The Out of the Cities message and lifestyle & Country Living & Everlasting Gospel


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The Out of the Cities message and lifestyle & Country Living & Everlasting Gospel

Some helpful resource tools and video material on Country Living - Country Living Resource Materials

Some helpful resource tools and video material on Health - Healing, Health, Diet & More

A book entitled "Country Living" may be read here - "Country Living"

That same book, "Country Living" in chronological order of the time of each statement was written may be read here - "Country Living in Chronological format"

John the Baptist called many into the country. Jesus preached in the open spaces of the countryside. One of the messages for the last days is to come out of that Great City Babylon, and even the woman at the well, found Jesus in the country, and did ministry work by going back into the city, and leading people out to Jesus.

Consider the warning:

Isaiah 5:8 KJB - Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!


Isaiah 5:14 KJB - Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.


Isaiah 5:18 KJB - Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:


God's house, the House of the LORD, the Sanctuary was a home in the wilderness, a country home:

The key text:

Psalms 77:13 KJB - Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?​

For every single doctrine, and way of God, is found to be taught, in the Sanctuary itself.





Beginning as the old man of sin, outside of the sanctuary, lost in the world and before light came, our body temples were polluted, filled with all uncleanness and defiled, and our diet consisted of whatever was not good for food and not good for drink [just as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was not good for food, even though it looked good for food].

Salvation/Redemption, includes redemption in diet. The diet reform is to be progressive, onward and upward, going from all uncleaness in lostness back to the Edenic perfection, in redemption.

Christ Jesus having drawn us to His Home, in a country/wilderness setting, having left the Light on, in the "House of the Lord", the Sanctuary, He invites us within the "gate" to the court-YARD, by having provided a better sacrifice, the smoke ascending. Having accepted this invitation, we can no longer treat our body temples as we please, putting into it that which we put in before, ignorant of God's provisions of righteousness of diet of food and drink [will also include audio, visual, smell, taste, sensual, etc]. All are invited to come, seeing that the sacrifice has been slaughtered, but not just anyone is allowed into the "YARD", for only those who have begun to have a relationship with the owner of the House, through the sacrifice provided, through the blood and through repentance and through faith. You may let a RELATIVE into the YARD, but do you just let any old STRANGER into your YARD?

This COURT-yard, signifes at least three things, and the word "court" tells us this.

[1] COURT - a place of judgment, judges, law, of delineation between right and wrong

[2] COURT - a place for kings and regality, of noblility and high responsibility

[3] COURT - a time of wooing, to court a lover, to be taken into deep fellowship to prepare for the marriage​

At the Altar of burnt offering/sacrifice, only the Clean [animal] flesh was allowed [Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy 14 KJB]. No blood is to be eaten and no blood to remain in the flesh [killed, blood spilled out, flayed, sodden [soaked in brine] and burnt [cooked well], it was to be poured out completely, nothing strangled, nothing sick or diseased, nothing died of itself, maimed or wounded. All of the fat was to be burned. Our diets go from what our god, our bellies, desired, to now what the True God desires - health of body, soul and spirit. This eliminates all such meats sold today, for they all have blood, bone, fat, disease, etc still in them. To eat these things, is to make oneself sick and diseased. God originally gave flesh, to shorten the lifespan of sinful man [Genesis 9:5 KJB], and only in the emergency situation, as a temporary measure, for Noah was to grow trees, fruit, have a vineyard. in the courtyard, Christ Jesus ate fish and lamb [on special occasions, not three times a day, for even the sacrifices were only 2 times a day, roughly 9am and 3 pm].

