What Does Atheism Profit Atheists?

Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Hello ana hope your weekend was fun and relaxing. :)

Hey thanks, I actually work weekends...mainly because I get some pretty sweet pay bonuses for working on Sunday...but I appreciate the sentiment.

Im glad you asked. This is such an important matter.

Romans 8:16
The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The Spirit is also called the Comforter and the One called alongside to help.

So it's not a matter of "knowing" so much as it is "believing". You could've just said, "I believe what this 2000 year old book says." and that would've been a sufficient explanation.

I was in church a while ago and two Spirit filled ladies prayed with me, and 'laid hands' on me. This all happened during the day between 10-11am while seated on a chair. While we were praying together and they were centered around me. I found myself in the Spirit.

I went into a vision and found myself flying in the sky. I could feel the air in my face and at first i was alarmed. Once i got over my surprise and went with it, i noticed a volcano in the distance. I was soaring into it.

Just as i reached the mouth and was about to fall in, i cried out Jesus! (Save me!). I was caught in the air and rose out. After this i continued to fly for a bit when suddenly the scene changed.

I saw 3 human like forms together. Each was overlapping the others yet it was one entity. I noticed the middle was larger. There was fire everywhere and i could hear to crackle and hissing of flame.

This is my experience and not everyone has the same. I was givin the Gift of the Holy Spirit. I had faith in Jesus and was given the evidence of the Spirit.

If you will ask Him. God Himself in person of the Holy Spirit will come down to you and can be your guide, and will live with you as your friend, if you agree and if you first accept Jesus into your heart.

That's a nice story. I'm sure you'll understand why I don't believe it.

The Bible says that there is a friend which is closer to you than a brother.

'One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.'

When life is hard and you are struggling, God can be your strength and you can have the knowledge that He knows what you are going through. Both the good and the bad.

All you have to do is admit that you cannot go it alone and ask God to help you. This is not weakness to admit that help is needed, it us strength.

What makes you think that I can't "go it alone"? I'm not one to toot my own horn...but I've been through several difficult/trying times (as most of us have) and I never needed belief in any gods to get through those...why would you think that I ever will?

Please excuse me but you do care. If you didnt care you wouldnt have replied to my post. :)

I used water as an example...to help you understand the fallacy you were referring to. Whether or not you actually understand that water is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen isn't necessarily of any consequence to the discussion.

Facts and truth are not the same thing. Facts can be scientifically verified and truth is where the facts lead us.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by this...so I can't really say if I agree or disagree...can you give an example?

Suppose one night you find a dead body. There is a knife sticking out of its back and a pool of blood. Those are facts. One could say the truth is this is a murder.

You look at the facts and you arrive at the truth. Faith is when you know even if you cannot prove it to someone else.

Well...now you're getting into a bit of a sticky wicket. Suppose we remove the knife, the pool of blood, and the dead body. What's the truth then? Has a murder occurred? How would you know?

This is the dictionairy meaning of faith.





complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

"this restores one's faith in politicians"

synonyms:trust, belief, confidence, conviction,credence, reliance, dependence;More



strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

"bereaved people who have shown supreme faith"

synonyms:religion, church, sect, denomination,persuasion, religious persuasion,religious belief, belief, code of belief,ideology, creed, teaching, dogma,doctrine

"she gave her life for her faith"

Sure, and in the context in which you're using it...I'd say the second definition is most appropriate.

Im not too sure what you mean here? Please clarify.


The passage you quoted only appears in the KJV and for good reason...it's revisionist. It wasn't what was originally written. Why was it written that way? Because back in that particular time...evidence was whatever people wanted it to be. The higher standards for evidence that we hold today weren't a part of that time and place.

Does that make sense now?

My post on emotions was a reply to your post about emotions and logic.

I'm aware of that...but you see the difference between your example and the feelings about god which you might consider "logical" don't you? In the case of the axe murderer...we have an actual axe murderer, not a mere belief in one, or a "vision" of one, but a flesh and blood person.

