Venezuela rushes to mend Iran relationship


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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Venezuela rushes to mend Iran relationship as US sanctions loom

"To salvage the partnership, Venezuela is rushing to fulfill terms of a three-year-old alliance that has involved hundreds of millions of dollars in oil swaps and contracts. The nation is trying to settle pending debt by accelerating deliveries of heavy crude and fuel cargoes to Iran."

It's this part that prompts me to think of something that doesn't make the headlines because it's overshadowed by Ukraine & Gaza wars. That is Venezuela's claim on a large portion of neighboring Guyana, which has been an issue the past 3 or 4 months. They've staged war games, and increased their military presence along the border. It's somewhat shades of Russia on Ukraines border in 2021- early 2022, though nowhere near the scale.

This Iran issue has me thinking Venezuela may go after the oil that's in Guyana to strengthen Iranian ties? Which also put a player on our side of the pond, as they also strengthened their ties with China last year. Just another player in the game. And if USA rushed to Guyana's aid while the other wars are still brewing, at some point China will see perfect opportunity to launch against Taiwan while US is spread too thin. Ironically America may find herself in the same position Germany was in after they took on Russia in WW2...


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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Venezuela's claim goes back decades but, up till now, it was only talk.

There are so many rumours of war going around besides Ukraine and Gaza.
Are we in the end of the endtimes?
I'd say it looks like we're closing in. But the end of them - no. Unless there's a large nuclear exchange, which realistically could happen any time.
But certainly everything's building up, and converging. Especially the Ezekiel 38 alliance with Gog/Magog, Persia, Libya, and Turkey will flip over eventually. Surprised they're still in NATO.
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