At the Laver, we see that we are to have the fresh pure water, cleansing the insides and outsides of the body temples, washing daily, keeping clean from all filith of the world as much as is possible in the things of physicality and spirituality. Waters also represent faith [John 6:35], and desire or hunger for righteousness and to do the will of God [John 4:34 KJB] - Jesus said "I thirst" - He was saying to humanity, "Give me faith!", Jesus in His hunger, "Give me obedience!". Notice, that the Laver is spaced away from the sacrifice, which means to separate the drinking from that which is eaten. There is a walking [exercise] distance out in the open country air. Wait at least 1 hr to 2hrs to drink, and your body will thank you for it. It was designed this way by God. If a person cannot go so long, try 30 minutes to 45, slowly increase the time. Drinking with the meal causes longer digestion and fermentation to happen in the gut.

In the Court-yard there is plenty of room for walking to and fro, exercise of the legs and of the exercise of faith. There is room for all. Sunshine, fresh air, privacy from outsiders.

Moving toward the HOUSE itself, within the YARD, we come to the "DOOR". Do we know Jesus more than at the beginning, do we trust Him? KNOCK and it shall be opened [you do know about the door of faith, right?]. At the DOOR is 5 pillars, representing the 5 avenues into the inmost person - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Guard well these avenues to the soul, lest Satan sneak past and find an easy way in. It matters what comes into these. Pray that there is Jesus, who is greater in you, than he that is in the world [satan]. Jesus stays in a clean house.

Moving into the first room of the HOUSE, we come to the Holy Christian LIVING room. This is how the Christian is to live. Not just anyone in the YARD can come into the "Holy LIVING" room, you have to know the owner more personally. You may let a mailcarrier into the YARD, but do you let them automcatically into your house? What have we then in this room? We are progessing away from the diets of the world, and the pots of Egypt and tables of Babylon and the delicacies and drinks of wicked kings, unto that which is at the LORD's Table, for righteous kings. No fermentation, no alcohol. The diet is now moving closer to Eden, that Paradise of God. One step at a time.

To the North [right side], we have the golden TABLE of the LORD, upon which was Fresh Baked, unleavened Bread, and fresh Juice of the Grape, nothing Unleavend or fermented. Notice, we have left the courtyard, being drawn more closely to walk with Jesus, and we have given up the flesh, and moved to the grains [cooked], fruits, nuts, oils, and herbs. Mmmm, fresh home-made baked bread, whole grains, not drained of all nutrients and 'fortified' later, dead bread, will cause deadness of energy, seeds are powerful packed energy, and even those just sprouted ... yes, eat largely of the Word of God, daily ...

The Lampstand to the South [Left side] is filled with properly pressed oil [Olive], and gives the LIVING Room Light. Christ Jesus has left the Light on for us, always ready to welcome home His Children, and you an see it from the King's Porch.

The Altar of Incense, is in the center of the LIVING Room, the family altar of Prayer, and special mixtures of herbs were used for the incense.

Now, having come to know the LORD even more, He begins to take us with Himself to the final room, the MASTER room, the Most Holy Place, where it is one on one [individual and sacred time], wherein is the Ark of God, in precious mercies, we move into a closer diet to that of Eden, Raw [Manna, raw foods], Almonds [Raw whole Nuts], the Fruit of the Rod [Raw Fruits], Leaf/Bud [Raw vegetation], and absolute Trust in what God daily provides, Eden is restored, the marriage complete, finally at-one-ment, forever joined to the side of the LORD, your mind and heart clear to see the beauty of God in His perfect commandments, His beautiful character, His eternal promises to love you always ... in this place, one is perfectly and willingly naked before God, nothing to hide, unashamed at knowing Him and speaking with Him, unashamed at His House Rules for that temple and the Temple of your body and mind, for we now go fully into THE WAY, for therein behind the veil, the curtain of God's love, is absolute privacy with the Creator, peaceful, no interruptions, and within the 10 Commandments, that Commandment of Purpose and Relationship, the Sabbath, the 7th Day, the Day of the LORD's rest, cease from your works, for your body was made on a rhythm, a cyclical clock, 6 days of work, the 7th of rest, therefore, rest in it with Him, for He awaits for you every 7th Day there, in the Holy and Sacred Temple of Time ...