Certainly, you wouldn't consider it logical for me to spend the day afraid of an "axe murderer" that I had dreamt about...would you?

Please excuse me.

It's not a big deal...just keep in mind that some of us post from our phones and it's rather inconvenient to sift through multiple quotes to respond to one or two.

You dont have to continue. You can either agree with what i say, disagree with what i say or accept that this is the Christian position and go on with your atheist journey. :)

I think it's rather clear I disagree.

You seem to be a materialist who wants to discuss spiritual matters through science. You wont get the proof you require. Im sorry.

I wouldn't claim to be a materialist...but it's encouraging to see that you understand, the way I do, that there's no proof to be had.

Have you considered that you are using the wrong methods and you wont accept the correct ones. Science is about facts, God is about truth. God invented science which you are trying to use to prove He does not exist.

God invented science? Where are you getting that from?

I have considered that I'm "using the wrong methods" to explore reality...as of yet though, I've found no better methods.

Why would God create science only to be bound by it? This is like a bricklayer building a house and then bricking himself in.

I'm not sure why you think god invented science...or that he would be "bound" by it if science had somehow proven his existence. I literally don't know what you mean by bound in that statement.

God wants to work with us, like partners, not as slaves. God will not force you to be in the kingdom of Heaven.

If he truly exists and wants to work with me...he can make himself known at any time can't he?

Believing leads to faith leads to knowing leads to proof.

Have you considered that perhaps you're using the wrong method for exploring reality?

Can you think of any examples, outside of religion, where you're better served by just believing in something...absent of any real evidence...then acting upon that belief?

To me...it's sounds extremely self-deceptive.

Faith is the way to get the proof of God. God will not do it through scientific means. God has decided it was to be this way and He has told us through His teachings - a book written by 40 ppl inspired by God.

Well we agree it's a book written by people. That's a good start.
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No one important
Dec 11, 2012
God's Earth
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He didn't die. There's been zero instances of dead people coming back to life.

Even from an atheistic perspective that is not true, as there is no precise definition of the border between life and death.
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Dave Ellis

Dec 27, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
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Even from an atheistic perspective that is not true, as there is no precise definition of the border between life and death.

Death is the complete cessation of all bodily function, brain impulses, etc. Death is a process, however death is not hard to define.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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How does Atheism be a fulfillment to one's life when it denies the loving God.
It's nothing to do with fulfilment. I get my fulfilment from living my life.

Atheism is not about fulfilment.
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The Times

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2017
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Even from an atheistic perspective that is not true, as there is no precise definition of the border between life and death.

A doctor trained to clinically asses a person whether they expired or not, determined time of death.

I don't understand how when Atheists are presented with irrefutable facts, revert to making hearsay statements of belief, without any evidence to appeal what the clinical doctor had determined. It seems that witnesses of fact like the clinical doctor and the subject who died, are being dismissed as some form of parody and is being committed by the Atheist not once, not twice, or even three times, but every single time.

What is real and fact is not accepted by a person who lives in an Atheist bubble. It seems disbelief becomes the very statement of faith for an Atheist.
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The Times

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2017
Eastern Orthodox
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It's nothing to do with fulfilment. I get my fulfilment from living my life.

Atheism is not about fulfilment.

So your personal statement of belief is that you get fulfillment from living your life, is that right?
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The Times

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2017
Eastern Orthodox
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He didn't die. There's been zero instances of dead people coming back to life.

Do you see that your statement is your personal statement of belief and has nothing to do with logical findings through expert witnesses and witnesses of fact.

The clinical doctor pronounced the time of death as an expert witness of fact and the subject as the second witness also acknowledged what the clinical doctor established and both tgeir statements corroborated with one another.

Your hearsay statement is nothing more than hearsay, it is inadmissible in a court of law, for the fact that you were not there and you certainly wasn't a witness.

To make a hearsay statement without evidence, is another blanket statement that forms your statement of belief dogma.

