What Does The Existence of Sin Teach Us About God's Character?

Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
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Assumption #1: God knows all things past, present, and future; therefore, God knew that sin would exist even before the creation of Lucifer.
Assumption #2: God is love

Points to consider
  1. God does not desire companion bots that love him instinctually.
  2. God does not desire a choiceless "love."
  3. God had reasons for proceeding with creation, even though He knew it would result in sin and suffering.
Since God is love, what does the existence of sin teach us about God's nature and Godly love?
What is God's ultimate goal?
What does the cross inform us about free will?
Can God be just without being merciful?
What does all of this say about the nature of God's wrath? (When the thing happens that God foreknew would happen, does God get mad?)
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Assumption #1: God knows all things past, present, and future; therefore, God knew that sin would exist even before the creation of Lucifer.
Assumption #2: God is love

Points to consider
  1. God does not desire companion bots that love him instinctually.
  2. God does not desire a choiceless "love."
  3. God had reasons for proceeding with creation, even though He knew it would result in sin and suffering.
Since God is love, what does the existence of sin teach us about God's nature and Godly love?
What is God's ultimate goal?
What does the cross inform us about free will?
Can God be just without being merciful?
What does all of this say about the nature of God's wrath? (When the thing happens that God foreknew would happen, does God get mad?)
The existence of sin in the world reveals several important aspects of God's character based on theological principles and relevant Bible verses. And yes, a lot of the verses are from the Old Testament, and show up multiple times, but it goes to show how much God desires to give us free will, so that we may seek Jesus.

First, please remember that God's foreknowledge does not imply causation. God, being omniscient, knew that Lucifer would sin before creating him, but this did not cause Lucifer to sin. God's foreknowledge is not a deterministic force that predestines outcomes; rather, it is an awareness of all possibilities (Isaiah 46:10).

Regarding God's character and love, the existence of sin teaches us that He desires genuine relationships based on free will (John 3:16). God does not want robotic beings that instinctively love Him but instead seeks authentic companions who can choose to love and worship Him out of their own volition/choice (Deuteronomy 30:19, Joshua 24:15).

God's ultimate goal is to glorify Himself through His creation and restore the relationship between Him and humanity, which was marred by sin (Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 8:29). God's love is demonstrated most powerfully through His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ, who willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty for human sin (John 3:16, Galatians 2:20).

The cross informs us that God respects and values free will. He does not force people to love Him, but rather, He offers salvation as a gift (John 3:16, Revelation 3:20). The existence of sin and the necessity for the cross demonstrate God's deep commitment to His creation and His desire to restore their relationship with Him.

God can indeed be just without being merciful in the sense of being vengeful, but He is also loving and compassionate (Exodus 34:6-7). This balance is evident in the way God deals with sin through both justice and mercy. When God sentenced Adam and Eve to leave Eden due to their disobedience (Genesis 3:22-24), it was an act of justice. However, God has also provided a way for sinners to be reconciled to Him through Christ's sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:19-20).

As for God's wrath, it is important to remember that His wrath is not an emotional response but rather a manifestation of His perfect justice (Exodus 34:6-7). God's wrath towards sin is a response to the violation of His holy character, and He expresses it in ways that are just and merciful according to His plan (Romans 9:22). When God foreknows an event, such as the existence of sin, it does not mean that He experiences anger in the same way humans do. Instead, His actions are always rooted in His perfect love and justice.
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Assumption #1: God knows all things past, present, and future; therefore, God knew that sin would exist even before the creation of Lucifer.
Assumption #2: God is love

Points to consider
  1. God does not desire companion bots that love him instinctually.
  2. God does not desire a choiceless "love."
  3. God had reasons for proceeding with creation, even though He knew it would result in sin and suffering.
Saying God "knows everything" means nothing to us who do not even know what true omniscience means! We know that God cannot "know" something that is illogical. He cannot make a rock too big for Him to lift.

But can He know everything when He has given created agents free choice? Of course not. That would be inconsistent with giving these agents free choice if He already knows what they will choose!

Or are we going to limit what God can or cannot do? Can He not make beings who do things unpredictable to Himself?

Personally, I take relief in the notion that even if God doesn't know what I will do today, He knows every possible choice I will make. Therefore, He will never be surprised by what I choose to do.
Since God is love, what does the existence of sin teach us about God's nature and Godly love?
I don't believe God predetermined that we sin. That would be inconsistent of Him as a holy God to determine that we sin!

Sin is our free choice. It was an option that God gave us out of concession to our free agency, and not to His original purpose.

But again, God knew both possible choices, to obey or to sin. Therefore, built into His plan was the Salvation of Man, should we choose to sin. Thank God!
What is God's ultimate goal?
What does the cross inform us about free will?
Can God be just without being merciful?
What does all of this say about the nature of God's wrath? (When the thing happens that God foreknew would happen, does God get mad?)
I believe you're asking the wrong questions. You appear to be assuming that God predetermined Man's fall into sin?
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Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
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Saying God "knows everything" means nothing to us who do not even know what true omniscience means! We know that God cannot "know" something that is illogical. He cannot make a rock too big for Him to lift.