1 Corinthians 10:31 KJB - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.​

The sanctuary even teaches about our dress as Christians, but many are not ready for this ...

Satan has a counterfeit to all this, in his prison system [think of the prison, does it have a YARD] [think of secular school, does it have YARD], [think of the medical, the workplace, the city life etc, they have YARDS] and the filthy cities [they too have cramped yards] ... and that just the beginning ...
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Hi T7C,

Nice to see you here and welcome to the Sabbath thread! Nice to have a brother active there. Thanks for the post above too. I am out of the city living in regional QLD in Australia but would eventully love to move on acerage God willing. The Sanctuary message is very important. It forms the 5x PART study of the COL 2:14-17 THE REAL TRUTH thread.

I think it is important that people know us as people of the WORD. So scripture is very important to me. I have seen some of your posts and seems we are both like minded. So welcome my friend. Just a quick message now just back from excercise :sleep:

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Hey T7C lovely scripture study in COL 2 you provided in the COL 2 thread. Thanks for sharing it was a blessing for me personally to see others who study God's WORD for themselves coming to the sams conclusion. I also liked the section on POINT 2. Although I have the same outcome I think you provided more links to OT scripture. Do you mind if I use this in my own study collection?
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Jun 30, 2017
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Hey T7C lovely scripture study in COL 2 you provided in the COL 2 thread. Thanks for sharing it was a blessing for me personally to see others who study God's WORD for themselves coming to the sams conclusion. I also liked the section on POINT 2. Although I have the same outcome I think you provided more links to OT scripture. Do you mind if I use this in my own study collection?
Freely you have received, freely give. All wisdom comes from God, and the word existed before me, even from eternity. :)
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Child of the Living God
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Our pastor the other week explained importance of things in the temple too. The door, Jesus said I am the Way...

The table, Jesus said I AM the bread...

The lampstands, Jesus said I am the light of the world.

There were others but I need to dash. Will try to remember and come back.
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The Out of the Cities message and lifestyle & Country Living & Everlasting Gospel

Some helpful resource tools and video material on Country Living - Country Living Resource Materials

Some helpful resource tools and video material on Health - Healing, Health, Diet & More

A book entitled "Country Living" may be read here - "Country Living"

That same book, "Country Living" in chronological order of the time of each statement was written may be read here - "Country Living in Chronological format"

John the Baptist called many into the country. Jesus preached in the open spaces of the countryside. One of the messages for the last days is to come out of that Great City Babylon, and even the woman at the well, found Jesus in the country, and did ministry work by going back into the city, and leading people out to Jesus.

Consider the warning:

Isaiah 5:8 KJB - Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!


Isaiah 5:14 KJB - Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.


Isaiah 5:18 KJB - Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:


God's house, the House of the LORD, the Sanctuary was a home in the wilderness, a country home:

The key text:

Psalms 77:13 KJB - Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?​

For every single doctrine, and way of God, is found to be taught, in the Sanctuary itself.





Beginning as the old man of sin, outside of the sanctuary, lost in the world and before light came, our body temples were polluted, filled with all uncleanness and defiled, and our diet consisted of whatever was not good for food and not good for drink [just as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was not good for food, even though it looked good for food].

Salvation/Redemption, includes redemption in diet. The diet reform is to be progressive, onward and upward, going from all uncleaness in lostness back to the Edenic perfection, in redemption.

Christ Jesus having drawn us to His Home, in a country/wilderness setting, having left the Light on, in the "House of the Lord", the Sanctuary, He invites us within the "gate" to the court-YARD, by having provided a better sacrifice, the smoke ascending. Having accepted this invitation, we can no longer treat our body temples as we please, putting into it that which we put in before, ignorant of God's provisions of righteousness of diet of food and drink [will also include audio, visual, smell, taste, sensual, etc]. All are invited to come, seeing that the sacrifice has been slaughtered, but not just anyone is allowed into the "YARD", for only those who have begun to have a relationship with the owner of the House, through the sacrifice provided, through the blood and through repentance and through faith. You may let a RELATIVE into the YARD, but do you just let any old STRANGER into your YARD?

