoted by the fathers?

If you have an agenda to discredit someone you can always find something they did or said that wasn't perfect. Also, nothing is more common than modern scholars or historians painting religious leaders in a very bad light. People do this with almost everyone. I've read some ridiculous accusations founded on quotes taken out of context to discredit most Christians of any significance. It's easy to do. It's really odd that a person would delight in finding error in the teachings of others who were martyred for their faith and contributed greatly to the development and establishment of the faith. Half of what was posted to discredit these fathers is not true and taken out of context. The vitriol expressed is surprising. I am taken aback and almost laughing at the determination to be uninformed and ignorant. We get it. Some people wish to know nothing of church history and avoid church attendance all together. Great.

I've been reading the writings of the first century fathers in their entirety and what is being claimed they taught is inaccurate. Something you won't get from a 2 min google search. There is only one complete epistle written by Clement of Rome. It's the epistle to the Corinthians. I've read it in it's entirety and nowhere in the epistle does Clement state that all men will be saved. On the contrary, he warns men to flee from the judgements to come. So, that's false, Secondly, I've been reading the works of Ignatius. He warns members to be in submission to their bishops /pastors and quotes Scriptures to support it. It's a biblical teaching. Not a heresy. He can't be held responsible for any misabuses of church authority that occurred centuries after his death. It's absurd to blame him for that.

Also, it's unfair to say they are responsible for wrong teachings or errors that crept into the church hundreds of years after they died. It's not uncommon that others build wrong doctrines upon the good foundations that others laid. I'm currently reading Justin Martyr's First Apology and I'm blown away by his godliness, intelligence, wisdom, and insight into the Christian faith. It's been such an edifying experience to read his apology for the Christian faith. Discredit him all you would like. He died for his faith and you haven't. You actually ought to tremble at the pride it requires to besmirch the character of a martyr. You have no assurance you'd show a fraction of the courage and resilience he showed during his execution if you were faced with the same death. Some respect should be paid at the very least for their willingness to die for Christ. Most of the Apostalic fathers you just took the time to rail on died for Christ. You referred to their writings earlier as slop. And yet they are wearing martyrs crowns in heaven while you revile them. If you actually took the time to study them instead of mining accusations written against them you would be amazed by the stoicism and courage they displayed while being tortured. To wage war against the fathers is absurd. Don't read them if you wish to stick to scripture only. Start a bonfire with their writings if you'd like. I don't see the point of this rant whatsoever.

There is such a rich history and tradition within Christendom that you can choose to be part of or exclude yourself from. The fraternity and community of believers who have died for the faith. It's wonderful to be connected and encouraged by those who have endured and set an example for us to follow. If someone wants to be alone and isolated that's their decision. But please, spare us these half-cocked arguments when it's clear you haven't read any of these epistles in their entirety. This lazy and lack of scholarly approach would earn you an F in any university class you'd take.

Ironically, even the early Christian church in the Bible faced the same problem.

Peter mentioned in this verse about Paul:

2 Peter 3:16
He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

The Greek word used in the bolded and colored text is dusnoétos from the root 'dus' and noétos (linked below).

But from study of the Greek text, the meaning might actually be closer to "making no sense" or "could not be understood".

And there lies the problem

First of all, Peter might find some of Paul's teachings confusing or making no sense like for example, Paul teaching about the church submitting to Christ in Eph 5 when Christ said to Peter and others they're no longer slaves or servants of Christ but become friends of Him in John 15:15

Again, by the Greek context, the Greek word used for 'submit' is more applicable to that of a slave or a servant. So how could it be if Jesus already said to the original disciples, they're no longer slaves nor servants but friends.

While technically, friends do serve each other if needed, they're not limited to only such tasks of servitude. Friends do a lot more than just serve one another. If all you had to do is submit while it's another person who must do the loving (Jesus) then the person who can only do things that are concerned with submissions is ignorant. The truth is hidden from that person (John 15:15).

It makes you realize why Peter would say some of Paul's of teachings doesn't make any sense.

But my point is that if Peter sees the problem and it's in the Bible then we have a catastrophe in our hands. But it does fulfill one thing that only few will ever find the way that leads to life because many will stumble and be led astray.
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