But can He know everything when He has given created agents free choice? Of course not. That would be inconsistent with giving these agents free choice if He already knows what they will choose!

Or are we going to limit what God can or cannot do? Can He not make beings who do things unpredictable to Himself?

Personally, I take relief in the notion that even if God doesn't know what I will do today, He knows every possible choice I will make. Therefore, He will never be surprised by what I choose to do.

I don't believe God predetermined that we sin. That would be inconsistent of Him as a holy God to determine that we sin!

Sin is our free choice. It was an option that God gave us out of concession to our free agency, and not to His original purpose.

But again, God knew both possible choices, to obey or to sin. Therefore, built into His plan was the Salvation of Man, should we choose to sin. Thank God!

I believe you're asking the wrong questions. You appear to be assuming that God predetermined Man's fall into sin?
Why do you assume that because God knows the future it takes away our free will. I don’t see the connection.
God can indeed be just without being merciful in the sense of being vengeful, but He is also loving and compassionate
Let’s explore this a bit further. Would it be just to demand from a person under the penalty of death something they were totally incapable of doing?

If I were to flog a paraplegic for not standing when commanded to do so, would that be just?

So, would it be just for God to damn people for sinning when they cannot be perfect?

It would seem that in order to be just, God must be merciful and make a way that all men may become perfect before He can justly punish those who refuse that way.
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Why do you assume that because God knows the future it takes away our free will. I don’t see the connection.

Let’s explore this a bit further. Would it be just to demand from a person under the penalty of death something they were totally incapable of doing?

If I were to flog a paraplegic for not standing when commanded to do so, would that be just?

So, would it be just for God to damn people for sinning when they cannot be perfect?

It would seem that in order to be just, God must be merciful and make a way that all men may become perfect before He can justly punish those who refuse that way.
Well, God does not show his wrath that much in the NT compared to the OT, as people are better now compared to back then cos we have Jesus.
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Assumption #1: God knows all things past, present, and future; therefore, God knew that sin would exist even before the creation of Lucifer.
Assumption #2: God is love

Points to consider
  1. God does not desire companion bots that love him instinctually.
  2. God does not desire a choiceless "love."
  3. God had reasons for proceeding with creation, even though He knew it would result in sin and suffering.
Since God is love, what does the existence of sin teach us about God's nature and Godly love?
What is God's ultimate goal?
What does the cross inform us about free will?
Can God be just without being merciful?
What does all of this say about the nature of God's wrath? (When the thing happens that God foreknew would happen, does God get mad?)
God who knew all things - chose to create Lucifer -- know what Lucifer would one day choose, knowing it would cost Him 1/3 of the sinless angels, knowing it would cost him billions of humans , knowing he would have to suffer and die on the cross - paying the 2nd death torment price for each and every sin ever committed by any human.
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Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
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God who knew all things - chose to create Lucifer -- know what Lucifer would one day choose, knowing it would cost Him 1/3 of the sinless angels, knowing it would cost him billions of humans , knowing he would have to suffer and die on the cross - paying the 2nd death torment price for each and every sin ever committed by any human.
I think God did this because he wanted to have a creation that of their own free will choose to worship and adore him. And giving free will was the only way to achieve that. I believe God knew that once he gave free will to his created creatures sin was an evitable but, it will not ever arise again by the free will choice of his redeemed people.

This truth has changed me in that at one time I tried to obey God so I could avoid punishment or gain a reward but now I will to obey God because I love him.
Well, God does not show his wrath that much in the NT compared to the OT, as people are better now compared to back then cos we have Jesus.
All of the wrath against sin was poured out on Jesus. Even though it saddens my heart I still praise the Lord over and over for this because he redeemed us by giving his son in our stead.
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I think God did this because he wanted to have a creation that of their own free will choose to worship and adore him. And giving free will was the only way to achieve that. I believe God knew that once he gave free will to his created creatures sin was an evitable but, it will not ever arise again by the free will choice of his redeemed people.

This truth has changed me in that at one time I tried to obey God so I could avoid punishment or gain a reward but now I will to obey God because I love him.

All of the wrath against sin was poured out on Jesus. Even though it saddens my heart I still praise the Lord over and over for this because he redeemed us by giving his son in our stead.
Amen to that. Jesus suffered to rescue us from our sin. For me, I try to obey God not only because I love the Lord, but also so that I can help serve his people, whether that be on Christian Forums or in the real world.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Assumption #1: God knows all things past, present, and future; therefore, God knew that sin would exist even before the creation of Lucifer.
Assumption #2: God is love