This COURT-yard, signifes at least three things, and the word "court" tells us this.

[1] COURT - a place of judgment, judges, law, of delineation between right and wrong

[2] COURT - a place for kings and regality, of noblility and high responsibility

[3] COURT - a time of wooing, to court a lover, to be taken into deep fellowship to prepare for the marriage​

At the Altar of burnt offering/sacrifice, only the Clean [animal] flesh was allowed [Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy 14 KJB]. No blood is to be eaten and no blood to remain in the flesh [killed, blood spilled out, flayed, sodden [soaked in brine] and burnt [cooked well], it was to be poured out completely, nothing strangled, nothing sick or diseased, nothing died of itself, maimed or wounded. All of the fat was to be burned. Our diets go from what our god, our bellies, desired, to now what the True God desires - health of body, soul and spirit. This eliminates all such meats sold today, for they all have blood, bone, fat, disease, etc still in them. To eat these things, is to make oneself sick and diseased. God originally gave flesh, to shorten the lifespan of sinful man [Genesis 9:5 KJB], and only in the emergency situation, as a temporary measure, for Noah was to grow trees, fruit, have a vineyard. in the courtyard, Christ Jesus ate fish and lamb [on special occasions, not three times a day, for even the sacrifices were only 2 times a day, roughly 9am and 3 pm].

At the Laver, we see that we are to have the fresh pure water, cleansing the insides and outsides of the body temples, washing daily, keeping clean from all filith of the world as much as is possible in the things of physicality and spirituality. Waters also represent faith [John 6:35], and desire or hunger for righteousness and to do the will of God [John 4:34 KJB] - Jesus said "I thirst" - He was saying to humanity, "Give me faith!", Jesus in His hunger, "Give me obedience!". Notice, that the Laver is spaced away from the sacrifice, which means to separate the drinking from that which is eaten. There is a walking [exercise] distance out in the open country air. Wait at least 1 hr to 2hrs to drink, and your body will thank you for it. It was designed this way by God. If a person cannot go so long, try 30 minutes to 45, slowly increase the time. Drinking with the meal causes longer digestion and fermentation to happen in the gut.

In the Court-yard there is plenty of room for walking to and fro, exercise of the legs and of the exercise of faith. There is room for all. Sunshine, fresh air, privacy from outsiders.

Moving toward the HOUSE itself, within the YARD, we come to the "DOOR". Do we know Jesus more than at the beginning, do we trust Him? KNOCK and it shall be opened [you do know about the door of faith, right?]. At the DOOR is 5 pillars, representing the 5 avenues into the inmost person - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Guard well these avenues to the soul, lest Satan sneak past and find an easy way in. It matters what comes into these. Pray that there is Jesus, who is greater in you, than he that is in the world [satan]. Jesus stays in a clean house.

Moving into the first room of the HOUSE, we come to the Holy Christian LIVING room. This is how the Christian is to live. Not just anyone in the YARD can come into the "Holy LIVING" room, you have to know the owner more personally. You may let a mailcarrier into the YARD, but do you let them automcatically into your house? What have we then in this room? We are progessing away from the diets of the world, and the pots of Egypt and tables of Babylon and the delicacies and drinks of wicked kings, unto that which is at the LORD's Table, for righteous kings. No fermentation, no alcohol. The diet is now moving closer to Eden, that Paradise of God. One step at a time.

