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TLT Roll Call


Fringe Catholic
Mar 16, 2016
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Been away for a bit, there was much drama going on when I left. Anyone care to bring me up to speed?
Come and join us more often Armoured. But I imagine you prefer lively debate topics which are the norm on OBOB. What would you like to know? That we are still alive and well here? Yes we are.
I'd like to know more about your story as a catholic. Were you a cradle catholic like me?
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So is America great again yet?
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Aug 31, 2013
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Come and join us more often Armoured. But I imagine you prefer lively debate topics which are the norm on OBOB. What would you like to know? That we are still alive and well here? Yes we are.
I'd like to know more about your story as a catholic. Were you a cradle catholic like me?
Yep. But my Mum is Anglican and I went to Anglican schools, so "discussion" was commonplace, to say the least.
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Catholic disciple of Jesus
Jul 2, 2010
The woods and lakes of the Great North
United States
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Been away for a bit, there was much drama going on when I left. Anyone care to bring me up to speed?
Basically, TLT has been revived and has attracted additional followers and posters. For the past month or so, we have been getting to know each other better, and are now starting to create more discussion threads. There seems to be a general agreement on the topic parameters and we have had some interesting discussions and some fun threads as well. It seems that the regular posters are becoming friends, at least to the extent that can happen on an Internet forum.

With the creation of a "traditional" Catholic forum, and an understanding among us as to where it is appropriate to post, the drama that existed previously has disappeared.

You are welcome to be part of the group and post when you want. There is always room for one more around the Lord's Table.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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Post a bit about why you are here and what you hope to gain by participating.

I will post here because it is the logical place for me to post. What I hope to gain by it? I'm not sure, really. Acceptance would be nice.
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Catholic disciple of Jesus
Jul 2, 2010
The woods and lakes of the Great North
United States
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I will post here because it is the logical place for me to post. What I hope to gain by it? I'm not sure, really. Acceptance would be nice.
You are already accepted. And consider not just what you may gain here but what the rest of us may gain from your contributions.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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Overdue for more regulars here on TLT.
All right. So, let's start with something nice and peaceful, that'll bring us all together.
I know, how about THE ELECTION!

I propose that everybody who hates both candidates write in the Queen. Not Freddy Mercury, but Lizzie, you know, "Elizabeth II Regina".

Strike the colors, admit that this little experiment in democracy didn't work out, and invite the Queen over to be a PROPER monarch right here.

While we're at it, kill two birds with one stone.

It's a sad state of affairs when you think for a moment that, yeah, things probably would be less bad with Queen Elizabeth as absolute monarch than what we're gonna get with this Congress and our candidates.

Her mum lived to be 102, I think, so we could reasonably get three Presidential terms out of Good Queen Bess, and then maybe have another go at this self-governance thing with a different generation of pols.

So, if you're unhappy with the state of affairs, next Tuesday write in "Queen Elizabeth".

(Either that or write in "Satan" - because why settle for a lesser evil?)
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Jul 9, 2015
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All right. So, let's start with something nice and peaceful, that'll bring us all together.
I know, how about THE ELECTION!

I propose that everybody who hates both candidates write in the Queen. Not Freddy Mercury, but Lizzie, you know, "Elizabeth II Regina".

Strike the colors, admit that this little experiment in democracy didn't work out, and invite the Queen over to be a PROPER monarch right here.

While we're at it, kill two birds with one stone.

It's a sad state of affairs when you think for a moment that, yeah, things probably would be less bad with Queen Elizabeth as absolute monarch than what we're gonna get with this Congress and our candidates.

Her mum lived to be 102, I think, so we could reasonably get three Presidential terms out of Good Queen Bess, and then maybe have another go at this self-governance thing with a different generation of pols.

So, if you're unhappy with the state of affairs, next Tuesday write in "Queen Elizabeth".

(Either that or write in "Satan" - because why settle for a lesser evil?)
I like both Queen Elizabeths and think they might make good presidents.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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I like both Queen Elizabeths and think they might make good presidents.
Write in Queen Elizabeth on election day. It's the ultimate protest vote, much better than "Mickey Mouse", or any of the hopeless third party candidates. Nothing could be a more eloquent shot across the bow of Congress and both parties than the QUEEN getting 20% of the vote. It's the ULTIMATE angry protest vote
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Sep 29, 2003
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Write in Queen Elizabeth on election day. It's the ultimate protest vote, much better than "Mickey Mouse", or any of the hopeless third party candidates. Nothing could be a more eloquent shot across the bow of Congress and both parties than the QUEEN getting 20% of the vote. It's the ULTIMATE angry protest vote
You know, I thought *I* was the messed up piece of work here, but you sir/ma'am, take the cake, and the icing too!

You're right. A vote for Queen Elizabeth would indeed be THE protest vote. Maybe we need "Momma" to clean up our mess...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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You know, I thought *I* was the messed up piece of work here, but you sir/ma'am, take the cake, and the icing too!

You're right. A vote for Queen Elizabeth would indeed be THE protest vote. Maybe we need "Momma" to clean up our mess...

And the thing is, even if she sat there and did NOTHING but tour the country and meet people in greeting lines and make them HAPPY about their ruler, it would STILL be better than the "something" than we currently get.

SHE at least wears white gloves to shake hands. Our politicians don't even put on surgical gloves when they give us the hand.