In establishing factual scientific and observable facts by the expert witness like the clinical doctor and corroborated with the subject who died, there are two witnesses that verify a true account of what happened.

Why are you as a none witness of fact blatantly rejecting truth and pushing your statement of belief?

It is very irrational and illogical on your part to reject truth.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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So your personal statement of belief is that you get fulfillment from living your life, is that right?
I don't think it is a specific statement of belief in a religious sense but in essence I get fulfilment from living my life.
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Apr 26, 2013
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What has that to do with determining factual accounts from witnesses of fact?

Your statement is deflectory and irrational and illogical.

2/3 are not witnesses of fact, just like not everyone witnesses the same car accident, witnesses the same events dynamically happening around the world all the time.

Your premise is that since Jack was sitting at home in England watching football and Tom happened to get married in the US, hence 99.999% of the world don't believe nor consider that Jack is watching football and Tom is getting married and so according to your logic, these witnesses and events never happened, right?


Let me make a statement of my own as a response to what you have revealed about your thoughts.....

If 99.999999% of the world were witnesses to God, you would still reject them as witnesses of fact!

Please tell me that I'm wrong....
Anyone can claim to be a witness and or write stories. The question is, what evidence do they have, besides personal interpretation?
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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Words still mean what they mean and you must own up to your statements.

You said.....

"You get fulfillment from living your life"

This is a relativistic statement of belief.

Just agree with what you said!

This means that what ever happens to you whilst living your life, should therefore be in all honesty and sincerity on your behalf be fulfilling to you, is that right?

In any case, what ever emotions or adversity that falls upon you, must be a fulfillment to you, because you live life and this is fulfillment to you, right?

In this regard, the life you live is your god and you tell me that you don't believe in god? :sigh:
I disagree with everything you have posted.

I gain fulfilment from living my life.

I never really think about God when I'm not posting here.

In the same way I never really think about Ethan when I'm not posting on a Resident Evil 7 forum.

You seem to think that atheists have a God shaped hole in our lives that we need to fill with a cheap imitation of him.

That's simply not the case. Whatever you get from your belief in God is unnecessary for me.
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Dave Ellis

Dec 27, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
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Do you see that your statement is your personal statement of belief and has nothing to do with logical findings through expert witnesses and witnesses of fact.

The clinical doctor pronounced the time of death as an expert witness of fact and the subject as the second witness also acknowledged what the clinical doctor established and both tgeir statements corroborated with one another.

Your hearsay statement is nothing more than hearsay, it is inadmissible in a court of law, for the fact that you were not there and you certainly wasn't a witness.

To make a hearsay statement without evidence, is another blanket statement that forms your statement of belief dogma.

In establishing factual scientific and observable facts by the expert witness like the clinical doctor and corroborated with the subject who died, there are two witnesses that verify a true account of what happened.

Why are you as a none witness of fact blatantly rejecting truth and pushing your statement of belief?

It is very irrational and illogical on your part to reject truth.

I don't think you're aware of what hearsay is.

There's also a very simple explanation... either the doctor was wrong, or the story is stretching the truth.

If someone actually died and came back it would be front page news all around the world, and they'd be studying the patient intensely to find out how that was possible.

That didn't happen, and any searches I do come back with the result that there are no instances we know of where a dead person came back to life.

So, what's more likely? A patient came back from the dead, or the doctor was wrong/story is fake?
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Dave Ellis

Dec 27, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
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In Relationship
God doesn't exist is your statement of belief that you dogmatically defend.

That is your belief, but to make a relativistic statement like.....

"we are living our lives as honestly as we can."

Doesn't really mean anything because there are no reference markers to who sets the bar for honesty for you and who holds you accoubtable in ensuring you stay honest.

Honesty is measured by your willingness to live life based on what is evidently true, and to be truthful with others.

Of course there are reference markers. If I claim something is true when I don't know that it's true, then I'd be dishonest. Same thing goes if I know that thing is false.
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