To the North [right side], we have the golden TABLE of the LORD, upon which was Fresh Baked, unleavened Bread, and fresh Juice of the Grape, nothing Unleavend or fermented. Notice, we have left the courtyard, being drawn more closely to walk with Jesus, and we have given up the flesh, and moved to the grains [cooked], fruits, nuts, oils, and herbs. Mmmm, fresh home-made baked bread, whole grains, not drained of all nutrients and 'fortified' later, dead bread, will cause deadness of energy, seeds are powerful packed energy, and even those just sprouted ... yes, eat largely of the Word of God, daily ...

The Lampstand to the South [Left side] is filled with properly pressed oil [Olive], and gives the LIVING Room Light. Christ Jesus has left the Light on for us, always ready to welcome home His Children, and you an see it from the King's Porch.

The Altar of Incense, is in the center of the LIVING Room, the family altar of Prayer, and special mixtures of herbs were used for the incense.

Now, having come to know the LORD even more, He begins to take us with Himself to the final room, the MASTER room, the Most Holy Place, where it is one on one [individual and sacred time], wherein is the Ark of God, in precious mercies, we move into a closer diet to that of Eden, Raw [Manna, raw foods], Almonds [Raw whole Nuts], the Fruit of the Rod [Raw Fruits], Leaf/Bud [Raw vegetation], and absolute Trust in what God daily provides, Eden is restored, the marriage complete, finally at-one-ment, forever joined to the side of the LORD, your mind and heart clear to see the beauty of God in His perfect commandments, His beautiful character, His eternal promises to love you always ... in this place, one is perfectly and willingly naked before God, nothing to hide, unashamed at knowing Him and speaking with Him, unashamed at His House Rules for that temple and the Temple of your body and mind, for we now go fully into THE WAY, for therein behind the veil, the curtain of God's love, is absolute privacy with the Creator, peaceful, no interruptions, and within the 10 Commandments, that Commandment of Purpose and Relationship, the Sabbath, the 7th Day, the Day of the LORD's rest, cease from your works, for your body was made on a rhythm, a cyclical clock, 6 days of work, the 7th of rest, therefore, rest in it with Him, for He awaits for you every 7th Day there, in the Holy and Sacred Temple of Time ...

1 Corinthians 10:31 KJB - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.​

The sanctuary even teaches about our dress as Christians, but many are not ready for this ...

Satan has a counterfeit to all this, in his prison system [think of the prison, does it have a YARD] [think of secular school, does it have YARD], [think of the medical, the workplace, the city life etc, they have YARDS] and the filthy cities [they too have cramped yards] ... and that just the beginning ...

What does this have to do with PREPPING?
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Jun 30, 2017
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What does this have to do with PREPPING?
The heart first above all, for it is the real Garden that LORD walks in. When Adam sinned, and accepted the G[ainsayers]. M[odified]. O[rders]., the seed [word] of the devil into the heart soil, thorns and thistles grew therein, and that which was in the heart, manifested in the world around. And as mankind separated themselves from God in the heart garden [Song of Songs 5:1 KJB, etc], so God had to remove them from the outward Garden [for a time].

If all one does is "prep" ouwardly and not know Christ Jesus, their work and themselves will perish [in fact in the last days the storehouses will be seen to rot, and filled with mice, and eaten, for another ARK must be built, a living Garden is required], but for those who prepared the heart first, and stored up the word of God in the heart, shall come to be outwardly prepared also. Read the book material presented in the OP.

A person may know 'survival' skills, but if they do not 'know' the LORD God, they do not have 'eternal life', and to 'survive' is not the same as 'eternal life', and all their 'survival skills' will not cause them to survive what is coming upon the earth, soon.
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Jun 30, 2017
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Our pastor the other week explained importance of things in the temple too. The door, Jesus said I am the Way...

The table, Jesus said I AM the bread...

The lampstands, Jesus said I am the light of the world.

There were others but I need to dash. Will try to remember and come back.
Awesome, isn't it? For every doctrine of God may be seen in the Sanctuary [Psalms 77:13 KJB].