Points to consider
  1. God does not desire companion bots that love him instinctually.
  2. God does not desire a choiceless "love."
  3. God had reasons for proceeding with creation, even though He knew it would result in sin and suffering.
Since God is love, what does the existence of sin teach us about God's nature and Godly love?
What is God's ultimate goal?
What does the cross inform us about free will?
Can God be just without being merciful?
What does all of this say about the nature of God's wrath? (When the thing happens that God foreknew would happen, does God get mad?)
I’d like to touch on the subject of satan and sin because I think the rest is pretty much easy to understand. Personally I think satan is irrelevant to sin. he did tempt Eve in the garden but he didn’t tempt Adam. Sin was inevitable regardless of satan because I believe the true source of sin is free will not satan. satan can’t make anyone do anything, we are responsible for our own actions. If satan hadn’t tempted Eve in the garden sin would’ve still eventually happened. It all starts with the purpose for which God created the earth. God created the earth to cultivate people who would choose to love Him of their own free will. In order for love to be of any actual value it must be given freely and there must be an alternative option of rejection. Think about it, if everyone had no other choice but to love you how would that be special? Love wouldn’t be special at all it would be an inescapable outcome. The whole thing that makes love special is the person’s desire to give it and share it with you. If you remove the opposing option of rejection then it becomes an automatic certainty. Think of it like dropping a stone. You drop a stone and it’s going to automatically fall to the ground every single time. Pretty boring, nothing interesting or special about it. But what if that stone was able to make a choice and decide whether to go up or down or sideways or diagonal or circle or spin or flip or curve now all the sudden dropping a stone becomes much more interesting because you don’t know what it’s going to decide to do. Now it has an element of diversity that spikes curiosity and interest which makes dropping them more entertaining. Now this is a drastic oversimplification for an analogy but the point is because love requires free will to be of any true value and free will carries with it an infinite diversity it adds a quality to man that can be entertaining to God. On the other hand free will and diversity also adds the opposite negative quality that man can also choose to disobey God and reject Him and even hate Him. I’ve debated with many people who claim that Adam & Eve were not created with a sinful nature and that their sinful nature was a result of their sin. And this to me seems to derive from a misinterpretation of Romans 5:19.

”For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.“
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Ok the reason I say this is a misinterpretation is because if Adam & Eve didn’t have a sinful nature before they sinned then they wouldn’t have sinned to begin with. You can’t have the cause being the effect, it’s circular reasoning that results in an oxymoron. It’s basically saying they couldn’t sin until they sinned which doesn’t make any sense. Adam and Eve sinned because they had free will from day one. Now back to Romans 5:19, Paul says thru one man’s disobedience many were made sinners. I believe Paul is referring to disobedience as a character trait not the actual act of being disobedient. Adam possessed the ability to be disobedient and that is what we inherited from him which is the same free will that Adam had. And with this interpretation we’ve eliminated the circular reasoning that Adam was incapable of sin until he sinned. Now I didn’t come to this conclusion completely on my own I actually stumbled across this concept in Iranaeus’ writing Adversus Haereses written in 170AD. Just a quick background on Iranaeus, he was a follower of Polycarp who was a follower of the apostle John. Iranaeus wrote this.

1. Man has received the knowledge of good and evil. It is good to obey God, and to believe in Him, and to keep His commandment, and this is the life of man; as not to obey God is evil, and this is his death. Since God, therefore, gave [to man] such mental power (magnanimitatem) man knew both the good of obedienceand the evil of disobedience, that the eye of the mind, receiving experience of both, may with judgment make choice of the better things; and that he may never become indolent or neglectful of God's command; and learning by experience that it is an evil thing which deprives him of life, that is, disobedience to God, may never attempt it at all, but that, knowing that what preserves his life, namely, obedience to God, is good, he may diligently keep it with all earnestness. Wherefore he has also had a twofold experience, possessing knowledge of both kinds, that with discipline he may make choice of the better things. But how, if he had no knowledge of the contrary, could he have had instruction in that which is good? For there is thus a surer and an undoubted comprehension of matters submitted to us than the mere surmise arising from an opinion regarding them. For just as the tongue receives experience of sweet and bitter by means of tasting, and the eye discriminates between black and white by means of vision, and the ear recognises the distinctions of sounds by hearing; so also does the mind, receiving through the experience of both the knowledgeof what is good, become more tenacious of its preservation, by acting in obedience to God: in the first place, casting away, by means of repentance, disobedience, as being something disagreeable and nauseous; and afterwards coming to understand what it really is, that it is contrary to goodness and sweetness, so that the mind may never even attempt to taste disobedience to God. But if any one do shun the knowledge of both these kinds of things, and the twofold perception of knowledge, he unawares divests himself of the character of a human being.

2. How, then, shall he be a God, who has not as yet been made a man? Or how can he be perfect who was but lately created? How, again, can he be immortal, who in his mortal nature did not obey his Maker? For it must be that you, at the outset, should hold the rank of a man, and then afterwards partake of the gloryof God. For you did not make God, but God you. If, then, you are God's workmanship, await the hand of your Maker which creates everything in due time; in due time as far as you are concerned, whose creation is being carried out. Offer to Him your heart in a soft and tractable state, and preserve the form in which the Creator has fashioned you, having moisture in yourself, lest, by becoming hardened, you lose the impressions of His fingers. But by preserving the framework you shall ascend to that which is perfect, for the moist clay which is in you is hidden [there] by the workmanship of God. His hand fashioned your substance; He will cover you over [too] within and without with pure gold and silver, and He will adorn you to such a degree, that even the King Himself shall have pleasure in your beauty. But if you, being obstinately hardened, reject the operation of His skill, and show yourself ungrateful towards Him, because you were created a [mere] man, by becoming thus ungrateful to God, you have at once lost both His workmanship and life. For creation is an attribute of the goodness of God but to be created is that of human nature. If then, you shall deliver up to Him what is yours, that is, faith towards Him and subjection, you shall receive His handiwork, and shall be a perfect work of God.

