The Shettles Method (Boy? or Girl?)


Deliver me oh Lord, from evil men
Apr 20, 2002
United States
Marital Status
A few months ago I wrote in the forums about using the "Shettles Method" to help in determining the gender of the baby while trying to conceive. (Of course I got hammered for it - even after I specifically stated we didn't really care if we had a boy or a girl but that we were just trying to increase our chances for a girl since we have two boys already.)

Well - I am happy to report that we found out the sex of our baby last week and our child is female! Despite using the Shettles Method I give the Lord all of the credit. The Shettles Method only increases your chances for a desired gender (its not guaranteed) - ultimately it is in God's hands!

For those of you who are interested in this - here is what it boils down to in a nut shell. The key is figuring out the time of ovulation. Once you get that down it is easy. If you want to try for a boy you should try to conceive as close to the date of ovulation as possible. If you want to have a girl you try to conceive 24 to 48 hours before the day of ovulation - and do not have intercourse again until after the time of ovulation has passed. The theory is based on the fact that the x-chromosome (female) sperm cells are much more durable than the y-chromosome (male) sperm cells and can survive much longer. In other words if you try to conceive 48 hours prior to - most of the y-chromosome sperm cells will be dead by time ovulation occurs.

There is a book on this ("The Shettles Method") and it tells you how to figure out ovulation and gives advice on other aspects of conceiving when going for a boy or girl - which I feel would be inappropriate to put into a forum such as this (PM me if you really want to know more). I recommend anyone who is hoping for a specific gender give this a try - if it works great! If not - no big deal! That is always the attitude you should have with this...

God bless.