Of course it'd be more FUN if she delegated Prince Harry to come over and rule America. I think we're about his speed.

But yeah, as a PROTEST VOTE, nothing says it better than "Queen Elizabeth".
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SHE at least wears white gloves to shake hands. Our politicians don't even put on surgical gloves when they give us the hand.
Yeah. They could at least wear surgical gloves as they give us the finger! ^_^
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Nov 2, 2016
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Just a bit of an introduction.
I was born anglican, and when young heard the Story of St Bernadette which I believed ever since, but i was assured it cannot have been true! And sadly most of the books I found were rabidly anti catholic. All the usual arguments.

Then by a long twisting journey , via school and later evangelical groups that didnt make sense to me, and sometimes long periods of no active involvement ,other than hunger , I began to read the writings of saints, and became increasingly convinced that Catholicism was the only true church.

But it also took the journeys of some authors, such as Scott Hahn, Tom Howard, journey home network, mother angelica and others to finally break down my resistance! And I came in by RCIA a decade ago.

I am in a process of continuous conversion, and still love reading early fathers, saints, and about others journeys into RCC , i discover more every day. Take Jesus descent after death, and teaching those he found, is an interesting defence of purgatory! I had never noticed till last week!

I do have a comment that cradle catholics should try to learn not just what they believe , but also why they believe in some doctrines, because outsiders (like me) ask, and not many can manage apologetic defences even to the "usual myths", and it would help if they could point outsiders to a few useful resources (take Surprised by truth series)

As a post grad scientist I have never found that conflicted with faith, and I think not there is not enough education about what science can tell us and what it cannot. Dawkinsians and sadly the atheist press tell us we believe in absurdities.

If only the public knew some of the absurdities that scientists believe in! The ultimate black crow paradox embodied in the copenhagen interpretation in quantum physics. That scientific method demands and so begins with the premise of a causal objective universe, yet concludes in quantum paradoxes that the universe is neither causal nor objective! So In simple english - starting with the assertion "all crows are black" it proves "all crows are white" A leading british quantum phyicists call this a disgrace and embarassment to science.

The reality easily provable by logic is that science is just an observation model. It has nothing to say on what anything really "is" or "why" only how it normally behaves, and because of the predictability of behaviour, we can get it to do a lot of useful things. But that is all it is, and that is why the paradoxes of the model do not represent the universe.

Hawking no longer believes in science as a fundamental underpinning- his concept of model dependent reality proves it. He just doesnt want to accept the philosophical earth shaker in what he concluded!

I am certainly not liberal in many ways. I love the constancy of the deposit of faith, and the constancy of moral teaching. The mark of the true church. I love the fullness of catholicism, hours spent in adoration,

But now here I do become liberal!
I know I am not obliged to believe in many miracles and apparitions. They are not the basis of my faith, but I certainly do believe in them! I love for example the story of Our lady of Kibeho, predicting the Rwanda genocide, "left to tell" and "led by faith" written by Immaculee

I have collected an extensive library of documents on many of the prodigies.

Far too many to list.
The favourites, fatima, lourdes , akita , betania for sure
And I have a library on the shroud!
But also.
Scientific evidence from such as Cochabamba.
Medically observed and prophesied Stigmata (and writings) of Katya RIvas. It isnt just that she had stigmata appear. How did they heal in 24 hours!
The medical reports of inedia of Alexandrina
The appartions of Zeitoun, Al Warraq and associated miracles.

I am busily collecting the forensic evidence on not just such as Lanciano but also the recent eucharistic miracles.
Buenos Aires
Most recently Legnica

All the forensic reports are the same.
Human Blood - A/B
Human flesh..heart myocardium, evidence of beating because of...
White cells which also proof life. They should have dissolved after hours. Still there after years in some cases.

Catholicism has evidence.
It is not the basis of our faith.
But it helps arguing with Dawkinsians!

There is literally not a shred of evidence for abiogenesis - life as a cell from random accident chemistry.

Under the rules of science - abiogenesis does not qualify even as a hypothesis (there is no evidence for it, and the hypothesis is not testable)
And evolution does not qualify as a theory even! Not that dawkins would tell you that.

"Evolution" is a rag bag of unproven and part proven hypotheses (eg common descent)
some genetic theories, now proven (like mitosis etc) . And a lot of gaping holes. Like.. evidence of a new species appearing with different number of chromosomes. None.

Dawkins idea of "climbing mount improbable" is totally belied by real modelling. It isnt the "cliff face" that stops you climbing - , consider climing from here to mount everest, it is that for as long as you only move to higher ground, you will get stranded on the nearest litte hill just out of town. Unless you take jumps, and jumps have casualties.

His basic premise is that because you can walk across the surface of the earth and get a bit closer to the moon, given long enough you can walk to the moon! I only hope he tries it!

Most of what Dawkins says is a mixture of straw men, non sequiturs , his own bad understanding, and total B/S but he is stealing our kids by abusing science. The pied piper of illogic.
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Nov 2, 2016
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Welcome to the forum. I've been enjoying your posts.

Have you ever been to Lourdes?
No I would love to.
And I surely will one day.

I have a pile of books about bernadette, on my wall is a haunting picture of her. And a bottle of lourdes water just below my desk! I sometimes watch the webcams!

It was sad. I went to france when barely 10 with my family and catholic friends, we were within a few miles of lourdes, but my family didnt go, (we were anglican then..) I have vowed to return ever since!
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