What will happen to me?? To my safety?? Please help me


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May 3, 2024
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Sometimes dealing with injustice may require action that actually benefits not only you, but others.
Think for example, of the financially poor family who just had a newborn baby, and has two small children, going to school. Perhaps one has exams, and need to study for them.

"Dealing with it" may not mean waking up every hour to try to get your baby back to sleep, or telling your child to try to get to sleep, and leave the studying for when there may be a quiet time.
"Dealing with it" may not mean putting the family in debt to get sound proofing.

Everyone can't move, and moving doesn't stop people from moving nextdoor to where one lives.
"Dealing with it" may actually mean taking action against a growing health hazard.

The growing movement against noise pollution
As more research shows how noise pollution can have severely harmful impacts on our health, there is a growing movement looking for ways to make communities quieter and healthier.​
KEISHA: Businesses with loud music - it's ridiculous - all hours of the night. It's crazy. Call the police - nothing gets done. I can't sleep with a speaker coming out of a SUV till 7:00 in the morning.​
HUANG: Noise pollution is unwanted sound, and it can affect the body in a few different ways. For those who live or work in very loud places, it can damage their hearing. But Walker says it can still affect their health.​
WALKER: It's that - yeah, it's that response of calling 311 over and over and over again. It's the - I can't sleep at night. It's the - I feel like I'm going to have to sell my house and move out. It is the - I had to go to the emergency room because I had a panic attack. It's - I can't sleep. I can't hear my children. It's all of those things.​

Noise is an underestimated threat that can cause a number of short- and long-term health problems, such as for example sleep disturbance, cardiovascular effects, poorer work and school performance, hearing impairment, etc.​
Noise has emerged as a leading environmental nuisance in the WHO European Region, and the public complains about excessive noise more and more often.​

Who is most affected?​

Some groups are more vulnerable to noise. As children spend more time in bed than adults, they are more exposed to night noise. Chronically ill and elderly people are more sensitive to disturbance. Shift workers are at increased risk because their sleep structure is under stress. In addition, the less affluent who cannot afford to live in quiet residential areas or have adequately insulated homes, are likely to suffer disproportionately.​
Nuisance at night can lead to an increase in medical visits and spending on sleeping pills, which affects families’ budgets and countries’ health expenditure. The gap between rich and poor is likely to increase if governments fail to address noise pollution.​

Noise pollution harms more than your hearing
From your heart to your brain, chronic exposure to loud noises can do a number on your health.​

Showing love to one's neighbor, in a practical way, is one way to bring them to their senses, and they might become reasonable. Without a word, a person can be won over. Thus, one act of love can bring peace to an entire neighborhood, and that act of love may have helped the poor family with children.

Romans 12:20
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”

These coals of fire can melt the hardened heart of men, and result in perhaps saving that individual, and others. Proverbs 25:15
Good job @RedeemedtoManhood.
What else can you do?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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What else can you do?
There are many things one can do. it depends on who that one is.
I am assuming you mean, the Christian, and not the unbeliever.

It depends on how detrimental to one's health the noise pollution is.
If the Christian family is poor, and continuing to show love, and be at peace, fails to bring any relief, they have the choice of either, just praying about the matter, and enduring the discomfort, keeping Psalm 37 in mind... provided the noise level is not harming them physically.

Or, they can report the matter to the authorities, if reasoning with the noise makers does not bring any relief.
At times, it may require a number of kind acts before you may be able to talk to the person, and come to a reasonable solution.

Some might have an option of going to a Christian friend's home, but that option may not be available for many.
What do you suggest for the family whose house shakes with every beat, and whose chest wall vibrates with every sound?
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Sharon Hayes

Jun 13, 2015
My sister was in a similar situation with a neighbor. She'd been a Christian for many years, yet she felt like she was being driven to suicide (which may very well have been the enemy's intent). She moved out and is happier for it. Hopefully you're in a situation where you can move. If not, buy some high-quality ear plugs or silencing headphone and hold out until God moves them along.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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My sister was in a similar situation with a neighbor. She'd been a Christian for many years, yet she felt like she was being driven to suicide (which may very well have been the enemy's intent). She moved out and is happier for it. Hopefully you're in a situation where you can move. If not, buy some high-quality ear plugs or silencing headphone and hold out until God moves them along.
My heart was aghast when I read your post right now. The situation with my neighbors drove me to very real s---u ----i --- cidal thoughts too!! Oh my goodness. I can't move. I am a homeowner. This is a real house. It's my neighbors who are mere tenants, and they are relatively new. their attitude, oh goodness.. :( The Magpantays are not Not their real name.
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