3. If, however, you will not believe in Him, and will flee from His hands, the causeof imperfection shall be in you who did not obey, but not in Him who called [you]. For He commissioned [messengers] to call people to the marriage, but they who did not obey Him deprived themselves of the royal supper. Matthew 22:3, etc. The skill of God, therefore, is not defective, for He has power of the stones to raise up children to Abraham; Matthew 3:9but the man who does not obtain it is the causeto himself of his own imperfection. Nor, [in like manner], does the light fail because of those who have blinded themselves; but while it remains the same as ever, those who are [thus] blinded are involved in darkness through their own fault. The light does never enslave any one by necessity; nor, again, does God exercise compulsion upon any one unwilling to accept the exercise of His skill. Those persons, therefore, who have apostatized from the light given by the Father, and transgressed the law of liberty, have done so through their own fault, since they have been created free agents, and possessed of power over themselves.

4. But God, foreknowing all things, prepared fit habitations for both, kindly conferring that light which they desire on those who seek after the light of incorruption, and resort to it; but for the despisers and mockers who avoid and turn themselves away from this light, and who do, as it were, blind themselves, He has prepared darkness suitable to persons who oppose the light, and He has inflicted an appropriate punishment upon those who try to avoid being subject to Him. Submission to God is eternal rest, so that they who shun the light have a place worthy of their flight; and those who fly from eternal rest, have a habitation in accordance with their fleeing. Now, since all good things are with God, they who by their own determination fly from God, do defraud themselves of all good things; and having been [thus] defrauded of all goodthings with respect to God, they shall consequently fall under the just judgment of God. For those persons who shun rest shall justly incur punishment, and those who avoid the light shall justly dwell in darkness. For as in the case of this temporal light, those who shun it do deliver themselves over to darkness, so that they do themselves become the cause to themselves that they are destitute of light, and do inhabit darkness; and, as I have already observed, the light is not the cause of such an [unhappy] condition of existence to them; so those who fly from the eternal light of God, which contains in itself all goodthings, are themselves the cause to themselves of their inhabiting eternaldarkness, destitute of all good things, having become to themselves the causeof [their consignment to] an abode of that nature.

St Iranaeus 170AD Adversus Haereses Book 4 Chapter 39

This is why I conclude that the existence of satan is irrelevant to sin because we were destined to sin by our own free will. This concept is supported by a man who followed a follower of the apostle John which I believe gives credibility to his testimony on how the early church interpreted scripture.
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He’s a Way of life
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But can He know everything when He has given created agents free choice? Of course not. That would be inconsistent with giving these agents free choice if He already knows what they will choose!
God is both omniscient and omnipresent which means He knows everything including your thoughts and He exists everywhere in all time simultaneously which means He sees everything from beginning to eternity all at the same time.

”Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

”O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O Lord, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭1‬-‭10‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

”Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

”For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.“
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
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He’s a Way of life
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Well, God does not show his wrath that much in the NT compared to the OT, as people are better now compared to back then cos we have Jesus.
He killed king Herod, Annanias and Saphira and He was probably about to kill Simon Magus if he hadn’t repented. Oh and Jesus killed a fig tree.
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Jun 12, 2012
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The existence of sin in the world reveals several important aspects of God's character based on theological principles and relevant Bible verses. And yes, a lot of the verses are from the Old Testament, and show up multiple times, but it goes to show how much God desires to give us free will, so that we may seek Jesus.
First, please remember that God's foreknowledge does not imply causation. God, being omniscient, knew that Lucifer would sin before creating him, but this did not cause Lucifer to sin. God's foreknowledge is not a deterministic force that predestines outcomes; rather, it is an awareness of all possibilities (Isaiah 46:10).
Regarding God's character and love, the existence of sin teaches us that He desires genuine relationships based on free will (John 3:16). God does not want robotic beings that instinctively love Him but instead seeks authentic companions who can choose to love and worship Him out of their own volition/choice (Deuteronomy 30:19, Joshua 24:15).
Biblical primer on sin:

The NT teaches that man is a slave to sin (Jn 8:34, Ro 7:25, 11:32, Gal 3:22).
Slaves are not free. It is only those whom the Son makes free that are free (Jn 8:36; cf Jn 8:32, Ro 6:18, 22, 8:12, Gal 5:1).

Free will (self power) is the ability to choose without external force or constraint.
We are not free to choose to be sinless for the rest of our lives.
Free will (self-power) was lost in the fall when man's nature became corrupted, enslaving him to sin so that he cannot always do the good (Ro 7:18-19, 8:7). Free will (self-power) includes the freedom (power) to do the good; i.e., obey God (Mk 12:29-31), to be sinless.
While Adam had that power, man no longer has that power (Ro 5:6, 7:18, Jn 15:5), which is the meaning of the depravity of man.

