
Dec 3, 2008
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I was deeply troubled and confused as to why the kids felt a need to warn me. I was completely perplexed but too frightened at the time to cry out to God. “I’m not a sinner. I’m a Christian,” I cried on the inside. “I don’t drink or smoke, and I'm not sexually promiscuous. This must be some kind of mistake.”

Then, I heard a loud voice deep within my spirit. It was too loud to be mistaken for my thoughts. “You don’t have a personal relationship with Me. If I called for your soul tonight, you would not enter into My presence.”

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).”

While in the hospital, I had what seemed to be an out-of-body experience. I felt as if I was in this place physically, but my soul had descended into hell. I did not see fire nor did I see people in torment, however, I could clearly hear the cries of the damned. Demonic spirits chased me as I ran for my life, trying to escape from that awful place. I feared what would happen if they caught me. I had nowhere to run or hide; there appeared to be no exit. Out of nowhere appeared a wooden cross. It was as if it didn’t belong there. I was faint hearted, yet it appeared that I was supernaturally given the strength to out-run my enemies and climb up the cross. I sat in the corner of the crossbars and clung to this cross with all the strength I had within me. The demonic spirits tried to pull me from the cross but a fire encircled the cross and it prevented them from touching me. These spirits begin to scream out obscenities and were very angry.

“When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell (Psalm 27:2).”

Suddenly, the cross began to ascend into the heavens. It was as if the cross extended farther and farther until it reached a depth so high that I could not begin to imagine or measure how high it went. There I stood in heaven and saw the biggest throne I have ever seen in my entire life, upon which a man was seated. I could not see His face for there was a glory upon it, and I could only see from His waist down.

I knew that I was standing before the God of the universe. I knew that all authority was His in heaven and upon earth. Upon seeing Him, without thought, I immediately bent over trembling at the awesome sight of Him. I had never trembled in this manner; every bone in my body shook. So in awe, I began to eliminate; I felt the urine fall down my legs. I felt so unclean, unworthy, and like an awful sinner in the presence of a holy God. Tears burst from my eyes. My chest heaved, and snot ran from my nose in ropes. I pleaded between sobs for Him to have mercy upon my soul, to not send me to hell. I awaited my judgment and cringed at the thought of darkness swallowing me whole. Just when I thought I would never be able to stand on my own two feet again and hold my head up high, He extended a mercy and love I had never known."

“And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD (Psalm 40:3).”

Suddenly, I was drenched in blood, but not my own. Just as suddenly as the blood appeared, it vanished and was replaced with a shiny white robe. I felt such a peace, and a song burst from within me. The spirit of the LORD filled my lungs and sang through me. My voice was like the angels’, a voice that surpassed the voice of many famous singers upon earth. My vocal cords reached notes that were so high, that is humanly impossible to reach alone. The song I sang is noted in Psalm 50.

The song:

“Have mercy on me, oh Lord, according to your unfailing love, according to your great compassion, blot out my transgressions, I will be whiter than snow, by the blood I’m made whiter than snow.”

I can’t recall how long this experience lasted. I just know that once I was in His presence I did not want to leave. I pleaded with Him not to send me back to earth. He said it was not yet my time; there was much that I needed to accomplish. I promised Him that I would tell everyone about the love and grace He bestowed upon me in my affliction. I was shown other parts of heaven but cannot bring them to memory, for they were blocked.

“Now the man out of whom the devils were departed besought him that he might be with him: but Jesus sent him away, saying, Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him
(Luke 8:38-39).”

This is an abridged version of the author’s testimony; she is currently writing a book to tell the whole account of her story. The author’s book, Launch Out Into The Deep!,is available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Visit the author's website site and receive Two Free Sample Chapters From Launch Out Into The Deep and listen to an audio reading titled, "The Secret Shame: Confessions From Men."
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