
God loves your words, may men love them also
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Aug 3, 2006
Hi there,

I've been watching for some time, now, wondering where the leadership of my generation is going to come from. I mean, every generation has its leaders, and those leaders have styles and they get there (to leadership) by heeding the older generation - learning from them, trusting them, and so forth - such that they embody the wisdom of the previous generation. What I don't see is this kind of information or character or what have you, being passed down - I never see an old man, say anything more than 'slow down' and I never see a middle aged man say more than 'I want this job'.

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to the fathers - but I don't see it happening, I mean it is getting late and I have no idea who is going to emerge, to lead my generation on from the Boomers we were born to. It's like the Boomers don't want to let go; they have wealth and prosperity and established luxury and they are comfortable with leadership being whoever. I don't like this; this is not seeing eye to eye, this is massive exploitation, with a roadmap intended to scrape the barrel dry. I wonder if you feel the same way.

Ultimately, there will have to be a generation that deals with pollution and waste, fossil fuels and outdated technology, it will take someone with the courage to say "it stops, with me", someone who will bring the nations to the table, with a ubiquitous blueprint, for strengthening the nations case by case (in the way that they should go). I don't see it happening any other way. But what does that voice sound like? How will we know: "this is him"? I don't want to take chances, so I am going to pray to my God, about it - He's going to give me examples and mentors, leaders and ambassadors, because I am going to pray to Him in the Name of His Son for it. I just find it incredible: did previous generations throw caution to the wind and hope that the right leader would win the lottery?

Anyway, I am not upset, well maybe a little bit - should I have to pray for something that is as clear as day and something we are all inevitably going to inherit? - the point is, if it takes my prayer, it will take your prayer too, so I am going to pray that both our prayers are going to be answered! We may not see the result for decades, but there isn't long in light of eternity. If anything, I am a mascot, I am not a leader, I'm not cut out for it, I have answers that I think will help, but they hinge on my being lead (not being leader), and that is being lead by my God, but also those who He puts in place - as He has done, in answer to my prayer, but still needs to do, for me again and for all the generations coming after me!

I pray you hear my desire to serve "a" purpose, but not every 'purpose' - as is not possible with what God has given me (which as He has given me, I am every grateful for!).


Active Member
Nov 8, 2020
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need your opinion
this is not me I am telling you about a case I know about....

The son is going to Mother's place nearly every weekday and sometimes on weekends as well

to do 'work' - but probably maybe only half the time is 'work'

so in this case the son is using his Mother's place as an 'office'....

the Mother has another son who is still living with her but he is working Monday to Friday in an office

sometimes he may do 'work' with customers over Zoom but not all the time sometimes he was wasting time watching some shows on his laptop and he will dump his rubbish from the takeaway food and fill up the kitchen bin

he keeps coughing and the surfaces all need to be wiped down after he leaves

he has a key to his Mother's house as well

the son who visits is over 35 I cannot reveal exact age and is married with a young boy who is under 4

the wife is currently at home not working but said she would start work in a few months
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Student of Life
Mar 6, 2005
United States
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Don't worry. The mantle of leadership is passing from the Boomers to the Millennials as we speak.

But seriously, I think the best approach is to be our own leaders. Seek wisdom. Pray about it, but don't rely on others to lead you. Strive for integrity, aiming to set a good example even when it seems like nobody else cares. Be your best self, not just for you but to leave the world a little better for subsequent generations. An ordinary life lived well is arguably more impressive than an "influential" life lived foolishly. Follow principles rather than people.
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