What man has is free agency, the freedom to do what he wishes or desires, to act voluntarily according to his disposition. And therein is the rub. With his unregenerate (fallen) nature, his disposition is toward sin; i.e., self-interest in preference to God (Mk 12:29-30, Ro 1:21, 3:10-12 23).
The difference between free will and free agency is not just semantics. It's the difference between being able to obey God in all things and not being able to obey God in all things (Ro 8:7-8). The regenerate man can obey God, not because of self-power (free will), but because of the power of the Holy Spirit who transforms his disposition (Ro 8:9).
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He’s a Way of life
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Biblical primer on sin:

The NT teaches that man is a slave to sin (Jn 8:34, Ro 7:25, 11:32, Gal 3:22).
Salves are not free. It is only those whom the Son makes free that are free (Jn 8:36; cf Jn 8:32, Ro 6:18, 22, 8:12, Gal 5:1).

Free will (self power) is the ability to choose without external force or constraint.
We are not free to choose to be sinless for the rest of our lives.
Free will (self-power) was lost in the fall when man's nature became corrupted, enslaving him to sin so that he cannot always do the good (Ro 7:18-19, 8:7). Free will (self-power) includes the freedom (power) to do the good; i.e., obey God (Mk 12:29-31), to be sinless.
While Adam had that power, man no longer has that power (Ro 5:6, 7:18, Jn 15:5), which is the meaning of the depravity of man.

What man has is free agency, the freedom to do what he wishes or desires, to act voluntarily according to his disposition. And therein is the rub. With his unregenerate (fallen) nature, his disposition is toward sin; i.e., self-interest in preference to God (Mk 12:29-30, Ro 1:21, 3:10-12 23).
The difference between free will and free agency is not just semantics. It's the difference between being able to obey God in all things and not being able to obey God in all things (Ro 8:7-8). The regenerate man can obey God, not because of self-power (free will), but because of the power of the Holy Spirit who transforms his disposition (Ro 8:9).
Right so we can’t love God unless He allows us to right? God has to enable us to love Him right? And because of the actions of a man 6000 years ago that has disabled everyone from being able to love God unless He enables us, right?
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God is both omniscient and omnipresent which means He knows everything including your thoughts and He exists everywhere in all time simultaneously which means He sees everything from beginning to eternity all at the same time.
We know and believe the attributes of God, but understanding them as God understands them is different. His ways are "too wonderful" for us to fully comprehend--we are not God!

So how God understands things is beyond us. But I can think logically, even while agreeing with Scriptural statements about God.

God *cannot* logically give men free will and know in advance which decision they will make. He can be prepared for any eventuality, controlling what choices *can* be made, but if we are truly free, He cannot know what we will decide. Otherwise, the world and history are all a joke play, being played out for God knows what?
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Assumption #1: God knows all things past, present, and future; therefore, God knew that sin would exist even before the creation of Lucifer.
Assumption #2: God is love

Points to consider
  1. God does not desire companion bots that love him instinctually.
  2. God does not desire a choiceless "love."
Your two assumptions are OK and two points on “Love”

  1. God had reasons for proceeding with creation, even though He knew it would result in sin and suffering.
It is not logical for God to make man since it will cost Him a lot of heartaches compared to what God will get, but Godly type Love is not logical.

This heartache will include the torture, humiliation and murder of His Son and the loss of many of his created children, those, who will refuse to humbly accept His Love.

God’s Love would compel God to make being, He could charitably gift with the greatest gifts possible (God is a giver), including a Love like His Love and eternal life, but these beings will have to be of their own free will, accepting of His gifts as pure underserved charity, since that is the only way the gifts are given and Godly type Love is not instinctive (robotic) nor can this Love be forced on the being (like trying to force a marriage with a shotgun).

Since God is love, what does the existence of sin teach us about God's nature and Godly love?
Sin is not only inevitable, but also necessary for the mature adult. God hates sinning, but will allow humans to sin (not stopping them) since sinning is part of the only way for humans to obtain Godly type Love.

Adam and Eve were made “very good” by God’s standard of “very good”, which I would say: “The best two made beings could be made.” Christ is perfect, but Christ is not a made being but deity, so God cannot make clones of a perfect Christ.

Adam and Eve lacked one very important attribute which could keep them from sinning, but that attribute is something even God cannot gift them, because it has to be humbly accepted of their own free will, let me explain:

Unfortunately, sin has purpose and appears to be needed for all mature adults (which Adam and Eve showed themselves and us) to help those who are willing to fulfill their earthly objective. The objective drives everything.

Starting with God is Love (the epitome of Love), which means God is totally unselfish and is not doing stuff for His own sake, but is doing everything for the sake of man, which is also God’s desire and might be referred to as, His sake.

God would be doing or allowing everything to help humans who are just willing to accept His help to fulfill their earthly objective.

So, God allows evil to happen, to help humans, but God also allowed Christ to go to the cross to help humans.

There is really nothing you (a created being) can “do” to help the Creator, but you can allow, of your own free will, God to help you, which is God’s desire, since God is a huge giver of gifts.

You can take any command given in scripture and have Biblical support for calling it “Man’s objective” since God said this is what man is to do, but there is one (more like two) commands all other commands are under.