Would be glad to hear from you when you come back. Feel free to share this OP with your pastor and members, and there is more, a lot more. - see Link-
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Ok. I'll stay out of your thread... but this is the CHRISTIAN PREPPERs forum... you're preaching to the choir here ;) A verse or two about prepping, that's one thing, but preaching that goes beyond the pale, to me, is monotonous.

Please feel free to share how you are physically prepping too?

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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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It seems it is a normal thing for people to respond to prepping with the idea that we are all about physical prepping and are totally ignoring spiritual prepping.
Kind of an unfair judgment.
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Ok. I'll stay out of your thread... but this is the CHRISTIAN PREPPERs forum... you're preaching to the choir here ;) A verse or two about prepping, that's one thing, but preaching that goes beyond the pale, to me, is monotonous.

Please feel free to share how you are physically prepping too?

Preaching to the Choir is a good place to start, since in the choir there is the holier than thou crowd [Lucifer]. :)

Did you see the first link I gave?

God's Country - Living

Consider, High Brix Gardening, instruction given from God:

Sun Country Gardens - Official Organic Vegetable Gardening Homepage

Tree Planting Method, given by God [I myself have so planted, one can place the air tube in the middle, on the layer of rocks, rather than the bottom, better this way]:

Garden with High Brix content:

Consider looking at brother Jon Frank:

Project History - The Tomato Project

Gardening for Nutrition

jon frank

Urban Danger:

Why one should leave:

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Preaching to the Choir is a good place to start, since in the choir there is the holier than thou crowd [Lucifer]. :)


Yes, that's exactly how I feel about your posting, holier than thou. That's flaming me and others here, imo, but it is your thread. However, this type of your posting also got my good thread closed. As promised, I will endeavor to refrain from responding to your posts in the future.
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Humble Servant of God
Dec 25, 2011
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How did a simple discussion of living in a rural setting and growing food ... degenerate into conflicts and name calling? What a sad testimony ... against the Love of Christ.

Perhaps 'Christian Forums' should be shut down, if it does more harm than good? I think that we all need to pray about this.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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How did a simple discussion of living in a rural setting and growing food ... degenerate into conflicts and name calling? What a sad testimony ... against the Love of Christ.

Perhaps 'Christian Forums' should be shut down, if it does more harm than good? I think that we all need to pray about this.
I donno gid...:wave: been here 16 years and there has always been some degree of conflict...
Like one of my favorite preachers says... "eat the hay and leave the sticks."
Blessings to all in our forums and let's remember to edify, exhort, and comfort.
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Yes, that's exactly how I feel about your posting, holier than thou. That's flaming me and others here, imo, but it is your thread. However, this type of your posting also got my good thread closed. As promised, I will endeavor to refrain from responding to your posts in the future.
I wasn't calling you Lucifer, and didn't even call you or anyone the "choir". I was simply going with your comment [and trying to be light hearted and yet serious], and speaking to the need, that even the "choir" needs the message, and that simply being the "choir" is not to be excluded from the message of the Gospel. I preach and teach, and from such a perspective, the "choir" is the "holier than thou" crowd [and many even remain seated, generally higher up, behind the preacher while the message comes from the front of the preacher], and people can be lost even there, just as in Eden, camp of Israel, in the company of Jesus, or other places we think are for the holy of us.

Any are free to make any comment that they desire in the thread, as the OP remains afloat therein.

I was asked:

What does this have to do with PREPPING?
And so I gave my reason, which had nothing to do with any other posts, or persons participating in this section of the forum.

The Out of the Cities message and lifestyle & Country Living & Everlasting Gospel

I think people are reading my posts incorrectly. Please, take some time, and start over.

I will not make any comment about the other thread mentioned.
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How did a simple discussion of living in a rural setting and growing food ... degenerate into conflicts ...
I too, am still trying to figure how this thread made this turn, but I expect/guess I know why, and it deals with the matter of the OP itself.
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