Man’s objective is found in the God given Mission statement of: Loving God (and secondly Loving others) with all your heart, soul, mind and energy. In order to fulfill that mission man must first obtain Godly type Love which will make man like God Himself in that man will Love like God Loves. Would becoming like God Himself not be the greatest gift we could receive?

The objective is not to never ever sin, but to obtain this Godly type Love is the first of man’s objective.

The Adam and Eve story helps us understand. Most people go through a time in which they ask: “How could a Loving God allow such a thing”, which means “why does God not start us all out in a Garden type situation without, needy people, limited resources, death, and questions about His existence?”

What we can do is thank Adam and Eve for showing us and them that what we might consider the ideal situation is a lousy situation for man to fulfill his earthly objective. Adam and Eve as our very best all human representatives did not fulfill the objective while sinless in the Garden and really could not. The situation after sinning outside the Garden did provide a way to fulfill the objective.

There are just somethings even an all-powerful Creator cannot do (there are things impossible to do), like God cannot make another Christ since Christ is not a created being. The big inability for us is to be created with instinctive (programmed) Godly type Love, since Godly type Love is not instinctive. Godly type love has to be the result of a free will decision by the being, to make it the person’s Love apart from God. In other words: If the Love was in a human from the human’s creation it would be a robotic type love and not a Godly type Love. Also, if God “forces” this Love on a person (Kind a like a shotgun wedding with God holding the shotgun) it would not be “loving” on God’s part and the love forced on the person would not be Godly type love. This Love has to be the result of a free will moral choice with real likely alternatives (for humans on earth those alternatives include the perceived pleasures of sin for a season.)

This Love is way beyond anything humans could develop, obtain, learn, earn, pay back or ever deserve, so it must be the result of a gift that is accepted or rejected (a free will choice).

This “Love” is much more than just an emotional feeling; it is God Himself (God is Love). If you see this Love you see God.

All mature adults do stuff that hurts others (this is called sin) these transgressions weigh on them, burdens them to the point the individual seeks relief (at least early on before they allow their hearts to be hardened). Lots of “alternatives” can be tried for relief, but the only true relief comes from God with forgiveness (this forgiveness is pure charity [grace/mercy/Love]). The correct humble acceptance of this Forgiveness (Charity) automatically will result in Love (we are taught by Jesus (Luke 7: 36-50) and our own experience “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…”). Sin is thus made hugely significant (this includes hell), so there will be an unbelievable huge debt to be forgiven of and thus result in an unbelievable huge “Love” (Godly type Love).

This messed up world is actually the very best place for willing mature adult individuals to see, receive, give, experience, accept and grow Godly type Love. All these tragedies provide opportunities for Love, but that does not mean we go around causing opportunities, since we are to be ceasing these opportunities (there are plenty of opportunities) to show/experience Love.

I and it seems other have to have opportunities at our doorstep to respond with Love, if I would just cease the opportunities at some distance there might be fewer opportunities (tragedies) needed for me, so if you want to blame someone for all these tragedies blame me for not ceasing more earlier.

Hell does nothing for the people going to hell, but that was their choice since they kept refusing to accept God’s help (forgiveness, Love, grace, mercy, charity) to the point they will never humbly accept. Hell does help some willing individuals to not put off their acceptance of God’s help.

We are not making some honorable choice to accept God’s forgiveness, since sin burdens us and we just want undeserved relief from our pain and burden.

In order to be forgiven of sin you must first sin, so sin is necessary, but not desired.
What is God's ultimate goal?
God’s “ultimate goal” as far as man is concerned, is to do or allow all He can to help willing individuals in fulfilling their earthly objective. (This is a totally unselfish goal)
What does the cross inform us about free will?
This gets into the huge topic of atonement which takes a book of words to explain. For us to have this Godly type Love requires us to have free will and make some very limited free will choices.
Can God be just without being merciful?
God is both totally just and perfectly merciful, which describes God’s Love.
What does all of this say about the nature of God's wrath? (When the thing happens that God foreknew would happen, does God get mad?)
Think about this: If I know perfectly a truly free will choice you made yesterday that choice is fixed and cannot be changed since it is history. The fact I know your free will choice of yesterday, does not keep it from being a free will choice.

History cannot be changed even if God was the only one to knew about something that has happened, since it still happened it is history. Since God does everything right perfectly the first time, there is no reason to do it over again.

God is outside of time and omnipresent throughout time, so God at the end of time knows everything historically that has happened throughout time, making it unchangeable (fixed). Yet again just because God at the end of time knows all things that happened throughout time perfectly, does not mean human autonomous free will choices could not have been made.

God’s actions are also fixed and can be called foreordained or predestined.

God did not present this miraculous method of “how” He knows the future, but that is not unusual while communicating to man from man’s perspective is also God’s way.

There are other ways God can know stuff, but He is outside of time, so He also knows everything historically throughout time?

God is very much interacting with humans, and He does the absolute best thing, so there is no reason for a do over.

Jesus knew when He was teaching His disciple, what He would be going through on the cross as pure history, but that does not mean He was on the cross constantly.

God’s wrath against unwilling, unrepentant sinners after at much personal cost to God is there for the sack of those making the choice to accept or reject God’s Love in the form of forgiveness. Some will really want to avoid God’s wrath and thus act quickly.
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
United States
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Right so we can’t love God unless He allows us to right? God has to enable us to love Him right? And because of the actions of a man 6000 years ago that has disabled everyone from being able to love God unless He enables us, right?
Pretty much. . .
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
United States
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We know and believe the attributes of God, but understanding them as God understands them is different. His ways are "too wonderful" for us to fully comprehend--we are not God!

So how God understands things is beyond us. But I can think logically, even while agreeing with Scriptural statements about God.

God *cannot* logically give men free will and know in advance which decision they will make.
Oh, but indeed he can!

Free will (self power) is the ability to choose without external force or constraint.
And man chooses what he prefers.

That being the case, God can work in man's disposition, giving man to prefer God's will, which man then freely chooses.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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We know and believe the attributes of God, but understanding them as God understands them is different. His ways are "too wonderful" for us to fully comprehend--we are not God!

So how God understands things is beyond us. But I can think logically, even while agreeing with Scriptural statements about God.

God *cannot* logically give men free will and know in advance which decision they will make. He can be prepared for any eventuality, controlling what choices *can* be made, but if we are truly free, He cannot know what we will decide. Otherwise, the world and history are all a joke play, being played out for God knows what?
Then how were the names in the book of life written before creation according to His foreknowledge?
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Angels Team
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Nov 21, 2008
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I’d like to touch on the subject of satan and sin because I think the rest is pretty much easy to understand. Personally I think satan is irrelevant to sin. he did tempt Eve in the garden but he didn’t tempt Adam.
When Eve fell she instantly became the agent of Satan complete with her brand new sinful nature and strong ties to Adam's heart strings.

When Satan uses the serpent to tempt Eve - she has no strong ties to the snake, no conflict of interest where she identifies with the snake and would rather die than be separated from the snake.

Adam as head of the human race had all those ties to Eve. His "go down with the ship" rather than "let her crash and burn - I hope God will make another Eve after this" -- is not exactly impossible even for us today - to understand how Eve as an agent of satan appealing to Adam was a much stronger game stacked against Adam, than a talking-snake's appeal to Eve.

Satan won a major accomplice to then confront Adam with a much stronger gambit.
Sin was inevitable regardless of satan because I believe the true source of sin is free will not satan.
That is a hug mistake because everyone knows that the source of free will was God, not Satan, not Eve, not Adam.

That idea is another form of "blame God"
satan can’t make anyone do anything, we are responsible for our own actions.
But once we allow Satan to co-opt us into his program - his game goes wayyyy up in bringing the next guy down. It is no longer just "him alone"
If satan hadn’t tempted Eve in the garden sin would’ve still eventually happened.
how so??

The angels fell before Adam and Eve - they had no Satan -- all of them were sinless. The fact that one fell did not mean all of them had to fall.
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Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
United States
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Your two assumptions are OK and two points on “Love”

It is not logical for God to make man since it will cost Him a lot of heartaches compared to what God will get, but Godly type Love is not logical.

This heartache will include the torture, humiliation and murder of His Son and the loss of many of his created children, those, who will refuse to humbly accept His Love.

God’s Love would compel God to make being, He could charitably gift with the greatest gifts possible (God is a giver), including a Love like His Love and eternal life, but these beings will have to be of their own free will, accepting of His gifts as pure underserved charity, since that is the only way the gifts are given and Godly type Love is not instinctive (robotic) nor can this Love be forced on the being (like trying to force a marriage with a shotgun).

Sin is not only inevitable, but also necessary for the mature adult. God hates sinning, but will allow humans to sin (not stopping them) since sinning is part of the only way for humans to obtain Godly type Love.

Adam and Eve were made “very good” by God’s standard of “very good”, which I would say: “The best two made beings could be made.” Christ is perfect, but Christ is not a made being but deity, so God cannot make clones of a perfect Christ.

Adam and Eve lacked one very important attribute which could keep them from sinning, but that attribute is something even God cannot gift them, because it has to be humbly accepted of their own free will, let me explain:

Unfortunately, sin has purpose and appears to be needed for all mature adults (which Adam and Eve showed themselves and us) to help those who are willing to fulfill their earthly objective. The objective drives everything.

Starting with God is Love (the epitome of Love), which means God is totally unselfish and is not doing stuff for His own sake, but is doing everything for the sake of man, which is also God’s desire and might be referred to as, His sake.

God would be doing or allowing everything to help humans who are just willing to accept His help to fulfill their earthly objective.

So, God allows evil to happen, to help humans, but God also allowed Christ to go to the cross to help humans.

There is really nothing you (a created being) can “do” to help the Creator, but you can allow, of your own free will, God to help you, which is God’s desire, since God is a huge giver of gifts.

You can take any command given in scripture and have Biblical support for calling it “Man’s objective” since God said this is what man is to do, but there is one (more like two) commands all other commands are under.

Man’s objective is found in the God given Mission statement of: Loving God (and secondly Loving others) with all your heart, soul, mind and energy. In order to fulfill that mission man must first obtain Godly type Love which will make man like God Himself in that man will Love like God Loves. Would becoming like God Himself not be the greatest gift we could receive?

The objective is not to never ever sin, but to obtain this Godly type Love is the first of man’s objective.

The Adam and Eve story helps us understand. Most people go through a time in which they ask: “How could a Loving God allow such a thing”, which means “why does God not start us all out in a Garden type situation without, needy people, limited resources, death, and questions about His existence?”

What we can do is thank Adam and Eve for showing us and them that what we might consider the ideal situation is a lousy situation for man to fulfill his earthly objective. Adam and Eve as our very best all human representatives did not fulfill the objective while sinless in the Garden and really could not. The situation after sinning outside the Garden did provide a way to fulfill the objective.

There are just somethings even an all-powerful Creator cannot do (there are things impossible to do), like God cannot make another Christ since Christ is not a created being. The big inability for us is to be created with instinctive (programmed) Godly type Love, since Godly type Love is not instinctive. Godly type love has to be the result of a free will decision by the being, to make it the person’s Love apart from God. In other words: If the Love was in a human from the human’s creation it would be a robotic type love and not a Godly type Love. Also, if God “forces” this Love on a person (Kind a like a shotgun wedding with God holding the shotgun) it would not be “loving” on God’s part and the love forced on the person would not be Godly type love. This Love has to be the result of a free will moral choice with real likely alternatives (for humans on earth those alternatives include the perceived pleasures of sin for a season.)

This Love is way beyond anything humans could develop, obtain, learn, earn, pay back or ever deserve, so it must be the result of a gift that is accepted or rejected (a free will choice).

This “Love” is much more than just an emotional feeling; it is God Himself (God is Love). If you see this Love you see God.

All mature adults do stuff that hurts others (this is called sin) these transgressions weigh on them, burdens them to the point the individual seeks relief (at least early on before they allow their hearts to be hardened). Lots of “alternatives” can be tried for relief, but the only true relief comes from God with forgiveness (this forgiveness is pure charity [grace/mercy/Love]). The correct humble acceptance of this Forgiveness (Charity) automatically will result in Love (we are taught by Jesus (Luke 7: 36-50) and our own experience “…he that is forgiven much will Love much…”). Sin is thus made hugely significant (this includes hell), so there will be an unbelievable huge debt to be forgiven of and thus result in an unbelievable huge “Love” (Godly type Love).

This messed up world is actually the very best place for willing mature adult individuals to see, receive, give, experience, accept and grow Godly type Love. All these tragedies provide opportunities for Love, but that does not mean we go around causing opportunities, since we are to be ceasing these opportunities (there are plenty of opportunities) to show/experience Love.

I and it seems other have to have opportunities at our doorstep to respond with Love, if I would just cease the opportunities at some distance there might be fewer opportunities (tragedies) needed for me, so if you want to blame someone for all these tragedies blame me for not ceasing more earlier.

Hell does nothing for the people going to hell, but that was their choice since they kept refusing to accept God’s help (forgiveness, Love, grace, mercy, charity) to the point they will never humbly accept. Hell does help some willing individuals to not put off their acceptance of God’s help.

We are not making some honorable choice to accept God’s forgiveness, since sin burdens us and we just want undeserved relief from our pain and burden.

In order to be forgiven of sin you must first sin, so sin is necessary, but not desired.

God’s “ultimate goal” as far as man is concerned, is to do or allow all He can to help willing individuals in fulfilling their earthly objective. (This is a totally unselfish goal)

This gets into the huge topic of atonement which takes a book of words to explain. For us to have this Godly type Love requires us to have free will and make some very limited free will choices.

God is both totally just and perfectly merciful, which describes God’s Love.

Think about this: If I know perfectly a truly free will choice you made yesterday that choice is fixed and cannot be changed since it is history. The fact I know your free will choice of yesterday, does not keep it from being a free will choice.

History cannot be changed even if God was the only one to knew about something that has happened, since it still happened it is history. Since God does everything right perfectly the first time, there is no reason to do it over again.

God is outside of time and omnipresent throughout time, so God at the end of time knows everything historically that has happened throughout time, making it unchangeable (fixed). Yet again just because God at the end of time knows all things that happened throughout time perfectly, does not mean human autonomous free will choices could not have been made.

God’s actions are also fixed and can be called foreordained or predestined.

God did not present this miraculous method of “how” He knows the future, but that is not unusual while communicating to man from man’s perspective is also God’s way.

There are other ways God can know stuff, but He is outside of time, so He also knows everything historically throughout time?

God is very much interacting with humans, and He does the absolute best thing, so there is no reason for a do over.

Jesus knew when He was teaching His disciple, what He would be going through on the cross as pure history, but that does not mean He was on the cross constantly.

God’s wrath against unwilling, unrepentant sinners after at much personal cost to God is there for the sack of those making the choice to accept or reject God’s Love in the form of forgiveness. Some will really want to avoid God’s wrath and thus act quickly.
Very good post! I enjoyed reading it very much. Gave me some insights I never thought of before.
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